Nature Goddess - Tumblr Posts
Hi! I'm not sure if you've mentioned it on your blog, but I'd love to ask about your relationship with Mother Nature! How do you communicate with her? Are there specific signs that let you know when/if she's reaching out?
I love any excuse to talk more about my great Mother so here's some more on my relationship with Mother Nature:
I initiated the relationship, she didn't "reach out" to me in some special way, instead I chose to worship her. I was struggling with my understanding of the world, of gods and faith, and so I decided to step away from that and worship something real and tangible - that was Nature.
I have always admired nature and the decision to worship it as my deity felt so much more "right" than the other practices I had dabbled in. After a few weeks of offerings, prayers and messy attempts at communication, Mother came to me in a dream and we spoke. I decided I wanted a relationship beyond just worship and she agreed. Over time I have grown in my works with her, and am now a devotee - I have given my life to Mother Nature.
I am a zoology student, my years of study at University are dedicated to Her, entirely.
I spend weekends exploring forests, hiking mountains, cleaning beaches, all in Her name.
My future career, my home, my life will always be intwined with Nature. I will work in natural science education or conservation, I will ensure my home is full of life and I will have a garden if I have space, I will make the best decisions I can to protect nature. I am devoted to Nature not just in a spiritual sense, but in a tangible manner.
There are many facets to Mother Nature, all of them are as beautiful and powerful as the next. She is an impartial judge, an unmoving observer of cause and consequence, she is a cold winter that kills and culls and has no mercy or kindness, she is a beloved mother sheltering those in need, she is a warrior who defends her home. Mother Nature is life and birth, she is spring flowers and slow rivers, she is rot and death, harsh winters and lethal rapids, she is autumn and change, the wind beneath a bird's wings and the gravity that drags it down, she is the summer warmth and dew drops on the grass. She is all of this and more. I have seen her in many forms, from the long haired nymph to the stag-headed mother, from the hooded man to the small child, from the crow and fox, to the maggots and morels. I am grateful to see her in all her cloaks.
I speak with Mother through my tarot cards a lot - I am good at interpreting them, it is familiar and easier for me, she has her own devoted deck. I often use oracle cards in tandem as well. However, Mother Nature is pushing me to communicate with her in more ways. I use charm casting and bone throwing with her, grateful for my new set built from the sheep (?) teeth she gifted me. She also speaks to me in much less obvious ways - I find her messages in the world around me, written on cobwebs and in the needles of thistles, her whispers echo in the rustle of leaves and the crash of waves. I feel her more than I hear or see her, images and visions flashed in my waking and sleeping mind, feelings that aren't mine, conclusions I would not reach, understanding that was previously out of my grasp.
She is all around me and so I never feel like I must reach for her, I need only speak and I know that she will hear me.
This has been quite the tangent and I know its probably not quite what you were looking for - if you think Mother Nature is reaching out to you, or if you desire a relationship with her please send in more asks or dm me!! I would love to hear from any other worshippers or devotees!

Sunsets are my weakness 🤩