Might Drop A Fic On AO3 - Tumblr Posts

So, I’ve had an idea which has almost certainly been done before-

Quackity is related to SBI, HEAR ME OUT-

So, Quackity doesn’t know. The boys don’t know, but Phil does. They arent closely related, but phil can see a little bit of Aunt Kate’s nose, and uncle Roberts wing pattern, and he just knows.

He’s conflicted at first. Sure, they’re related, but its pretty distantly and Alex isn’t really that important to him anyway and hes a little salty about technos execution and his own house arrest.

he only starts to care when he looks at Quackity’s wings. And I mean looks at them. They look as though they might have been the same colour Wilbur’s were, if they weren’t covered with dirt. His left wing is charred so deep, phil can see the bone in one area, and his feathers are matted, and his wings are always curled up tight against his back which is only going to make the matting worse and-

Needless to say, he asks Tubbo to bring him over for a bit.

Quackity is cautious. He won’t unfurl his wings. Or, he won’t until Phil gets this no nonsense look on his face and starts reciting their family tree. Then his wings are spread against phil’s wooden floor. Its cold and hes tired and he doesn’t like it until Phil begins to wash and comb his feathers gently. He even manages to fix some of the charring. Then Alex is put on a much more strict care regimen for his wings and is sent off with some baked goods for his fiancés and apparently he’s delivering some blankets to Niki and some nametags to Ranboo and damnit he’s apart of the family now isn’t he.

The next member of the family to find out is actually Techno. He’s talking to Phil, and Phil goes “Your little cousin” and Techno goes,,,, “Huh?”

Phil explains and Techno is a little peeved that he could have never dealt with the whole execution business in the first place but for the most part he’s whatever.

They talk to ghostbur about it and apparently Alivebur knew, which is part of the reason Quackity was allowed into L’manberg in the first place. Same coloured wings and all that.

Tommy finds out last and he is extremely loud about his protest, because their family is big enough. Then he remembers that Big Q is rather fun and that loud protest turns to loud enjoyment in a split second.

idk I think it’s kinda sweet or whatever

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