Minecraft Caves - Tumblr Posts

So I was playing on my survival world and found this cave (pictured below cut) and my brain went MMMMMM ART. Except I don’t do landscapes. Or backgrounds. Therefore. Um. This is the third time I’ve drawn this scene from scratch and the only one I actually like. However, I do actually really like it, so there’s that. I was trying to do lineless in the previous two and it did not work, so I ran in the absolute opposite direction. And the fact that the art even exists is a miracle because I was very close to just throwing my hands in the air. But. I’m happy I did not. Cuz I did a background and it doesn’t look bad actually.
Idk if it’s the same across platforms, but the entrance to this cave is through a small waterfall at 45, 110, 195 (those numbers make me so happy-) in the Lush Caves seed