Such A Sweetheart - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

The songs you grow to like never stick at first (Chapter 2)

Falling for your best friend is a blessing and a curse at the same time, especially when it’s painfully obvious that your friend doesn’t feel the same. So what is Yuuji supposed to do? He doesn’t want to lose you but also can’t help wanting to get out of the friendzone. Maybe his other friends can help him. Or he just has to wait because sometimes the songs that become our all-time favorites are the ones that don’t stick at first.

Pairing: Yuuji x Reader (female) Genre: College AU, fluff, my attempt at humor, friends to lovers Word Count: 4.3 k Warnings: A lot of cheesiness, pining, unrequited love in the beginning. Yuuji has smutty fantasies, so it's 18+. All characters are of age. The story and my blog contain 18+ content, so minors don't interact.

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

Chapter 1: This is side one, flip me over. I know I'm not your favorite record. Chapter 2: The songs you grow to like never stick at first. So, I'm writing you a chorus, and here is your verse. Chapter 3: A rivalry goes so deep between me and this loss of sleep over you Chapter 4: Hope this is the last time, 'cause I'd never say no to you.

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

Chapter 2

The songs you grow to like never stick at first. So, I'm writing you a chorus, and here is your verse.

"Hey, Fushiguro? What dog-breed would I be?"

"What the fuck?"

Fushiguro gives Yuuji one of those looks that say he's convinced his friend has lost his mind. It's Monday morning, and they are sitting in their film analysis course once again, waiting for their notoriously late professor.

Before coming here, Yuuji had "breakfast with the girls," which means with you, Nobara and Maki, in the coffee shop down the street, and Nobara had let him flip through one of her magazines. Yuuji's gaze had landed on that test. Find out if he's a keeper, dog-breed edition. Is your favorite heartthrob a cuddly Golden Retriever or a protective German Shepard?. Before Yuuji could take the test, though, Nobara had yanked the magazine out of his hand and stuffed it into her backpack.

But it has been on Yuuji's mind since then. Maybe this way, he can find out if he has a chance with you one day.

"Just trying to find something out. So, what dog do I remind you of?"

"A Labrador."

The fact that Fushiguro didn't even have to stop and think about it catches Yuuji off guard. His brain is struggling with processing the information. He likes Labradors, and he thinks everyone does. They are pretty and the definition of a good boy. So that's good, right? Or maybe not? Is being a good boy something girls find attractive? Or is he just a simp because he's a nice boy?

"So um, do you think Labradors are considered hot?"

"What do you mean!? I don't find dogs hot."

Fushiguro is already looking like he's about to throw a fit again. But Yuuji needs answers! He looks at his friend with big pleading eyes.

"Just tell me why you think I'm a Labrador and if that is good or not. I need to know!"

Fushiguro's dark blue eyes meet his, and he keeps the gaze for a while, obviously contemplating whether it's even worth the bother. But then he sighs and elaborates:

"Labradors are friendly and loyal and get along with most people and animals. They are one of the most popular breeds, so take from that what you want. Maybe they are hot. This is about (name), isn't it?"

He looks resignedly at Yuuji, much too calm for the bomb he just dropped. Yuuji feels like someone pulled the rug out from under his feet. His mouth works before his mind, and he's quickly trying to deny it:

"Whoahhhh what? No! I don't know why you'd think that!"

His heart beats up to his throat, and his face feels too hot. What the fuck? How does Fushiguro know about his crush? Fushiguro rolls his eyes and gives him a look that says, "oh please." But at least he leans closer and lowers his voice to a whisper.

"It's ok, don't worry. I won't tell anyone. But I think you suck at hiding how you feel, so it's pretty obvious that you like her as more than a friend. Why don't you just tell her? Instead of asking me what type of dog breed you are, whatever that is supposed to tell you."

"It's about seeing whether she could find me hot! I saw something about that in a magazine." Yuuji mumbles, feeling somewhat embarrassed now. "I can't tell her! What if I fuck up our friendship? And I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me that way."

Fushiguro is tapping the pen he's holding onto the paper in front of him, his blue eyes fixed on a spot on the ceiling, apparently thinking hard.

"Hmm, ok, that's a risk, yeah. You should test the waters first. Try to flirt with her, see how she reacts."

"And what should I say?"

"Don't ask me. I don't flirt with people."

"Yeah, right... oh, I could ask Todo!"

"Please don't. Hey, why don't you ask Inumaki?"

"Bro... He's literally not talking." "Geez, Itadori! He can text, though? And I heard he's a big flirt over text. So maybe he can point you in the right direction." "Oh my god, that's brilliant! Thank you!" He claps Fushiguro's back so hard that his friend loses hold of his pen and sends it flying several rows of seats forwards, hitting one of their classmates on the back of the head. He exclaims angrily and turns around in his chair to glare at them. "Oh wow, just great." Fushiguro ducks his head, while Yuuji laughs and holds up a hand in apology. He feels so much better now! Sharing the secret with someone took some weight off his shoulders. And if Fushiguro is right and Inumaki can give him some useful tips, Yuuji is one step closer to winning your heart!

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

Approaching Inumaki about this matter would probably be the peak of embarrassment for many people, but Yuuji tells himself that he's doing this for a good cause. And why should he feel ashamed about wanting to learn how to flirt? Flirting is a normal thing, totally cool! He needs a pointer in the right direction, and if Inumaki is an expert, he will surely understand Yuuji's problem and be willing to help him by sharing his wisdom. At least Yuuji prides himself on the fact that he is a fast learner. So his chances seem to be pretty good. He's optimistic about his for the first time. So when he sees Inumaki coming out of his chemistry course, carrying a tray of small bottles which seem to hold different types of cough syrup, Yuuji pushes himself off the wall he has been leaning against and approaches the light-haired boy quickly. "Heyyy, Inumaki! I think Fushiguro told you I'd seek you out, right? So um, I heard you are a good flirt! I could use your help!" Saying it out loud sounds a bit weird now, but Yuuji just smiles sheepishly and scratches his neck, hoping he doesn't make a complete fool out of himself. To his relief Inumaki just laughs good-naturedly and indicates with his chin that Yuuji should follow him. Several hours later, Yuuji is prepared to turn almost every conversation into a flirt. Inumaki was amused by Yuuji's inquiry, but he agreed to help and provided him with pickup lines for every situation. He warned Yuuji, though, to not overdo it. Just a little fun, flirty message here and there. It sounds easy enough. Now Yuuji just has to wait for the right moment. His chance comes a few hours later. He's currently lying on his stomach on his bed and doing coursework when his phone buzzes with a new message. His heart jumps to his throat when he sees that it's from you. It turns out to be a cat meme, and Yuuji laughs and sends some emojis. And then, before his courage leaves him again, he quickly types the first pickup line he ever used: "Hey, do you know which vegetable you'd be?" "Which one?" "A cute-cumber!!" "Lmaoooo I like that one!" Yuuji stares at his phone for a whole minute, fingers hovering over the screen. He doesn't know what to do. Inumaki said that he usually receives a flirty text back at this point. But this isn't flirty. This is nothing. How the fuck is he supposed to reply? Send another pickup line? No, that would be too much, right? He just sends a laughing emoji back before throwing his phone frustratedly onto his bed. He groans loudly and can't help but punch his pillow before burying his face in his hands. This was so fucking embarrassing, even for his standards! He gets pulled out of his misery by another sound coming from his phone. It's a new message from you. A picture of a cucumber with a face and long lashes, wearing a pretty dress. "Is that how I look to you? I am flattered!" A relieved chuckle escapes Yuuji's lips. "The hottest cucumber I know!" Since the flirty-text experiment wasn't a total disaster, Yuuji decides to keep on sending you pickup lines occasionally. During the following days he sends you gems like: "We're not socks, but I think we'd make a great pair." "We already are! We're the fluffiest Christmas sock pair ever, bestie!" Friendzoned once again. "If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'd be the McGorgeous." "Now I crave McDonald's!! Wanna go with me?" Well, at least you'll meet up to grab some burgers together, so it isn't a complete failure!

Fushiguro doesn't share Yuuji's optimism. He asks for an update about the "Itadori learns how to flirt situation," so Yuuji shows him the chat, feeling pretty proud. But the way his friend is cursing under his breath doesn't bode well. Yuuji looks at him cautiously, the smile fading from his features. "Is it that bad?" "What the fuck is this?? Are you serious, man?" "What!!?? YOU said I should ask Inumaki for help!! Fushiguro locks Yuuji's phone and sighs exasperatedly. The way he's running his free hand through his hair, making the unruly black strands stick up even more, is unsettling. "I wasn't aware that this is what he does. I apologize, Itadori. That's just... That's so tacky. So disgustingly cheesy. You cannot do that! I am so embarrassed right now, and it wasn't even me who sent those texts! I mean, not that I would be caught dead sending something like that." Yuuji glares at him, annoyed, "You're a pretty big drama queen for someone who would never send a cute pickup line! Give me the phone!" He yanks his phone out of Fushiguro's hand and slams it onto the table behind them, where Junpei is sitting looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "Junpei! Tell me what you think! Would you fall in love with me if I sent you something like that?" His friend with the emo haircut blushes a deep red for a reason Yuuji can't pinpoint and stutters, "Uh...I... it's...I think it's cute, Yuuji. I would...I would like it." Yuuji pumps a fist into the air victoriously, turning to smirk at Fushiguro with a cheeky glint in his eyes, "See? Not everyone is as stuck-up as you. To seduce you, I would have to send you a whole dissertation about the effects of fiction on historical events or some shit like that. Do I make you horny when I talk like that??" "Shut up!" They have to postpone their discussion because professor Gojo just sweeps into the classroom twenty minutes late, carrying an iced latte and a bag filled with donuts. After class, Yuuji is about to storm off, but Fushiguro stops him with a hand twisting in Yuuji's hoodie and pulling him back. Yuuji's ready to actually fight him if he hears one more snide remark about his pickup lines, but when he turns to look at Fushiguro, he finds that the look on Fushiguro's face is full of genuine concern, and his voice is back to its usual calm tone. "I'll help you, ok? I can't just stand by and watch you mess things up." "Oh! Ok, thanks. So what are your tips?" "Look, why don't you just make the classic move and ask her on a date?" "But how?? I can't just do that!" "Be subtle about it! You are a film major! So ask her to watch a movie with you in the cinema. It's for your course and you don't want to go alone! You don't have to mention the word date. But once you are there, it can turn into a date. Watching a movie is romantic. The dimmed lights, a shared bowl of popcorn in which your fingers brush against each other, some scary scenes that make her hide her face against your shoulder... it's perfect." Yuuji nods eagerly. That's indeed good advice. Sure, he could have come up with that by himself. And it's not like the two of you haven't been to the movie theater together before. But it has never been while Yuuji was in love with you. "Thanks, Fushiguro! And sorry for calling you stuck-up." "It's fine. I'm rather stuck-up than a cheesy idiot like you." But he's smiling while saying it, and the way he rubs Yuuji's arm lets him know that there's no malice behind it. Yuuji chuckles and throws an arm around his friend, dragging him along to their next class.

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

", I was thinking. Do you want to go see a movie with me this Friday, maybe?" God, he has never been so nervous about asking you something before! Yuuji is fiddling with the napkin he's holding, crumbling it between his fingers and tearing it apart. Luckily it's hidden beneath the table, so you don't see the anxious state he is in. The two of you are sitting in your usual booth in the coffee shop, drinking coffee and eating cake. And Yuuji finally worked up the nerve to ask you on a date, which isn't really a date but could turn into one if Fushiguro's plan works. Your face lights up, sending the butterflies flying in Yuuji's stomach once again. "Yes, that's a good idea!" Oh god! It's happening!! He'll go to the movies with you and hold your hand and tell you he likes you and you'll cup his face and kiss him and ask him to be your boyfriend!! "I'll ask Maki to come too. She just told me yesterday that she hasn't been to the movie theater for ages. And hey, we could also ask Megumi and Nobara!" What? Wait, no!! That's not how this is supposed to go! You smile at Yuuji happily, as if this is the best idea ever, oblivious to the fact that his heart is breaking a little bit more at your words. He bites his lip and fixes you with an unsure look. He should just keep quiet, but his emotions are taking over, and so he blurts out: "I kinda thought only the two of us could go." Oh fuck, fuck fuck!! Now it really sounds like he's asking you on a date, right? He feels dread pooling in his stomach. The napkin is in shreds now. You lift your head from your phone screen where you are about to text Maki and look at him, surprised and a bit worried. "Oh, why? Is something wrong? Did you get into a fight with one of them?" It's almost funny how oblivious you are. Funny or sad because apparently, you can't even picture the slightest bit that the two of you could go on a date together. Yuuji feels like shit. He's really that idiot, huh? The side character in a movie that everyone feels bad for because you know he will never get the person he likes. He's just there for the comic relief. A dumbass who everyone rolls their eyes at, and it's clear that his crush is so far out of his league that it will never work. Yuuji's courage from a moment ago vanishes completely. He has to avert his gaze from you because he's sure you would be able to see the hurt on his face. And so he looks down onto his empty plate and mumbles with a thick voice, "No, everything's ok. Why don't you ask all of them? The more, the merrier, right?" He looks up again and offers you a smile, hoping it is bright enough to hide his pain.

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

"What am I doing on your date?"

"I have no clue, Fushiguro. Guess your plan didn't work." Fushiguro is sitting to Yuuji's left in the dimly lit movie theater, offering him a tray of nachos and a pitiful glance. There's some commotion at the door, and the boys turn to see you, Maki and Nobara making your way towards them. All three of you are smiling brightly and laughing, almost tumbling down the stairs because you have your hands full of snacks. Yuuji can't stop a lovesick expression from spreading over his face. You look so beautiful, so happy to be here with all your closest friends. There's a big smile on your face, your eyes are glittering in the faint light of the LED strips that are illuminating the stairs. And Yuuji can hear your carefree laughter even from here. He can't take his eyes off you. He can't even be disappointed that this turned into an evening among friends instead of a date because, honestly, he can't regret something that makes you look so happy. You were right. It's really been a while since all of you went out together like this, and it feels nice.

But, deep down, he still catches himself thinking that it would be even nicer if you were here all together but with the difference that Yuuji would be your boyfriend. The thought alone is enough to make his heart beat faster. You plop down onto the seat next to Yuuji, greeting him with a quick hug and a kiss to the cheek before leaning over his lap to hug Fushiguro too. Yuuji inhales sharply. The movement makes you press your boobs against his arm, and he thinks he's going to lose it any second now. Because yes, this is what he wants! He wants you practically in his lap, the flowery smell of your perfume in his nose, the warmth of your body pressing against him, soft curves, and sweet lips. He wants to put his arms around you and keep you in place right there, so close to him that he could kiss you.

He wants to see the lights of the movie screen flicker over your pretty face as you look into his eyes with the same heart-eyes he gives you. He wants to cup your chin and kiss you, slow and sweet, showing you how much he appreciates you with every press of his lips, every flick of his tongue.

Or what if he was sitting in the last row with you? Slipping a hand into your trousers and playing with you while he kisses you deeply, muffling your moans with his mouth while he makes you fall apart on his thick fingers. Hell, he would even get on his knees between your legs and eat you out right there in the movie theater because you are a thousand times sweeter than any popcorn or chocolate.

He wants to feel your hands in his hair, tugging on it as you find completion and ride it out on his tongue, biting your own lips to keep quiet so the two of you won't get caught. Then, he wants to kiss you afterwards with your sweet taste still on his tongue. He's grateful for the darkness of the movie theater and the popcorn bucket in his lap, which both help conceal the growing hardness in his pants. He really has to stop being horny on main all the time. Maybe he should try jacking off before he sees you so his dick doesn't betray him all the time. Or find a way to suppress those dirty thoughts. But he knows he won't be able to stop. He wants those fantasies!

He wants whispered love confessions, sweet nothings, tender touches, and heated kisses while a stupid action movie plays in the background. He wants all the sweet, and sexy, and romantic things for the two of you.

But the only romance Yuuji gets tonight is the one happening on the movie screen where the main character ends up kissing the girl he used to clash with at first. Yeah, that figures! Of course it has to be enemies to lovers. Why can't it be friends to lovers? That would give Yuuji a bit of hope at least that maybe one day you will wake up and look at him and realize that he has become your favorite song. But then something happens that makes Yuuji almost jump. Your head lands on his shoulder, and for a moment, Yuuji doesn't know what's going on. Did he manifest it? Are you cuddling with him? Is this the friends-to-lovers-moment he wishes for? Can it be true? Was Fushiguro right about the romantic lure a night at the movies brings?

He doesn't even dare to breathe, so scared that he'll destroy the moment. The reassuring weight of your head is still there. Finally, he dares to turn his face towards you. Only to realize that you have fallen asleep, and that's the reason why your head lolled onto his shoulder. The pang of disappointment is so severe that it almost feels like he got punched into the guts for real. This is cruel. But while he's internally crying in frustration, Yuuji doesn't move away. Instead, he lets you sleep on his shoulder through the rest of the movie, lets you drool onto his hoodie, and hopes you feel comfortable on his shoulder. It feels so nice to have you this close! Your weight is so perfect against him, your warmth, the intoxicating mix of your perfume and hairspray and laundry detergent, and the underlying scent that is just you. Yuuji can't get enough. He gets butterflies just from something as simple as you resting your head against him. He is fucked. He is so fucked! He has it so bad for you, and it won't go away. The ending credits begin to roll, and you are still snuggled up against Yuuji, snoring softly. He doesn't want it to end. He wants to just stay here in the dark movie theater for the rest of the night as long as you keep leaning onto him like that.

He wants to dream a little. Pretend that you are really on a date, and you're snuggling against him on purpose. He wants to have this all night long. Even if it's not real. He will take anything at this point. Every little crumb. But not even this is granted to him because, at that moment, you jolt up, looking around in confusion. Yuuji can't help but snicker softly. "Hey, sleeping beauty. You officially missed the ending!" You turn to look at him with a sleepy expression, and it's the cutest thing ever. God, he wants you to wake up next to him every morning! With that drowsy look on your face, your hair ruffled from where you were cuddling against Yuuji. He wants to greet you with soft good morning kisses, roll on top of you and let you feel how much he wants you even right after waking up. He wants lazy mornings in bed, cuddling and kissing you, bringing you breakfast to bed, and having you for dessert. These thoughts have to stop! He feels bad, biting his lip because what is he even doing here? Fantasizing about you while you sit right next to him and are so confused because you just got yanked out of your nap. He's such an asshole! But at least his anger against himself makes him feel so turned off that his dick doesn't cause problems this time. A little blessing, at least. The others also realize what happened. That you slept through the last 30 minutes of the movie, and loud laughter erupts from Nobara. Everyone is getting to their feet to leave, but you are still slumped in your seat, looking groggily up at Yuuji. He feels a hand on his arm and looks over his shoulder at Fushiguro, who leans closer to murmur in his ear: "Don't just sit there, idiot. Help her up." He's right, of course! Yuuji wraps a big hand around your smaller wrist and pulls you up without any more hesitation. "Come on, lazy ass. We have to go before they kick us out." "I don't want to... I'm so tired!" You whine and look at him with the same puppy eyes he sometimes uses himself. Yuuji doesn't even think about it. He just acts on instinct and sweeps you up into his arms, making you yelp in surprise, followed by a loud laugh as he carries you bridal-style out of the movie theater accompanied by the laughter of his friends and several strangers who watch the scene. This seems to have woken you up because you're kicking your legs and squealing loudly: "Yuujiiii!! Put me down!" "So you'll hold everyone up again? I think not, princess!" "You can't carry me all the way home!" "Of course I can! Watch me!" He grins down at you, heart doing somersaults in his chest as he tightens his arms around your body, holding you securely against his chest. Of course, he will carry you home like that! He will punch himself if he let go of you now! You feel too perfect in his arms. This is how things should be all the time. He knows he's a hopeless romantic, but the pose makes him imagine a beautiful spring day in the future where he's carrying you like this too, but he's wearing a nice suit, and you're in a wedding dress, laughing happily as he carries you over the threshold. Damn! He's pulled out of his stupid fantasy when your arms wrap around his neck, holding onto him, and your loud laughter is even closer to his ear now. You sound amused. "You're such an idiot!" "Yeah, but I'm your favorite idiot." He knows he's cheesy, and Fushiguro is probably rolling his eyes behind him. But if this was a rom-com, you would cup his cheek now and look deeply into his eyes, realizing that Yuuji is the one for you. And some soft piano music would start playing as you both lean closer in slow motion. A pale pink filter would be added to the scene as your lips meet slowly. "Yes, you are. I'm so glad to have an idiot friend like you!" And just like that, Yuuji's sappy rom-com fantasy dissolves. No soft piano music, no pastel pink hearts, no kiss, no happy end. He's your friend. Yeah, that's all. Of course. Yuuji hopes that the disappointment isn't visible on his face. He forces himself to grin even wider and laughs even louder as he carries you home.

His princess, who isn't really his.

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First (Chapter 2)

This was chapter 2 of my entry for the Fall Out Boy collab. I hope you enjoyed it! I would be super happy about comments and reblogs! Let me know how you liked it. And a big thank you to everyone who commented on the first chapter! I was thrilled to see that you like Yuuji and his struggles! Also a little fun fact: I really did the dog breed test for Yuuji, already assuming he'd be a Labrador, and it really gave me that test result, lol. I call this serious research! I'm planning to post Chapter 3 next week, in which dear Yuuji attends a party and tries to confess his feelings to Reader and fight off some possible competitors for her heart.

I'll reblog with the tag-list later on!

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1 year ago

Number three from the writers' asks!!!! Spill what your soul has been yearning for ✨

YESSS! And that’s Enemies to Lovers with A Fantasy Au. I have an idea for this but don’t have a specific group.

Also, if we talk something about a particular scene then you know I want to write a very pathetic heart wrenching ending🥹 Ik am being so cruel really.

Thanks for choosing three coz I wanted to say this so much. Ilysm❤️

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1 year ago

My Star, you're back😆😍😍 Oh My God, I'm so glad that I can back to Tumblr and back to your blog🥰

I'm sorry that I can't visit your blog often😢, but from now on I'm not gonna gone like that again😄

And the new fics😆 I'm feeling spoiled right now, so many new stories😍🥰, and I'm gonna binge-reading them all tonight🤭. Thank you for your wonderful work My Star✨😍 I can't wait for your future stories to come out. I wish My Star a wonderful day🫶🏼🩵🩷

Hey! Yes I am back. It’s been a month now and I really missed your messages love. You made my day😃 how are you?

Come on It’s okay, take it easy. My blog is not running away, I am here don’t worry🤭 and you can come to me anytime, I love my anons and stellars a lottt.

I am here to spoil you tho😏 I will be waiting for your visits and I hope you will have fun reading the fics. Yes yes there’s a lot surprises waiting to be explored in near future. Stay tuned!

You too have a wonderful day/night😉

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11 months ago

💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌

Eyyy... love *wiping the tears* you are sowww sweet. Thanks for considering me such a person. You must be too nice with a good heart to send me this. Thank you so much!

Honestly, you made me smile.

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8 months ago

“ Message serie ” : Dokyeom boyfriend text.

 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.

🥥 pairing: seventeen dk x fem!reader genre: fluff, bf thoughts , smau warning(s): use of pet name,Dk is a baddie, periods mentioned, what they say don't really have any sense I just thought it was fun to write. (tell me what you thought about that!!)


 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.
 Message Serie : Dokyeom Boyfriend Text.

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Thats very sweet 😍

How would mafia Mikey express his love to his S/O for the very first time? Sex? A kiss? A few words?

How Would Mafia Mikey Express His Love To His S/O For The Very First Time? Sex? A Kiss? A Few Words?

mikey is a very thoughtful soul. he remembers everything, what you like and what you don't. so usually he'll plan a romantic candlit dinner, handcooked by him of course. and he'll present you flowers the ones you adore with a lovely note to go with it.

but read that note when you're alone, it's spills everything he loves about you. he reminds you on the daily that he adores you but that note is special because it's reasons why he fell so hard for you in the first place. it's beyond hard got him to have his heart so open but he's willing to risk it all for you. only for you.

then after dinner, you'll both go to a place that you enjoy. whether it be the arcades or the movies or even the zoo, whatever your heart desires. he just wants to see you smile. to hear you laugh and giggles, knowing that you're happy with him is a warm feeling he can never describe.

and afterwards you'll both cuddle on the couch and sleep cosy together. sex won't happen, he doesn't want you to think he's only with you for your body.

he genuinely loves you, wholeheartedly.

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3 years ago
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)
220313 - Jungkooks Ending Ment (trans. Cr. Jjk_times)

220313 - jungkook’s ending ment ♡ (trans. cr. jjk_times)

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I adore this man. Hope he is always loved as he loves, endlessly. ❤️

He's Such A Darling
He's Such A Darling
He's Such A Darling
He's Such A Darling

he's such a darling

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9 years ago
I Was Sitting In The Kitchen Looking Around For Cosmia... Turns Out She Was Under My Chair.

I was sitting in the kitchen looking around for Cosmia... Turns out she was under my chair.

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7 months ago

i actually love you so fucking much your hcs are fire and make me sob keep going

love you too ‼️‼️‼️ i can already tell you’re amazing even if we haven’t interacted much!! i’m so glad i can make you happy (or sad as u said 😭) from my writing!!

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3 years ago

he’s the sweetest :((

Hes The Sweetest :((

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3 years ago

i'm so so glad you do!! your support means so much, thank you for being so overwhelmingly nice 🥺💞

A Parting Gift

A Parting Gift

Continuation of Blackmail from Textbook Love

pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader

genre: drabble, smut, college au

synopsis: “He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob.”

warnings: deception/manipulation, dubcon, handjob, spit, slight angst

word count: 2.4k

tag: @mwitsmejk

a/n: jungkook is a bit cruel in this 😖 a flop.

A Parting Gift

Every time you think about Jimin seeing you in your most vulnerable state, you want to cry, gag, vomit, but all you can do is look down and walk away from his direction in a hurry. Jungkook told you to avoid him, and it’s the easiest option for you right now, but you wish you could tell him it was an accident. If he doesn’t see you, he’ll forget it quicker and save you the embarrassment.

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6 months ago

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! 💙

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once You Are Given This Award Youre Supposed To Paste It In The Asks Of Eight

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5 years ago
I Will Eat My Meals Regularly Just For You
I Will Eat My Meals Regularly Just For You
I Will Eat My Meals Regularly Just For You
I Will Eat My Meals Regularly Just For You
I Will Eat My Meals Regularly Just For You

I will eat my meals regularly just for you

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5 months ago

Okay but can I just say how much I love the way you draw Gabe? Like holy hell dude 🤩💙

thank you so much!! I try my best to capture his elegant/soft side as an angel while still trying to make him intimidating if that makes sense, im glad you guys like him a lot (///w///)

Okay But Can I Just Say How Much I Love The Way You Draw Gabe? Like Holy Hell Dude

his egoistic ass would also like to say thank you~

(also i woke up to a bunch of people following n liking my posts too WAHHH thank you guys so much I thought the tmc fandom was done for)

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