My Prince - Tumblr Posts

© MING | Do not edit.

© OFF THE DEEP END | Do not edit, do not crop logo.

awake or asleep, i always dream of you; it’s no different. (please do not reupload my moodboard! i do not take credit for original pictures! thank you!)

look at that ball of cuteness
1 minute of jimin’s high pitched giggle

jimin + brandley the cat

jimin’s fondness for kids (cr)

170901 Jimin’s Tweet
생일 축하해🎶✌️✌️😂 #꾸기생일ᄎᄏ #JIMIN #HAPPYBIRTHDAY
Happy Birthday🎶✌️✌️😂 #HappyBdayKkookie #JIMIN #HAPPYBIRTHDAY
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please take credit when taking out

Jimin through the years
Jungkook, Tae, Namjoon, Yoongi

80/365 Days of Park Jimin
this is beautiful 😍

happy birthday to the graceful swan who captured my attention from the first moment i saw you. i hope your wings continue to grow this year and i hope that your dance across the water continues to enchant many more. i was lucky enough to see you perform live and it was one of the greatest nights of my life. the way you moved across the stage and sang those beautiful melodies - i couldn’t help feeling a little sad when it was over. i was able to see someone i admire so much and who’s always inspiring me to better myself. you’re someone who always makes me smile and laugh, and i hope you smiled and laughed a lot today. i love you so much my sunshine ❤️
creds. (x)(x)(x)(x)
this is stunning 😍

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y J I M I N!! ©