Monitors Large Tv - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

[Good. Now follow the rumbles of my kind, you must listen carefully so keep it in mind]

*The Sawman rumbled, pleased that the alliance members were continuing to follow instructions. He then turned on the heel of his boot, proceeding to start making his way through the thick fog. It seems this would be a treacherous way for those who weren't aware. . But soon they will be safe. Safe from the toilets and any dangers that lurk around*

*The outline of his figure disappearing instantly like a ghost in the wind. The only thing our dear group could here was the ominous hums and rumbles of the watchers Ahead. Trust your hearing, stick to the path if you're keen. Open your eyes and a road of woe to be seen.*

The larges hold each other’s hands while holding onto the shrunken titans, following close with each other with each rumble of the sawmen watchers that are hidden within the frigid environment, leaving the abandoned college town and entering into the frost covered wilderness. They keep their visual receptors off while keeping their audio on high to follow safely through the land with the rumbles of the saws. It’s better to escape from patrolling Skibidies and any other dangers that could or wants to take the shrunken titans.

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1 year ago

(Muahaha I reveal myself. Now then)

*After leaving the city, the group goes into an area with very little visibility. The fog is so thick that you can't even see a foot infront of you. But, they are nearly there. . Soon they will be through the narrow path and in the safety of the hidden base. . Question is, what will they expect?*

The group keeps closer to each other while following the rumbles of the other Sawmen, nearing the pathway to the hidden base. Film softly chirping, Cinema purring with DJ as they're still in a deep recharge in their slings. Monitors hum softly to the other larges as they approach the pathway to the base's entrance, Woofer rumbles back quietly to Saws in a thankful tone. Crew is nervous as he holds Film closer to him, he trusts the saws but still feels vulnerable without being able to see.

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1 year ago


*After what seemed like hours through the fog. The sound of rumbles followed by a very heavy door? Gate? Just something moving with creaks and groans of metal. The Large Saw tugs the group inside and the slam of the entrance closing startles them. The saw let's go of the tv's hand as he calls out to someone. Then, the sound of heavy boots against a concrete floor can be heard with some shuffling of movement going silent in an instant.*

*The Large Saw then slowly turns and faces the group, shifting a little so he stands up straight with a stiff posture before finally speaking*

["You can open your eyes and speak now. There's no need to have your sense of sight sound taken away any longer for you are safe. Safe in a place that remains untouched by the enemy we all face in this war. . And because of this I welcome you to the sacred and secret base we reside known as the stronghold of the saws "]

Monitors’ screens flicker back on as his visuals are turned back on, glancing around the hidden base before checking on the other two larges as they turn their visuals back on along with readjusting their auditory receptors. Woofer rumbles tiredly as he checks on the shrunken Titans which he’s greeted by Film’s bright blue lens looking up and around the new location, DJ rumbles confused as he wiggles around in the carrier. Film baps DJ and pulls him into a hug, chirping confused before softly asking why they move locations. Monitors hands Cinema over to Crew who looks panicked holding the shrunken TV Titan in his arms as he is still in deep recharge which Crew sighs softly in understanding. “Thank you for bringing us here, We weren’t exactly sure how long we would have stayed in the previous location. I’ll have to eventually get in contact with the Science Division with our Alliance to see if any progress has been made or that everyone has relocated to the new base.” 

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9 months ago

Sorry if I scared you last time, you guys are you freaking cute!

The trio glances at the Larges who are conversing with the Saws who have offered refuge for the time being until confirmation of the new base that has been worked on to have the three original factions together all in one place without worrying about traveling between locations. They relax as Monitors, Crew and Woofer aren't tense and exchanging information with the Large Saw.

"Alright we can do that... Thank you for helping us out with this unusual situation. Cinema, Film, DJ we'll be here for a bit until we get confirmation that it's safe to head to the new base"

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