Akumajou Dracula - Tumblr Posts

Mspaint is really fun actually—

Happy 38-year anniversary to the first Castlevania game!

Also... happy birthday, Simon Belmont!

assorted doodles for the birthday boy!!! X) i haven't drawn simon in a bit, so i feel like this was the perfect opportunity!! ❤️ i love this game so much haha

Ok everyone sing him happy birthday right now—
He’s 38 :)
HAPPY CASTLEVANIATOBER !!! (...Vaniatober? Draculatober? Oh well! >vv<)

for day 1, i decided to draw leon! what better way to start castlevaniatober with the first belmont, after all? (˶◜ᵕ◝˶)
close-ups under the cut! X)

Hey guys, I have to make a serious callout post unfortunately. There’s something that tumblr (and the Castlevania fandom) seems to have a big problem with and I’m done being quiet about it.
If you still support the users the-crow-binary and kaosunotenshi after reading this post, block me.
Content warning for pedophilia, CP, and incest.

This is a child porn fic, requested and found to be “hawt” by our reblogger here. No, I’m not showing any of the writing under that cut because it’s in graphic detail that no one should ever be subjected to.
I’ve thought about talking about it for a long time, but when I first ran into it, I was too afraid that I’d start fandom drama and get attacked since these two and some of their supporters (who I’ll probably end up making a post about sometime in the future) are pretty big accounts in this fandom, but, after some thinking and being tormented by it for a while, I’ve decided that don’t give a fuck if I lose a bunch of followers who don’t take child porn seriously. Good riddance.
I know I’m a small account and don’t speak for the whole fandom at all and most people won’t see this, but I really don’t want to interact with or see anyone condoning this kind of shit! Shit honestly feels like too soft of a word for it to be honest. There is absolutely no excuse, and I mean absolutely no fucking excuse, for writing porn of a child, fictional character or not. And before anyone says it, this is not a case of a dark and very real topic being portrayed with the level of tact and empathy it deserves, this fic was primarily written with the intent to be “hawt”.
And to kaosunotenshi and the-crow-binary, if they ever see or get word of this post, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Anyway, this is a pretty big downside to having eyes, I’m exhausted, I just needed to get this out there or it’d keep tormenting me, and again, if you still support the users kaosunotenshi and the-crow-binary after this post, block me.

I got a new sketchbook since I filled one recently :3c. Shout out to suddenly getting a ton of energy and drawing bizarre fanart at 1 am 💀💀💀.
I’m putting the more violent ones under a cut even if the post is already tw tagged because of the subject matter being a bit dark d(^^ ).
Along with explanations for all of them of course!
⚠️tw for self harm and burning past this point⚠️

First one (before the cut) is just some pose practice. Simon’s just sitting, all sad and mopey. There’s also a little chibi doodle of him in the bottom corner and a little pose armature in the top corner for a pose I didn’t even end up drawing whoops lol. I feel like I drew his face a little differently than I usually do in this one :O. Idk how that happened lol.
This one is to show the differences in anatomy between each game! The curse takes a lot out of him, poor guy, so he’s a bit less jacked than usual 😔. Well, more specifically he doesn’t have as much of a layer of protective fat anymore. And he’s also very tired :(. But yeah, this is just a reference I’ll look back at to keep this detail consistent! I was going to put scar reference on it too, but I completely forgot and eh it mighta made it kinda hard to make out anyway d(- - ).
I drew this side profile of Simon while watching a video talking about lost media stuff. I think the image I based it on was something Saki Sanobashi related, idk I just liked the vibes of the hair being blown back by wind and got inspired :). And yes I know that Saki is probably a hoax 💀💀💀💀💀, I didn’t have much interest in it tho tbh, besides just hoping something lost gets found in general. Lost media videos are honestly great for putting on as background noise when drawing :)
Simon is totally me when I have a crisis and cover my face with my hands, but make sure one eye is visible and miraculously out of shadow for dramatic effect!!!
Ok spookier stuff time, first of the below the cut drawings. This one is based on how sometimes vampires are depicted as being able to drain someone from long distances or beyond the grave. Dracula is mean, and Simon is suffering from the curse, the usual. Augh I actually need to do things cause I keep thinking of a cool scene of Simon having a weird Dracula nightmare and then waking up to see it wasn’t a dream, and that’s tropey as hell, but it’s spooky!!! Do you see my vision?
This is a depiction of like what happens with a game over or something :O. Like an absolute worst possible outcome: Simon dies and Dracula is unsealed and fully regenerated. I basically just took is Simon’s Quest design and then rehydrated it and tada, Dracula is no longer a skeleton— He ends up looking way more like Vlad the Impaler in this outfit hmmm. Also, unrelated, but a friend of mine mistook Dracula for Jesus in this drawing 💀💀💀.
Oh boy, edgy depictions of uh a lot of not being very kind to yourself themes. Idk how else to describe this one other than ya know when you get really mad at your past self for making a mistake or the wrong decision that you could’ve only known about in hindsight? Also in part the fear of actually becoming a vampire at the end of all of this? And I guess a bit of feeling like it’s your own fault, you’re the one that keeps shooting yourself in the foot, but I feel like he’d also attribute getting hit by Dracula in the first place as his fault too… hmm just a lot of very sad things going on, this one was definitely a later 1 am time drawing, maybe 1:40 or something. I think what I draw at night is further proof to not trust you when you’re tired; I get weirdly existential at night and then it’s totally fine in the morning. Simon! Just sleep! Stop overthinking!!! You’ll be ok!!!
This one I debated putting up at all cause it’s graphic and not finished (TwT ;). But it was a rare drawing of Simon smiling that didn’t look uncanny, which is kinda ironic because Simon this is not the time to be smiling—! That is also wayyy too far for just the Dracula ritual, you really only need a tiny amount to open the seal, but I’ll cut him some slack cause he is a bit at wits end by this point. I’d say maybe he’s smiling because he thinks he finally won, but tbh I thought of it more like when things are just so bad you start laughing. Like Dracula just rose from the altar and the morbid irony of it all is just so absurd, the irony that you did everything right and fought tooth and nail (Dracula’s to be exact lol) to stop it and here it is happening anyway. I wanna give this guy a weighted blanket and a bowl of warm soup—
These last two are based on what could’ve happened to him. The Grey ending is pretty much usually considered the “worst”, but they’re all nearly interchangeable, especially in the Japanese version. For example: the western release really makes the Blue ending seem like he died and didn’t kill Dracula, but it’s a lot more that he just died doing it in the original, which is to say that it’s kinda like the Grey ending just with a different eulogy— Anyway, the Grey ending is the only one that doesn’t show Simon at Dracula’s grave, so I’ve always taken it as he didn’t make it out of the castle basement. And well, setting Dracula on fire is a pretty common way to kill him so uh um, R.I.P. I’ve got a couple ideas for alternate comic endings to say the least. I might honestly just depict all of them and leave it entirely up to the reader which one happened because it doesn’t change much— Though this also has me thinking of how him surviving would work now. The curse would definitely have left some lasting effects, you don’t just magically stop having been rotted, sleep deprived, and whatever else it did. Idk I picture him being like Renfield levels of lost it afterwards if that makes sense… that could also be a pretty solid explanation for why his story isn’t told correctly and the cycle repeats with Maxim later; it’d be a pretty traumatic thing to talk about tbh. Ok but yappersvile over, next doodle 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Aside from the burnt doodle that’s uh same explanation as the above (R.I.P.), the other two are just a little head angle and expression practice and one tiny one towards the top that’s Dracula being all spooky ghost vampire, but I didn’t like how it was looking and gave up on it 💀💀💀. It’s very hard to draw a vampire attacking someone and not have it look kinda awkward or unreadable. Tbh I struggle putting two characters in one image anyway because I have to draw the anatomy lines for both of them and they end up getting really hard to tell apart when one is behind another, one character suddenly isn’t proportional compared to the other, or you find out one of them isn’t tall enough for the pose you had in mind (>~< ). So anyway Dracula was accidentally way too short all of a sudden and I couldn’t figure out how to draw his torso without making a completely incomprehensible blob behind Simon oof.
Okie, it’s lunch time, bye :3!
I should draw Simon being really happy to offset the amount of times I’ve drawn him dead and/or really sad recently—

Lord, give me one more chance
I wonder if this is the last?

Mina for @somajean 🌿
cv ships and the orange peel discourse:
will you peel an orange for your significant other if they ask you for one?
leon and sara: leon will be a little confused about how to go about how to peel an orange, but he’ll eventually figure it out and sara will be really appreciative. but who cares actually because the orange will probably be bitter. also leon has to be asked but that’s because neither of them know how to consume oranges
mathias and elizabetha: mathias will peel an orange without elizabetha having to ask. he might even give them to her in slices
trevor and sypha: sypha can ask for an orange and trevor will prepare it for her exactly how she likes it. he’ll even offer her two just in case
dracula and lisa: dracula will just make alucard get and peel the orange for lisa
hector and julia: hector will most likely give julia an unpeeled orange. but when she asks, he’ll not only peel it, but he’ll give them to her in little slices and take out any seeds
simon and selena: simon will ask what type of orange selena likes, he’ll ask her how she wants them, he’ll ask her how many, and he’ll peel and get rid of seeds
maxim, juste, and lydie: maxim will have to be asked to peel the orange, but he will. BUT he’ll also end up eating a portion just because he was asked to peel it. juste will grow and orange tree so that they can all enjoy oranges together. he will monitor the tree so that its fruit is always fresh and sweet
richter and annette: richter will take forever to peel an orange, but he will insist on opening it on his own so that annette doesn’t have to. he’ll even taste test the orange so it’s sweet enough for annette to eat.
richter and alucard:

hugh and nathan:

shanoa and laura: if laura asks, even a single orange, shanoa will go out and grow an entire orange orchard. for laura. she will ensure that laura gets her vitamin c every day.
jonathan to charlotte:

soma and mina:
“i kinda… feel like an orange”
“i feel like a tomato :(”
“no, i want to eat an orange”
“well, there’s one in the kitchen”
“i don’t want to peel it though”
“i’ll peel it, cut it. bake it, sautée it. whatever you want”
Current Hyperfixations:
30-year-old game series involving vampires, gothic literature, and the cycle of revenge where you literally fight Death himself
50-year-old musical about a serial killer and his even evil-er roommate in 19th Century Victorian London
Cutesy shoujo anime about finding love and happiness through language :3
would you be most willing to draw Mina Hakuba, if time and patience permits please? :D

I hope you like it! :)
Happy belated Father’s Day to Lord Dracula from Castlevania you embarrassed your son so bad he had to kill you
My biggest Castlevania headcanon is that Jonathan Harker is the reincarnation of Lisa/Elisabetha, not Mina Murray, because I think that it would be way more interesting that the Mina/Dracula romance often portrayed in media and also because Mina would never cheat on her boyfailure I trust her
Because at the start of the novel, Count Dracula is 100% acting like an extremely toxic partner who isolates Jonathan, like imagine if he realized that Jonathan was his wife’s reincarnation!! Jonathan thinks that the Count left him to be eaten by his “wives” at the end of his trip but in actuality the Count wants him to join them…
There are some inconsistencies with the actual novel but I would 100% read a fanfic that explores this idea (or write it but unfortunately some people may or may not be the slowest writer known to man). Incorporating this idea would add another layer of subtext in Castlevania regarding grief, mourning, and relationships that are already present!
Anyways idk if I cooked on the Dracula toxic yaoi but pls let me know if I should continue with this AU/headcanon…
let's be real if jonathan was a woman pop culture would have made him dracula's love interest, look at all the "dracula has an intimidated young woman in his dark castle" "dracula carries a passed out girl in his arms" stuff, things that only happen with jonathan in the book
Ur so right anon and u should say it louder if hollywood doesn't want us to get the most toxic bisexual love triangle with Dracula and Mina fighting over Jonathan THEN I WILL
See another thing is the way each reacts to Dracula's violent obsession.
They are all dogged into hunting him down and killing him but there are a few differences.
Van Helsing speaks with fascination and to his admittance admiration about the man Dracula was. He's impressed how he was an alchemist, a sorcerer, and a successful warlord. It makes sense, as Van Helsing has like 5 doctorates. He calls him a manchild too but still.
Jonathan feels for him the silent rage of a thousand white-hot diamond suns. His hate for Dracula can only be matched by his love for Mina.
Mina, after getting attacked and calming down feels pity for him. Corrupted Frodo's pity for Smeagol levels. 'Feel pity for him, for one day I may become like him, and I hope you will not hate me when that happens (please don't hate me.)'
I don't know about you but the reactions of the former two create much more potential chemistry towards Dracula's obsession than pity does.
I AGREE ANON!!! I personally don't engage with media adapting the book that always centers it on Mina or Lucy getting "enraptured" by the Count when that doesn't really happen in the books? At least, not in a romantic sense! That's a huge tangent for another day, but I actually think that Mina's strength as a character comes in her relationships with her human buddies rather than the count :o) But if she was the reincarnation of a Belmont (hoo hoo hee hee a certain blonde catholic perhaps?) the parallels with Dracula would be sooo good.
But that also adds to your point about Van Helsing and Jonathan's relationships being way more interesting with Dracula!!! If we are talking in regards to the AU, I think that if Jonathan was the reincarnation of Dracula's lover and ALSO hated his guts right now... l that is so juicy and objectively such an interesting dynamic??? I also once read a really good fanfic that explored if Dracula knew Lisa was Elisabetha's reincarnation and there is so much understated horror that it actually drives me insane how it isn't explored more in media (it's ok guys I'm Buddhist i got this the dukkha and whatever). Maybe it's because I'm on the ace spectrum but soulmates, reincarnated lovers, and the ilk kinda freak me out, but are also so interesting as a storytelling and character device when used effectively.
Van Helsing always felt like a guy who had a very long and mysterious past, so my brain automatically put him as Alucard, but reading your analysis I also kinda agree... maybe others can suggest whether Van Helsing should just be some dutch guy or not lol? also please if someone could get a catchier name for this au i would be appreciative 😭😭😭
little brain: Lisa was executed because the church thought she was a witch for her advanced medicinal knowledge and her lax relationship with God. Her knowledge challenged the authority of the Church, so it killed her for it
Big Brain: Lisa was executed because she was Catholic not Orthodox
Strongest Warriors: Castlevania gamers (we're gonna get a DS collection guys I swear)