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A Dose of TLC (jk x jm)

Pairing: Bartender Jungkook x Customer Jimin
Genre: strangers to lovers, slight smut (mild), au, bar, flirting, comfort
Summary: After Jimin completely breaks things off with his boyfriend of two years he's in the need of a distraction…
Warnings: emotional pain/emotional hurt, slight swearing, implied/referenced drug use, mild eventual smut
WC: 8,349
Jimin had just about had it with his boyfriend. The two years of trust, care, and love he had devoted and poured into his partner were wasted and spilled all over their bed as Jimin stormed out of the room after witnessing his boyfriend fucking someone else upon entering his bedroom.
“Baby- wait!”
Jimin ignored the pleas of his now ex-boyfriend as he snatched his car keys from the kitchen counter, quickly striding over to the front door before he felt a hot hand grip his shoulder.
“Fuck off!” he shouted, disgust framing the scowl on his face at the thought of his ex-boyfriend's hand on his body after it had touched someone else.
“Jimin- wait, please! It isn’t what it looks like.”
The man rolled his eyes as he did his best to keep the hot streaks of anger from spilling over his eyes.
“Yeah right, Taehyung. This is the second fucking time- and in our bed no less!”
The wispy tresses of the fall breeze cascaded over Jimin’s face once he made it out of the apartment building, Taehyung hot on his heels, his pleading voice quickly turning into annoyance at Jimin’s uncooperativeness.
“Jesus Jimin. Slow the fuck down! You’re being dramatic!”
The man couldn't believe the words being spewed from his ex-lover’s lips. He wouldn’t let his manipulative boyfriend talk him back into his arms again and instead focused on clearing his tear-blurred eyesight enough to spot his car in the parking garage.
“Baby, c’mon. What’re you doing?” Taehyung asked once Jimin approached his car, the vehicle chirped obediently at the click of the man’s keys.
“The fuck does it look like I’m doing, Taehyung?”
Not waiting for another response Jimin gripped the door handle of his black BMW before hauling it open and hurridly plopping himself into the sleek leather seats while Taehyung rushed to the driver’s side- narrowly avoiding getting his hand crushed in between the car door when he caught the edge of the metal frame, holding it open.
“Move or I’ll break your hand,” Jimin growled as he tried to shut the door close but sadly his boyfriend was stronger and was able to hold his stance.
“Jimin- listen. What you saw… it-it was a mistake, I swear. I’d never intentionally do anything to hurt you.”
“Great speech. Are you done now?”
The taller man huffed at his boyfriend’s response, his patience running thin as he did his best to appease him. “Really Jimin? This is how you act when I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you? This is why we could never work out.”
Jimin could feel his eyes practically fly out of his sockets, was his boyfriend always this tone-deaf? He couldn’t help but stare dumbfoundedly at the man currently stopping him from leaving, his sharp dark eyebrows furrowed thus creasing his forehead, and his eyes were filled with a brooding darkness that honed in on Jimin’s startled gaze.
“You really want to know why we never worked out? It was because you couldn’t keep it in your fucking pants and because I could never call out your manipulative bullshit. But that changes today. I’m done, Taehyung. Don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t talk to me– we’re over.” With one last look at his past, Jimin saw a flash of the joyful memories he once had with his boyfriend that had long passed before shoving the man’s hand off of his door and closing it.
Jimin had to leave, he didn’t know where the hell was going to go but he just needed to get away from the memories that plagued him at his apartment. His thoughts were all scrambled in his head and he could feel his chest begin to restrict and contract with anxiety while his heart knocked against his rib cage, a dull ache filling up the beating vessel.
He wouldn’t- no- he couldn’t think about his now ex. This day marked the beginning of a new era for Jimin. As much as he felt himself wanting to pull the car over and break down on the side of the road he instead forced his foot to press harder on the gas pedal. He needed to get away, he needed a distraction. He knew he made the right choice breaking it off with Taehyung but the pull of pain he felt at leaving the person he thought he loved for two years was a difficult adversary to ignore.
Jimin supposed that his body thought alcohol would help in quieting his pain as he soon found himself in front of one of his favorite gay bars. He used to frequent it often as his friend worked there but once he got into a relationship Taehyung demanded that he stopped going since he feared Jimin would hook up with someone from the bar.
Jimin snorted bitterly as he recalled the memory and made his way inside the club. When he entered he noted the changes that were made since the last time he had visited which included the remodeled dance floor that showcased the multicolored LED square tiles that lit up the squirming bodies that stood atop it. On the far side of the club was the bar that was now decorated in black marble countertops that matched the black walls.
Overall the bar seemed to take on a more sleek industrial theme that Jimin could appreciate as he made his way over to the bar. If he was going to get over his breakup and lavish in his newfound freedom he’d definitely need some liquor in his system as a means of liberation.
“That edible I took must’ve been laced with something unless the real Park Jimin is standing in front of me right now!”
“Taking drugs on the job, I’m appalled Mr. Kim Namjoon. I might just have to report you to Seokjin.”
Once Jimin reached the bar he was met by his friend who swiftly made his way around the counter to embrace him in a bone-crushing hug, his muscle-toned arms completely overtaking the smaller man.
“Ah, don’t worry about Jin. I have very effective ways of appeasing him…” Jimin shoved Namjoon’s arm as he observed the salacious look his friend had sent him.
“Gross. I see the two of you are still going strong.”
“Being fuck buddies with my boss is probably the best idea I’ve ever had.”
Jimin rolled his eyes as he took a seat on one of the plush bar stools while his friend went back to his station behind the somewhat crowded bar, “yeah until he finds out what a whore you are and fires you.”
Namjoon put a dramatic finger to his lips as he puckered them, “I can’t help it if I like to explore.”
A pang of hurt shot through Jimin’s eyes as he recalled his boyfriend doing some “exploring” of his own. Damn it, he came here to forget his problems and catching up on Namjoon’s latest conquests definitely wasn’t helping.
“So what brings you here?” the older man asked, thankfully moving on to a new subject after catching the solemn expression his friend made, much to Jimin’s oblivion.
“Just wanted to be out,” the cocked eyebrow on Namjoon’s face was enough to force a sigh out of the younger man as he knew Namjoon was aware of Taehyung’s ban on the place. As much as he wanted to just pretend that stint of his life didn’t exist- he couldn’t. Because his relationship with Taehyung did exist. And it took up a big part of his life that he couldn’t just drink away with a shot of tequila despite how much he wished he could. And so it was with a heavy breath that Jimin briefly filled his friend in on the events that occurred not two hours earlier.
“And you came here right after telling him off?”
Jimin nodded as his eyes picked at the bar counter until he heard his friend make a sound of joy. Snapping his head up to face his friend Jimin was met with Namjoon sporting a wide with his head thrown back, revealing several of the neck tattoos he had gotten on a whim.
“About damn time, Jimin! This calls for a fucking celebration!” Namjoon swiftly turned his back to his friend as he began picking up various bottles and glasses, his tone overcome with happiness that left Jimin speechless.
“‘About damn time’…? Wh-what are you… were you waiting for me to break up with Taehy-”
“Ah! Don’t even say that prick’s name. Tonight is all about you and your newfound freedom!”
Jimin couldn’t believe the enthusiastic reaction he was receiving from his best friend. He knew that Namjoon was never fond of Taehyung, especially after the first time he had cheated on Jimin, but it was still shocking to see how excited Namjoon was. Jimin figured that normal friends of someone who got cheated on would provide comfort rather than copious amounts of alcohol but obviously, Namjoon was not a “normal friend”.
“I got your favorite!” Namjoon turned around to reveal the three shot glasses he had been making, “top shelf shit.”
“Are you allowed to give me this? I thought this stuff was reserved for private parties.” Jimin was never one to turn down free alcohol but after abandoning the club for so long he felt like a foreigner and didn’t want to draw any more attention to him as Namjoon’s shouting had already caught the eyes of the nearby patrons.
“Don’t worry about it, Jimin. I’ll deal with Jin later,” as if settling the matter Namjoon pushed a shot glass into his nervous friend’s hand before grabbing one himself and lifting it up above him, gesturing for Jimin to do the same, “to new and exciting sex!”
Rather than ask why that was a top priority for Namjoon to cheer to, Jimin simply laughed and cheered along with his friend before throwing back the burning liquid that slid down his throat.
“So… what else has changed since I’ve been here? I see you’ve remodeled.” Jimin cleared his throat from the bitter alcohol while nodding to the new countertops as his friend poured him another shot before drinking the third shot he brought with him.
“Mmh, yeah. Jin came into some money from his side business and decided to jazz up the place to draw in more customers. And with the flood of new customers pouring in he had to hire more staff.” Namjoon paused to take a shot with his friend and after chasing it with the glass of water he poured he continued, “I gotta tell you- some of the people he hired are hot as fuck. I gotta introduce you to-”
Namjoon’s words suddenly stopped short as he snapped his head towards a familiar voice that had thrown his name into the air. Jimin did his best to hide back the laugh threatening to slip from his lips as he immediately knew the hell Namjoon was about to get and quickly poured himself another shot.
“Kim Namjoon! I know you aren’t giving away all my top-shelf liquor.”
From a door hidden to the left of the bar emerged a pissed Seokjin whose eyes narrowed dangerously onto his employee. His usual crisp suit only further heightened his menacing aura as he marched his way toward Namjoon.
“Jinnie! Listen I know you said not to use the top-shelf alcohol without authorization but-”
“But what, Namjoon? What could possibly have caused you to use my alcohol when I distinctly remember expressing to you that-”
When Jin was close enough to spot Jimin sitting at the bar he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes locking in on his friend before a small warming smile shifted his once scowling expression to one of fondness.
“Jimin… what a surprise. It’s been a while, I’m glad to see that you’re well.”
Jimin bowed his head with a smile of his own, “hey Jin. Nice to see that you’re still chewing this asshole out when he needs it.”
“Hey!” Namjoon’s voice interjected with disbelief staining his tone as Jin quickly remembered why he had left his office in the first place.
“Right. I seem to be doing it more often than I’d like.”
“But you see why I did it! It’s Jimin!”
Jin simply pursed his lips as he folded his arms and stared sternly at the man. Namjoon didn’t seem fazed, however, as he simply slid on an easygoing smile that showcased his dimples before simmering closer to Jin and wrapping his strong arms around the man’s small waist, pulling him flush against Namjoon’s torso. He then leaned his mouth to the side of Jin’s reddening face despite the firm expression he wore.
Jimin could just barely make out the mumbled words Namjoon whispered into his employer’s blushing ear, “c’mon Jinnie~ I promise to make it up to you if you let it slide just this once…”
Jimin watched with curiosity as a tense second passed between the two until finally, Namjoon’s charm seemed to soften Jin up as the older man sighed and agreed to not duel out any punishment for spending his expensive alcohol.
“Dick must be good…” Jimin mumbled mindlessly, pouring himself another drink while his two friends began not-so-subtly flirting.
Jimin wasn’t jealous of their relationship or anything, but he did wish he could have someone to use as a distraction to take his mind off of the only person he had let touch him for the last 2 years.
“Hey- Jimin-” at the sound of his name the man forced the small frown away from his lips and looked up to face Namjoon who still had Jin wrapped in his arms, “I’m gonna go help Jin with some business in the back.”
“Uh huh, business. Sure…”
A small chuckle slipped from Namjoon’s lips, “yeah, you know how it is. Anyways I don’t want to cut your celebration short so I’m gonna send over one of the new hires I was telling you about. He’s super chill and sexy as fuck. I think he’ll be able to hold it down until I get back, okay?”
Without waiting for a response Namjoon quickly signaled to someone further down the bar who was currently being blocked by the crowd of people before giving Jimin one last charming smile and dragging Jin away to the office.
Jimin simply sighed before making a move for the abandoned bottle of tequila but was intercepted by a hand that pulled the bottle out of his reach. Jimin felt like he was tipsy enough to have the confidence to curse out whoever took away his last chance at forgetting his ex until his narrowed eyes snapped up to face the owner of the hand.
“You the guy Namjoon wanted me to pour for?”
Holy shit.
Namjoon wasn’t kidding when he said the new hires were hot- hell they were more than hot. If the strapping man standing before him was any indication it was no surprise that this place was booming with customers if all the staff looked like demons spawned from hell to fulfill every sinful desire a mortal may have.
“I was hoping you could do a little more than that…”
This guy, whoever he was, looked like the incarnation of sex. Jimin barely processed what he had said as his eyes roamed over the man who had tilted his head and raised a finely waxed eyebrow. The slight glint of his lip piercing teased Jimin from its position on the man’s small yet pouty pink lips. His soft-looking black hair was styled as a mullet, the ends of his hair curled around his neck while his parted bangs fanned the sides of his angular face. His doe-like eyes seemed to sear deep into Jimin’s soul. His eyes almost appeared to contain a certain darkness that lurked just beneath his gaze… it wasn’t malicious but rather heated and intense, forcing Jimin to break eye contact.
Instead, he turned his attention to cascade over the fabric covering the man’s body. He sported a tucked white button-up shirt paired with heavily ripped black jeans that teetered the line between professional and casual. The shirt revealed just enough of the bartender’s collarbone to warrant thoughts of imagining what lies further below on his body.
He exuded a sense of authority and power despite him being a newly hired bartender and suddenly Jimin was thankful that his best friend was such a fuck boy and allowed him to meet this beautiful man.
“Careful. I charge by the hour.” the man had quipped back, forcing Jimin out of his analysis and back into the club that was now doused in slowly flashing white strobe lights. “So what’ll you have? Seems like there’s no budget for you… must be special.”
“Special is one way to put it but I’ll take a martini.”
The bartender simply nodded with a quirked eyebrow and a small smile as he began gathering the ingredients he would need for the drink. When he turned around Jimin took the time to admire the way his shirt hugged the toned muscles of his back and the curve of his ass in his tight jeans.
“I didn’t catch your name,” Jimin managed to formulate a few words to make conversation, figuring that it might be more productive than staring at the man’s ass.
“Didn’t throw it.”
“Oh what? You charge for that too?”
Turning around, the man had a shaker in one hand and a martini glass in the other that he placed right in front of Jimin. He eyed him warily as if trying to work out his angle but if Jimin was honest with himself he was just tipsy and horny, he wasn’t sure how that was translating though, and hoped the bartender wasn’t put off by his barely cognizant words.
“And what if I do? Do you think you have enough to afford it?” in one swift movement, the man had leaned himself over the counter, one hand holding himself up as his face fell a breath away from Jimin who could barely swallow the dried spit that had settled on his tongue. He could practically see the man’s nonexistent pores if he tried hard enough and at the swipe of his pink tongue across his lips Jimin felt his eyes dart down to catch the action, the bartender’s lips suddenly glistening and tempting enough to taste.
Fuck, he wanted him bad.
But he had to get himself under control, a guy as good-looking as him had to pull with just a blink of his long eyelashes and Jimin refused to fold that quickly. He at least wanted to challenge the guy a bit, it made the ultimate goal that much more satisfying when rewarded.
Before Jimin could say or do anything he noticed the bartender pull back, an empty shaker hanging from his hand. That’s when Jimin noticed his martini glass was now miraculously filled and realized that the man had leaned in so closely to fill his drink and not for any other nefarious purposes.
“Well, how much are you worth?” Jimin almost forgot to respond to the awaiting bartender as he shifted his gaze to his drink, his hands gently clasped the shimmering stem and raised it up to his lips.
“How much do you think?”
“You tell me.”
“Mmh, I’d rather show you.”
Jimin felt his hand shake slightly as he did his best to not choke on the alcohol that had just slipped into his mouth. It had been a while since he had someone be so forward with him and now that he seemingly piqued the interest of the hot bartender he felt all that more flustered.
“I’ll give you a free pass for now though. I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Park Jimin.”
“So, Jimin. What brings you here?”
“I just wanted a nice distraction.”
Jungkook smirked at that, his lips lifting slightly to reveal his shiny teeth, “it’s a good thing you met me then.”
Jimin cocked an eyebrow as he took another sip from his drink before he responded, “oh? And why is that?”
“Because it looks like I’ve already got you thoroughly distracted with my presence alone,” the bartender’s tone was low and smooth as he spoke, almost as if he was casting a spell on Jimin which only worked to prove his point further.
He had, in fact, forgotten about Taehyung the second this man had walked up to him, but that didn’t mean he needed to know that. So he forced a scoff to escape his lips as he leaned back a bit in his chair with his arms and legs crossed as a means to come off as nonchalant as possible.
“And who told you that?”
“Just that little blush on your cheeks,” without warning Jungkook had leaned over the counter once again but this time it was his arms that reached out to Jimin as a slender finger brushed lightly against his flushed cheek. The short-lasting touch felt like it had imprinted onto Jimin’s cheek once Jungkook pulled back with a self-satisfied smirk. His finger was so warm when it tenderly caressed his cheek and the movement had also caused the sleeves of Jungkook’s shirt to ride up a little, revealing a full sleeve of tattoos that only turned Jimin on even more. “Hm, your cheeks look a little redder now…”
“That’s not fair! You took me by surprise.”
“Who said anything about being fair? I distracted you didn’t I? Seems like I did my job.”
“If that’s how you complete jobs I’m surprised you haven’t been fired yet.” Jimin couldn’t help the slight pout of his lips as the alcohol in his system seemed to make him more bratty than usual.
Jungkook, however, appeared to be mildly entertained by the man in front of him but before he could tease him further a voice from further down the bar broke through the atmosphere.
“Kook! Need you down here!”
Jimin lifted his head up to try to connect a face to the disembodied voice but was only met with the teeming bodies of bartenders rushing around to complete orders and patrons chatting jovially with drinks in their hands.
Turning his attention back to Jungkook Jimin noted the way his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, his furrowed eyebrows and his hip leaning against the side of the counter.
“Sorry, cutie. Duty calls. I had fun being your distraction though… find me if you need another,” with a wink and a flash of his smile the man was gone, weaving his way behind the bar and toward the voice that had called him.
Left with nothing but his thoughts and a half-empty martini Jimin felt the rush of his blood swell in his cheeks as he did his best to calm the beat of his heart. This Jungkook fellow definitely had a slick tongue and Jimin wanted to see if it could do more than just talk. They had only conversed for a few minutes and yet the man had ignited a flame of desire within him that had once been put out by his ex. Jimin hadn’t felt this infatuated with someone in a long time and he wasn’t sure how to take it.
Was Jungkook’s words an invitation for more? Did he really want him to find him and ask for sex? Was sex what he was even offering? What if he just meant that he’d make him another drink and Jimin just read the situation entirely wrong?
He couldn’t take the embarrassment if he asked the bartender to sleep with him and was rejected.
Hearing his name the man shook his head to clear his thoughts and when he returned back to reality he was met with his friend standing in front of him, his clothes ruffled and hair sticking up in places it hadn’t before.
“Namjoon…? What’re you doing back here? I thought you and Jin-”
Namjoon nodded with a sigh, his thumb swiping over his puffy lip, “Jin got a call and had to take it so he kicked me out. Just when things were getting good too.” he huffed despondently at the interruption.
“Okay. Didn’t need that extra detail at the end but…”
Namjoon brushed off Jimin’s comment as his head swiveled around the bar before landing back on his friend, a raised eyebrow prompting his question, “where’s Jungkook?”
“Oh. Someone called him for something. He just left.”
“Damn it, did you at least get some blow while I was away?”
“Namjoon, what?” Jimin couldn’t help the shock that filtered through his voice at the implication his friend had made, “it’s only been a few minutes!”
“That’s still enough time to-”
“Joon, all we did was talk and it was… nice. He was cool. I liked him.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, “yeah, yeah that’s nice but I was hoping you’d do a bit more than that. I could’ve sworn he was your type…”
Jimin felt his cheeks get hot as he recalled the way Jungkook had looked at him with his wide eyes and pierced lips. “He’s not not my type…”
“I mean he wasn’t that bad… he was kinda cute…” Jimin’s voice trailed off as he talked, his mumbled words of admission making it hard to face his friend who stared confoundedly at him.
“What? Jimin I can’t hear you.”
“He was hot, okay? He was beautiful and I wanted him to fuck me right here on this counter, you happy?” Jimin knew he was drawing attention with how loud he was shouting, but he was too heated to care at the moment.
“Well I’m glad you admitted it but what are you doing telling me? Go and tell him and then get laid.”
“You make it sound easy…”
“It literally is.”
Jimin simply shook his head as his eyes lowered back down to his martini glass, his small fingers fiddling with the drink.
A second of terse quiet settled between the two, the background noise of people talking and laughing along with the pumping bass from the music filling the space between them before Namjoon’s voice broke the quiet, his tone uncharacteristically gentle.
“Listen, Jimin… I know you're still dealing with the breakup and I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do but… if you like Jungkook and want to do something with him then I think you should and not just because I heard he’s packing.” Jimin couldn’t help the small smile that spread across his lips as he listened to his friend talk, “I think Jungkook could help you move on, but only if you want him to. It’s up to you and I’ll respect whatever you decide to choose.”
“Thanks, Namjoon. I appreciate that, seriously.”
Namjoon nodded with a small smirk before raising his hands, “what can I say? I can be gentle when I need to be. Besides the hoes love duality.”
Jimin shook his head at his friend who simply laughed at his own corny joke before focusing back on what he was going to do. It didn’t take long for him to come to a conclusion when he realized his ex had probably already moved on and fucked about three people up till this point. It was his turn to have some fun.
With his resolve set, Jimin picked up his drink and finished it off in one fell swoop before hopping down from his seat and marching off in the direction he saw Jungkook walk in, the sounds of his friends' hoops and hollers echoing behind him.
Forcing himself through the crowd of people who had gathered around the bar was hell but Jimin was determined as he mumbled out apologies whenever he elbowed someone until his ears latched onto the sound of someone's voice from behind the bar.
“Kook, can you go get some more cocktail glasses from the kitchen? We’re running low.”
Snapping his head up Jimin caught sight of Jungkook as he just finished pouring a customer’s drink, the white strobe lights created shadows that flashed over his face and swallowed his eyes in darkness. He nodded his head to whoever had called him and made his way to the side of the bar, lifting the countertop up and heading towards the kitchen.
Jimin never felt himself speed walk faster than he did when he followed after Jungkook who was halfway to the kitchen before he caught up to him. Grasping his arm, Jimin stopped the bartender who turned around with confusion written over his face that quickly morphed into amusement upon meeting Jimin’s face.
“Jimin? Did you follow me?”
“Yes, yes I did.”
Jungkook smiled devilishly at Jimin’s straightforwardness before speaking, his voice raised a bit louder due to the music blaring next to them, “did you need something?”
The shorter man felt his tongue run dry as he did his best to not let his words falter. He wanted- needed this man and he’d be damned if he messed it up now after embarrassing himself by chasing after him. So with a steadying breath, Jimin squared his eyes on Jungkook and tested his luck.
“I was looking for another distraction if the offer was still open?”
Jimin was slightly taken aback at the smile that had widened on the bartender’s face. His smile was surprisingly… cute? His two front teeth were a bit longer than the others and his wide eyes were crescent-shaped as his nose scrunched up slightly making the intimidating man look almost innocent.
“The offer is very much still open,” those words almost made Jimin’s knees weak as he held back the giggle of excitement he felt in his throat, “my shift ends in ten. You think you could be good and wait for me at the front till then? I’ll make it worth your while.”
Jimin nodded obediently at the man’s request eliciting another smile from Jungkook who caressed his cheek before winking and heading back to carry out his last-minute duties. Jimin couldn’t be more excited as he quickly made his way to the front of the club but not before throwing Namjoon a thumbs up from across the room.
It didn’t take long for Jungkook to finish up his shift and soon the two left the dark building together to enter the dark of the night that was dotted with the small scattered lights of the distant stars. The winter breeze was cutting through Jimin’s shirt but luckily Jungkook’s leather jacket that he had let him wear on their way to his car was enough to keep him relatively warm. Jimin had sobered up for the most part by this point but they both agreed it would still be best to take Jungkook’s car to his apartment rather than risk Jimin driving. There was also a small chance that Jimin’s ex could still be in his apartment and the last thing the man needed was to see Taehyung interact with his one-night stand and ruin his night.
“I’m surprised you asked me to spend the night with you.” Jungkook’s voice forced Jimin away from his increasingly burdensome thoughts as the two sped down the empty highway.
The concentrated orange lights from the lampposts doused Jungkook’s skin with a warm glow as he drove with one hand on the steering wheel while the other rubbed small circles along Jimin’s inner thigh.
His touch made it hard for the smaller man to concentrate but he did his best to answer his question with a semblance of thought, “you were surprised? Why?”
Jungkook shrugged as a lazy smile spread across his lips, “you looked content on your own, honestly.”
“Looks can be deceiving…”
A second of silence swooped over the two and Jimin began to regret saying anything. He couldn’t exactly read the look on Jungkook’s face but figured he definitely killed the mood. Why would he say something like that to someone who was practically a stranger? Jungkook didn’t want to hear about his problems and Jimin needed to get them back on track if they were gonna enjoy their night together.
With renewed vigor Jimin cleared his throat before he spoke, his voice taking on an airy tone that matched the quiet of the night around them, “but you were hard to resist…” as he spoke Jimin moved his hand to land on top of Jungkook’s thigh, his fingers moving closer and closer to the precipice of the man’s desire with each word he uttered.
“Jimin…” Jungkook’s voice was low almost blending into the hum of the car engine that rumbled softly underneath them.
Jimin couldn’t tell if his companion was warning him to stop or probing him to keep going but regardless he kept his hand lightly tracing over the ever-hardening bulge that pushed against the tight fabric of Jungkook’s pants.
“Jimin…” Jungkook’s voice was followed by an unsteady breath of air, as if talking took a great deal of effort while he flexed his hands that gripped the steering wheel, “as good as that feels if you don’t stop I’m going to end up crashing this car.”
“Hm… but you feel so good under my touch.” Jimin punctuated his words with a tight squeeze of Jungkook’s bulge who grunted in response, the sound sending blood rushing down Jimin’s body.
Rather than respond Jungkook took a tight breath of air before seemingly pressing harder on the gas pedal sending the car further down the highway. Jimin took a steadying breath as he watched the trees and street lights fly by him, the bass from the music playing lulled him into a peaceful state while he did his best to calm down the fast beat of his heart.
The rest of the drive was relatively uneventful as the pair quickly made it back to the apartment complex Jungkook resided at. As the two got into the elevator headed for the fifth floor Jimin took note of how nice everything looked, he figured these apartments were new and when he walked into Jungkook’s spacious apartment it was even more evident.
Everything in the apartment was clean and the furniture looked well-kept as Jimin was led into the bedroom that sported a large king-sized bed with a fluffy gray comforter.
“Ah! Sorry about the mess, I was in a rush earlier,” Jimin turned in time to see Jungkook picking up a pile of scattered clothes before tossing them into his closet.
“It’s fine… that’s not what I was focusing on anyways…” the slow drawl of Jimin’s voice seemed to catch the bartender’s attention as the man’s once apologetic eyes became hooded and dark within the dim room, the only light illuminating each other was from the haunting glow of the moon.
Rather than wait for a response Jimin simply walked up to Jungkook before slowly backing him up against his bed, forcing the man to sit. His wide eyes never left Jimin’s face until the man in question began slowly stripping off his clothes, his hands running smoothly over his bare chest once his shirt fluttered off of his body.
Jimin wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing when he began taking off his shirt. In all honestly, he was just improvising; especially when he straddled Jungkook whose hands instinctively clutched his lower back. Jimin thought he was doing well with all things considered.
Taehyung was never one for foreplay or romance during sex, intimacy just wasn’t something he would initiate, and thus Jimin was left with the responsibility to force the love and intimacy that should have already been present in the relationship. At first, Jimin figured that they were going through a rough patch and that if he just kept improving his sex game then eventually Taehyung would reciprocate. It wasn’t until Jimin first caught his ex-boyfriend cheating that it all started to click.
“Jimin…? Are you okay?”
Shaking his head, Jimin was met with Jungkook’s furrowed eyebrows and shallow frown. Shit, he was messing this up by thinking about his dumb ex.
“Yeah, I’m fine sorry.”
Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, “are you sure?”
“Totally,” not wanting to feel Jungkook’s inquisitive stare, Jimin leaned his lips to the side of the bartender’s face before peppering him with small pecks and moving his hips in a small circular motion over Jungkook’s bulge.
The low raspy moan that escaped Jungkook’s lips was like music to Jimin’s ears as he pressed himself further into the man’s lap.
“You feel so good…”
Jimin smiled to himself at the confession before whispering back, “I taste even better.”
“May I get a free sample?”
Leaning back Jimin was greeted by Jungkook’s intense expression. His eyes were bright even in the darkness of his room and his skin looked just as soft as the bed he was sitting on. Jimin watched Jungkook’s eyes dart down to his lips before meeting his gaze once again, a silent prose for permission which Jimin granted with a small nod.
Without further pretense, Jungkook leaned in slowly before pressing his lips upon Jimin’s. His kisses were so… different from Taehyung which is to be expected but even still the man couldn’t help the small gasp of surprise that escaped him when feeling the gentle and patient lips that careened over him.
While it felt nice Jimin couldn’t seem to rid himself of a feeling he could only recognize as disgust and shame. How did he not realize sooner that Taehyung had stopped loving him a long time ago? There was a time when he used to kiss Jimin the same way Jungkook was, with tenderness and care but after a while, those kisses turned into quick pecks on the cheek and eventually nothing at all.
He was pathetic. Pathetic for staying with someone who cared so little about him and pathetic for letting the man still have control over him at a time when he should be enjoying himself. Jimin was so overwhelmed by his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that Jungkook had stopped kissing him and instead studied him for a few seconds before breaking the trance Jimin seemed to be in.
“Jimin, what’s wrong? Seriously.”
Hearing the genuine concern lace Jungkook’s voice is what pulled Jimin away from his thoughts, his eyes blurring from unshed tears that he did his best to blink away.
“Was it me? You can tell me if you’re uncomfortable and want to leave. I’ll understand. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“No! No, it-it’s not you, I swear. I’m just-” Jimin couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence when he looked at the man in front of him. Jungkook didn’t deserve this. He didn’t need Jimin to trauma-dump on him.
“What is it, Jimin? You can tell me, I won’t judge. Actually… hold on.” Without warning Jungkook gently moved Jimin off of his lap before rushing out of the room.
Jimin heard the sound of cabinets opening and closing along before seeing Jungkook come back in a few seconds later with a full glass in his hand.
“Iced tea. It helps calm me down, so I figured it might help you too. I hope you don’t mind.” Passing the drink to Jimin, Jungkook took a seat next to him on the bed while still leaving a respectable amount of space between them.
Jimin was grateful for how careful and patient Jungkook was being with him but he couldn’t help the burning sense of shame he felt imprint on his cheeks. He truly did want to sleep with Jungkook but he couldn’t help but be reminded of how horribly Taehyung had treated him when in comparison to this stranger who was so kind to him.
A few seconds of quiet filled the dark room while Jimin took the time to collect his thoughts, the tea helped in soothing his intrusive thoughts. He knew Jungkook wasn’t going to ask him to explain himself, but Jimin still felt like he owed him an explanation, if for nothing else, for his own peace of mind.
“I know I probably seem crazy…” Jimin’s voice was soft as he angled his face to the ground, his eyes trying their best to focus on the small details of the tan carpet rather than on Jungkook’s gaze.
“No, of course not.”
Jimin laughed dryly, “you don’t have to lie. I know I look like a mess it’s just… I had just broken up with my boyfriend earlier today. I, uh, caught him cheating on me in our apartment.” Jimin held his breath as he waited to hear some sort of scolding or chastising from Jungkook but was instead met with silence, prompting him to continue before he lost his nerve. “I guess seeing the way you’ve treated me made me realize just how broken my relationship was.”
A pair of warm hands enveloped Jimin as he spoke, his words cracking as he did his best to choke down a sob from exiting his lips. Jungkook’s strong arms held onto Jimin, his thumb rubbing small circles over his bare arm while Jimin rested his head against Jungkook’s chest, his heartbeat thumping in a comforting rhythm. For a while, no one moved. Jungkook was so warm and being encapsulated in his arms lulled Jimin into a state of pure contentment after his admission.
“Y’know… I’ve had my fair share of relationships. About half of them have ended with my sorry ass crying on the couch while watching a corny romance movie even though I was the one who ended the relationships.” Jungkook’s voice was soft and low, his warm tone resembling a cozy fire that kept you safe in the midst of winter, “it’s okay to feel hurt, Jimin. To grieve. You’re not crazy for having a normal human reaction to a relationship ending.”
“I know, I just don’t want you to think I’m using you for a rebound or anything I just-”
“If you’re not ready that’s totally fine. Honestly, I’m okay with just watching a movie if that’ll make you feel better. And not to brag but my movie collection is pretty superior.”
That earned a small chuckle from Jimin who agreed to Jungkook’s proposition as the pair then moved to the living room. Jungkook let Jimin pick the first movie while he made them popcorn before they both settled down on the leather couch.
Jimin, who was now wearing one of Jungkook’s band t-shirts, made himself comfortable on the couch with his legs curled up under the oversized shirt while leaning into Jungkook’s side as a large blanket covered the two. At first, Jimin felt a bit sheepish about watching movies with someone he was planning on having sex with but Jungkook never made Jimin feel bad about it and instead would make corny jokes about the movie and tell small anecdotes of memories he had connected to the movie.
“-and then they stood on top of the counter and reenacted the pose. They had the DJ change the music and everything too.”
“You’re lying!”
“I swear I’m not!”
Jimin couldn’t help the string of laughter that left his lips as his brain conjured up a visual of Jungkook’s story, “there’s no way Namjoon and Jin reenacted that titanic scene at the bar.”
Jungkook huffed despondently before reaching to grab his phone with a determined look plastered over his face, “we can call Jin and ask him-”
“No! I believe you.” with a laugh Jimin leaned over Jungkook to grab the phone before he lifted the device out of Jimin’s reach, leaving him an inch away from Jungkook’s face.
A second of tentative divisiveness clouded Jimin’s head as he simply stared at Jungkook who did the same. As the moment stretched on and the movie became a forgotten memory playing quietly in the background Jimin felt his own desire to pleasure Jungkook begin to fill his head.
Here he was with this gorgeous man looking at him with his beautiful bright eyes, how was he supposed to resist him? Without uttering a word Jimin pressed a quick kiss to the bartender’s lips before he moved off of the couch and positioned himself to be stationed in front of Jungkook’s legs. With a slow and sensual touch, Jimin eased open Jungkook’s legs while his eyes stayed focused on the bartender’s cautious yet intrigued reaction. Jimin ran the pads of his fingertips lightly over the dark denim fabric, his fingers brushing against Jungkook’s bulge eliciting a small gasp of surprise from the man above. But before he could go further, Jimin’s hands were overtaken by Jungkooks’ who gazed down at him with a worried expression.
“You don’t have to do this, Jimin. I know you’re still mourning your last relationship and I don’t want you to feel like you owe me any sexual favors if that’s not what you want to do.”
Jimin sweetly smiled up at Jungkook, he couldn’t believe just how mature he really was and it only made Jimin more firm in what he was going to do. “I appreciate that Jungkook, I really do. But trust me, I want to do this. Will you let me?”
The man in question seemed stunned by Jimin’s response as he only managed a quick nod of his head. His eyes somehow widened even more as he watched Jimin work.
Pulling Jungkook’s hardened cock from undeneath his tight boxers left Jimin practically salivating at the sight, this man had probably one of the prettiest dicks in the world. His blushing pink tip glistened with precum as the sticky substance rolled delicately down Jungkook’s veiny curved shaft. Jimin wasted no time connecting his lips to the tip, smearing the precum across his lips before dashing his tongue out to taste it, his eyes snapping up to catch the moan that left Jungkook’s lips who watched in anticipation.
He tasted sweet which was a good sign as Jimin wasn’t sure if he could handle giving head to someone whose cum tasted like battery acid. Moving his lips further down the tip Jimin made sure to accentuate the movements of his tongue by delicately lavishing the slit of Jungkook’s cock before he relaxed his jaw and took more of the bartender into his mouth.
“F-fuck, Jimin…” Jungkook’s voice was hoarse and strained while he spoke, from the corner of his eye Jimin observed the way he clenched the forgotten blanket, his knuckles turning a ghostly white from the pressure.
Rather than respond Jimin simply hummed before he gradually moved his mouth up and down Jungkook’s shaft, his ministrations leaving a trail of saliva over the throbbing cock. The deeper Jimin took him the louder Jungkook became, glancing up at the bartender left a stunning visual of Jungkook’s head rolled back, his eyes clenched shut, and gorgeous lips rippling with explicit sounds.
Briefly lifting his mouth off of Jungkook’s dick Jimin wrapped his hands around the base of the shaft and began pumping Jungkook’s cock, his saliva making a great lubricant that allowed for his hands to move at a quick pace. Jungkook practically whined once Jimin switched to giving him a handjob, his voice sounding almost like he was singing with his high-pitched pleas for release and praise.
Not wanting to interrupt the flow, after a few more seconds Jimin once again connected his mouth back onto Jungkook’s tip, his tongue swirling over the reddening skin before completely covering the top half of Jungkook’s length while his hands worked on the base of the shaft.
From the breathless pants and incoherent words, it was clear Jungkook was close to his climax and with that in mind Jimin made sure to suck a bit harder, the sound of his mouth enveloping Jungkook’s cock echoed throughout the dark empty apartment and Jimin lavished at how beautifully Jungkook’s moans rang out into the air. It only took a few more good sucks until Jungkook’s strangled voice called out that he was about to cum.
Jimin didn’t let up though as the warning fell on deaf ears, he really wanted to taste Jungkook again and kept his mouth wrapped around the man before feeling a burst of heat coat his lips and tastebuds. Jimin relished in the feeling of Jungkook’s cum in his mouth, swallowing happily at the fact that he was able to help the bartender reach his orgasim relatively quickly after not giving any head for the past few months.
Once Jimin was sure Jungkook had come down from his high he removed his mouth with a ‘pop’ before sitting back up on the couch, his lips still tingling from the whole session.
“Wow… that was…” Jungkook looked dazed as he turned to face Jimin with his dilated eyes and agape mouth, “wow.”
Jimin chuckled at the man’s astonished expression, “they don’t call me the throat goat for nothing, y’know.”
That earned a hearty laugh from Jungkook who flung his head back on the couch, “you’re amazing… truly.”
Jimin felt his heart swell with warmth at Jungkook’s words. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever see the man again but right now that didn’t matter. Leaning closer to him Jimin felt their two lips collide and mold into one another, the kiss was heated and passionate and Jimin loved the feeling of Jungkook’s tongue fondling with his own.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to…” Jungkook’s words were muttered hurriedly before diving back into the kiss, his hands wrapping tightly around Jimin’s waist.
“No, I’m fine seriously. Pleasing you was hot enough. You look cute when you come, by the way.”
“Hopefully I can say the same to you one day.”
Jimin preened at Jungkook’s words. So he did want to see him again. Jimin wasn’t mad at the proposition and as the two continued their heated makeout session (while occasionally rewinding the movie before returning to kissing), he felt himself become excited for whatever his future held for him and was grateful for finding someone to help him bury his past.
You’re 22 (jh x black reader)

Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Black Reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, hook-up, one-night stand, club au, smut
Summary: You find yourself dancing with an attractive stranger at a club…
Warnings: smut at the end, swearing, unprotected sex (wear protection!)
WC: 2,258
A/N: I highly recommend you listen to “22” by JayO. It’s the song that inspired this one-shot so it’ll help set the vibes when reading!
The sultry melodic rhythm of the afrobeat-inspired song drifting through the club aided the movement of the slow wine of your hips. You were content being alone as your friends had scattered off throughout the night thus leaving you to find your own entertainment.
The club your friends had chosen wasn’t as bad as you had imagined. From your experiences, most of the clubs you visited were pretty shit. It was always hot and the smell of sweat seemed to permeate the dancefloor of every club, not to mention the gaggle of guys who didn’t understand what the word “no” meant when asking to dance.
But immediately upon entering this club you knew it was different. The aesthetic of the club, for one, was mesmerizing. The dance floor allowed ample room for dancing, the bar was decorated with colorful neon lights, and the music was absolutely immaculate. The DJ had been playing various rap and R&B songs that had everyone in the club dancing- including you.
Your body had practically started moving on its own as soon as your black strappy heels touched the floor. Your body twisted and twirled to the music, your eyes closing at one point as the beat from the speakers matched the pumping of your heart. But once your favorite song started playing by an up-and-coming artist your eyes fluttered open to take in the people around you.
Various glittery and silky fabrics surrounded you as people began pairing up with the other drunk and attractive patrons that swayed to the sultry melody. The atmosphere was sensual as the once flashing club lights dimmed and took on a Tyrian purple hue that overtook every other color in the building. Suddenly you felt a pair of hands encompass you, softly running along the glowing melanin of your skin.
You were used to men coming up from behind you, silently asking for a dance. If they were cute and you were tipsy enough, you’d let them. When you turned your head slightly to check out the man that had just approached you, you felt your heart stutter. This man was, for a lack of better words, hot as fuck.
His blonde highlights caught in the light of the club from underneath his long jet-black hair that slightly shadowed his slender eyes. His golden skin looked soft and smooth and his sharp nose paired with his heart-shaped lips completed his look. You couldn’t quite see his outfit from your angle but you could make out the silky fabric of his black shirt that had a deep v-neck cut that almost ran down to his belly button.
After properly inspecting him, your eyes flicked back up to meet his gaze from underneath your long eyelashes. His eyes seemed to track your features before a dark smirk spread across his beautiful lips, revealing his white teeth. You simply returned the smirk before turning around and pushing your ass into the man’s crotch and swaying your hips slowly over him.
The stranger took no time in situating his expansive hands across your waist, their heavy warm weight sent a shiver of pleasure through your core. He began moving with your body with practiced ease which you were eternally grateful for. Some guys would be all off rhythm and then kill the whole vibe, but that wasn’t a problem for the man behind you as he matched your tempo perfectly.
As you continued grinding, your hands found their way around the stranger’s neck, softly twirling the ends of his hair, pulling him closer to you. The man took advantage of the new position as he lowered his lips to kiss along the nape of your neck, the contact sent a jolt of surprise through you causing you to gasp softly which luckily went unheard due to the loud music playing.
His lips were soft and you reveled in the feeling by tipping your head to the side, allowing the man better access to your skin. You felt his breath softly cascade over you, almost like a ghostly caress before it was quickly replaced by his lips once again, this time traveling higher up your neck until you felt his tongue dip out to lick your ear.
You couldn’t take much more teasing.
With a swift turn of your body, you faced the stranger who was once holding you between his arms. A look of amusement fluttered over his face as his eyes glanced down to check out the rest of your outfit and suddenly you were glad you went with the new short black dress you bought with the thighs cut out.
Taking a step closer to the man you wrapped your hands back around his neck, pulling him closer to you until finally, your lips touched. It was as if he torched a fire within you as you were burning with need when you felt him kiss you back with the same intensity. He tasted like tequila and you were intoxicated by him, you felt his hands wrap back around you, holding you in place while you made out on the dance floor.
Breaking away from the kiss you took a second to catch your breath before nodding your head in the general direction of the bathrooms.
Luckily, your dancing partner seemed to understand what you were offering and with a short lick of his lips he nodded and the two of you made your way past the other club-goers and into a random bathroom.
Pushing him into the biggest stall, you wasted no time in slipping your hands under his shirt and feeling his hardening nipples, your lips lifting up to meet the man. He reciprocated the kiss while his hands snaked around you to grasp your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
Not wanting to waste any more time, your hands quickly left his firm chest and went to unbuckle his bulky belt.
“Fuck…” you whispered sharply as you fumbled with the belt, your hands too uncoordinated to take the leather material out of the loop.
The stranger chuckled darkly before gently grasping your hands, his eyes meeting yours briefly before he mumbled, “I got it.”
You’d be lying if you said hearing his voice didn’t make you extremely horny. His voice was deep and yet soft and you wanted to hear what he sounded like when fucking you senseless.
After a few seconds, he had managed to strip himself of his belt and unzipped his pants. You were quick to feel the hard erection he was sporting from underneath his black boxers and even quicker to grasp the man’s dick in your hand. You pumped him slowly, using his precum to help make your ministrations feel a bit better. Your thumb ran over the slit of his penis and a soft moan escaped his lips, his head bumping against the glossy tiled walls of the bathroom.
You took this time to admire the man’s cock, it was quite pretty, surprisingly. It was a nice length, nothing too crazy, and curved upwards. His pink tip shined from under the white fluorescent lights of the bathroom, his blue veins ran subtly across the shaft, and he was properly trimmed. You wouldn’t have minded having him in your mouth and you were sure he’d appreciated it but before you could propose the offer you felt the stranger begin to lift the fabric of your dress until it rested above your pelvis.
“Can I?” his question momentarily shocked you.
You looked up to find his messy hair spread across his forehead, his dark eyes tracking your facial expression, and his hands pulling you closer to him.
“You better.”
With a cocky smile, the man’s hand left your waist to run down your thigh, sending a shiver down your skin until you felt his cold finger connect with your heated core. You already knew you were dripping wet and that fact seemed to excite the stranger before you as his smile widened after slipping a finger inside you with ease.
You moaned quietly and leaned your head against his shoulder while hiking your leg around the man’s side, his other hand holding your thigh up. His slender and long finger slipped in and out of you at an achingly slow pace. Only after another minute did he slip in another finger, but it wasn’t enough. You wanted all of him.
“Please…” you begged after a few more seconds passed. Your breath hit his blushing ear as your hands gripped his broad shoulders.
“Only because you were so polite…”
In an instant, you felt the man pull his fingers out of you which would’ve been a disappointment if you didn’t know what else was waiting for you. You were surprised, however, when instead of asking you to turn over, he wrapped his hands around your thighs and picked you up, cradling you in his strong arms.
You didn’t have time to even react before you felt him slip inside you with relative proficiency. You gasped when you felt yourself stretch slightly to accommodate him and when you felt adjusted you nodded to the man who grunted in response and began moving you up and down, establishing a steady pace.
From this angle, his dick was able to run deep inside you, and the feeling of him plunging into you was enough to get you moaning loudly in the (thankfully) empty bathroom. But truthfully, you wouldn’t have cared if it was filled with people because the way this man was currently fucking you was enough to alleviate any feelings or thoughts of shame.
Speaking of the man, through your own pleasure you were able to crack open your eyes and see that he appeared to be enjoying you as much as you were enjoying him. You squeezed him tighter as you watched him grit his teeth, harsh pants, and curses spilling from his beautiful lips. The muffled beat of the R&B song playing from outside accompanied your desire-fueled moans.
You felt the man suddenly spin and have you pushed against the cold wall but it didn’t stop him from fucking you as he brought his lips to yours. His tongue slipped out to taste yours and soon you were engaged in an oral wrestling match for a few minutes until you felt yourself starting to peak over the edge.
“I-I’m cl-close!” You moaned through the kiss.
“So…so am I. Where should I…?”
You forced your lips away from the man to look at him, you were sure your makeup was fucked up by this point but you did your best to look just as seductive as you did when you first entered the club, “inside.”
The man offered you a quizzical look, his pace slowing slightly, “you sure?”
You nodded, “I’m on birth control, it’s fine really. Besides…” you leaned closer to him, pecking his lips softly as you mumbled, “I want to feel you come inside me.”
That seemed to be enough for the man as a sharp smile crossed his lips. He began plunging inside you at a ruthless pace. You could barely keep up, all your senses honed in on the feeling of this stranger absolutely fucking up your insides. It didn’t take long until you felt yourself gripping him even harder as a blinding light overtook your vision. You had never come as hard or fast before as the pleasure inside you erupted into something almost transcendental.
It didn’t take long for the man to follow suit as a few seconds after your high his pace began to stutter until you felt him climax inside you, his warmth filling you up. You watched as he came, his head thrown back, eyes shut, and hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. His skin glistened from the workout and his voice echoed in the bathroom, his moan sounded so sexy.
As he came back down from his high his lips peppered yours before finally he slipped out of you and gently set you back down on the floor. For a second the two of you stayed entangled with one another with your arms resting on his shoulders, his arms still holding you by the waist, and your breaths mingling in the small space between you.
After a minute though he stepped back from you and began cleaning you up with the toilet paper he had grabbed. As he helped clean you up, from his crouched position you began fixing and combing through his hair.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” you heard him say, his eyes flicking up to meet yours.
You were glad your skin prevented him from seeing the blush that flowered over your cheeks as you responded, “I could say the same about you.”
The man chuckled before finishing up and throwing the soiled toilet paper in the trash. You both walked out of the stall and to the large bathroom mirror, inspecting your visages and washing your hands. You both knew you still most likely looked like you had a quickie but you didn’t really care.
After the man supposedly finished adjusting his clothes he turned to you, his hips leaning against the counter while calling out to you, “you wanna dance a bit more?”
The question surprised you, but you definitely weren’t against spending more time with this stranger and maybe after tonight, he wouldn’t be a stranger anymore.
With a bright smile, you nodded and took hold of his hand as he led the two of you out of the bathroom and back into the dim club.
All Mine (KSJ x Black Reader)

Pairing: Student Body President Kim SeokJin x Student Black Reader
Genre: friends with benefits, college au, smut, slight enemies-to-lovers but not really
Summary: With Jin being the student body president, you have to keep your purely sexual relationship on the DL, but what happens when it’s no longer just sexual?
Warnings: swearing, oral sex (f. receiving), implied sexual content, slight emotional hurt (it’s nothing major though), arguing, dirty talk, pet names (just “baby” but Ik some ppl don’t like pet names), toxic behavior (just a lil bit)
WC: 3,886
A/N: I was bored and instead of finishing my English essay I wrote this so I hope you like it! 😅
You knew what you were doing when you kissed Namjoon at the frat party last weekend. You knew he was best friends with Seokjin and after he pissed you off after your last hook up you decided getting with his best friend was an appropriate punishment.
When you first started fucking around with the student body president, you both established that you were strictly friends with benefits, hell you were barely friends. Sure, you both had mutual friends that would plan hangouts every now and then but the two of you were in completely different worlds.
While you spent your time slaving away in sterile classrooms working on your projects and essays for your finals and midterms, Jin was out delegating and organizing events for the student council. Outwardly, he was the “perfect guy”, at least according to your friends when they would go on their annual discussions about the man.
No one knew that you two were fucking on the low so you would always roll your eyes and say “he’s aight,” when they chided you for your own opinion.
Truthfully he was fine. Annoyingly fine. With his curly auburn hair, pretty plump lips, and warm smile. You would never admit that though, not to your friends and especially not to Jin. After all, no one knew the side of Jin that he would only show you when in the woes of your quick sessions of passion and lust.
But after your last hookup, the last person you wanted to think about was Jin. Instead, during a lull in between your classes, you decided to pay your friend Namjoon a visit and after asking where he was through text you quickly made your way to his student apartment.
“______, I wasn’t expecting to see you today. What, you miss me or something?”
“Stop playing,” you huffed out a dry laugh, pushing past the man who simply laughed before closing the door from behind you.
You’ve been to Namjoon’s apartment a handful of times but it was always filled with his dumbass friends. But as you scanned the surprisingly clean apartment you noted the air of silence that surrounded you. Turning around, you were met with Namjoon, his back leaning against the front door with his strong arms crossed over his black t-shirt. His eyes bored into you, his bottom lip succumbing to his teeth biting into it, damn it he looked good.
“What?” You asked after a second of terse silence settled in the space between you.
“Why’re you here, _____? “
Your eyes widened briefly as you absorbed the man’s question, “ I can’t pay my friend a visit now, damn.”
Namjoon laughed softly before pushing himself off of the door and striding over to you, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as you felt his hands slide around your waist.
“You wanna pick up where we left off at the party?” His deep voice whispered quietly into your ear, the smell of his cologne enveloping you.
As hot as Namjoon was, you knew his reputation and that he was just teasing you, besides you had only kissed him to get back at Jin. With a roll of your eyes, you leaned away from the man, your hands pushing against his broad chest.
“Stop all that, y’know I’m not here for that.”
Namjoon relented with a chuckle, his arms leaving your waist before stepping away, his cocky smirk still present on his lips. “So what are you here for? Seriously, is everything okay?”
Despite Namjoon being friends with Jin, he didn’t know about your relationship and you had no intentions of telling him now. But then that left the question- why were you here? Truthfully, you didn’t know. You suppose you were just being petty, but before you could come up with a plausible excuse a knock came from the front door.
“Hold on a second,” Namjoon said to you before turning away to answer the door.
You watched as your friend looked into the peephole of his door before confirming whoever was behind it and opening the door.
“Hey, Joon. Did you remember to-”
Looking past Namjoon, you felt your heart stutter and your eyes widen at the sight before you. Only a mere five feet away was Kim Seokjin, the respected student body president. You hadn’t seen him in almost a week which, in your case, was a long time. You felt your core ache with need and desire, repressed memories of how he’d feel between your legs surfacing up in your mind the longer you stared at him.
At the sight of you Jin’s words trailed off, his mouth hanging open slightly before seemingly remembering where he was. With a sharp intake of air, he forced his gaze away from you and back onto his friend.
“Sorry, I didn’t know _____ was going to be here,” with a nod the man gestured to you as Namjoon turned back around to glance at you, “I can come back another time if you guys were-”
Namjoon’s laugh cut off the rest of Jin’s sentence as he stepped aside, his cheery voice filling up the weird tension that had stricken the air, “nah, we weren’t doing anything, Jin. She just came by to say hello, you can come in.”
With a small smile, Jin nodded his head in gratitude before walking into the room when his eyes slid over to you, a cold hardness overtook his gaze as his smile dropped. His expression made a chill run down your spine as you did your best to not cower underneath his stare.
You observed the way Jin’s eyes briefly flicked down to take in your body despite his distant greeting towards you, but you still couldn’t discern any noticeable emotion from his sharp hollow eyes.
“What did you need again, Jin?” Namjoon’s voice thankfully took Jin’s attention away from you as the man turned to face his friend, his expression softening immediately with an easygoing smile plastered over his lips.
“Right. I was wondering if you were able to get those flyers printed out for me? I asked Yoongi if he got them, but he said he forgot them in the apartment.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes as a scoff fell from his lips, “‘forgot them’ my ass. I don’t even think he printed them out, to be honest. But I gotchu, I know one of my friends has a printer that they’d let me use real quick if you don’t mind waiting a few minutes while I print the flyers.”
“Oh, no. You don’t have to do all that, Joon. It’s fine I can just-”
“No, I insist, seriously.”
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Jin nodded towards his friend who reciprocated with a dimpled smile before grabbing his keys and walking towards the door.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, try not to kill each other while I’m away.”
You knew Namjoon was joking when he said that, but with the way Jin looked at you as soon as the door closed you’d think it was a serious warning.
The polite and kind student body president disappeared as soon as the two of you were left alone. His once bright eyes suddenly narrowed into sharp slits that shot into you like a bullet and his easygoing smile transformed into a shallow scowl.
You didn’t understand why he was treating you with such disdain, it’s not like you kissing Namjoon was unwarranted and you’d be damned if you let this man try to punk you. So with all your courage you made a point of rolling your eyes and folding your arms in defiance, your voice ringing out and cutting through the tension.
“What’s with the attitude?”
At that, Jin cocked a finely waved eyebrow at you, his head tilting to the side when he responded, “so I’m the one with the attitude now?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means, _____.”
“No, I don’t actually.”
“Then let me enlighten you,” striding over to you Jin towered over you, with how close he was you could clearly see the inky pools of darkness that swallowed his iris’. “You kissed my best friend knowing damn well I’d find out about it then avoid me for a week only to turn up at Namjoon’s apartment.”
You forced out a humorless laugh after Jin finished, you couldn’t believe he was throwing a hissy fit over this after what he’d done. “You’re forgetting that I did all this after you called me the wrong fucking name the last time we had sex!”
You couldn’t help the burst of anger that flooded your words, it was hell trying to avoid Jin all week without giving in to your intrusive thoughts and just fucking every one of his friends as payback.
“And it was Sofia of all people! Can’t believe you’ve been hooking up with that hoe…” now that last statement was more you than to Jin and when your beady eyes snapped up to catch a smirk over the student president’s lips you had just about had enough.
With a frustrated huff of air, you quickly brushed past Jin and towards the front door. If the nigga was just going to laugh in your face then you were just going to leave. But before you could even grab the door handle you felt a pair of hands encapsulate your waist and pull you deeper into the apartment until you were forced down onto the beige living room couch.
“I know you didn’t just push me onto this couch.”
“And I know you’re not being pissy with me because I fucked Sofia.”
“And what if I am?”
“_____, look at me. Look.” Despite his laughter earlier, when you begrudgingly turned your eyes upward to face the man hovering over you, you were able to note the seemingly sincere look covering his beautiful face.
His lips were pulled back in a tight line and his eyebrows were furrowed. His eyes looked like they were studying you, trying to untangle the web of thoughts that surrounded your anger.
Finally, after a second of silence, his voice softly pecked your ears, his gaze never leaving yours, “ I’m sorry, truly. I really didn’t mean to call you Sofia, it was a shitty thing to do.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“I’m serious, _____.”
Truthfully speaking, you knew he had been messing around with Sofia. Mostly because the bitch never knew when to shut the fuck up. The two of you established that you weren’t exclusive and that as long as you stay safe then all cards were on the table but… you still couldn’t help but feel that stinging ache of pain when Jin mistakenly called you her name after giving him head.
“Why did you say her name then?” You weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to know the answer, but it seemed like it was the time to lay everything out and the question had been eating you up for the last week.
For the first time throughout the conversation, Jin’s eyes blinked away from yours, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat before he replied in a quiet voice, “this is going to sound dumb but… lately when we hook up I’ve been enjoying it more than I think I should.” Briefly meeting eye contact once again the man chewed on his bottom lip before continuing, “and I guess I was scared so… when you were giving me head I thought about anything– or I guess anyone that could distract me, and usually when Sofia gives me head it’s pretty shit so I thought thinking about her would keep me from climaxing too fast and then I just accidentally said her name.”
After he finished his explanation a firm silence dawned over the two of you. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and after a few more seconds of silence stretched on you couldn’t contain the loud laugh that echoed throughout the apartment.
“Alright now, it’s not that funny” you heard Jin mutter under his breath but you were too busy laughing to reply.
It was only after a few more seconds of laughter that were you able to sputter out a coherent sentence, “wait- Jin, are you saying you only said Sofia’s name so you wouldn’t come too fast?”
“Basically yeah. I know it’s dumb I just-”
You didn’t let him finish as you had pulled him down to your level and kissed him heartily, your lips slotting together so naturally as if nothing had changed. His lips were just as pillowy soft as you remembered and his cherry-flavored chapstick tasted like nostalgia as you recalled all the times you kissed it off this man’s pretty lips.
“It is dumb, but it’s also kind of cute,” you muttered through the kiss.
After a few more kisses you felt Jin pull away slightly, his arms pressing against the sides of the couch, “I really am sorry, _____. I haven’t slept with Sofia in over a month. If I’m being honest the only person I’ve been seeing intimately is… you.”
Your eyes widened at that. Jin wasn’t known for being a playboy or anything, he did have a reputation to uphold, but he was known to get around every now and then. To hear that you were the only person he was really seeing made you both giddy with joy and suspicious of what he wanted you to say. But before you could respond Jin quickly intercepted you, his words rushing out uncharacteristically.
“I know we said we would be strictly friends with benefits, but… I don’t know. The thought of you being with someone else… especially someone like Namjoon scared me. I don’t expect you to feel the same way or even be exclusive with me, I just had to tell you now or else I would’ve lost my fucking mind.”
It took you a second to fully process Jin’s words. It was a lot he was spilling onto you. Was he confessing that he liked you? That’s what this meant right? You hadn’t messed around with anyone either besides Jin, but you always figured it was one-sided.
“For what it’s worth, I haven’t slept with anyone else in a while too.”
You felt a rush of heat spread through your cheeks which was gratefully hidden behind the melanin in your skin, but the effects of your flustered nature were enough to have you avoiding eye contact, “no one makes me feel as good as you do, Jin.”
Suddenly you were too shy to look back at the handsome man in front of you but you could feel the heat of his stare caress over you before his voice piped up quietly, “no one? Not even Namjoon?”
You swiftly snapped your head back to Jin as you answered hurriedly, “no! I never slept with him! I just kissed him to fuck with you…”
Jin clicked his teeth disapprovingly with a shake of his head, his once look of nerves replaced by a sharp smirk and dark eyes, “I don’t believe you. I think I gotta remind you of how nice you feel when I’m eating you out.”
Your legs clenched at Jin’s words, that familiar ache from in between your legs coming back at full force. Jin’s eyes darted down to catch the action before his eyes flicked back up to meet yours and leaned in to kiss you once again. His kiss was gentle and slow as his tongue ran against your bottom lip, begging for permission to which you granted.
You lifted your hands to wrap around Jin’s neck and pull him closer to you but were suddenly stopped when you felt the man pull away from you, his lips puffy and gleaming with saliva.
“No touching, baby. Today, I just want to pleasure you, will you let me?” Looking at you through his doe-like eyes was enough to have you folding and allowing Jin to have complete control.
With a smile that could light up a dark cave, Jin leaned in once more to peck you warmingly on the lips before slipping away and kneeling in front of you, his large hands running light circles over your denim jeans.
“Take this off for me, ____.” Jin tapped his index finger over the fabric of your jeans as he spoke.
You both knew you didn’t have much time left before Namjoon finished printing the flyers so you wasted no time in lifting up your hips and quickly peeling off your jeans with Jin assisting you. When he caught sight of your black lace underwear you saw him visibly gulp, his eyes never wavering from the sight of your covered privates.
“Jin, c’mon, we don’t have much time.” while that was true you only said that because you were starting to get flustered from the way Jin was eyeing you.
“Sorry, I just can’t ever get enough of you.” at that his eyes left your underwear to admire your thighs, then your stomach, chest, and finally ending on your face. A strange warmth clouded his gaze, one that you’ve never seen before and suddenly you felt your heart rate spike.
Tearing his eyes away from your face, Jin returned to your underwear as his hands slowly coerced your legs open until you were spread out before him like a meal. Creeping his fingers up your inner thigh Jin leaned forward before blowing softly over your already-soaked underwear, the breeze contrasting greatly against your heated center. You then felt Jin’s finger softly stroke the fabric of your panties, running small circles over your covered clit, it was agonizingly pleasurable as a soft gasp escaped your lips.
“Please, Jin… hurry.”
Noting the urgency in your voice Jin sighed, the smirk on his lips bleeding into the tone of his words, “only because of the time constraint, but _____, next time I won’t be rushed.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine but it was quickly overtaken by the joy you felt when you felt Jin’s fingers hook around the band of your underwear and yank it down to your ankles. The cold air hitting your vagina shocked you, but the feeling of Jin’s fingers sliding through the folds of your pussy was even more surprising. How could you have forgotten how good this man makes you feel? How well he knows your body?
His index finger expertly found your clit before rubbing small circles over it, his touch was tender and yet precise as you began moaning into the air, your eyes doing their best to stay open and focus on the man before you who watched you before glancing down to look at his fingers slipping easily into you.
“God, I missed this. I missed you,” his voice was low and quiet, almost as if he was hypnotized.
“It’s just a pussy, Jin. And it’s definitely not the first one you’ve seen.”
Jin’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked back up at you, “it may not be my first, but I sure as hell want it to be my last.”
Before you could even process what he was implying he leaned closer to you before sticking his tongue out to taste you. His tongue explored every inch of you like it was the first time and you were helpless to try to keep up. His tongue licked at you relentlessly and you did your best to hold in your moans but when he stuck another finger inside you, you could no longer contain yourself; so moan you did.
“That’s right, baby. Moan for me, indulge in the feeling of my tongue on your beautiful clit.”
You loved when Jin talked dirty to you and he knew that as he slowly coaxed you closer and closer to your orgasm with his sinful words paired with his wide eyes, plump lips, and sweet voice. You weren’t sure how long you were going to last like this, but you embraced it regardless. You embraced the feeling of Jin’s tongue lavishing you like you were water in the Sahara, you embraced the way his slender fingers pushed in and out of you like a well-oiled machine, and you embraced the way Jin’s eyes caressed you, looking at you with such desire and warmth.
You knew it wouldn’t take you long to reach your orgasm and after a few more minutes of Jin pouring his all into pleasing you, you were crying out to him, warning him of your incoming climax.
“Come for me, _____. Please, I wanna taste you on my tongue.”
On his command, you felt yourself let go as a flood of pleasure took over your senses. Your eyes squeezed shut and your hands latched onto Jin’s shoulder to try to anchor yourself as you called out his name, the only name you’d ever want on your lips from now on.
Without missing a beat after you had come down from your high you felt Jin pull up your underwear and jeans before moving to sit on the couch next to you. When you finally opened your eyes and turned to look at him, a small smile graced your lips as you saw your juices covering Jin’s lips.
“C’mere,” you smiled as you pulled Jin in by his chin and began kissing him sensually, the taste of you covering your lips now.
“If it wasn’t obvious, I really like you. The only name I wanna moan from now on is yours, okay?” Jin mumbled in between the kiss, his tongue dipping out to lick you off of his bottom lip.
You smiled, you knew you were cheesing so hard at the man’s words but you couldn’t help yourself. He just looked so cute sitting next to you with his curly hair and goofy smile. Here you were with the revered and respected Kim Seokjin, the voice for all the students on campus, and yet you’re the only thing on his mind and the only thing on his lips.
“Hm, you know I was so close to moaning Namjoon’s name…”
“You got jokes now.” Jin shook you slightly as you teased him.
He rolled his eyes as you laughed lightly before squaring your gaze back on him, your voice coming out soft and low, “I’m just kidding… seriously, I’m sorry for kissing him, I was just being petty.”
Jin nodded, “I get it, what I did was fucked up so I deserved to get humbled. But I’m hoping now that we talked this all out I could maybe take you out. Like on an official date?”
You feigned like you were thinking, your chin lifting up as your eyes flicked up to the ceiling. “Mm, that depends. Where you taking me?”
“Wherever you’d like, baby.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
You sealed the date with one last kiss that you smiled into before you both got up and frantically tried cleaning up the couch before Namjoon got back, knowing that if he found out about what you guys did he’d never let ya’ll hear the end of it.