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Suffice it to say, her family were against the abrupt marriage. Thorne and Minthe were more vocal about it, while Pudina was more supportive. There's also one more important matter: they haven't officially met him! Yet he had the audacity to steal her from right under their nose!
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Araminta was also skeptical of her sister's engagement, but she was easily convinced (Thorne says "bribed"). In the end, Rosabelle silenced the arguments surrounding her engagement with pasta.
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For some reason, the aliens refused to stop abducting Minthe. Why do they keep bothering this old lady? If they want her to stop harassing them with the Electroflux Wormhole Generator and retire, then they have clearly wasted their time because she will live and die as a scientist with a knack for pranking aliens.
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Beginning of Rose Gen // Previous // Next

It seems like Minthe has lost touch with her serums, but it doesn't matter, Pudina will always be willing to try her serums and, of course, Menthol as well!
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Beginning of Rose Gen // Previous // Next

Araminta and Pudina were nothing but supportive. In fact, Pudina was so excited for the new babe, she started thinking up names while she sat on her rocking chair. However, at the back of her mind, she wonders if she would ever see her grandchild. With Rosabelle being tense about her pregnancy and her wife expressing disapproval over it, she knew the baby would need an ally. A shoulder to lean on. She only wished she had time to be such a shoulder to the young one.
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Well, at least Minthe is starting to warm up to the baby. And Rosabelle is having a baby girl! That narrows down Pudina's list of prospective names.
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They didn't even get to say good-bye. . .
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It seems like every time Peter and Rosabelle meet, they get into arguments - mostly about Rosabelle's constant need for affection and attention from him and his regular trips to Selvadora. He's been given a grant to do original research of his own, and although she is happy for him, it meant that he would be extending his stay in the jungle on the other side of the planet. He didn't even bother to meet Soleil when she was born, and while Minthe may think positively of him (quite rare given Minthe's judgmental attitude towards anyone who isn't her family), he doesn't share the same sentiment.
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Pudina was right. Rosabelle wasn't ready to take care of a baby, and with how stubborn she is, she would continue to see that way until something important changes her mind. Minthe didn't have enough time in the world, but for Soleil, she would gladly take a million youth potions to watch her grow up.
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Without a doubt, Soleil and Minthe were the best of friends.
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Minthe has never taught a child anything other than the usual potty training. Showing flashcards? That was always Pudina's area of expertise. Minthe didn't know where to start with Soleil. She was a bright toddler, that was obvious from her preschool reports. So what did Minthe teach this young girl and read to her for bedtime? Oh, just the rudimentary stuff, like the theory of evolution, paleontology, and her favorite topic, ufology.
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Rosabelle is such a mean mom ðŸ˜
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While Rosa may be a bit indifferent to Sol, everyone else adores her! And yes, Peter has met her — but no, Peter hasn't questioned her paternity. Whether or not he truly believes Sol is his, he has been affectionate and distant to her. Gave her hugs and presents whenever he was in San Myshuno, but he never mentioned her during his calls with Rosa - whether that was his way of respecting her relationship with her daughter or doubting his connection to her.
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Yes, Minthe wouldn't be Minthe if she wasn't a menace to society. . . or to their very loud neighbor.
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Today is a very special day for Rosabelle, so her siblings took the first trip to San Myshuno and congratulated her on her doorstep. Minthe, of course, was annoyed she wasn't informed. But she was happy nonetheless to see her other children, especially Araminta who grew up to be such an adorable woman.
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araminta is so adorable ðŸ˜ðŸ«¶

Mother's day with the kids.
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Beginning of Rose Gen // Previous // Next

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