Mobile Suit Gundam Witch From Mercury - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Alrighty then, I finished watching Gundam: The Witch from Mercury’s season finale yesterday, so I’m gonna note down my thoughts here, starting with characters, with another post about the mobile suits.

Spoilers ahead, obviously.

I really enjoyed the progression of Suletta and Miorine’s relationship during the season. It had a lovely slow-burn with moments of extreme heat quality to it (if that makes sense as a metaphor), particularly episode 11. The other members of Earth house are absolutely charming as well, them each having a solid personality to get attached to. I was disappointed we didn’t see a little more of them, but I expect they’ll be much more prominent in the next season. I was pleasantly surprised by Chuatury Panlunch, who’s just wonderful to watch and I enjoyed what little we saw of Nika Nanaura (though considering Chuchu’s getting a new suit next season, we’ll definitely be seeing more of them).

I did love the contrasts between the parents this season, with the outwardly nice Madame Prosepera/Elnora Samaya being contrasted with the aloof and standoffish Delling and Harsh Vim Jeturk, who nonetheless love their children (though I admit I may be reading into the season finale a little much there). I was honestly kinda sad to see Vim go, just because the Jeturk’s have just been so interesting to watch and the loss of one is unfortunate. Though this does mean that Guel’s younger brother Lauda is now head of the company.

Alrighty Then, I Finished Watching Gundam: The Witch From Mercurys Season Finale Yesterday, So Im Gonna

Which, if I’m being honest, seems like it’s gonna end really badly.

Alrighty Then, I Finished Watching Gundam: The Witch From Mercurys Season Finale Yesterday, So Im Gonna
Alrighty Then, I Finished Watching Gundam: The Witch From Mercurys Season Finale Yesterday, So Im Gonna

Talking about the Jeturk’s neatly segues into talking about the rivals - Guel, Shaddiq and Elan. I’ve been absolutely loving Guel’s arc this season, with his actions during the finale being (while horrifying) an absolute standout. I’m very much looking forward to seeing where he goes from here (and I really hope he doesn’t die). Shaddiq’s been interesting, and I find it notable that he’s been basically dominating the scene except when he’s in a mobile suit, where he gets absolutely wrecked. I do hope we get to see more of his entourage in subsequent seasons though, since they’ve only really been stomped by suletta so far. Of note is that so far he appears to be the only character to have a genuinely positive relationship with his father, which is interesting.

Elan is difficult to talk about, principally because there’s three of him (so far). Number four (the first one we see) is only around briefly and while lovely, exists mostly as a sacrificial lamb to establish the darker tone. Number 5 (the manipulative one) hasn’t done all that much yet, so I have little to say about them. The original (the one in the suit) has officially dethroned Delling as the villain I most look forward to getting their comeuppance. We also haven’t seen that much of Peil’s CEO’s yet, though at a guess I’d say they’re the bigger threat here.

Now just some other observations that don’t really fit anywhere else:

While Dawn of Fold is interesting (since we’re finally seeing some more Earthican representation), I care more about the individual characters (Norea Du Noc, Sophie Pulone and Naji Geor Hija) than their actual cause, at least for the moment. Again, very much looking forward to seeing more of them, and their relation with Nika (Though I do fully expect at least two of them to die horribly at some point).

Alrighty Then, I Finished Watching Gundam: The Witch From Mercurys Season Finale Yesterday, So Im Gonna

I was very happy to see Kenanji Avery (the antagonist from the prologue) make a return, even though I’m absolutely certain he’s going to die at some point.

I really wanted to like and trust Lady Prospera/Elanora at first, but eventually the manipulation and Char vibes just got too strong.

Alrighty Then, I Finished Watching Gundam: The Witch From Mercurys Season Finale Yesterday, So Im Gonna

Speaking of, I do suspect that Suletta’s whole “move forward gain two” mantra might be a blockword or trigger phrase or something, given how utterly Gung Ho she is about killing people during the final parts of the finale. Then again, I suppose she could just be applying what her mother’s taught her without fully thinking about the consequences (really girl, don’t try to be all romantic while you’re covered in blood). I did love the symbolism of her mother leading her onto the bloodstained floor though, that was really great.

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1 year ago

Thought: What if the original Elan (in the suit) is also just a clone? And the Peil CEO’s are lying to him so they’ll have a nice willing face for their company?

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1 year ago

And now my thoughts on the Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Mobile suits.

And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.

I found myself quite liking the Dilanza Sol, it seeming to be shaping up as the Zaku analogue, with multiple variations.

And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.
And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.

The New Lfrith’s (the Lfrith Thorn and Lfrith Ur) are an utter treat. I particularly love the Thorn’s gremlin stature and beam launcher/shotgun hybrid. I don’t normally go for paired units, but I think I may make an exception here.

And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.
And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.

ChuChu’s Demi trainer and Guel’s Darilbalde are odd cases, because I think in both terms I like them more on the strength of their pilots than on the individual machines. I’ll probably have stronger opinions once the series has ended.

And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.

The Pharact’s just ok. I’m fairly ambivalent towards it, though that’s at least partially because I fully expect we’ll see an upgrade to it. Another unit that’s more on the strength of its pilots than anything.

And finally we come to the elephant in the room.

And Now My Thoughts On The Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Mobile Suits.

The Aerial Rebuild. I don’t dislike it per se, I just definitely prefer the standard Aerial to it. I do like the wings, but there’s so many cool weapon systems in G-witch that a beam mega launcher (or whatever equivalent weapon that is) doesn’t excite me as much as it ordinarily would. I do also (usually) like my Gundams to have more colours than just blue and white (I know there’s some very small bits of red and yellow on there, but I find they get lost in all the blue). I do, however, like the head. The fact that we’re getting an upgrade this early in the game does make me think that we might be due for one new upgrade a season though, meaning that we might end up with four Aerials to choose from (plus the original Lfrith), so I’m not concerned.

Finally, we do know that we’re going to be getting at least one new Gundam next season, the Gundam Schwarzette (And some other unit that looks like a mass-production type to me).

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1 year ago

Hm. Y’know I really wasn’t expecting going from Gundam G-witch episode 11 to episode 12 to hit quite that hard. Feeling like I’ve got emotional whiplash over here.

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1 year ago

Had some more thoughts about Shaddiq Zenelli’s suit, the Michaelis, today. Spoilers for witch from Mercury episode 9.

Had Some More Thoughts About Shaddiq Zenellis Suit, The Michaelis, Today. Spoilers For Witch From Mercury

It’s general aesthetic is that of a knight, which at first I didn’t think anything of, since a lot of the Iron-Blooded Orphans suits also have that aesthetic.

But then we consider Shaddiq, and his attitude to Miorine. He is her knight, ready to sweep her away from all her troubles and this is reflected in his actions toward Suletta as well. He (at least inwardly) talks down to her during their duel, stating he would be a much better groom for Mirorine, as he is able to protect her. He fights as part of a group, showing his use of others when it suits him, particularly his shock when Sabina tells him to retreat (though it was probably more at the Aerial).

It’s weapon, the beam bracer, shows his aptitude in deals and underhanded tactics, as it allows him to move the suit’s left hand around, to influence things far away or to attack from unexpected angles, as he did with Chuchu.

Finally, it’s defeat is being shot in the head by ChuChu while going in for a kill shot. As Miorine points out, it showcases his mistrust of others, but it’s also an effective way of him being impaled on his own sword. He loses from an attack from an unforeseen angle, by someone he had written off as beneath him. It would also illustrate that he’s a fairly….. cerebral? character, always thinking, and he gets shot in the head because he was thinking when he really should have been acting.

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1 year ago

Huh. Can’t believe it took me this long to find out that Ericht Samaya is 4 in the prologue, 21 years pass, and now Suletta Mercury is 17.

Suddenly all those people who are saying stuff like the two characters not being the same, and Ericht being inside the mobile suit are making a lot of sense.

Then again, given the focus of birthday’s in the prologue (and in the series in general), it’s possible that Elanora Samaya decided that if she was going to be reborn as Lady Prospera, and Ericht was going to be similarly reborn as Suletta Mercury, then those four years should be discounted?

Then again, given that we know “surgically altered humans” exist in this universe, there are quite a few other possibilities.

Or maybe we’re gonna get a whole “rebirth” theme going.

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1 year ago

Update: having now watched episode 23, I can now say that it isn’t.

If only because a new, bigger metaphor came along.

Immediate thought while watching the opening of Witch From Mercury episode 22:

I wonder if this is a metaphor for how lack of oversight into corporate dealings will eventually lead to them becoming untouchable monoliths, where oversight is pointless because they can either absorb losses or just overrule them.

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1 year ago

*Nonspecific G-Witch Spoilers*

It is kinda surreal to realise that part of Guel’s whole billing as an ace pilot is him surviving fights he really shouldn’t. Whether he’s against professional pilots, outnumbered, outclassed or facing an absolute combat monster, he always manages to pull through and live through his experiences.

It’s kinda nice to see Guel’s identity as an ace divorced from him just shooting down a bunch of enemies.

Plus, I suppose that this means that the moment he actually gets a properly good ms, he’ll probably do really well in fights.

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1 year ago

So the prequel novel to Witch From Mercury has been uploaded for free on the official site! Go have a read!

Mobile Suit Gundam THE WITCH FROM MERCURY Official Site
Mobile Suit Gundam THE WITCH FROM MERCURY Official Site
All episodes are currently streaming through the official Gundam YouTube channel GUNDAM.INFO!

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