My Fav Microfic I've Written - Tumblr Posts
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: Beguile, November 9th 2021
Rating: T, Words: 319
“Fancy seeing you here.” Draco attempts a casual and approachable smile as he slides up to Harry at the bar.
“Go away Malfoy,” Harry grumbles. Draco watches as he knocks back the shot in front of him. The rainbow light from the dance floor glints off of the delicate curve of Harry’s jaw and he watches his throat as it undulates. Draco wants to touch him so badly his hands shake. He clasps them tightly under the bar where Harry can’t see them.
“I heard you got information from Kingsley on the coveted dragon case,” He adds, trying to sound conversational and not at all bitter.
“Oh Draco, jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” Harry responds softly. Draco’s eyes narrow as he watches Harry’s left hand drift down to his back pocket. There poking out is a thick wad of parchment. Really, Draco thinks, Harry should know better than to wander around with important information sticking out where anyone could grab it. He steps closer moving his legs to bracket Harry on either side.
“Let me buy you a drink.” He says slowly watching the way Harry’s eyes flicker across his lips.
“Oh fuck off,” Harry responds refusing to meet his eyes.
Forget the drink, Draco thinks. He crowds into Harry’s space and uses his pale broad hand to cup Harry’s cheek. He leans in and their lips brush. Suddenly they’re kissing and Draco wants Harry in bed spread out beneath him. He wants him so much he bites down on his lip until he tastes metal.
His head swimming, he commands himself to focus. Carefully he skims Harry’s waist with his hand before reaching further back. His long fingers twist against parchment and then he’s ripping away. Their gazes tangle for a second and Harry looks wrecked, his irises blown out and dark against his tanned skin. Draco forces himself to turn. Gasping for breath he pushes into the crowd, vanishing.