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5 months ago

Milex quotes (ranging from unhinged to batshit crazy while taking a detour through wtf land)


- first impressions: “What is this puny spotty kid with his little brown bag ?” (Miles about Alex) “Who’s that jester who makes me laugh so hard as soon as he opens his mouth ?” (Alex about Miles). Via Les Inrocks arcticle


- “I tell him I love him all the time,” via NME (Miles)


- “I love you because you’ve got a very strong pain threshold.” Via NME (Miles)


- since when are you both that close ? “You want to know if we’re going to get married ? If we have sex like real men, between the buttocks ?” Via Les Inrocks article


- “For kids from the North, it's hard to say but we never stop telling each other that we love each other. Alex knows I'll always be there for him. (How do our girlfriends deal with that? Are they jealous? Maybe we should ask them).” (Miles) Via Les Inrocks article


- “There is no embarrassment, no taboo, no limits between us. It's a real trade, we reroute each other's ideas. In the end, it's impossible to quantify the contribution of the two of us. Our complementarity sometimes freaks me out.” (Alex) via Les Inrocks article


- MK: Totally, to me it’s even the best vocal take of his entire career! (He cuddles him.) AT: Thank you, my dear. (Note: here it says “mon lapin”, which can mean “my dear” but literally translates to “my bunny”) via MyRock Magazine


- AT: Ah yeah, that’s how it is with my Miles! I start a joke and he’ll finish it! (he pounces on Miles and catches him in an armlock on the settee, before giving his crotch a light slap and shouting “Here comes the nuts!”) You wanna see how close we are as friends, Miles and I? Here, look, a spectacle exclusively for you! (At this point, we move up another notch in this madness: Alex swoops for a bowl of cashew nuts and starts to frenetically toss them at Miles, who tries to catch them with his mouth… after a fashion. Via MyRock Magazine


- “Alex is so dedicated to song writing, it’s inspiring to be around. He’s a beautiful soul and I’m honoured to witness him and the band grow. His left ears going to be burning when he hears this…” (Miles) via GQ magazine October 2013


Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)



- “Alex Turner is a genius, isn’t he? He’s a genius fish.” (Miles) via Knack Focus


Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)


- “Sometimes we have Skype-sex, or we wank off on FaceTime!” (Miles) via Index


- “We've been through a lot together. It's like, he's one of those friends, those few best friends you have in life. As you grow older, your circle tends to shrink, but he's remained one of my closest pals. It's almost like a bit of yin and yang between us.” (Miles) via Numéro


- Alex turns to Miles and propositions him: “Your place or mine, then?” There’s no-one expect us and the road-crew there to see it, but it feels like a special moment nonetheless. Via NME


- “I think we can bring the best out in each other, you know? He certainly does that with me.” (Miles) Via Eska Rock


Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)


- “Why, yes, bromances are for sharing your dreams. What a wonderful sentiment.” (Miles) via Interview Magazine


- AT: Miles is, without a doubt, Wolverine. Wolverine is a style icon to him. I see similarities. Miles always follows his instinct. And he’s capable of fixing things that are broken, whether it’s material or emotional damage, in no time. MK: Alex often reminds me of Gambit. He can change something insignificant into something explosive. He’s very aware of everything that happens around him, something that balances him out. And he can read my mind. Via OOR Magazine 2016


- “We understand each other and keep each other going. We both have strange ideas and we need the presence of the other to make sense of them.” (Miles) Via OOR Magazine 2016


- “Sometimes it can be a pressure being the fella in the band who writes the songs. Getting together with Miles I've got someone to bounce ideas off and that is something new for me. Also, it gives me somewhere to hide because he's up there singing with me. In the Arctic Monkeys, there's nowhere for me to hide.” (Alex) via Culture


- “My best mate. I love him, man. I like the way he pushes himself and keeps that thing of, whatever's going on around you, you're just a lad who loves playing music and writing tunes. He's a prime example of someone who's big but doesn't take anything for granted.” (Miles)


- “I decipher his thoughts and organise them. When Miles bursts, the idea comes flying. Someone who knows him well enough might be able to filter out the good ideas. But usually, he only has good ideas and it’s up to me to catch everything. That’s my job within this duo. That process releases all kinds of stuff within me, causing me to go into certain directions I would never take my own.” (Alex)


- “I thought it were going to be like them finding a tape where you’d had an affair,” he grins. “Like your bird had found an affair tape and was watching you having sex with another bird… but it weren’t like… an affair tape… erm, not that I’ve ever made an affair tape.” Alex Turner about the Monkeys’ reaction to The Last Shadow Puppets’ album via NME


- “And also working with Miles, it comes very much from my heart. You know, with such a close friendship we have. Wanting to work together, it brings something else. I haven’t done too much with other people… he’s kind of the only one.” (Alex) via Hot Press


- MK: And he can read my mind. AT: But you can read mine, too. MK: I knew you were gonna say that. AT: And I knew you were gonna say that. via OOR Magazine 2016


- “Even if we aren't writing half a word is enough. We can finish each other's sentences sometimes and if we focus on it, we can take it to a much deeper level. That's pretty unique. My thinking process is pretty abstract and a lot of people don't know what to do with that. Alex understands me like no other.” (Miles) via OOR Magazine 2016


- you’re living in Los Angeles too now, miles? “…because Alex lives there…” (Miles) via Humo


- “He has written a lot of songs – a lyrical wonder, this boy!” (Miles) via Humo


- The pair live, Turner says, “seven minutes away from each other”. Ask them what a typical night out entails, and they look at each other, then proceed to not be very forthcoming, though Turner will eventually concede that “some of what happens in those situations is disclosed, through the veil of song, on the record. There’s references.” Via Shortlist


- “Starin’ out the balcony at the moon, wonderin’ where is he, what is he doin’ now, who’s he kissin’” (Alex) via Sidewalk Hustle


Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)



Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)
Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)
Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)



- “… but this thing we had together… I know that I was the new kid and he was a sort of superstar, but even from day one, it was amazing. To an outsider, it wouldn’t look equal, but it was always so equal. He made me feel like that, just because it was.” (Miles)


- “We take it in turns playing the straight man.” (Alex) via Shortlist


- “Quite cute ! Quite and quite camp, you mean ?” (Miles about their relationship) via NME


- On what it’s like to work with Kane again, Turner said: “It’s like John Lennon meets… Paul [McCartney].” Via NME


- Miles says their relationship was established “on laughter and general stupidness” via the Telegraph


- Interviewer: Alex, what does Miles bring out in you that…. Alex: A woman can’t bring out in me?


- Miles and his endearments for Alex:

“We always talk about it, me and the boy, y'know?”

"He's got the face for it...the little diamond."

"The Little Prince" x

“Shavambacu” at 4:01


Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)



- “He (Alex) turned up one day in red jeans. That surprised me. I like it when he wears red jeans. When they’re tight.”

Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)


- “There's nothing innocent about Miles Kane,”Turner warns, in case anyone was planning to accuse him of luring his fresh-faced co-conspirator into a decadent world of rock star self-indulgence. “He is the antithesis of innocence.” “Ooh,” Kane retorts, archly, “you scampi fry.” Via the Guardian


Milex Quotes (ranging From Unhinged To Batshit Crazy While Taking A Detour Through Wtf Land)


- “We went for a bike ride. Tops off. Fred Perry shorts on.” (Alex about their time recording the age of the understatement in rural France Blackbox studio) via Q Magazine 2008


- You look like you're about to snog each other. AT: “It’s rare that we don’t look like that.” Tlsp at the Mercury music Prize 2008


- “As far as I’m concerned there are only two superstars: Beyoncé and Miles Kane. You can quote me on that.” (Alex)

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5 months ago

Oooh I love Miles' facial expressions here. He feels the squeeze, he sees Al in profile and just melts a little with the tiniest smirk. HELLO YOU

i just want to bring everyone's attention to the fact that alex puts his hand on miles's thigh to get the support to turn his chair x

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5 months ago

Hey Milex Truthers, I want your thoughts

Is it possible Louise and Alex are over?

Looking at Taylor's Instagram, yesterday, 9/22 she posted "today is sourpuss Sunday." Aka heartbreak anniversary.

Louise posted...nothing. it was the anniversary of her launch, right? She's always posted something related to Alex on that day before.

Also, today is Bisexual Visibility Day. Just saying. Could our boys be in Ibiza celebrating the end of a PR relationship?

Maybe I'm being too shippy, but I like looking at patterns. Am I reading too much into this?

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5 months ago

Today I discovered that Alex Turner was not* in a relationship both times that TLSP projects started.

Today I Discovered That Alex Turner Was Not* In A Relationship Both Times That TLSP Projects Started.


Jan 2007 - Alex and Johanna Bennett break up

Feb - Mar 2007 - AM on tour with The Liitle Flames. Alex and Miles write together. (* Nb: they had written some songs at the end of 2006 too so technically I suppose he was in a relationship then but hardly saw her)

Apr 2007 and Jul 2007 - TAOTU demos done.

6-8 Jul 2007 - T in the Park. Alex and Alexa meet but she already has a boyfriend.

Aug 2007 - TAOTU recorded in France.

Oct 2007 - Q Awards. Alex and Alexa officially together for the first time.

Apr 2008 - TAOTU released.

Today I Discovered That Alex Turner Was Not* In A Relationship Both Times That TLSP Projects Started.

End Jan 2014 - Alex and Arielle break up.

11-20 Apr 2014 - Alex and Miles go on a road trip to Coachella and listen to old TAOTU songs on the way. Miracle Aligner first strummed.

Rest of 2014 - Alex and Miles - Power Couple Era

Dec 2014 - Aviation written.

Mar 2015 - Alex and Taylor get together.

Summer 2015 - EYCTE recorded in Malibu.

April 2016 - EYCTE released.

This is all just a very long winded way of saying what I said at the beginning. However I thought the timeline made the history clearer (well it does for me). I’d never realised that Alex and Alexa weren’t properly together when TAOTU was recorded in France during that idyllic summer…

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