Ava Art - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago



A type of stickmen called faux-hollowhead, or double ringed, which are characterized by their similarity in appearance to a hollowhead but filled in with another, usually darker, colour. Their arms also tend to be a slightly different shade than the rest of their body

They're typically taller and/or heftier than most other stickfigures, and possess magic. Some will use accessories, like cuffs, to help regulate and focus it. Many also have a 'disguise form' to help blend in with the general populous

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1 year ago
I Have More Reasons But I Dont Have The Energy To Write Them Right Now.

I have more reasons but I don’t have the energy to write them right now.

But yeah, I’ve been thinking about what I’d be if I were in Faas and Enya’s universe and I thought I’d be a changeling as well for a while for many reasons, but upon further consideration I think I was wrong. So here’s the first concept art for a my avian persona.

As for the songs (which was one of the main influences on why I started thinking about avians because I realized that over the last six months the majority of songs I’ve been obsessed with have bird centric undertones at the very least) you can find them here

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1 year ago
If You Click The Names Of The Birds Below, You Will Find Photos Of The Actual Birds Im Referring To;
If You Click The Names Of The Birds Below, You Will Find Photos Of The Actual Birds Im Referring To;
If You Click The Names Of The Birds Below, You Will Find Photos Of The Actual Birds Im Referring To;

If you click the names of the birds below, you will find photos of the actual birds I’m referring to; mostly provided because the second two are morphs

EDIT: So honestly. Contrary to final poll results and my initial lean toward the grosbeak, I think I might just go with the crow. The design’s grown on me and in the last week I’ve collected many bones and observed many local crows and found myself just quietly very drawn to them. Nothing’s set in stone, but. . . It feels more right than the grosbeak- there are still things that draw me to the latter, and I still really love them and might switch in the future, right now I relate more to crows I think.

Rose Breasted/Cutthroat Grosbeak (female)

Similarities (between myself and the bird) - small and chunky - eats mainly seeds, fruits, and nuts - elusive and relatively solitary aside from nesting season - very intricate, unique nest type - monogamous - take care of young for a month after fledging (which is longer than quite a few birds) - dwells mainly in deciduous forests - I honestly think I do look a bit like a grosbeak overall - there is limited information on them (which is obnoxious, but kinda goes with my aesthetic honestly)

Things I Like About Them - very pretty markings, especially on face which makes for fun character design - they were my favorite bird as a child and I would get so excited during the brief period that they would be at our feeder

Differences - females don’t sing as much as males - I am very much a mimic- I echo other people’s words as well as animal noises a lot, mostly without thinking, and grosbeaks do not mimic. The males learn songs from their fathers, but that’s different, and I’m not male anyway.

Black Billed Magpie (cinnamon)

Similarities - eat a lot of fruit and grain - they are skilled mimics - mate for life something I aspire to achieve one day - have only been seen in Michigan ten times in the last hundred years, so it fits the “elusive bird who’s sightings should be documented” narrative - parents allow their young to stay with them as long as needed, sometimes even years - males and females are both very vocal and sing, talk, and chatter quite often - wary of new things and will shy away from bright colors and flashing lights (yes, that includes shiny things) - many widely believed myths spread about them (such as tendencies to thievery, attraction to shiny objects, and hoarding things tho I am guilty of that last one)

Things I Like About Them - Gorgeous wings and tail (though rather plain facial markings which is sad) - they’re just nice, funky little guys and they were one of my favorites when I was younger as well

Differences - not a bird I’d really call chunky lol - they eat meat (mostly bugs) and meat is not my favorite honestly - while some do only stay in groups of two, many others have tribe of up to twelve

Common Crow (cinnamon)

Similarities - will bring people they like random bits of things such leaves, rocks, lost keys, and bones, as gifts - stops for roadkill (though I don’t eat it, I’m just there to steal feathers or check opossum pouches for potential surviving babies) - bones is good, we like bones - also talented at imitating human speech, other animals, and just random noises they find intriguing - mate for life - very family oriented and good at taking care of each other. They’ve even been known to adopt unrelated fledglings - stay in the nest up to forty days after hatching and often remain with a family group for two years, helping their parents look after younger siblings - males and females are very vocal - wants to eat rocks - scavengers - likes fruits, nuts, and seeds - seen as weird or gross by the majority - slow to trust humans, but is very loyal once they do - could be considered chunky - cinnamons tend to have blue or silver eyes

Things I Like About Them - they are just. very good. - wing markings of cinnamons are very interesting, and while I’d like more intricacies to work with for facial markings, they’re still good and simple

Differences - they are very social birds (but most of that social time is spent with their family, which is where most of mine is spent as well, so I’m not sure this is a true difference) - consumes a lot of meat (which, as stated, is not my favorite) - they are very common in Michigan and easy to spot almost anywhere

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1 year ago
So I Was Playing On My Survival World And Found This Cave (pictured Below Cut) And My Brain Went MMMMMM

So I was playing on my survival world and found this cave (pictured below cut) and my brain went MMMMMM ART. Except I don’t do landscapes. Or backgrounds. Therefore. Um. This is the third time I’ve drawn this scene from scratch and the only one I actually like. However, I do actually really like it, so there’s that. I was trying to do lineless in the previous two and it did not work, so I ran in the absolute opposite direction. And the fact that the art even exists is a miracle because I was very close to just throwing my hands in the air. But. I’m happy I did not. Cuz I did a background and it doesn’t look bad actually.


Idk if it’s the same across platforms, but the entrance to this cave is through a small waterfall at 45, 110, 195 (those numbers make me so happy-) in the Lush Caves seed

So I Was Playing On My Survival World And Found This Cave (pictured Below Cut) And My Brain Went MMMMMM

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1 year ago

So I was wanting to dye my hair pink midwinter so it’d fade my spring, I’ve been meaning to make another skull mask, it was supposed to snow the third week of January and somehow Technoblade always seemed to end up in the snow. Therefore. Things happened. I was only intending to take photos of it, but then I heard this song and my brain just went MMMM THIS SCENE AND THIS SCENE AND THIS SCENE AND- so I made a short. Or at least it was intended to be a short, but for some reason, YouTube won’t upload good audio, which is annoying, because tumblr doesn’t like high res imaging. Regardless, I’m really, really happy with this. Also here’s the slightly shortened youtube version if anyone’s interested.

Here’s the concept art for the costume beside what it actually turned out as. Material list below cut.

So I Was Wanting To Dye My Hair Pink Midwinter So Itd Fade My Spring, Ive Been Meaning To Make Another
So I Was Wanting To Dye My Hair Pink Midwinter So Itd Fade My Spring, Ive Been Meaning To Make Another

Mask: foam core which is a staple, but I tried duck masking tape instead of regular scotch tape in hopes the paint wouldn’t peal off it’s held up so much better thus far. Tusks and teeth are cosclay. Then acrylic paint and I don’t remember what the clear coat is called.

Crown: also foam core, but I did use scotch tape for it. Not as happy with it because there are a lot of creases, but I was too lazy to try and find a different medium. Painted with an oil based gold paint which actually covered very well and I barely used any of it.

Actual Mouth Tusks: also cosclay with acrylic paint for the white and the same oil based gold for the tusk cap thing.

Cloak: red fleece that I weathered with acrylic paint (and painted myself and the kitchen floor in the process), and long pile fleece for the hood lining. The buttons are cosclay that I, again, painted with the same gold. And the chains I just bought in bulk off amazon cuz I’ll probably use it again.

Corset Belt: some random faux leather I had leftover from a former project, and the laces are just ribbon.

Sword: a friend made it for me forever ago, and it’s just been lying around.

Shirt: a random find from Goodwill that I about shrieked at when I found.

Pants: I can’t remember where I got them, I’ve had them for a while, they’re just high waisted corduroy.

I really wanted glasses, but I couldn’t find the ones was planning to use. Which is obnoxious. Because Techno deserves to see. But it’s not supposed to snow again for a while, so unfortunately, no glasses.

Also, this is the first time I’ve wished I had long hair since I cut it off almost three years ago because aesthetically it would have been really nice, but I’m less hung up on that than I am the glasses lol

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1 year ago
I Was Putting My Pin Curls In While Nugget Was Out Last Night And She Kept Jumping On My Hand To Try

I was putting my pin curls in while Nugget was out last night and she kept jumping on my hand to try and steal my bobby pins. And then she proceeded to try and bathe in the back of my wet hair. As annoying as it was, it made me happy, so I doodled it.

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1 year ago
+*. STORY TIME .*+

+*. STORY TIME .*+

(below cut)

So today, after having been horsing around with my brother; being the absolute feral little gremlin that I am, I scuttled off and he called after me “Don’t you come stick your face in my window-” (there are windows inside the house between his bedroom and the living room ‘cause it used to be a porch) So naturally, I decided to come stick my face in his window, but with my techno mask on for extra shock factor, y’know? Except I thought he meant the outside ones. I didn’t feel like putting real clothes on (I was in a sports bra and pajama shorts), so I went out wrapped in a blanket- all you could see was the mask and my feet.

I start walking up the side of the house to get to his room, and this pickup slows down in front of our yard. There is no other reason I can think that they would have slowed down other than them having seen me- and I was in plain view from the road. And I’m just highly amused. That I probably just significantly confused one of our neighbors. And that this is what they would have seen.

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10 months ago

First post on Tumblr

Uhhhhh.... Hello!!!

First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr
First Post On Tumblr

Weeeeee!! Art style testing btw

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10 months ago
While I Work On A Much Bigger Project Involving These Pieces, I Thought I Might Share Them To You?
While I Work On A Much Bigger Project Involving These Pieces, I Thought I Might Share Them To You?
While I Work On A Much Bigger Project Involving These Pieces, I Thought I Might Share Them To You?
While I Work On A Much Bigger Project Involving These Pieces, I Thought I Might Share Them To You?
While I Work On A Much Bigger Project Involving These Pieces, I Thought I Might Share Them To You?

While I work on a much bigger project involving these pieces, I thought I might share them to you?

Pop quiz! Any of you guys seen those Animator vs Animation cartoons?

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10 months ago



Whoooooo!!! I love giving characters voice head-canons

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