Mlp G5 - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

1 month ago

Don't mind me, Darling.

Don't Mind Me, Darling.

Keep making great cute G5 pony art >;2


Don't Mind Me, Darling.


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1 month ago
Style Experiments Again, I Really Love Drawing Them With Sock Puppet Heads
Style Experiments Again, I Really Love Drawing Them With Sock Puppet Heads
Style Experiments Again, I Really Love Drawing Them With Sock Puppet Heads

style experiments again, i really love drawing them with sock puppet heads

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2 years ago

The new mlp comic covers -


The New Mlp Comic Covers -
The New Mlp Comic Covers -
The New Mlp Comic Covers -

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2 years ago

How I feel about the new generation

You all probably heard of the new mlp generation


And some of ya are probably big fans- and I know most isn't

I can understand why-

But I have some words...

How the hack did the dragon turn a PHONE into PIZZA? what is it? Discord long lost kid?!

When did dragons learn how to do that kind of magic.

I know spike could sent letters but he didn't just magic up something.

And I know earth ponies have magic too, but the fact they somehow can make trees grow and other stuff-

If they had that power this whole time then why couldn't any of the g4 earth ponies do it? 🀨

And why does Opl look like hope.. Lmao-

What I was actually gonna say

Opl.. Worse villain ever- period

I feel bad for misty- girl fr got bully for having no mark 😞

Also why they act like Grogar and Bray from g1 lmao

And it's funny how sunny got wings so fast before twilight did

All she need to do was put some crystals together and then boom

You are an alicorn-

Jeez twilight you should learn from herπŸ™„πŸ‘πŸ½

I did read the comics, it seem okay for now

Discord on the other head be Looking old af-

Here's the new episode if ya didn't see it 🀭

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