Most Are Written Like Literal Children - Tumblr Posts
5 months ago
I would say that instead of pushing out new books he should rewrite hoo but the way he has been going I feel like he would make it worse-
Hot take : Typos and switching up names in an official preview of your book is not something that should happen!
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no because seriously...
like how did no one notice that before it was published????
yes this is about you rick
this is genuine dogshit omfg
and it keeps getting worse
percy jackson and the olympians
wrath of the triple goddess
percy jackson
rick i swear its on sight
please reread your old books
it’s not that hard
I’m reading fics that have less continuity errors than this
most are written like literal children
hire a ghost writer Idfk
just fix this shit
(not trials of Apollo tho)
(or Magnus chase)
(just hoo
and then 2 newest books)
I lowkey fuck with tsats