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Red Flags (ft. Montaigne) but it's Skeptic catfishing Giran~
citationless behavior
School starts in a month and I feel like someone will need this MLA Cite guide cause it saved my ass in school

Alright done playing this time forreal

If I do not get my hands on this shirt soon, I will fucking LOSE MY MIND
(Sidenote: damn 52 tabs open? I really am getting old huh...)
I was about to search something in Pinterest and it showed me this

Yes.. skeptic do indeed be a Disney princess
Minor spoilers for the first episode of the first episode of mha season six

The gang’s all here!
I just woke up, and I thank you.
Okay here you go @heyimsimpie
If villian…
Why baby face?
I love you I love you I love you I love-

I also would like to add this amazing scene
(You did your best old man)

A/N: I got you. Now, just a heads up, I’m not skilled on anything, I just been wanting to practice my writing skills. Anyway. I hope you enjoy this small fic I made.
Rikiya x OC (OC belongs to @villain-sympathizer)
Word count: 1.4K
Content: Mischievous baby unintentionally play matchmaker for her dad.
(I dont know how summarize, but enjoy nonetheless)
Baby Matchmaker
By: Simpie
It was a rather busy day in the shopping mall today. Plenty of people shopping or running errands as they fill up different shops and boutiques one by one.
In one such store, Johann is doing some shopping for not only himself but for his 9-month-old daughter, Adelynn, who’s playing with one of the toys she snatched off the shelves, while strapped onto her father's chest while he looks for new coats and sweaters.
She was almost a carbon copy of him. She had blonde hair just like her father, and his lavender eyes. Only a tab bit darker than his.
Johann decided it is a great day to spend time with his daughter after a long week of working. He missed his little girl, so he thought the best thing he could do is to spoil her with new toys and books that they can try out later once they get home. But, there were necessities too. Such as more baby products and certainly, more baby-proof items.
Since Adelynn started crawling, she’d get herself into mischief. Not only that, she's rather sneaky about it too. Sneaking into his office just to interrupt her daddy while he’s in the middle of a meeting, just so she can ask for him to pick her up and sit on his lap, or when want to grab something off the table by pulling on the tablecloth.
Johann loves his daughter, but sometimes he wishes she could just sit in place for just a few minutes.
After looking for a while, Johann pulled out a couple of sweaters from the rack that catches his eye. Before he could try it on, he carefully removed his daughter from her baby strap and placed her in her stroller. Which made Adelynn whine in protest as her father strapped her on.
“It’ll just be for a few minutes, sweetheart, I promise,” he stated, placing a kiss on her head. Adeylnn pouted, making her father chuckle. Johann takes off the baby strap and hangs it on her stroller, along with a few other shopping bags they brought earlier, as he makes his way toward a nearby mirror. Pulling his daughter’s stroller with the help of his quirk.
Johann carefully sets aside his daughter's stroller and starts trying on the sweaters. Meanwhile, Adeylnn takes a quick look at her father, then decides it is the best time to play with him. Without a second, Adeylnn unbuckled herself, then slowly started climbing down her stroller and crawling away.
Though she didn’t crawl too far from her dad, something, or rather someone, caught her attention. Crawling her way across the floor, Adelynn makes her way toward a man trying on a suit jacket while looking at himself in the mirror.
The baby girl watches close by as the man checks to see if the suit is the right one for him. Adelynn can help but stare up at the man, which seems to quickly grab said man's attention when he spotted her reflection in the mirror. Making her smile.
“Well, hello there, little one.” The man turned to face her. Making the little girl giggle some more as she starts clapping her hands. The grown man crouches down, giving Adelynn a good look at the man.
He was fair looking, with long orange hair that complimented his dark green eyes, and a rather long, pointy nose. Adelynn didn't hesitate to grab onto the man’s nose and start giggling, causing the man to chuckle at her adorable little gesture. He then proceeds to pick up the giggling baby. Seeming drawn to her dark lavender eyes.
“Where are your parents, little one?” he asked with a hint of concern. Adelynn didn't seem to care too much, as she grabbed his nose with her other hand and started babbling. The man looks around for a bit, and can't seem to find a sign of any parent in distress, at the moment.
“Let's see if there's anyone looking for you. They must be having a heart attack right about now.” The man said as he proceeded to a nearby cashier's front.
Johann had just about to finish trying on a few other clothes for himself. “What do you think about this one, baby? I think this one would be great for our-” as he turns to face his baby, he’s instead greeted by an empty stroller. Johann’s heart suddenly dropped and he starts to panic for a bit, looking around in hopes of seeing his baby girls somewhere.
“Adelynn? Adelynn!” Johann started looking everywhere for her. Under the clothing racks, between the shelves, everywhere. Though he wasn't the kind of man who would jump to conclusions, if anything were to happen to his little girl, he’d lose his mind.
He knew that his daughter could have gone too far. After all, she was only a baby.
Without thinking twice, Johann approached the nearest cashier lady that he could find. Hoping that maybe they might be able to help him look for his daughter. “Miss. I need your help. I can’t find my daughter. Her name’s Adelynn, she’s only nine months old, with blond hair, and lavender eyes. She was-” “Excuse me? Is this your daughter?”
Before He could continue, a calm voice caught his attention. Followed by the sound of an adorable, yet familiar cooing. Johann looks to his left and see’s Adelynn, in the arms of a grown man, chewing on the suit’s tag. Johann can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of his daughter safe.
“Thank you so much, sir.” He said as he reached to grab Adelynn, only for her to pull closer to the man. “I'm so sorry. She is usually not this affectionate with other people.” Johann explained. “Oh, it's quite alright.” The man chuckled, passing Adelynn to her father.
“Thank you. I hope she wasn’t too much trouble for you,” Johann stated as he grabbed her and pulled her into his chest, kissing the top of her head. “Oh, not at all. She made her way to me. She was just a little ball of sunshine.” The man mentioned.
“I’m Johann, by the way.” he introduces himself as he reaches out a hand while keeping the other hold on Adelynn, who’s also got her out her little arm reaches. “Rikiya Yotsubashi, it's a pleasure meeting you and your beautiful daughter.” He reached out and shook Johann’s hand.
“So your name’s Adelynn?” Rikiya lowered himself to her level. “What an exquisite name. It was such a pleasure meeting you.” He smiled as he shook her little hand, making her giggle in glee. Rikiya can't help but get a good look at the baby’s father, noting some key similarities. “I see where she gets her looks.” he complimented, making Johann blush. To which he hides with a cough.
“Again, Thank you so much for finding her. Maybe I could interest you by getting you a coffee or tea?” Johann offered. Rikiya paused and thought for a moment. “I’d love that. Thought, maybe after I finish my shopping.”
“Yeah, yeah! Absolutely. I’m almost done with mine, anyway.” Johann mentioned as he adjust Adelynn in his arms. “Splendid!” Rikiya cheered. Rikiya reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and a pen and started writing on the back. “Here is my number if you ever want to contact me.” He offered his business card with both his phone number attached to it.
Johann took the business card off his hand to take a good look. “Detnerat. I heard good things about this company.” He commented. “Well, I only want what's best for the clients,” Rikiya answered blatantly. Johann can't help but look at Rikiya, wide-eyed. “You own Denerat?” He asked, amazed.
“Well, it was my father’s. Then I inherited it.” Rikiya calmly mentioned. “Wow! That must be a lot of work?” Johann asked. “It is. But, you get used to it.” Rikiya stated. “Anyway. I should be going now.” He added.
“Sure, sure. I’ll just grab my thing and we’ll be paying shortly after.” Johann mentioned. “I guess we’ll see you in a bit?” He said as he adjust Adelynn in his arms. “Sounds like a plan.” Rikiya replied with a smile on his face. “I’ll see you two later, then?” he added.
“Yup, nice meeting you Rikiya. Say bye-bye, Adeylnn.” He said as he gently grabs his daughter's arm and waved it. Adeylnn smiles at Rikiya as the two walks away. Keeping her eye on Rikiya as he waves back with a smile on his face. Knowing that this won’t be the last time she’ll be seeing him.
A/N: Hello! This is a little (early) Christmas gift for @villain-sympathizer as Johann and Adelynn belong to them. Anyway. I hope you enjoy this simple fic I made. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Some slightly spoilers for the new episode
So, something that hit me after watching the new mha episode is that Rikiya probably had to cover up Miyashita’s death, then get himself a new assistant (who actually follows the mla ideal). Which, rip to her.
But imagine Rikiya having to call skeptic to ask for a cover up and a new assistant after this like:
Redestro: Skeptic, I need a favor from you.
Skeptic: what is it, sir?
Redestro: I need you to look into our records for someone who can be my new assistant. Oh, and send a few our people here as well. Those who are skilled in EMS. It’s for my old friend and colleague. We had a bit of an, disagreement.
Skeptic: Right away sir. Shall I send Curious along the way?
Redestro: That won’t be necessary.
(Also, he still refers to Destro as his dad. Which will forever not sit well with me)
This the funniest thing I've seen all week

When and how did we all agree that Geten is a Greblin?
Like, is it because he’s just this unhinge, smol boy? Or is it his power-hungry obsession with dominance and dominant as the worships the idea of the Meta Liberation War and has imprinted towards Redestro (to put it lightly) and he’s become his no.1 loyal body guard dog, who enjoys feeling feeling more powerful since he obsesses in strengthening his Meta Ability to it highest?

he was soooo nice, aaaaaaaaaaa, i asked if he would do a reading of a panel for me because i was heartbroken that this dialogue didn't get included in the anime and here it is!

So? Mha manga just concluded?
What’s y’all plan now?
Poor Skeptic 😭
Re-Destro: This is Trumpet, he’s smart and handsome and I’m so proud of him.
Re-Destro: This is Curious, she’s cunning and beautiful and I’m so proud of her.
Re-Destro: This is Geten, he’s strong and lovely and I’m so proud of him.
Re-Destro: This is Skeptic, he has rabies.

They are rotting my brain again. Psychopathic Cult Leading freaks. I love them so much and it makes me sad how badly Studio Bones fumbled them, leading to less content of them. It's not like they were ruined, but they could have been so much more, and were so much more, because the Manga is right there.
Anyhow that was all just preamble for the point of this post, Fic Recs! Any cool fics involving any combination of these characters, please! Any length, any genre, just. As long as any of these guys have the spotlight.

Red Flags (ft. Montaigne) but it's Skeptic catfishing Giran~