Miss World - Tumblr Posts
I'm miss world somebody kill meee β‘

he keeps you in a box by the bed
alive but just barely

he keeps you in a box by the bed
alive but just barely

I just ordered a hole "live through this" t-shirt and I'm so excited y'all, it's arriving tomorrow and I can't waittttt (this is a girlypop moment)

Update: guys I just got it and I'm so happy gonna be looking like a whole red flag going to school, anyways the seller gave me free hair clips so I'll survive!!!

this song perfectly illustrates my life right now
I'm miss world, somebody kill me
Kill me pills
No one cares, my friends
My friend
I'm miss world, watch me break and watch me burn
No one is listening, my friend
Now I've made my bed, I'll lie in it
I've made my bed, I'll die in it
I've made my bed, I'll lie in it
I've made my bed, I'll die in it