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Loose Canons
A canon character World of Warcraft RP, writer, and enthusiast community.

Are you passionate about roleplaying or writing as your favorite canon characters in World of Warcraft? Do you love diving deep into lore, expanding headcanons, and exploring alternate timelines and universes? Then look no further than the Loose Canons! Whether you want to explore alternate realities, delve into untold stories, or put your own spin on a character’s journey, our creative space encourages all forms of canon character expression. Connect with like-minded enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and breathe new life into Azeroth’s legends!
Mo Ran

the basics ––– –
NAME: Mo Ran
AGE: Mid-20s (Elven Years)
RACE: Quel'dorei (Alliance-MG, Horde-WrA)
SEXUALITY: Bisexual (male leaning)
physical appearance ––– –
HAIR: Long, Black
EYES: The left eye is black with hints of purple while the right is red which is mostly covered with an eyepatch.
BUILD: Toned, slim
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scar on his right eye is covered using a magical illusion and a beauty mark on the bottom left side of his lip.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Black leather eyepatch over his right eye if you're capable of catching him with his true visage.
personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Hired killer
HOBBIES: Having hobbies is a sort of foreign concept to him, but he knows he enjoys sweets and can't handle spices too well
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Orcish, Common, and Dwarvish
FEARS: Losing whatever sanity he has left, losing his "family"

relationships ––– -
Children: None
PARENTS: Adopted by his Benefactor
SIBLINGS: Has 5 other siblings from his birth parents but knows none of them
OTHER RELATIVES: [ Open to pre-established relationships ]
ACQUAINTANCES/FRIENDS: [ Open to pre-established relationships ]
PETS: None
traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
additional information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess