My Orts - Tumblr Posts

he sits upon the froggy throne
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[ID; A drawing of the castlevania character Juste Belmont sitting with crossed legs, one arm slung over on the edge of the froggy chair from the animal crossing series. End ID]

I. I don’t have any reason for this.
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[ID; a photo of a yellow cap that says “Solvem Probler” and a drawing of castlevania character Soma Cruz wearing said hat, a white cropped jacket, and his trademark bell bottoms . In the right of the drawing, Soma is sitting, leaning back with one arm and raising the other to his hat with a smug expression. In the top right of the drawing Soma Cruz is drawn in a different style -only his head and hand are shown- the yellow hat still atop his head. He is pulling down his hat to show the viewer the words on it. End ID]

here have some soma in bat form
photos I used as reference also heppy noo yeer

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[ID: Two drawings of castlevania character Soma Cruz in bat form. The bat in the bottom left corner is white with pinkish wings and ears, pouting at the camera. The bat in the top right is also white, but his ears are a white flesh tone, and he is screaming. The photos at the bottom were the reference photos, and thus are very similar, but with more detail. End ID]

so I remembered that this image by @belschine existed and needed to make a version with my favorite Belmont and his boyfriend
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[ID: a drawing of Juste Belmont and Maxim Kischine wearing maid outfits. Juste is in pink and bowing; Maxim is in black and gold, lifting his skirt up. End ID]

[ID: a box contains the item description of a shirt in the game Castlevania: Circle of The Moon titled “stylish suit” with text describing it saying “you’ll be popular when wearing this”. Nathan Graves, who is holding the shirt described, gets an idea. An arrow leads to an image of Nathan wearing the shirt and standing under a sign that says “Cotm”, as a small group of people completely ignore him in favor of going to a sign that says “Any other CV thing” . Another arrow leads to an image of Nathan with unkempt hair in the dark writing a 0/5 star review of the shirt on a computer. End ID]