My Interpretation - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

idek what I'm doing character description for Apollo in my fic (and just how I imagine him in RRVerse generally LOL) under cut (cut for length haha) (dw i'll make the other ones too! eventually! maybe! /j I will make them prommy) ((hey chat... read the tags... if you wanna... just saying... just the first few... about yk hypothetical situations...))

Apollo HAIR: Shoulder-length, brown to sun-kissed golden blonde ombre. Often messy and unkempt as he seems to have stopped caring about it after becoming a god again. EYES: (i’m so excited for this part) His eyes are different. The right eye is a piercing ice blue, to the point it looks like it glows. His sclera is slightly toned yellow and his pupil, instead of black, is white. His left eye, however, is molten fire, gold as the sun, always dripping to the point it looks like tears, but it evaporates before it can touch the ground or his clothes. It’s slightly horrifying. FACIAL FEATURES: He has acne scars, and statue-Apollo-nose (ifykyk). His eyebrows are brown like his roots instead of blonde and he has freckles. Not a lot, but not too little. He also has the scars from when he was a mortal. CLOTHING: (omgs!!) He wears a Led Zeppelin t-shirt (the iconic one. ifyk,yk.) and a brown pilot’s jacket with patches (such as 2 sun patches on each elbow, a spear on the shoulder, a laurel wreath across the collar, a hyacinth on one pocket, a cypress tree on the other, and a small unicorn patch over the heart.), and a python snake wrapping around the jacket’s right arm. He often wears torn blue-gray jeans, and ratty red sneakers with doodles on them (courtesy of Meg ofc), and embroidered wings. ACCESORIES: He has piercings (imagine this however you like. go crazy if you want. Hell give him a nose piercing, it’s your imagination lol). He has a bow around his back (obviously) at all times – it looks slightly out of character on him considering it’s his bow he had when he was a god, still full gold – . He wears a necklace with a rose charm, and has a simple leather bracelet around his wrist. And of course, on his head, his iconic laurel wreath with sprinkles of hyacinth petals. OTHER BODY STUFF: He keeps the scars he gets as a mortal as well as a faint lichtenburg scar (or lightning scar as people call it). He has a snake tattoo around his neck (because why not yk.).

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4 years ago

"Why do you have to put down my dreams, so you're the only thing on my mind?"

I have reason to believe that 'Tell Me Why' is one of the most powerful songs Taylor Swift has written.

What makes this song great is its versatility; the lyrics can be applied to any situation wherein an abusive power dynamic between two parties is involved. TS described it as being about a tug of war in which "someone always kind of has the upper hand." With that in mind, the perspectives are endless. Depending on whom you talk to, this song could be about gender, racial, or wealth inequality, classism, even.

This versatility is what helps a song maintain its relevance. It's what makes some songs timeless. Music that isn't shackled to specific eras or circumstances has the capacity to be appreciated longer, and by wider audiences, because it doesn't shut people out. This is the music that can live on forever and ever. To me, that's power.

It is this style of songwriting that TS has mastered - that delicate balance between confession and ambiguity in her lyrics that gives you a sense of something she might have experienced, but also isn't so personal as to exclude the possibility of that experience being echoed by millions of other people.

This is Taylor's unique talent, and 'Tell Me Why' exemplifies it perfectly.

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2 years ago

My reaction to Taylor Swift's 'The Great War' as a political science student: "Oh my god, it's totally in the perspective of the nation addressing the sovereign state, and about the abuses suffered by the nation at the hands of the state."

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8 years ago

Hey bud ! I know your OTP is Error x Ink but could you draw Error x Fresh ? xD

Hey bud!

I’m not sure what OTP means to you in specific (everybody can have different interpretations of words after all ^^).

But to me OTP as in One True Pairing means that I only ship both characters with each other. Because for me, they really just belong to each other and not to anyone else.

So, I’m sorry to say that, bud, but you’re gonna have to ask someone else for that request.

Have a nice day anyway! ^^

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