Models Of The Winged Brotherhood - Tumblr Posts

This is Hyro, he carries a flamer for Alpha Squad. Later I will tell the story of how he earned a name and his heroism medal (the blue trim on his shoulders). The reason that he is here is because Assault Marines do not come with flamers and I had to make my own.

This is Second Company, Alpha Squad. They are the first into the fight. They are lead by an old soldier, Brother Sergeant Flaherty, a second generation Marine who is a veteran of many, many battles. Brother Hyro bears there flamer, and has proven his heroism many times. They are currently awaiting reinforcements to bring them back to full battle strength.

Winged Brotherhood, Second Company, Bravo Squad. They are led into battle by Sergeant Carter. They are swift death with chain sword and bolt pistol.
As with Alpha, they are awaiting reinforcements to bring them up to full battle strength.

My current project is the Brotherhood' Sanguinary Guard. This is the first of them. I think he came out quite well.

Hey sorry for the long wait, those of you that care, but summer is my busy season. This is the fruit of my weekend. I think he came out pretty well. Thoughts and comments are welcome.

This is my Sanguinary Guard. They are fun and I like 'em. Base coated in silver, then used a green wash and brought them back up. Layered the power swords/axes and I think they came out pretty well.

Sanguinary Priest. Feel no Pain and Furious Charge. Wonderful unit. I made him out of a Sanguinary Guard model. Changed it a little bit, added a chainsword, bolt pistol, and turned the Angelous Bolter into an extractor. Redest model in my army. Anyway unit works wonderfully and now looks sharp as well.

Echo Squad is ready for the fight. Waiting for reinforcements, but ready to take the fight to the enemy.
1000 points
Ladies, Gentlemen, and transgenders, I have finished (almost) painting 1000 points of my Winged Brotherhood. Captain Micheal still needs a storm shield, but other than that they are painted. Now that my models are painted, my camera has no batteries, so pictures will be coming later. Really proud of both Captain Gabriel and my as yet unnamed Sanguinary Priest on a bike. Shortly after finishing painting my Marines, I used them to square off against a Tau army, a friendly 1000 point game. Right around turn 3, a friend took a look at the Tau list and found he had brought 1500 points. Being half way into the game I decided to continue and see how my Marines did. At the end of turn 6, my Marines lost 4-1, but they were still on the table. I finished the day very proud of my Marines.

Now that I have batteries, here is my priest. I feel that he came out REALLY well. Also my three priests together, they are a huge part of the awesome that is in my army.

This is Captain Micheal of the Second Company astride his mighty steed Teacup. Basic Captain on a bike with a power sword and storm shield. Little bit of kit bash here. Torso, head and sword from the Sanguinary Guard box, Bike and legs from the Space Marine Bike box, and a few added bits from both the Sanguinary Guard and Attack Bike box. The storm shield is home made. Green stuff and a little bit of wire, I think it came out quite well.

Here is a thousand points of the 2nd Company. Captain Gabriel Alpha Bravo Echo 3 Priests One squad of Sanguinary Guard I think they have come out quite well, but comparing my first models to my last models the difference is pretty intense.

Winged Brotherhood 2nd Company Hotel Squad. These boys bring the fire power. Devastators and their heavy weapons to support the assault units in the 2nd

Land Raider Lily Dedicated Transport for Hotel Squad. The heavy armor and lascannons of a land raider to bring in the heavy support of the devastators.

Predator Annihilator Akantha. Three lascannons bringing a little anti-armor to the field.

Storm Raven Elora. She brings a lot of fire power to the field. The picture does not show it as well, but my favorite part of this model in the paint job looking at it from the top down.

Lord Commander Gabriel of the Winged Brotherhood. (Uses Dante's rules)

Sentinel Squad, 1st Company, Winged Brotherhood. Sternguard with combi meltas to bring down just about anything.

Drop Pod, Usually bringing Sentinel to the party.

Alpha Squad, 2nd Company, Winged Brotherhood. The new models bring Alpha up to full strength. The new sergeant and flamer both have bits and bobs from the Sternguard box. I think they look pretty good.