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It’s a match!
a/n: can you tell i’ve never used tinder and had to google things like “what number is a lot of tinder matches” 💀💀
summary: you and your roommate draco decide to start a fun romance competition but unbeknownst to Draco, you fell in love with him when you were 12...
warnings: none?
word count: 1914.

Saturday morning - 9:32 am:
“Wanna play a game?” your roommate asks.
“Sure,” you reply. Although this was only the second week of holidays, you two were already bored out of your minds. “We could play Uno again, but that’s getting boring. Or maybe Scrabble, Pictionary, Cluedo...” you glance at your board game cupboard, listing them all before looking back to Draco, who’s shaking his head.
“No, it’s this game I saw my friends play, on your phone.”
“Other friends? I thought I was your one and only,” you shake your head disapprovingly.
“Very funny, y/n. No, it’s Tinder.” he answers, grabbing his phone and moving closer to you on the couch.
“Tinder? There’s games on there now?” you ask, confused.
“No, the game is Tinder. You set a time limit, say, three days, and the person with the most matches by the end gets to dare the other people to do something,” he explains.
“Oh. I always like a good competition,” you say. “’Get the most matches on Tinder in three days to dare the loser’ isn’t the most catchy name, but I trust you to buy a good trophy for me, since you’ve have so much practice.” you gave him a saccharine smile.
You and Draco had a little trophy cabinet where the loser would buy the victor a trophy with whatever the competition’s name was engraved on the outside. It had become a game between you two, the winner at the end of the year would... It was undecided, but you were going to make sure Draco’s punishment was bad, or at least, totally hilarious. So far the tally was 5 to you, and 4 to Draco.
“It’s only a one trophy difference! Anyway, make a new Tinder account, fake information but choose any pictures of real you.” he says.
You quickly sign up, and pick 5 of your best photos.
“’If you like water, you’ll already love 70% of me ;).’’ you laugh and look away from his phone. “Really, Draco. Pickup lines?” you snorted. “That’ll never work in this day and age.”
He smirks. “We’ll see, y/n. I’ve heard I can be pretty charming.”
You roll your eyes at the reference to what 13-year-old you had said when he talked you guys out of detention.
At 10am, you guys were ready to begin.
|| You: 0 matches || Draco: 0 matches ||
Sunday evening - 8:24pm:
The whole day, you were furiously on your phone, swiping right, right and right. You tried to keep an open mind and had inputted no preferences to try give yourself an advantage, but 24-year-old Dudley Dursley was still living in his mother’s basement with his girlfriend. Yeah, girlfriend. The guy put it in his bio. Even though this was a game, Fake Y/n was not about to be a homewrecker.
“You alright there, love?” asks Draco. “Your thumb might need a break.” he laughs at you. You noticed he had been staring for a while now, watching your thumb as it furiously swiped right, with the occasional exception of people like Dudley Dursley.
“No, I’m fine, thanks. I see you haven’t been swiping too much. Why?” you demand, not looking up from the screen.
You see him arch an eyebrow and he whistles. “Your concentration right now is intense. I think I’ve done enough, today. My matches have been rolling in.”
This makes you look up. “Rolling in?” How many have “rolled in”, Draco?”
He smirks, “Maybe 17?”
“You’re joking!” you say, mouth open in shock. Your eyes lift up from the phone and just briefly you catch him looking at your mouth.
“I’d never lie to my one and only friend.” he picks up his phone and walks out of the kitchen.
|| You: 5 matches || Draco: ??? matches ||
Monday morning - 5:11am:
The next morning you woke up early, despite being up late googling the best way to get matches. To your delight, you found that overnight you’d matched with 9 more people.
“Draco?” you walk into his surprisingly clean room and dramatically throw open the curtains. “Wakey wakey!” He had work at 8, but you were looking forward to bothering him enough to at least get him to spill some of his secrets.
He groans, and his muscular arm flexes as he grabs his blanket and covers his eyes. “What is this,” he mumbles with one eye open. “sick joke?”
“Is it working? Mind if I... take a quick peek at your match number?” you give Draco your sweetest smile and he smiles too. God, he had a great smile, even first thing in the morning.
“Whatever, love, just let me sleep before I have to work.” he yawns and snuggles back down into his bed. Like the very best friend you are, you use his phone to take a picture, send it to yourself, and then set it as his lock screen. Snickering, you sneak out of his room, his phone in your hand.
“Wrong password?!” you whisper to yourself. Draco changed it?! It used to be his birthday, what was it now? You tried 0000, 1111, 2222 and all the other basic combinations. His mum’s birthday, even his dad’s - even though their relationship wasn’t the best - but lastly, yours. To your surprise, it unlocked.
My birthday? You think. Why would it be my birthday?
Oh well. You resist looking through his photos and move right on to the good stuff. His matches.
He lied. 17 matches? More like 6.
You smile happily, very content with your findings. Unable to resist, you take a quick peek at his messages, searching your name.
Why, why, why was your best friend the last person he’d used your name in conversation with? The preview of the text merely said: “Y/n will love it, Draco, good luck!”
What is this thing Pansy was so sure you’d love? You’d have to confront him about that later.
Monday afternoon - 4:30pm:
"I’m back,” Draco calls, voice echoing through the hallway.
“Hey Dray, café busy today?” you ask while flipping through a book.
“Actually not really, but you know what was busy? My phone. All those Tinder notifications were blowing it up.”
“What? How?” you bunch your eyebrows and stare. “You were literally working.”
“Every girl I served, I showed her my Tinder, and I think she made sure we matched.” He snickered.
You laugh but roll your eyes. “That’s cocky. How many matches are you on now?”
“Cocky? I prefer charming, but I have...” he looks at his screen. “15 matches now.”
You take in this information, trying not to smile. Four more people added you throughout the day, so you were only barely in the lead. Time to start furiously swiping again.
|| You: 19 matches || Draco: 15 matches ||
Tuesday morning - 9:54am:
“Malfoy,” you nod your head. Across the room, Draco smiles.
“Last names now? Someone’s in game mode.”
“I was in game mode long before this, just thought I would go easy on you before, make sure you remember me being nice before I totally obliterate you in this competition.”
“You’re intense,” he teases, moving to lean against the kitchen cabinet across from you.
“I checked your phone this morning. 19 matches? Cute. I’ve got 22.” You’re feeling pretty good about yourself right now, intimidating him and all.
He claps slowly. “That’s great, love, but there’s still 6 more minutes.”
“That’s... fine. These next,” you glance at the clock to make sure. “5 minutes I will be swiping so intensely, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
He walks towards you. “Really, y/n/n? Nothing?” You turn around and face the kitchen island, hiding, his eye contact making you go red. Suddenly, you feel something behind you. It’s Draco. Of course.
You turn around, mouth open, about to belittle him for thinking flirting will make you go easier when you see his eyes flicker to your lips and your breath catches in your throat. He meets your eyes, in silent question. You nod.
“No, love, I need you to say it,” he brushes your hair behind your ear, the contact making you squirm.
“Draco, kiss me.”
And then he does. One hand wraps around your waist, his other tangles in your hair. He kisses you like you’ve never been kissed before. He kisses you like he wants you. Needs you, needs this moment more than anything. You know you do.
He kisses you and you feel time stop and slow down and get quicker all at once. Or maybe it just stops.
He kisses you like he’s been waiting for this moment his entire life.
He kisses you... and everything’s perfect, exactly where it should be.
You pull away, breathing heavily. He rests his forehead against yours, and he smiles. You bite your lip, nervous. You two had never crossed that line before. All those times you thought he felt something too, but you had been too scared to act. You start to smile, the stereotypical line of, “If I knew you also felt that way, we could have been together for years now!” in your head.
“If I knew you also wanted that, y/n, I would have obliged you long before now.” Draco admits, voice rough.
Oh my god.
“If I knew you also wanted that, Draco, I would not have stopped you if you did kiss me long before now.”
For a moment, it’s all smiles and laughter, before a shrill, piercing noises hits the air.
Draco starts to laugh even harder. “Sweetheart don’t tell me that’s an alarm. You really did get competitive.”
You look down, embarrassed it ruined your perfect moment. “N...No? Pssh, what alarm?”
“I know what you’re thinking. It’s not like our moment was ruined,” he says, eyes staring deep into yours. “I have a feeling every moment with you from now on will be perfect.”
“Watch less romance, Draco,” you deadpan.
“What can I say, I’ve been told I’m charming.” he shrugs, and you grin.
“I wouldn’t doubt that Dray,” you say sincerely. “But I have to ask... why did you change your password to my birthday? I’m sorry for snooping but I just have to know. Why did Pansy tell you I was going to love something?”
His eyes widen.
“I- I didn’t expect you to see the messages. I mean, the password I knew you’d get, but...” he takes a deep breath.
“Before I walked into the kitchen and we kissed, I changed my password again. It’s the year we met. The year I fell in love.” he admits.
“You’re lucky I’m in love with you too, because that was almost too cheesy,” your smile grows.
“Yeah?” Draco smirks and you nod.
“I had this whole date night prepared, and I showed Pansy, and she said you’d love it, but... Never mind now, right?” he smirks even more and puts his arm around you. “I want to be yours, now,” he says softly.
“I can’t believe you had plans!” you say, caught up in the fact that the Malfoy heir planned a date night?!
“I was going to wait until after this whole game these last few days, I couldn’t keep listening to you go on about the hordes of matches you had.” He smiles sheepishly. “And I hated listening to you read messages.”
You grin. “Jealous, Draco? It’s okay,” you affirm. “I’m yours now, I promise.”
|| You: 1 match || Draco: 1 match ||