My Stellar - Tumblr Posts
Hiiii! may i know if there’s a part 2 for “lost you forever?” not to pressure you or anything! its just that my tears are still falling because i just finished reading it so i was wondering is there a next chapter 🥲🥲
also thank you so much for your writings!! im so glad that i came across your works!
You are really not pressuring me trust me!😃 You are always welcome to ask me or request me anything and I’m really happy that you came up to me with your question. Well to answer your query, YES there’s gonna be a part 2 because I can see all the readers’ desperation for it so maybe soon I will come up with the continuation.
Your welcome sweetheart. I appreciate that you found my works and I hope you are having a great time with them.
I don't think there will be a pt.2 to this😭 bcoz this is supposed to be an one-shot and I am already working on other requests so I hope you can check them out and give them love. But thank you so much for loving this fic, sweetheart.
can I request a mafia ot8 x reader? where they all kept a secret from her which made her feel betrayed like she wasn’t a part of the team so like she reverted back to her old self (cold, not talking to them at all, being strictly profesional) and each one of them regrets it

Pairing: Mafia! Ateez x f!reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia, Mature
W.C: 4.2k
Warnings: arguments, regret, trust issues, keeping secrets, mention of death and mafia business and deals, traumas and betrayals.
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: Thanks for reading and reblogging. I appreciate all of your reviews and feel free to text me if you want. Spread love to others, not hate. I swear if I write one more angst fic then I will end up crying a river. I have made this fic a little bit less angst and let me know how it is.

"Where are they?" You asked Mr. Na with balancing the snacks in your hold.
He looked at you with a frown and glanced at the papers. It was afternoon and you thought to meet your boyfriends in the office but they were not there. It's unusual for them to not be there without telling you where they are going to.
You pout and placed the snacks on the table and munched on one of your favorites. You waited for him to reply but he seemed to return back to his work. "Hey! I asked you something and you are ignoring me. You know who I am right?" You asked him in a threatening tone and he was still not fazed by you.
"I can't hear you. I'm busy." He didn't look up from his paper-works and you got mad.
You slammed your hand on the table in front of him and glared at him. He rolled his eyes with a bored look on his face.
"How will I know where are they? And also didn't you have a mission this morning? Why are you back so early and annoying me?"
"Me annoying you. I would never." You faked a hurt look on your face and acted to have a heart attack. "I had my missions and I did well. I was really disappointed that those shitheads were not afraid of me at first but were insulting me more. So instead of letting to have them taste of my precious words, I planted some bullets in their head."
He chuckled, "as expected from you."
"But don't you really know where they are...they are not even picking up my calls." You looked down at your phone, still no missed calls or any messages.
"How will I know about it? You are their girlfriend and if they are keeping something so confidential to them, it can only meant that it's to remain within the family and as you are also part of the family so I hope they won't tell me anything about it." He said and went back to his work.
You are their family.
"But they didn't told you anything like if I return or something and where to find them?"
He glared, "no. But they were pretty much in hurry when they left the place and I thought you knew about it. So don't ask me again."
"Jaemin-" "Don't call me by my name during working hours."
You scoffed, "just now you told me that I'm their girlfriend and now you are raising your voice at me. Also, mafia business is for 24/7 so I can call you anything anytime and anywhere."
Jaemin clicked on a website and replied, " it was good when you were of cold personality and kept your distance with everyone. It's pretty much annoying that you always pick me to disturb and interrupt my works."
"Oh come on Jaemin, you love me too much. And just remember if I return back to that self, it will be only when something like in the past has hurt me again. And I really don't want to be like that again. I like being so happy and free everytime."
You were sad and your words were pronounced clearly that made him understand that he should not have said those harsh words to you. He knew how pathetic and vulnerable your past was but still his work load and you in between made him slip those words.
He patted your head, "y/n, I'm sorry. Really. I didn't mean like that. I really love to see you so bubbly. They have totally changed you and to see you happy with them is really the best thing in this building."
"You still don't trust me?"
"No no you are the lovely and the best sister I have got here and please don't mind my words like this. Please don't feel sad."
He was really trying his best to hold back his tears and make you trust him that the little suspicion he had back then when you joined the company had disappeared eventually. He always thought of you as the distraction in their life but now he sees you as a blessing. He is a best brother to you.
"Never. I can't feel sad with you atleast. You are not getting rid of me anytime soon."
A ring from Jaemin's phone interrupted your conversation with him, you both watched the name displayed on the screen 'Sir Yunho'. His eyes went wide and stared at the phone and you clutched yours in the hold.
You urged him to pick it up and put it on speaker. He received the call and you leaned forward to scan the drafts on the computer screen on which he was working.
"Has Y/n returned yet?" The voice from the other end was rough and tired.
"She-" you pressed a finger on your lips and signalled him to not tell them about your arrival. "No she hasn't returned yet, let me ask her."
"No let her be. We will be back soon from the business. If she returns then tell her we are out for lunch." He spoke in a hurry.
The call was passed to someone else. Jaemin was surprised that they just told to not tell you that they were out somewhere and even told him to lie to you. He was watching you how you were staring blankly at your phone.
"Jaemin, what happened?" Hongjoong was angry but still he was trying to contain his anger. The younger boy was distracted and soon collected himself to reply back.
"Oh just, some works are pending so I got distracted."
The call was cut and you stood up. He was about to say something to you but you raised your hand making him shut and you turned towards the meeting room. The room which belongs to you too but now somehow it felt many secrets are hidden behind it, from you.
he watched you walking towards the room with lost eyes and tired form. He shook his head at the thought that it was not good whatever was going to happen because it's not a good decision for them to keep this sudden business hidden from you.
Where were they even? Why didn't they tell you about it?
These thoughts were storming inside your mind after you entered the room. Your fingers curled into a fist and threw the vase which was placed on top of the side shelf above which a beautiful family picture with you smiling with your boyfriends were hanging. You glared at the picture.
"Where are you all? Don't you all trust me that you had to keep this sudden business as a secret from me?"
You harshly wiped away the tears from your eyes and looked around the room. It was same as earlier when you noticed before leaving in the morning. You slowly walked towards the leader's chair at the end of the table.
You sat on it and held the armrest tightly. You turned it around to face the wall behind you. The letters on the wall were piercing your eyes which were designed with orange and black LED mini lights, 'ATEEZ'.
Your family.
"Don't you all trust me as your family?"
The more you were thinking about the situation, the more you felt like convincing yourself that you were just overreacting and after they come back from the place, they will tell you the truth and everything related to it but still somewhere you were impatient.
They know that keeping secrets only triggers you but still they chose to do it.
. . .
"Is she here?" Jongho's voice made Jaemin look up from the computer screen.
Jaemin stood up and greeted him and the rest who were chit chatting in the back. "Y-yeah, she just returned right now."
Jongho smiled and said, "you don't have to work on this today. We need this after two weeks so go have some free time with your friends. Don't stress yourself."
Jaemin nodded and sat down.
"Let's head to the meeting room first and she must be waiting for us in the cafeteria." Yeosang's cheerful voice made everyone laugh and there was a warm feeling in their hearts that you were waiting for them.
Jaemin's eyes followed them going to the same direction where you went earlier. Heavy boots clicked the marble floor with dark looks radiating from them but everyone had a small smile resting on their face because of the thought of you.
Seonghwa opened the heavy metal door only to be greeted by broken pieces of fiber scattered on the floors and then he noticed the vase in front of their picture was lying broken.
"Who the hell did this?" Hongjoong's angry voice brought the others attention to the situation.
"Welcome back, Ateez."
Their eyes followed the source of the voice and noticed the leader's chair facing backward to the table. They couldn't see the person sitting on it due to the high rise of the leather of the backrest but the voice was pretty much familiar, the one they crave to listen often, almost every time.
You swiveled around the chair to face them and they noticed you sitting on it with one leg over the another and staring at your phone.
San was last to enter the meeting room and when he closed the door behind him, he noticed the whole situation and the destruction on the floor.
"You look cute when you sit on this chair."
You ignored Hongjoong's compliment and he was surprised that you didn't reply him back. If it was some other time then you would have teased him or said that you always look better than him and then he would have placed you on his lap and proceed with things.
"How did your mission go?" You glared when San went to touch your cheek after asking the question. He thought you were joking so he again raised his hand only to get swatted away by you.
"Sir San, please keep your hands off from me. You should not touch me like this way."
He laughed, " are you putting up a new act again from a movie?"
"Hey let's get some food in the cafeteria." Yeosang said and smiled towards you while approaching you.
You gave both of them a stern look before staring at the man standing across from you in the far end of the table. He was watching you intently.
Hongjoong leaned forward and supported his hands on the edge of the table, "why are you speaking like this? What's with your behavior with them?"
"How does it feel to be the leader and sitting here? Very authentic, right leader?" don't call him this anymore because after the day they turned you into this new personality, you always call them by their name just to feel them more closer. It makes you feel a family with them.
"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Seonghwa behind him asked you and you fished your phone inside your pocket of the combat pants and poked the inside of your cheek.
"Why don't you all take a seat? We need to discuss something about business."
Your words were like a business partner waiting for them to make a deal not their girlfriend who was waiting for their return.
No one budged from their place and you rolled your eyes. You stood up but stayed beside the chair and spin it around. Their eyes followed your movements.
"I thought sitting here will make me the leader but I see that's not the case here."
Wooyoung sat in the second chair at the side of the table.
"Where were you all?" You asked.
Jongho scanned the room to see all of them were busy staring at you and so he said, "we were out for lunch." He nodded in the end.
You bitterly chuckled, "from nine in the morning to this later afternoon...almost four o' all were out for so long. Just for lunch?"
"We were not out for so long." Hongjoong said confidently.
"Of course. But that's not according to my watch."
"Why the vase is broken?" You smirked at Seonghwa's question.
"Ah finally the question I wanted.well, I broke it."
"And if I ask you the same question Seonghwa, why?"
Mingi interjected, "what do you mean by why?"
San was still standing confused beside the chair on the other side.
"I am asking you all again and for the last time. Where were you all?" Your words were so loud and this sudden yell made some of them surprised and others were still staring at you.
Mingi was quick to reply, "as he said we were out for lunch."
"Don't lie to me. If you don't want to tell the truth then shut up." You clenched your jaw.
"What makes you think like that?" Yunho asked and folded his hands above his chest.
"Oh come on Yunho, you told Jaemin to lie to me that you were out for lunch when you were actually on a secret business. Am I right?"
He was surprised that you knew about it. Wooyoung leaned back to his chair and said, "y/n, it's not like that. That's just a simple issue."
"Then why can't anyone of you tell me where you all were."
Jongho cleared his throat and said, "it's better for you to not know about it."
"Do you think of me as a spy?"
"Y/n no we can't ever think of you like that. Even if you did something wrong then we can always talk it out with each other but we will never suspect you for anything." Jongho quickly stated.
Hongjoong's boot echoed in the room and he stood in front of you. You glared at him when he placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't try to manipulate me or try to convince me to trust your lies. You promised me to never hide anything from me but suddenly you all are hiding something from me."
He nodded, "I know but I want you to calm down for me. Please." You scoffed. Another presence made an appearance beside you both but you were yet to notice it but when he spoke up you became more annoyed with the same words.
You pushed away the hand from your shoulder.
"Not always everything can be said to everyone. Sometimes its better to keep some things secret."Seonghwa said and held your hands in his and caressed them a little, "it's for your safety and well being."
He seemed to be calm and contented but deep down he was deeply hurt to see you acting distant with him and not even smiling a bit when he was so near to you. He was holding your hand but he wanted to pull you in a hug.
"We just want to keep you safe, y/n." Yunho stated very slowly and he was sad.
He is always the first person to pull you in a hug and fill you with love and praises and today he would have appreciated you for your success and instead of this dark environment, the room would have filled with laughter when he would have held you up and spin you around in the room.
Mingi stood behind you and prevented you to move away and whispered words to calm you down and to take everything slowly. But you were not in a mood. He was still process the fact that you came to know about the secret business.
You pulled your hands harshly from the grip and shouted which made the person behind you to stumble backward.
"Can you all stop pretending that you all did nothing wrong? If I'm overthinking then let me be like this but you know I hate when my own family hide something from me. It make me feels like I am not trusted. It reminds me of my past."
Wooyoung hesitated to speak anything but still clenched his fist, "no love, we trust you the most. Believe me."
You ignored his words and sat on the chair beside him. Seonghwa was about to say something but Hongjoong held his hand up to make him quiet. The past traumas always triggered you whenever someone lied to you or hide something from you but still he did it.
Rest of them were aware of this situation too. Your words were feeling so distant and you being so hyper was normal for you to act this way. Atleast they should have think about this situation before. You held your head over the table and grabbed your hairs and Wooyoung stared at you with hurtful eyes.
You looked like that old y/n who was with cold heart, piercing eyes and distant space with them. Not their usual y/n with the warm heart, sweet smile and confidence.
Hongjoong was about to pass by you to go towards his chair when he halted in his steps behind you, he raised his hands to pat your head but the younger one beside you grabbed it and glared at him.
"I told you to tell her about the situation but still you were persistent with your decision. Look what you have done." Wooyoung didn't mind to raise his voice at his brother but the leader just nodded to his words and retreated his hand back.
He went to his seat and signaled others to do the same. They all were glancing at you. You were near the leader and San who was across from you was glancing between you and the leader.
He wanted to just pull you towards him and take you away somewhere else just to calm you down and make you feel loved.
When you noticed everyone was seated, you raised your head and blankly asked, "I assume you all to start speaking now. And only the truth."
"We were with your dad and Mr. Lee." Hongjoong started the conversation.
"Don't ever refer that monster as my dad. He is no one to me."
"Mr. Lee's daughter..." he paused and looked around for anyone else to continue and Yunho nodded.
Yunho smiled but quickly erased it when he saw your fuming eyes, "his daughter is engaged to Hongjoong and Seonghwa because once we had a deal in the past to save our organization and today we were there to break the dealership with him."
When the topic finally started. each one of them had a same feelings tugging at their heart. the feeling of regrets. All of them were regretting to keep you oblivion to this.
You scoffed, "engaged?" your eyes took in each of their looks precisely and continued, "so its not about only today. you all were hiding it from me for a long time now. and for how long?"
"it's not like that."
"Yunho, I asked you for how long you all were preparing for this business and when all this engagement happened?" you asked and leaned back into your chair. Mingi was impatiently tapping the top of the table with the back of the pen.
Seonghwa patted Yunho's back when he was on the verge of tears hearing your harsh and cold tone. he gulped and started to reply but his lost eyes were staring at you and you were not even minding his presence and Mingi chimed in, "last year. your da- I mean Mr. Byun offered this deal so that we could recover from the loss we had in the last year."
Yeosang added, "we thought to not worry you about this whole ordeal and we could have solved it without including you and then pretend that we were never in this situation."
"we always wanted the best for you. please don't feel sad." Wooyound said slowly beside you and you rolled your eyes.
"So I have been lied for one whole year. you made my only chance to go in vain. why? you thought I will be a problem in this?" you turned towards the leader "were you planning to get married? why did you have to hide this whole thing?"
Jongho was curious, "what only chance you are talking about?"
you smirked at him, "I could have showed Mr. Byun that I have a family which he never gave me. I could have showed him how powerful I am. I am not the weak one he wanted me to be. I could have proved that I am being loved and trusted as a family." You paused and scoffed, “but I think I was delusional all these times.”
Hongjoong clenched his fist on hearing your words and sighed, "Wooyoung and Yunho wanted to tell you about this but I told them and others to keep this discussion away from you. I didn't want to include you because-"
"because you dont trust me. you thought I will support Mr. Byun when you all were crashing to the ground?"
San quickly denied, "no no. we trust you so much y/n. we thought hearing his name or facing him would have hurt you."
Hongjoong nodded and continued, "it would have been more dramatic if people came to know about your relation with Mr. Byun and that you are a part of us inspite of him being our enemy."
"you see me as your enemy?"
"what? no." wooyoung shouted those words at you.
Seonghwa stated quietly, "I'm sorry. I should not have hide these things from you. you should have been told about this earlier. it's really worse for you to find it like this. but trust me we were scared. how to protect you and maintain our organization."
"you made me feel like an outsider."
"I know we did it in that way." Mingi said and looked down.
"After this I can't trust anyone of you like before. Every time now I would feel like you guys are hiding something from me. I will feel like I am somehow related to your enemy and still like before you have the suspicion of me going against you someday."
you paused and inhaled sharply, "I don't know if you guys trust me or not but I have always trusted you more than everything. I trusted you all and whatever you did was to keep me safe and away from this to not hurt me but...atleast you should have let me know about it. My trust would not have broken like this."
Yunho stood up and walked towards you, he turned around your chair and kneeled down, "please Y/n, please we won't hide anything again from you. please talk to me but don't distance yourself from us."
"you gave me no other option. they were engaged all these times, you all met Mr. Byun often and made deals behind my back without even letting me to get a hint of it. I was blinded by the trust that I never noticed you all were lying to me all these times when you were actually going out not to hangout but to meet that monster and this new girl."
You were blinded by the trust that you never noticed they were lying to you.
Wooyoung hugged you from behind, "We only love you. you are everything to me. I never wanted to lie to you but this was the only option. please forget about this and lets go back to normal."
you removed both of their hands from you and stood up. everyone was attentive to your movements. you glanced at the clock and sighed. you were tired and hungry and frustrated. All at the same time and you felt a wave of anger rising inside you.
"you are not leaving us, right?"
"Jongho if I leave right now then where is the thing called 'we can talk out our problems' but yeah that's true that you have made me feel lose my trust on you all."
you paused and then added, "Are you two still engaged with her?"
"yes." both of them quickly replied.
"get rid of her quickly or I will get rid of her from this world."
Both of them nodded.
they all gulped hearing your words and Yeosang grabbed your hand when you stepped forward for the door. you eyed his hand, waited for him to say whatever he wanted but you didn't look in his eyes. you knew if you look at him, you might start crying but you needed some time to recover from this whole situation.
"I'm sorry."
you knew he was sorry but still you were having so many thoughts that you couldn't still place things right on the places. once your trust is broken, it can't be mended so easily and they knew this. each of them were regretting.
"do you trust me?" your words were meant for all and he nodded quickly. you rolled your eyes and licked your lips.
"the ones who trust me, please follow me to the research room, I have kept the pen drive and file there so I can show you the details of it."
"Will you not eat?" San asked you quietly.
"I am not hungry. Finish the research room process with me and then I need to...I will have some time alone."
you glared towards Hongjoong and Seonghwa and left the room, slamming the door shut behind you. They didn't say anything. after all, it was their fault and you felt betrayed with them hiding things from you for one whole year. Mingi was the next one to leave room to quickly follow you and others sighed.
They need to start to build the trust from the beginning. You wanted to hate them but your trust and love for them was too much to hate them. To forget them as your family.
You smiled towards him and pecked him.
you once said, "how can I trust you?"
he smiled and hugged you, "your enemy is my enemy. our enemy and there is nothing that can come between us to tear us apart. you are the precious and the knot of this family. if someone hurts you, we all will be hurt and get scattered."
“We will never lie to you and there will be no secret between us.”
Was that all a lie then?

Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn [open!]
Hiiii ☺️
'119: I like it like that' nct dream fic was literally so so good 😆😆 i read it 6 times. Please make another nct dream smut fic like this 🙏🏽
I love your writing (and you 🤭❤️)
Nowadays, because of my exam, I can't read your fics, but I will read them after my exam.
Love you 🫶🏽❤️
Also can I be 🐰anon ???
Hello! Thank you so much for liking that sweet of you!
I love you too sweetheart, take your time and fighting for your fics will be here so you better focus on your studies and come back later, maybe I will be done with a nct dream smut fic by then.
Yeah anon ask is open, you can be 🐰!
She broke both the brothers’ hearts 😭 Yunho thought she was back to him and was just mad at her for leaving before but then……baby stop crying🫂 he will live for us🥹

Pairing: Royal!Yunho x f!reader (ft.Wooyoung & Seonghwa)
Genre: Royal, Mature, Enemies to (?), Smut, Angst
W.C: 11k (don’t ask me why so long)
Warnings: mention of - to kill someone and threats, death, memories, lots of crying, raw sex(don’t do it sillies), nipple play, oral(f), lots of kiss, twins(?), jealousy, fingering, orgasm denial, soft love, crying, scared, mention of torture, open cut with knife, loss of blood, forcing into (a slight dub-con), false visions, going psycho, stabbing who(?) find it out. Regrets and manipulation. Playing with someone’s feelings and emotions.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: Thanks for reading and reblogging. I appreciate all of your reviews and feel free to text me if you want. Spread love to others, not hate. I love Yunho when he is angry and guys finally I have identified my bias in Ateez I think it’s Yunho😃 dw it will change in my next fic lol

Let's see our Villain Yunho!
"Even if I go away..." she sharply inhaled and gulped the lump in her throat, turning her back to him to hide the tears which were shaking to fall from her eyes, her fist clutched the locket above her chest tightly in her grasp and bit her lower lip to exhale the silent sob which managed to escape, "...don't forget me. are my everything. Even if we don't deserve this, still we belong to each other and no one can ever change this fact."
His arms wrapped around her shaking body from behind and his nose bumping into her unsettled hairs from the wind earlier. Her soft hands placed over his palm and the rings displayed nicely on his fingers were bumping her strokes on his skin. Just like the way, her every happy moment was getting halted by that only person. who?
His lips touched her backside of the head, the heat of his lips and the breath fanning around the area was making her grip on him tighter.
"are you crying?" his whisper made her heart beat faster. Even if she was going to leave soon, his voice would be the reason to kill her sooner. The heavy and low tone with the concern dripping from every word for her, only for her. It sparkled a desire to live more. She wanted to live. to stay.
"" she closed her eyes and ducked her head down.
He exhaled into her hair causing a shiver run down her body and he kissed the previous place again, "why are you lying, y/n? I said we will get over this and then we will be together for always."
"I don't have time...I have to go...far away...away from everything, from this place and......from you." she whispered the last two words and hearing that he quickly removed his arms and turned her around harshly, she stumbled in her place and still looking down. She didn't want to face him, knowing the effect on him after hearing her statement. She was prepared for this for a long time but couldn't say it earlier.
Or maybe she didn't want to say it. Even now.
He cupped her cheeks to make her look up. His eyes were furious with the anger after hearing the words of her leaving him. He was giving her the hopes to stay forever but still she was hoping to get away from him.
Closing her eyes, she refused to look at him, a tear slid down his cheeks but she couldn't see it and she gripped his wrist, the sleeves of his silk attire adorned with intricate golden embroidery that traced elegant patterns pierced her skin under the hold.
"Look at me, y/n." He was mad, not at her but at her words. She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut tightly. He kept looking at her when his gaze fell on her quivering lips. She was scared but why.
"Are you scared of me?" His question was broken just like his soul seeing her so weak in front of him.
She quickly denied it by shaking her head furiously. His hands over her cheeks made her still. His eyes followed the way her tongue wetted the dry lips. Her tongue was not enough for her dry lips.
He ducked his head to her shoulder as he whispered, "let me prove you that I can love you and I will protect you forever."
"Please don't say like that. I can't forgive myself for leaving you."
He scoffed, "then don't leave me. Why can't you stay?"
She remained silent. He raised his head and brought his lips to her. Just a breath away, he stopped. His tear line touched her cheek, the liquid sensation made her flinch and his breath so close to hers sent an ache to the heart. Both of theirs.
He murmured, his lips bumping into her quivering ones, "why can't I know the truth? What are you hiding from me?"
"Nothing." You breathed out the words.
He slowly pecked you, "then stay with me."
"I can't."
One hand entangled in the hairline on the back of her head and other resting on the nape, he pulled her into a kiss. He was craving for it. His desire to taste her even though he had tasted her a lot of times before but still felt like it was the first time.
No but he didn't know it was his last time.
A tear drop escaped her eyes. she lost the war to hold back the tears from him. the kiss tasted bitter sweet and yet the melody of the beat was same from her heart, filled with love. sweet for the passion and longingness for each other and bitter for the pain in their heart for the lost hope of living forever.
he stopped the moving of his lips but stayed as close as possible. his lips mixed with their saliva which running down to his jaw, his lips travelled to her cheeks planting soft kisses and moving down to the jaw and kissing the skin which was longing for him. pulling her dress off the shoulder, she whispered his name. her whimpers made him kiss harshly on the exposed shoulder and bit all the sweet and soft spots he was familiar with. her lips softly kissed his ear. their sweet smells intoxicating each other's nose and making them pull towards the other even more. he pulled his head back.
she gripped his wrist tightly, whining for the lost of his lips. his forehead rested onto hers and closed his eyes. she finally looked at him. the moon reflected in her eyes, the breeze blowing silently, the loose materials adorning their body swaying with the wind, shivers running through their skin but the love of each other keeping them warm.
"Don't make me regret for leaving you."
"I will make you regret. I can't afford losing you even if I have all the royalties, money and everything that everyone desire of. it's nothing compared to you. please..." he was sobbing. she had never seen him so vulnerable and weak because he had a noble and prestigious status to maintain and his ambition was always to win.
but somehow he lost, the day he met you.
"call me selfish but I want you to remember me. Remember our each moment we spent together. Remember the things I have told you. Remember our love and our memories...Remember us." she said and cupped his cheeks to make him look directly towards her. she smiled to him and he did the same. she taught him many things and he will always remember them.
How can he just forget you?
"If you die. I will be the one to kill you. I am selfish for you." his tone was very familiar, the way he always shows his possessiveness over her. she sadly chuckled.
"I am not dying...I am just leaving but I'm always yours to kill." she hugged him and he pulled her closer to his embrace.
His to kill.
"Welcome back Prince Wooyoung. It's been honored to see the handsome young man after such a long time. How are you?"
The young man with the black glittery attire with jet black hair, a black coat with the same color bottom with some gold and silver embroidery lining the materials and some tracing patterns on the back and above the chest. A chain attached to the second button to the pocket on his left side. Every gem and jewellery over his body reflecting the sunlight peeking inside the grand hall of the palace. His black boots hitting the carpeted marbled floor and with each step the servants and maid bowing towards him. A sly smile resting in the corner of his lips and hands folded behind his back. Nodding his head causing the muscles from jaw to neck to move tightly, he acknowledged all the greetings and dismissed them.
Taking a glass of water from one servant, he sent a smile towards him with his bright eyes before turning towards the man who greeted him, "Seonghwa, what's with the formal greet? Atleast treat me like an usual person. I hate this royalty enough already now you don't give me more reasons. Well, fortunate enough I am fine and I have something to show you all."
Seonghwa was in royal attire with a white fringed sleeve shirt with a corset and black loose bottom. Piercing eyes with loose black hairs falling over his forehead, few strands sticking to the sweat lining.
The older one laughed to his whines and patted his head, "I am glad to know that you are fine enough after the long trip. Stop being so dramatic now and what's the thing you want to show?"
"We need this other person to be here as well. Talking about him, where is he though? I expected him to be the one standing at the entryway." he said and took a place on one the two loveseats. everything around him was screaming the royalty but he was looking as if a young boy pressured to be the one to carry the crown of a prince.
Seonghwa hesitated for a moment before replying, "He might be busy with works but I hope he will be happy with the news of your arrival."
"what? you haven't informed him about me?" he frowned and placed the glass on the table.
"It's not like that, he-"
"Woo. you are back?" a deep voice echoed to the walls of the hall. the guards behind the door were also attentive to this person, the birds even remained still and the sunlight coming from the window directly falling over him, admiring his black hairs with the black lace around his neck. the black loose shirt hugging his body and the similar jet black bottom admiring his body proportion with the golden embroidery black coat hanging on his one arm. the thumb played with the ring in the index finger and then moving to the middle finger. His shadow was the most dominating one in the palace at that moment and Seonghwa felt intimidated before the look but nodded in his direction when his gaze fell on him.
The younger boy had a wide smile across his face and jumped up to run towards the person who just now announced his presence inside the hall. His arms flew up to wrap around the tall figure who wasted no time to welcome him to his embrace. He missed his love so much. Seeing the excited younger one, he patted his back before pulling apart.
"How was your training?"
"Yunho. I missed you. it was so difficult without you teaching me in a smooth way. they were so harsh and Hongjoong. he was always there to scold me. It would have been better if Seonghwa had went there with me instead of him." Wooyoung made an annoyed face which brought little smiles on other two males.
Seonghwa chuckled, "I am gladly sending this speech to him."
"Oh shut it." Wooyoung glared at him before turning to his elder brother, "Well there is someone I want you to meet."
"Yeah, he was telling me earlier that he wants to show us something. I don't know if I am allowed to be here or not." Seonghwa said in an unsure tone.
Yunho turned towards the older one, "of course you are welcomed to everything. you are like a brother to me and to us." He side eyed his younger brother.
Wooyoung nodded and clasped his hands together to call a maid towards him. The maid bowed towards them and waited for his order. He whispered something to her and she nodded before taking her leave.
"Let's welcome her." He smiled towards them and waited near the door.
"Her?" Seonghwa was confused but having a concern look over his face when he glanced towards Yunho who was sitting on the chair beside the table. He was quiet and gripped the knife tightly in his hold.
Wooyoung just nodded and looked away. Seonghwa sighed and walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Where is she?"
"She is in the guest room beside my room to freshen up and I asked the maid to call her here. Before you ask me anything else, I met her during the trip to the kingdom. She was the one who kept me alive after Hongjoong's daily torture."
Seonghwa smiled at him.
Someone knocked on the grand metal door. Both of their attention went towards the door and saw a young woman standing in a light blue gown with sleeves hanging slightly from her shoulder with white straps over it. The dress was plain and the hairs loosely resting on the shoulder and locks falling to the side of her face. Tugging the hair behind her ear, a smile sent out to them.
"Hello..."your soft voice made Seonghwa's breath hitches. Wooyoung skipped his steps towards you and embraced you with his arms.
Hearing the voice, Yunho threw the knife across the room. Seonghwa looked at him and he was both scared and concerned. He quickly went towards him and held his hand when he was about to throw the spoon again. Wooyoung was too distracted with you.
"This is the one I was talking about. Meet my savior, y/n from Utopia."
Yunho stood up and pushed the man away to look at his brother and you. He was furious. The muscles around his jaw and neck turned red with clenched fingers and teeth and staring at them with rage.
"Who is she?" He asked with a dark look.
Wooyoung was confused with his sudden reaction but still introduced you to him.
"Y/n..." Yunho repeated the name, he tasted the word in his tongue and it tasted bitter and sweet at the same time. He scoffed and stood in front of you, "and why are you here?"
You were scared and pleading for help from Wooyoung who gave you a smile. "Yunho, don't scare her. She is new here and we will be getting married soon."
Yunho bitterly laughed, "Marrying? Are you serious? Do you even know her?"
" said you will allow me to marry anyone."
"Anyone but" he glared at you, "her."
He turned away and walked towards the door. Seonghwa followed him in close behind and when his gaze fell over you, you saw hatred in them similarly like the other. You gulped and clutched the man's hand beside you, he patted you.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't look in my way." You apologized and looked back and you bowed towards him, "your honor, Prince Seonghwa."
"Just stop with your acting already. Tell me why you are here. Don't give false excuses." He was glaring and his words were dipped in hatred.
Since the day you started living in the palace, you have seen the similar hatred in their eyes. Their every stare felt like they were about to kill you.
Even Yunho attempted to corner you one day with a knife in his grip and held it to your throat while he was gripping your other arm tightly. You were scared but he was not fazed by that look but when a tear fell from your eyes, a glint of regret, a flick of sadness occurred in his eyes. He loosened his grip and you managed to run away from him.
You sent a confuse look towards Seonghwa after his question and shook your head slowly, "what are you saying? I'm here with Wooyoung."
"You are with him because now he is the easy catch for you. Leave him before Yunho or I will kill you."
"You won't be attempting this wild thing. It's not what you want to do with me. Think about it again. Can you really kill me?" You stood closer to him and smirked. "Can you live in peace after killing me...after killing y/n?"
You bumped into his side before leaving him there. He sighed in his place.
You were right even if he threatened you, he could not kill you.
But what about the other one.
"What are you doing here?" Your voice made him roll his eyes but still facing his back to you. You sighed and stood beside him and leaned over the railing to pick a flower.
"Don't even dare to touch it."
You played with the flower between your fingers and replied, "but I love these flowers. Y/n loves theses flowers a lot. Look at them, these are so sweet." you turned towards him and he was staring at you. you smiled when your gaze fell on the locket around his neck. his silver bodysuit with wide neck making it highlighted. "that locket has the same flower."
"don't speak about this flower from your filthy mouth." he spat at you and you nodded.
"why do you hate me so much? as far as I know, you really can't hate me or harm me."
"Do you really want to hear? Then listen..." he gripped your jaw and stared at you furiously and you kept a neutral expression, "I hate that you are here. I hate everything about you, your face, your voice, your gaze"
"So basically I need to change my whole being and that's not even possible because people love me for who I am. Well, I can't spend a minute more here to hear your shits so better learn to accept me or leave this place for a while because I will be here for a long time and I'm not leaving soon. I will take my leave for now,Prince Yunho or should I say Yuyu."
"Y/n!" He shouted your name and a smirk appeared on your face before turning your back to him, walking away towards your designated room. "I will see how you are going to stay here. I will kill you before you can even realize. Y/n is only mine."
two days later.
You were shocked to hear the news that Yunho left the palace for a while and he won't be returning soon and no one was aware of his day of return. you leaned back into your chair and sighed.
"Why are you not eating? what happened?" Wooyoung asked you while munching on his food. Shaking your head, you pout and held your fork near your nose to inhale the scent of the delicious food and hummed in satisfaction. he chuckled to your reaction.
"This smells so delicious, Woo. I am craving for it even though I haven't tasted it yet." you took a bite and your eyes went wide with the taste melting on your tongue.
"Then eat it. There's a lot and you can have as much as possible." You nodded to him and started eating other dishes. You felt someone's gaze boring hole on you and you smiled to yourself before locking your gaze with the man across from you. He didn't touch his food but was gripping the juice glass tightly with clenched jaw towards you.
"Here. have this, you haven't started eating anything. are you not happy with me being here?" you offered the side dish to Seonghwa and casted a glance towards Wooyoung who smiled to your gestures and laughed to him across the table.
"Of course not. He is really happy with your presence and he is just not used to being around a girl in this palace. Right, Hwa?"
The older one glared at you before replying, "Woo. I am well aware of how to react to a girl's presence but I don't know how to react to her. I think she has said something to him for which Yunho left so early and didn't even inform anyone when will he return. I hope Mingi sent us some news soon or I will kill her." He stood up, making the chair fell behind and before glaring at your direction, he went off to the garden.
"Seonghwa!?" Wooyoung shouted.
"What happened to him?" you asked with the teary eyes.
Wooyoung pulled you and calmed you down, "Hey, it's okay y/n. Dont be scared. I think he is disturbed with something. I will talk to him."
you nodded and both of you proceeded to eat when he told one maid to serve Seonghwa his food in his room.
It's been one week you haven't seen Yunho since he left that day without telling anyone where he went. You asked Wooyoung about his brother's whereabouts but he was even not aware of anything as well. You both were on the same boat. After the commotion you had with Seonghwa during the lunch, you saw him very less and even if he comes across you, he ignores you as if you don't exist. You felt hurt that two of them don't appreciate your presence but still you were trying to win their heart, win their trust that you were there for a home.
You always wanted to stay with your loved one.
You smiled to the thought of Wooyoung. He was busy with archeries since last morning and you were keeping yourself busy with wandering around the palace and getting familiar with the people.
The servants, maids and the soldiers were all very polite and strict to their schedules while on duty but they really treated you nicely. They referred you as the best princess for the kingdom, Halazia.
"Y/n is always the best one and our dear princess."
This compliment always made your heart warm and forgetting about those two who hate you, a feeling of being loved surrounds you.
When you took a turn towards the stairs, you watched the sun setting down slowly and the dusk welcoming the dark sky to cast upon the palace. But as soon as you looked away to your front, you made eye contact with the elder prince, Yunho.
He is back? when? you smiled towards him and walked closer to him. his expression was neutral, you were not clearly understanding his intention but still you slowly approached him.
" are back. How are you?"
he scanned your face and you noticed his eyes were red and cheeks were red and he couldn't stand properly without a support. when he was about to lose his balance, you gripped his side and balanced him with holding his arm and waist. "Hey, are you okay?"
"What are you doing here?"
you ignored his question and pulled him towards the door. he was quite heavy for you but still you managed to push open the door with him in your hold. He was whining like a baby and hiccupping when you pulled him towards the bed.
Your white night gown was so low in appearance to his extra-ordinary embroidery prince suit. you managed to take off his coat and shoes with the jewelleries. he was repeatedly asking you why you were there and why you were helping him, this and that but you just smiled towards him and tucked him in the bed. his eyes were closed but you offered a glass of water and urged him to drink, first he refused you but eventually drank it and fell to his back. placing the glass on the table, you approached to his side and kept staring at him. his pale soft skin was tinted with red but his dark personality was hidden behind the whining little boy in front of you. His puffy cheeks were urging you to pinch them but you shook off the thought and turned around when he grabbed your hand.
"Y/n...please don't leave me...please stay."
your breath hitched to his request. you couldn't believe he was urging you to stay with him. you gulped but didn't turn back because your scared eyes were fixed towards the door. you hoped someone to enter but neither Seonghwa nor Wooyoung was at the palace for the moment.
you slowly turned around and held his wrist softly. "Yunho, you are drunk. you don't know what you are saying. I should leave now and sleep. you must be tired after returning back."
His eyes shot open and he was crying, he sat up and pulled you on the bed and embraced you in a hug. "please, y/n. why are you doing this to me? please...please don't leave me again. I can't stay without you."
you patted his back, "Yunho...please sleep."
"No. please let me show you that no one can else can love you more than me. I am the only one for you. we are for each other."
before you could say anything more, he connected his lips with you. your eyes went wide and even when you tried to push him, he pinned you down. he was hungry for your kiss. biting down your lips, you cried in pain and wiggled under his hold. his tongue explored your mouth, teeths clashing to each other and he sucked your tongue. he was tasting every inch of your corner. his lips kissed your jaw, your throat and his face rested in the nape of your neck, he breathed out and his lips nibbled the area before biting down the area.
"please stop it. Yunho, I...I..." you were sobbing but he hugged you tightly. "y/n please please don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"you are not hurting me but it feels wrong doing this."
he pulled apart and pushed you on your back, your head hitting the pillow and his fingers entangled with yours when he hovered on top of you, "nothing is wrong when I am making love with my y/n. you are mine and I can do anything for you and to you."
"please..." his pleading with teary eyes made you nodding to him. you agreed to obey him, to let him do anything to you.
you smiled when he returned to kiss the areas where he bit you earlier. he pulled down your night gown, untying the loose knots and pulling the materials down which were blocking your intimate areas. you felt shy under his gaze. his face was attached to your skin. he gripped your palms tighter, flexing his muscles and veins popping out from his hand, neck and forehead. you eyes rolled back when he plopped a nipple in his mouth and toying with the other. your fingers entangled with his hairs.
He has done this before. Same feelings he has made you feel it again and again but still you love it each time.
"Only I can make you feel like this. only I am allowed to love you. Only me. Y/n is only mine. No one can have her other than me."
the way he is saying your name, it felt like he was talking about someone else to you. he was referring someone else. his grunts and groans filling your ears, making you squirm under him. his hand left your breast and move down to undo his pants and quickly remove them. he was impatient and so was you.
he was impatient to have you and you were impatient in fear to get caught by someone, maybe Wooyoung.
he planted a kiss between your breasts, right under the heart. a tear drop fell on the place and he closed his eyes.
his red and hard member dripping with precum toyed with your heat, you squirmed and whined when his tip rubbed your entrance, you moaned out and his mouth left your nipples and bit the soft areas around it. his juicy tortures of the lips and teeth trailed to your jaw before planting a long kiss on your anticipating lips.
"Have patience, Y/n. Take it slow. We have the time for whole night." his thumb rubbed circles on your clit and suddenly he pushed himself inside you. you cried out with the stretch and the pain but he didn't wait for you to adjust and started thrusting faster and harder. His pace quickening and when you caught his gaze on you. he was glaring at you.
"This is what you wanted, right?" he clenched his teeth and gripped your jaw when you tried to look away. "Tell me. Am I making you feel good?"
Tears falling from your eyes and his glare made you clench around his member. he scoffed when he hit you deeper. your hand gripped his forearm and urged him to slow down but he pinned you down more and wrapped his fingers around your throat.
"You can't say anything? huh? such a filthy one. you are already dumb with this. Tell me that you are mine. Tell me y/n. who do you belong to?"
"Cum...I want to cum...Yunho please..."
"Shut up. I am asking you to tell me who do you belong to? Cant you answer it?" you choked when his grip tightened around your throat and he was putting more pressure on to the side.
"Should I stop?"
"No no. please..." you coughed out and his gaze darkened.
there was a fear in your eyes. you were not sure if he was loving the moment with you or he was trying to kill you but the rage in his eyes was bold than the fire and the gaze darker than the night sky. there was a void in his eyes, you couldn't see any love while he was deep buried inside you but there was a cover of hatred.
when he quickened his pace and it became uneven, you were sure he was near but when he was about to cum, he pull out and spilled his seeds on the sheets. you whined for the lose of his touch but moreover you whined because you wanted to cum.
"you are not allowed to cum because you didn't reply me."
"Leave my room before I will do something to you." He waited and watched you being still in your previous position, "I said LEAVE!"
you flinched to his shout and wrapping the gown around you somehow, you glanced at him. he didn't look to your direction and you left his room. the moment his door was shut, he started crying.
"what have I done? why? I'm sorry y/n...I'm sorry." he clutched the locket around his neck and sobbed to himself.
“Stop running around, y/n . You will fall. Seonghwa will scold me that I have let his precious one to fall down.”
“First catch me then only I will stop.” Her laugh echoed around the hall and the said man watched them playing around the palace. He loved her like his own sister and watching her so happy made his heart warm.
“You are running too fast. Those gowns are not safe to run around in.”
“Just accept that you are a weak Prince, yuyu.”
"Tell me y/n, why are you here again?" Seonghwa's eyes were red and he was holding your hand, preventing you to leave the place and go back to the party. you were cursing yourself to come here alone without Wooyoung and annoyedly, you wiggled your arm from his grasp.
"what's your problem, Seonghwa? I won't tell you anything. Leave my hand. you are hurting me."
"And you are hurting me with false hope. please tell the truth. I am begging you."
"Seonghwa, it's better if you go on your own way and let be on mine."
"Don't say my name. I am tired of hearing this name with you all behaving so pathetic around me. Just stop with your nonsense already." you rolled your eyes and pushed away his hand.
You caressed your wrist and continued, "you all look really pathetic. how you are you going to manage your whole kingdoms on your own when you all are so weak and giving false threats to a girl."
"Don't test my patience, y/n. Why are you here again?"
"Are you not tired of asking the same question since day one. Stop it. I am with Wooyoung here and we are getting married soon. also after he will convince his brother and I will be the princess of Halazia. Oh wait, I will be the Queen."
he stood close to you and glared, "so you are here to take over this place. To rule this kingdom. You are using Wooyoung to get the access to the core."
"that's an intelligent prince there. Maybe, I'm here for the exact reason." you smirked and held his wrist. "even if I'm here so close to you but you can't even kill me. You won't hurt me because you don't have the courage to do it."
Seonghwa pulled his hand away from you and turned around and when he was about to exit the door, you laughed and said, "atleast Yunho hasn't notice it yet. He is yet to find out the reason behind me being here."
You watched how he harshly opened the door and without even glancing back, he went out. you knew you had triggered his emotions.
but what emotions exactly?
"And you thought I won't notice?"
You flinched to the sudden dark voice from the stairs. The ceiling lights and the lamps had a warm radiant but those lights were still piercing on your skin. As if the hatred inside you was adding to the heat of the lights.
Your piercing eyes reflected the shining light of the light chain decorated on the railings. You gripped the glass tighter in your hand, feeling the anger rising in you to watch him descending the stairs.
He should slip a step and fall from the stairs in front of you.
The boots hit to the marbled stairs slowly, the walk was slow, too slow to let you hear each sound of his boot precisely and clearly.
Your glares directed towards him made his corner of the lip to tug upwards slightly. He watched you intently and noticed your slight fear which you were trying to hide it but still couldn't. At this point, the grip on the glass could have broke it easily but somehow it didn't break.
Maybe like the hatred inside you was enough to burn him but the slight fear was more powerful to hold it back.
"Why are you here?" You hissed.
He eyed the glass in your grip and walked forward to stand a bit too close to your liking. you were glued to the ground. you wanted to run away but still something inside you was forcing you to face, face him like the royal you are. are you strong enough? maybe not. he is more powerful than you. both in morals and money.
"If I say...for you?" he said and leaned forward to inhale the perfume. he hummed near your ear, "same sweet smell. It always remind me of the night. don't you miss the day?"
"Never. why can't you just forget about it?"
he chuckled and stood straight, "oh it's too perfect and interesting to remember. how can I just let that sweet moment slip through my mind. I am carving it on a campus to make it remember even if I have amnesia one day."
you gritted your teeth and raised the glass to throw the wine at him but he was quick to get a hold of your hand and took away the glass from you. you glared at him but he just smirked at you and brought the glass to his lips, maintaining an eye contact with you. you could hear some people passing by the passage through outside the main door of this hall in the backyard of the palace. you glanced to the direction of the door and hoped someone to enter so that you could escape his grip because your strength was nothing to his.
the voices became distant and the hope inside you died down with the rising of the bubble of fear.
"I hope you soon have the amnesia and so that I can kill you by myself." you wiggled your hand under his grip.
he ignored you and asked, "have you drink this? did your lips touched the glass?"
"why? will you drink from it now?"
he poked his inner cheek and smirked widely, "oh! I am craving for the lips from that night and if you don't give me the honor to devour them again then I have to do it in this way."
"Yunho, mind your words." you threatened him only to get a loud laugh from him. he threw his head back and amusedly watched his grip on your wrist. the image from that night flashed in front of his eyes. the same way you were whimpering under this hold and begging to him.
"But you loved every words from me when I was choking you." He cocked an eyebrow and smirked.
"Please stop it."
"And if I don't?" He loosened his grip on your wrist and as soon as you stepped backward, he harshly grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. "Does Wooyoung know about this?"
"About what?" You hissed at him because the grip was leaving red marks on your arm and the fingers on his fingers were pressing on your skin.
The touch was filled with hatred or love?
It's visible that it's all about the hate for you.
"About us? The love we shared that night. The way I made you feel good." He leaned to your level to whisper into your ears, his breath hitting your nape and you shivered, "the way I marked you mine. When in the first place you are always his."
"There is nothing called us. That night was a mistake. Don't talk about it again. I don't want Wooyoung to know about it. I am never yours."
He sipped the wine from your glass and closed his eyes, humming in the taste of the liquid. You watched him in disgust. Gulping down the glass, he noticed your glare.
He paused to stare at the door and when the voice of the person on the other side became distant and he noticed that you were distracted.
He threw the glass across the room and glared at you. You flinched to his sudden action and his grip tightened.
"y/n...y/n...y/n..." He sang your name and his voice and the name coming out from his mouth sent a shiver down your spine. He noticed your little gulp and harsh turned you around and flushed your back against his chest.
"Y/n and Yunho...isn't our name fit nicely together?" He darkly chuckled in your ears. His one hand grabbing your arm tightly and the other placed on your throat. The hand was caressing the skin around when he suddenly squeezed it.
Your choking sound made him smile widely and in satisfaction he whispered, "it will be so fun to kill you, y/n."
You scoffed, "is that a threat?"
He chuckled amusedly, "why? Does that sound like a compliment?"
He loosened his grip around your throat, you coughed out and took deep breaths but he held you against his body.
"Leave me, Yunho."
"I will only leave you when I will kill you." He gripped your jaw and made you face him. His glares were strong, his muscles tight against the jaw and neck and the gritted teeth hissing at you.
"Then kill me."
"Y/n. Y/n, where are you?" Wooyoung's voice echoed around the place and you both could hear it. You broke the stare with him and looked towards the door when the door was pushed open.
Yunho changed your position and placed his hand on your cheek and other still holding your arm. Smiling at you and you stared at him in confused silence.
Why is he suddenly acting like this?
Wooyoung entered the hall and found you either Yunho, he smiled at your form who was held by his brother. You both were facing side to him. Yet to notice his approaching steps towards you.
"There you are my love. What are you doing here, y/n? That even with Yunho?" He was smiling all the way and when he reached near you, you pushed Yunho's hand and hugged Wooyoung.
Wooyoung smiled and patted your head in his embrace and with confused looked at his brother.
"What happened to her?"
Yunho chuckled, "she lost her balance in this dress and her glass fell from her grasp so I was just helping her out."
Wooyoung nodded and felt your hug tightened around him. You clutched his coat tighter and closed your eyes in anger.
These brothers were always different from each other. Wooyoung was in red attire representing his love and passion for you. Whereas Yunho in black attire radiating luxury and power in elegance shooting towards you.
"Are you okay, y/n?" You nodded to his question and he urged you to stand straight. He signaled his brother that he would like to leave the place with you to spend some time and his brother nodded. He guided you towards the door and you followed him either your hand entangled with his and looking down. You could feel a stare burning hole on your back but you didn't look back.
Yunho's eyes followed till you both exited the door and took a turn. As soon as you were out of his sight, he grabbed his hairs and pushed back in annoyance.
"I will kill you, y/n." He clenched his jaw and glared at the way from where you left with his brother.
"Always remember that you are mine." He exhaled heavily and clenched his fist where his knuckled turned white and the palm was almost flushed red with slight edge of the nails digging into his skin.
"Mine to kill."
y/n is his.
"Aw you are looking so pretty. My beautiful one. this flower really suits you. I will make a whole palace with a garden of these flowers just so you can look this mesmerizing when playing among them." He said and hugged her tight.
"you love me too much. even if it's too cold out here but your words are making my heart warm." she said and turned around to put the flower behind his ear, "this look good on you. I love this flower and I love you so we both will live together in that palace."
he smiled at her and kissed her lips, surprising her with his sudden action. she was used to his playful nature but every time still he managed to surprise her. she was too naive for him and he swore to protect her at all cost.
"I love you, y/n."
she smiled and kissed him, murmuring into the lips, "I love you too, Yuyu."
"y/n...where were you for one whole week? you didn't come to meet me for so long. Do you even know how much I have missed you?" she shook her head to the whiny man who was sitting in the middle of his bed and staring at her like a lost puppy who missed his owner.
"Am I your owner? you are a grown up man so learn to behave like that. Where are the etiquettes of a prince?" she folded her hands and raised a brow while questioning him. She yelped in surprise when he pulled her on his lap.
He was only covered in blanket and she knew if she just pulled a little bit of the corner, she would be greeted with the authentic sight of his perfectly pale and muscled body with his veins patterning under the skin. she wet her lips with the anticipation of what was coming next. The loose materials hugging her body was being removed slightly to get a better access to the places he desired. Gripping his shoulder, eyes closed, she bit her lips to hide the effect of his every touch on her.
"Let me hear you, my princess."
she shook her head and when he bit the back of her ear, she moaned out his name and he lightly chuckled into her ear. It was as if her body gets pulled to his lips like a magnet. Everytime, if the tip of his finger touches her, the body ignites with the desire to get railed by him. she felt embarrassed with the thought and he was well aware of it and he loved to tease her about it.
Pumping the breast over the loose material somehow hanging from her body, his ears were blessed with the whines and moans from her. To tease her and push her to her limits, he grunted in her ears and when she tried to push him down on the bed, he laughed at her impatient state.
"Come on. Don't tease me. Please..."
"Y/ won't be ever leaving me, right?" he asked her while he was laying her down slowly, kissing the shoulder blades and marking her wherever he pleased to and then kissing away the pain. he brushed back the hairs from her face and smiled to her when she returned him the similar look.
" are not getting rid of me unless you are the one pushing me away."
"You are always pretty, y/n."
"Of course, for my handsome prince, I need to look always my best or it won't be fair." placing her arm around his neck, she pulled him into a kiss. he didn't mind but let her kiss him. he was rather enjoying her desperation to feel, to have him for herself. he smiled into the kiss and his hands toying around with her heat and breast and pressing the clothed nipples, making her gasp into the kiss. She pulled his hair and apart from the kiss and glared.
he laughed at her silly face, "what happened? desperate? for me?"
"Yes..." she breathed out, "show me how much you have missed me all these days. her hands travelled all over his back and caressed the bare skin. Taking a hold of her hands, he pinned them down and his look darkened with lust but his every word and action was filled with love.
"Be ready for me princess."
"Always for you…Fuck..." she gasped out and pressed her thighs tighter around his head. "that feels good..."
"Like this?" He hummed against her heat and nuzzled his nose on her clit making her whimpers louder and he was enjoying the sight of her squirming just under the effect of his tongue.
"Uh yes...yes... Like that...please" she replied breathlessly and gripped the sheets tightly.
"Yuyu..." she whimpered. "It feels so good... It's driving me insane..."
"Such a dirty one, aren't you, princess? You know I go crazy whenever you call me this name and still you are saying it now." he murmured against her throbbing ache. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No!" she exclaimed, thighs tightening further around his head. the pressure around his head made him gripped down her hip and continued with his abuse.
"Mmm..." He hummed as he added a finger making her cry out with the cold touch of his rings to the heat, "you are so delicious..."
"Ahhhh..." she moaned loudly when she cummed inside his mouth. he gulped down the liquid and licked the area with his hot tongue. he slurped the juices as if he was starving for all these days.
"Yuyu" she whimpered, "No more please...I need you"
"Yes... have patience, princess" he groaned and got up, hovering over her, squeezing her breasts harder. his dark gaze scanning her body, he smirked that she was all displayed like that and flushed red in front of him because of him, for him.
his fingers rubbed her leaking and aching heat and scissored it before he let her feel the tip of his hard member hitting her entrance. the precum dripped on her heat, mixing with her stained walls from her previous orgasm. He pulled back his hand from between her legs and sank down his hip onto hers. she gripped his arms and cried out with the stretch and his lips kissed the tear line and lips hovered over the closed eyes.
"Look at me love. Let me see those precious pearls."
she snapped her eyes open to find him already staring at her with amusement filled eyes and his hand was caressing her face and patting her head, whispering soft and encouraging words to forget the pain and focus on him because they were making love and love can be gained with a little pain. she grinned as she watched him throw back his head when he felt her clenching around him. he groaned and pushed his his hip faster and his muscles were flexing under the dimly light of the room. his fingers traced over the curves of her body and her nails dig into his back.
She snaked a hand behind his head to pull him down for a kiss. The heated moment when their lips met, their bodies trembled in anticipation and the each little of their touch made them whine. he ran his fingers through her hair, stroking it gently. His lips gently grazed and his tongue licked her lips and she smiled. parting her lips slightly and felt his tongue slide against hers. His tongue traced along the every inch of her lips before sliding inside, tracing the outline of her teeth. His lips wrapped around her desperate tongue and sucked onto it.
She let out a muffled moan as he slipped a finger to rub her clit and push her to the edge. His finger slid inside of her and collected some juice. her breathing became heavier as her body heated up. With every flick of his tongue, every movement of his fingers, her arousal grew stronger and she whined. he could feel her trembling form under him, squirming and becoming weak. he pulled back his finger and urged her to stay still.
"open your mouth and eyes on me." she obeyed his command and soon he pushed his finger inside her mouth. he smirked when he watched her sucking his finger for the dear life, her back arching with the approach of her orgasm and he was near too. she grabbed his wrist and he knew she wanted to cum and he gripped her jaw and nodded. He glanced between her breast and smiled.
she screamed with her climax, the walls clenched tightly and he felt her cum coating him. Waves of pleasure washed over her as her orgasm exploded within. closing her eyes shut tightly, she trembled uncontrollably.
"you look more beautiful like this, y/n..." He moaned and thrust faster, "mine. you are mine y/n...tell me who you belonged to....tell me."
"'s only you, Yuyu" she whimpered as her palms clutched tightly under his strong grip. "only yours, I can't take it anymore."
"Thank you love." He smirked. "That means I am making you feel good that no one else can."
"You like it when I fill you up, right princess?" he whispered into her ear. "Do you like feeling me deep inside of you?"
"yes yes..." she moaned out. "You feel so good Yuyu."
Soon he bottomed out inside her, she had felt his hot liquid filling her inside earlier a lot of times but every time, he felt so good. He made her look at him when he filled her with his seeds and the blissed out expression made him hummed in satisfaction. they both were tired and he slowly pulled himself out and fell over her. he pecked her lips and rested his head on her chest before planting a kiss on the place just under her heart between her breasts, fingers flicking the hard bud in front of his eyes. she whined and hit his hand. his laugh vibrated on her chest making her smile.
"I love you, Yuyu...we will always make love like this. I want a happy future for us where no one can harm us and we will be enjoying our life with each other." she played with his hairs and stared at the ceiling, the flames from the chandelier lighting her eyes. his eyes were reflecting the flames from the candles decorated on the various shelf.
"Love...we are always every every life. I can't lose you ever. No one will take you away from me. You are mine. I love you, my princess y/n."
His princess...
Then why are you his enemy now?
Does he not love you anymore?
what happened to him?
"what happened, y/n? searching for Wooyoung?" Yunho laughed in the end of his statement and you paused before retorting back at him when your gaze fell on his hand, holding a knife. you gulped and stepped back. you tried to run towards the door but Seonghwa closed it shut and stood before it with folded hands and a wide smirk plastered on his face.
"Are you going somewhere?" he asked you and chuckled.
"Move. I need to leave. Wooyoung is waiting for me." you said annoyedly and he rolled his eyes.
Yunho laughed again and it was pissing you off and you turned around to glare at him. he raised a brow and held a glass. before you could contemplate his moves, he threw the wine towards you, making you drenched and your eyes went wide.
"What the hell you are doing?"
"Trust me. Wooyoung is not waiting for you and even if he is waiting for something then it's to hear the news of your death." he glared at you.
You scoffed, "and that won't be happening today. can't kill me. You can't kill your Y/n." you smirked and wiped off the liquid from your face. why the hell you were in that situation. you were hoping to atleast get someone out from between these two psychos but who was there to help you. No one. Wooyoung wants you dead.
What is going on?
"Oh he definitely can kill you." The man standing in front of the door said and glared at you.
your confused look went back towards Yunho who was playing with the knife between his fingers. you gulped how his fingers swiftly swiveled the knife. your mind was storming with the thought that he won't harm you, he can't kill you.
you are his first love. his only love.
"Don't say that name from your filthy mouth. I will cut off your tongue first."
you flinched to his shout and the choice of his words sent a shiver. he approached to your trembling form. he watched how tears were falling from your eyes and you were trembling under his gaze. the memories of you being in the same state before flashed in front of his eyes. his index finger wiped off a tear-drop. he watched it intently, he bit his lips to prevent his weakness to come out. His anger rose inside his body and furiously he watched how your eyes were shedding tears.
He stroke the knife up your arm and slashed it. your forearm burned with the cut and you shout out making him smirk and throw a dirty look at you.
"Yunho! Are you crazy?" you pressed over the cut to prevent the blood flow out from your cut. you were scared and annoyed. how can he hurt you like this? he never liked you getting hurt. then why?
he again slashed on your other arm. you cried out in pain. you fell on your knees and hoping him to stop. Seonghwa was watching the whole incident but never stepping in front to stop him. He was somehow satisfied with the situation unfolding in front of him. you were sobbing and wishing to get away from him when he grabbed your jaw harshly, he was grinning at you.
"I am crazy. I am crazy for Y/n."
"You should not hurt who you love." you said between your hiccups.
"and how about you realize the same thing?" he grabbed your hair and pulled it backward, you hissed in pain and his eyes travelled all around your face. every inch was similar to that Y/n whom he loved, whom he cared. the one who taught him the beauty and flaws in life. the one who gave him hope to live. the one he treasured. the one whose memories he kept safe. the one whom he can't ever forget.
but the heart was not same like before.
that y/n had a warm and liberal heart and this y/n with a cold and greedy heart.
he scoffed and traced the knife with the lining of his face. your fearful eyes looking back at him, begging him to stop but he was nowhere near a pause.
"Please. stop it. it hurts."
"it hurts her too." he replied quickly and you gulped. the tip of the knife pressed onto your cheek, slowly piercing it. "she was begging to stop too."
"who are you talking about?" you sobbed and continued, "you should only think of your y/n. I'm sorry I left you but please we can talk about it. I will explain."
"There is nothing left to talk about. she left me. she left me forever. she is not coming back." he said and slashed his knife across your cheek. you let out a shrill cry and he smirked to the satisfaction. "maybe you have the same face but you cant be her."
"Yunho...I'm still your Y/n."
"you are not her!!!" he chocked you with his fingers putting pressure enough to make your vision go blank for a moment, "You are not Y/n...Y/n is dead. Sana, you have killed her."
"Sana, you can never be y/n even if you are her twin sister." he pushed her back. She coughed out and caressed her throat before glaring back to him. the blood flowing out of the cut and her throat was marked with red fingerprint.
"are you still pretending to be her?" he placed the knife over her chest. "she cried to me. she cried to me that she didn't have time. she hoped for me to save her from her decisions. she said her goodbye to me but I thought just like the other day, she will again come back to me."
but she never did.
"why you had to kill her? you envied her so much that you had to erase her forever." he stabbed her thigh, her body jolted down and let out a shrill cry again, satisfying his ears. "she was crying for you to stop but you didn't listen."
he pulled out the knife and stabbed again, "you wanted money. you wanted this royalty. I would have given you everything but you killed her. That day I left all of a sudden because i didn't want you to know that I went to Utopia and I didn't expect that I will get to meet y/n. Not her but her last letters to me. Her aunt really kept them safe but she couldn't save her."
"stop.." he twisted the knife. "please..."
"she begged for you to stop. You didn’t. She promised you that she will not return to me that she will help you to get everything you want but you didn’t listen to her. You hit her, you hurt her, you tortured her and then killed her.”
“If she was alive then I could not have approached here. I used her to get to you.” Sana still managed to smirk, “I wanted you from her and this whole royalty.”
He pressed Sana’s wound on the arm and she hissed. “You didn’t only use her to get here but also you used my brother’s feelings. You played with his emotions. I want to torture you like you did with her but my patience is gone. I just want to kill you right now. Right here!”
He raised his hand with the knife, blood dripping from all the wounds he created earlier. Sana closed her eyes when he was about to stab her on the chest but he paused.
Sana opened her eyes slowly and watched that he was still in his previous position. “Before I kill you. Just know one thing. She didn’t die because you have stabbed her. She died because she was betrayed by you whom she loved so much. Her twin sister killed her. She felt losing the war with herself.”
Those were the last words Sana heard before he stabbed her.
he stared at her hooded eyes, "from today I will believe that I have killed her because she left me. I have killed my y/n with my own hands." He repeated the action so many times that Seonghwa ran towards him and hugged him from behind, both were crying but neither of them knew how to comfort the other.
Seonghwa patted his back before standing up and called out the guards. No one would dare to say anything to anyone about this matter but his heart. He was staring at the body, blood oozing out from the heart, making a scar on the chest.
“Why you always kiss on the scar above my chest?” You asked him smilingly.
He again kissed you at the same place and nuzzled his face between your breasts, “it reminds me of the day we met. You saved me from the fire and got hurt. I will kiss it every day to let you know that this is not a scar but a seal to our bond, just above it is your heart beating for me.”
“For you, yuyu.” You planted a kiss on the top of his head.
For him.
“Yunho…” he heard a soft voice calling out his name, he didn’t look up but staring at the floor at his hands, he killed her. The blood on his hand felt like yours. The knife fell from his hand.
Did he kill her? Or you?
“Yuyu…” he looked up instantly. That name with that sweetness in the voice. You were standing in front of him. A sweet smile and sparkling eyes staring back at him, “you remembered me.”
“Y/n…you are really here?” He asked you in a shaky voice.
“No…” she approached him and kneeled down and held his shoulder, “but I want to say that I really love you. I still love you. I am here with you all the time. Don’t feel lonely. We are still together and I still love to see you smiling and laughing like before.”
“You are here. You are lying.”
“I’m here but to say the final goodbye. You promised me that if I die you will be the one to kill me and look you killed her because I left you. I should have said you everything but sorry. Let’s meet again in our next life.”
He grabbed the knife and attempted to cut his wrist when you held his hand, “don’t be stupid Yuyu.”
His body was aching for her touch but still her touch felt distant, just a wave of air. A piece of memory.
“No let me kill myself. I will meet you again and we will be with each other forever.”
“Please….Yunho…I am already far away from you now but don’t kill yourself. Stay for me. I couldn’t live enough to know the beauty of life but you will live for me so that you can tell me everything when we will meet again.”
“Y/n…. I can’t.”
“Yunho, please for me…” tears fell from her eyes “I will wait for you.”
Yunho kept his eyes open because he knew if he blinked a little, the worst sight he had to notice. You held your hand over his eyes and felt his wet eyes. You kissed his forehead “Goodbye…”
Yunho opened his eyes and tears flowed down his eyes, “y/n…”
You were nowhere. He was all alone in that grand place. It was all his imagination that he read in your last letter for him.
“Keep this locket with you. Even if I’m not with you then also I will feel you are safe with me. This will hang over the scar. I will shield it.”
He gifted you the locket but last day, you gave it back to him and that’s why maybe you died.
He killed you. You were always his. Your everything was his.
You were his to love. His to care. His to protect.
His to kill.
And he will live for you. In the end he was always yours since the day you saved him from the fire in your childhood.
[a reblog in appreciation and your reviews will be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you liked it or not.]

Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @ssrnghwa @bjojotpghzb @superbbananananana @sharksandminhos
My Star, you're back😆😍😍 Oh My God, I'm so glad that I can back to Tumblr and back to your blog🥰
I'm sorry that I can't visit your blog often😢, but from now on I'm not gonna gone like that again😄
And the new fics😆 I'm feeling spoiled right now, so many new stories😍🥰, and I'm gonna binge-reading them all tonight🤭. Thank you for your wonderful work My Star✨😍 I can't wait for your future stories to come out. I wish My Star a wonderful day🫶🏼🩵🩷
Hey! Yes I am back. It’s been a month now and I really missed your messages love. You made my day😃 how are you?
Come on It’s okay, take it easy. My blog is not running away, I am here don’t worry🤭 and you can come to me anytime, I love my anons and stellars a lottt.
I am here to spoil you tho😏 I will be waiting for your visits and I hope you will have fun reading the fics. Yes yes there’s a lot surprises waiting to be explored in near future. Stay tuned!
You too have a wonderful day/night😉
Hello 👋 Is it okay for minors to interact with your blog?
Yeah of course😃…just ignore the fics which have warnings for smut and strictly labelled as MDNI 🥹
Who are ur biases? For ateez skz and exo.
wow we really need to choose bias right? Can’t I choose all?🥹 Just know I'm very disloyal to my ults but I try...I repeat I TRY.
okay so first Ateez: I’m still trying to choose one😭 but ig Yunho is my ult (you might see me drooling over captain most of the times tho) and Hwa makes me stay in my delulu

Now Stray kids (of course the first member who attracted me back in 2018 is still my fav) the way I was addicted to skz back in 2020 still makes me miss those days😭
Isn’t he an angel? My angel 😇


[Honestly you would see me posting about every member from a group…idk how to choose a bias😭 coz all of them attracts me in their own way] also, I would love to hear yours too😃
OMG! this is such a nice surprise...Thank you so much for the rec! I am so happy bae that you found my fics enjoyable and put it up here.
(All are SFW)
Hello Princess by @yessa-vie
You are our home by @starillusion13
One of the guys by @kittykat-25
Black Rose by @orshii
Undying bonds by @edenesth
One day at a Time by @edenesth
Undying bonds by @edenesth
The Cat and Dog game by @makeitmingi
EYES DON’T LIE by @seonghwaddict
Guerilla by @sorryimananti-romantic
Sweeter than Honey by @bvidzsoo
All about you by @starillusion13
A Broken Routine by @vampzity
Must be Love by @itstheghostofmypast
San’s Lucky Charm by @itstheghostofmypast
But you by @sweetiestokkie
Love you, forever by @bvidzsoo
Cuddles and pancakes by @mingoooossii
247 by @yothangie
Girlboss by @itstheghostofmypast
A Quiet Woo by @itstheghostofmypast
You are my Everything by @vampzity

Why are you🫵 such a great writer ❤️ love u ❤️
Awww so sweet of you. Thanks for making me smile but uk there's a lot more great writers, i'm nothing in front of them. I get inspiration from them but really really thank you for such a nice compliment. I feel honored.
Love you too, stellar.
that's good, you like mark more than my it should be 😌

👆this person is always on
top and my fav. But I just love 👆person a bit more. I just said I love Mark more and here you claiming My Taeyong as your Husband?!?!?
Need to lock you up in my basement🚬
(Installing evil plans in my head☺️)
ur poly!fics make me dream of having multiple bf and i'm mad it's not gonna happen 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
just want my multiple bfs fucking me after each other and make me forget my insecurities ❤︎ (bonus points if they're my biases)
My poly fics are the dreams I have that won't be coming true ever so understandable😭...
yeah that would be so nice like our bfs making us forget everything else and just make us feel how loved we are. the attention of more than one and diff. individual way of loving...ugh I really need this but it's biases dont even know about this (plz they shouldn't find about this)
me this morning when I saw that you had posted the markno fic 😁

it was so good girl...idk if this is bc we're both in our 20s but I just relate to y/n so much in your fics (except there's no good men to comfort me 😩)
also the descriptions of their outfits and 'I love when they dress like twins' LOL if that isn't me 😂
YEAH you were waiting for this when I told you on insta that day, right? it might be the reason that our 20's mindset working at a same pace that's why we can relate. well, I dont have one to comfort me rest aside MEN.
dude I was so happy when TY and Mark dressed up as twins in Thailand and posted on insta even did dance reels like it was a gift to me. I really want to have my bfs like them. yes. yes. I can feel you girl.

My condition can’t be helped…I’m totally gone GONE for them…I love them so much oh gosh. Only if they were my bfs together😭MARK and JENO plz I can leave Yunho for you (not really tho)
hii there, hope you doing well!!
can i request for a pt2 of a missing piece?? i really really need a pt2 of THIS MASTERPIECE LIKE I NEED IT!! my plan for pt2 like the reader decided to become an idol back but in a girl group, and one day, reader's group and ateez attended the same award show. after the reader's group done with their perfomance, ateez made the first move to kneel and crying, begging the reader to forgive them and back to normal. IM BEGGING YOUU TO WRITE A PT2 OF MISSING PIECE
thank you so muchh >_<
Well, hello there anonnie <3 Thanks for checking in, I hope you doing well over there.
Thank you for reading the fic 'The missing piece', I'm so glad that you loved it and honestly calling it a masterpiece made my day. only if you could see me smiling so much rn. Anyways, as for pt.2 I didn't have any plan to write it initially as I had thought of ending it on a sad note that the reader and them no longer would cross each other's path but as per some of you all requesting for it so much. I think I will write a small ending (bt as reader has anxiety mentioned there I don't think putting her in a group again as an idol would be better but Ateez helping her to overcome her past to live a new life instead would be better). I would consider your thoughts and put it up in there. Thanks again for loving it and approaching me.
I wont be available for next 3 weeks so please wait for me!
stay safe and healthy, everyone.
U know I luv u so much right? 🥹💞
(Can I prettiest please get chapter ten of “friends” with the biggest cherry on top !!
I know baby...I love you too *muah*...
I have already completed writing the whole book so might be start posting from 14th...yes...the plot is taking a twist and turn from next chapter or maybe from chpt 11...stay tuned!
OMG! Four fics in the rec list…Thank you so much stellar 😭 I hope you had a fun time with reading it and thanks for the support. I am so happy for the rec! This is so exciting 😃 also (lost you forever) there’s a part 2, you can check it out for fluff after the angst🥹

☼ My OT8 One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Hurts like hell & Hurts like hell [pt.2] By @ja3hwa 571 words & 4.12k, mafia au, angst, heartbreak, betrayal, mentions of cheating, name calling, yelling, making up, mentions of death
𖤓 Overboard By @mymoodwriting 4.8k, pirate au, amnesia plot, blood guns, near death experiences, gunshot wounds
𖤓 The Yule Dragon By @thelargefrye 4.3k, polyamory, dragon!Ateez, witch!reader, fantasy au, fluff, angst, talks of death, light injury, celebrations
𖤓 I wish it was me By @sanjoongie 8.67k, San x reader x Yunho predominantly, avatar the last airbender au, mentions of sex and fighting, water tribe San, Yunho & reader
𖤓 Replay By @whimsicalwritingsandmore 1.47k, pirate au, adventurer reader, time travel, fantasy, panic attacks, sharp objects, butterfly effect
𖤓 Aurorise [pt.1] By @whimsicalwritingsandmore 1.56k, Prince!Ateez, dancer reader, historical fiction, adventure, royalty, fluff, some angst
𖤓 Our party By @starillusion13 11.9k, clubbing, possessiveness, kind of Yandere!Ateez, fluff, smut, angst, getting back together
𖤓 Is this the end? By @starillusion13 5.3k, lore au, mystery, angst, crying, mentions of death, fever dreams, flashbacks, loneliness
𖤓 Lost you forever By @starillusion13 5.3k, mafia au, angst, past lovers, crying, mentions of death, pregnancy, misunderstandings, unforgiveness
𖤓 Can we go back? By @starillusion13 4.2k, mafia au, angst, mature, arguments, regret, trust issues, keeping secrets, mentions of death [Honestly, just check out all their works, like they're so good]
𖤓 My bffs as cakes: a thread & Rating my bffs on how well they'd do as a valentine date: a thread By @bluehwale Social media au, twitter threads, humour, crack, fluff, platonic relationships, mentions of drinking bleach, fuckboy San
𖤓 Rating bff [series of one-shots] By @eightmakesonebraincell Social media au, twitter threads, platonic relationships, fluff, crack, humour, suggestive jokes, friendly bullying, so funny [I just linked their masterlist though, cause I genuinely love all their works and you should also check out their Ateez as ----- series]
𖤓 Dewdrops at dawn By @sunmoonjune 17.2k, Demon!Ateez, soulmates, reincarnation, socially anxious reader, dick angels, little gore, sexual themes
𖤓 Oh my *** By @ohmyamor 10.2k, guardian angel!Ateez, human reader, reincarnation, fluff, angst, car accident, near death experiences
𖤓 Living with 8 vampires [pt.1] [pt.2] [pt.3] By @lilacmingi 7.4k, 7.9k, 7.9k, Vampire Ateez, human reader, roommates, fluff, humour, so fun

These two requests which I gave up few weeks ago…There’s an announcement to make about it😃

It’s good…
I will write the above two👹
So basically I will write SMUT..yeah for last two months I gave up on SMUT but thanks to my bestie to lift up my mood and dragged me out of that mess and now I’m better than before.
Also, recently I have got some interesting ideas as in ask box…don’t think I’m ignoring those…I really love it and I hope to write them down soon so have patience😭
Thanks for all the supports from everyone💋🎀
Hi honey, don’t wanna be a bother but; am I on the taglist for “Friends?!”.
If not could I be added luv?
(I tried to make it pretty for you but I think I failed 😔)
Sure sure! Babe you can’t be a bother to me. You are just making me happy when you are trying to interact with me. For you I have completed my next chapter for the series to post it today. Clap your hands 👏 yay!
If you are not added, I’ll surely add u to the list😚
Trust me! It’s is so pretty. A little try from u made my day. You are so sweet of a friend🫂💚🎀
The new theme??? So candy 🍭🍬 I love it (must hav been hard saying bye to taeyong sksksksksl)
Do u even rem me btw 😭 lol
Yes🎀 ☺️
It’s okay I’m in my ‘I’m just a girl’ phase and a little wh*re and sl*t for Taeyong and my other men 💋
Yes baby I remember u with that hug message to make me smile. The sweet you are☺️