Deity Work - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Mood Board For The Rune Raido!!!!

Mood board for the rune ❤️Raido!!!! ❤️

Associated with bright red, Thor, Odin, and Forseti. It is also associated with mugwort, the elder tree, travel and relationships and taking risks!! It is also associated with dark green malachite, and another crystal I will have to look up. It’s also associated with crows!! (Maybe ravens too? I dunno) It is also associated with the stomach, so i am assuming that it’s also associated with intuition and when we get butterflies of excitement and nervousness and that it encourages us to look past those butterflies and embrace adventure!! 🦋🧈

It’s also associated with the smell of aloe vera, which reminds me of my grandma 🥺🌸

It might sound a bit plagiaristic at the beginning of this post, but this is my source!! Yay and please let me know what your experiences with this rune are if you feel like!! 🥰🥰🥰

Raidho Rune
Vikings of Valhalla US
Raidho speaks of the exciting adventure of external and internal journeys, as well as the perpetual spiritual search of mankind. The 5th run

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5 months ago
The Rune Ingwaz

The rune Ingwaz

The Rune Ingwaz


New beginnings, growth, taking initiative, and it is associated with the god Frey, but it also reminds me of his wife Gerd 🥰🫐

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10 months ago

Isn’t it great to wake up and know that our deities see us, love us and care about us, just the way we are?

Isn’t it great that they help us become better people? and i’m sure majority of the time we don’t even notice it

Isn’t it great how out of all the people alive in this space rock we call earth, our deities chose us?

Isn’t it great to have a parental/friendly/warm/partner-in-chaotic-crime figure that will always understand you?

Isn’t it great how these ancient deities that have been existed for yonks, are pleased with trinkets and items that remind us of them?

There is nothing greater than the love between a deity and their devotees and i think that’s fucking gorgeous.

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7 months ago

When I’m reading mythology and someone is mean to Ares

When Im Reading Mythology And Someone Is Mean To Ares

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7 months ago

Hello everyone, I’m back >:)

Anyway, this is a post documenting my experiences (again). And todays is that your deities care about you a lot, and that they are there with you, even when you don’t know!

Yesterday, I was on break and I was sitting in my car, and I was really upset (ngl I have terrible coworkers lol), so I was just being sad or whatever. (And for a little context, me and my deities, we have certain signs that they will show me, and I know it’s 100% from them, and it basically just means that they are there) and in that moment, I got that sign from none other than our good Lord Ares. Ofc, I was already emotional, but that made me break down in tears (in a good way this time lol). And actually, the same thing happened that night too after I started getting upset about work again.

So this is just to show you that your deities do watch over you and care for you! I’m pretty sure they don’t watch over us 24/7, but Idk I think they get like… little alerts when something is going on 😭

Anyway, the Gods are the best :)

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5 months ago

Just because you cannot see the strings the Fates weave doesn't mean you should stress. The future may be terrifying, but the Gods work to forge us into the people we're meant to be.

You will be okay when the time passes.

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9 months ago
Facade - Slight Redesign.

Facade - slight redesign.

I changed the colors and wing span.

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8 months ago
Never Mess An Angel With An Axe.

Never mess an angel with an axe.

Fight fire with fire.

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8 months ago
House Of Judgement.

House of Judgement.

Your friendly entity who's a priest.

Nothing to see here-

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1 year ago

As someone who's working with Aphrodite and worshipping Apollo and has been struggling lately a lot, I really needed to read this and be reminded of it

Your deities love you.

Haven’t tidied their altars in forever? They understand.

Don’t have the motivation to give them offerings? They get it.

You haven’t left bed for a long time? They still care about you.

Aren’t devoting time to them lately? They don’t mind

Forgot an offering? That’s alright. They forgive you.

Fucked something up? They’re not going to ditch you for your mistakes.

Decide to take a break from deity work? Totally cool, they’ll still be here for you.

Your deities understand your struggles. Even your mental health related issues. They get it, and they love you regardless. Just do your best for them, and they’ll appreciate it. 

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6 months ago

Yall just ever think about the names you call yourself as a deity type figure and then realize that one of them belongs to a god, and you never asked said god how they feel about it?

Yeah. Well my spacekin is also a deitykin (kind of), and silly ol me just remembered that one of their names is Apollo. I never asked the guy how he feels about a deity using his name!

I have absolutely no idea how he feels about this type of stuff, so I asked a server I’m in (which I know has people who have alters for him) if they could ask him for me. Someone said yes! So now I’m waiting for them to get home so they can ask me for me :)

I need to plan ahead sometimes man 😭

And if you’re wondering why I’m so pressed about this, it’s cause I want to know how Apollo feels about this. I don’t want to disrespect him or make him uncomfortable, and I definitely don’t want to make him mad. Cause keep in mind this is for my deity (type) kin.

Like I’m aware not very god will want their name to be used some deity, and some gods don’t want their name used at all. Other might not care

So I’m just doing this so I know how Apollo feels, and if he would rather me use a nickname or something.

Trying to respect the guy’s boundaries okay? I want to be a good deity for once and also not piss off more gods than I have already.

My kins and gods have some funky relationships lol

Update as of 9/16/24 : I got an answer! He said no, so Apollo has been removed 🫡

Have some loosely inspired names instead lol

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5 months ago

I can feel Aphrodite telling me "YOU WERE DOING SO WELL YESTERDAY" because i slept before 12 pm was even close.

This might be a sign for me to work with Hecate considering my struggles with discipline and I heard shes that type of god (actually im joking at the same time im not. I have 0 energy and 0 safe spaces to worship my dieties, its even hard to come up excuses for my subtle aphrodite altar)

Yes, i just YAPPED.

So my one day streak broke, a streak of proper sleep and adequate rest. Am i even using the words right right now

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5 months ago


Interact with me pagans who are Filipino. Please.

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5 months ago

Begging Aphrodite to send me anyone who she thinks is fit to help me on my travels tomorrow because people scare me and anxiety is off the roof

In Lady Aphrodite, I trust my safety!

(Im still new to paganism and is an ex-christian so if its possible for Hermes devotees to pray for me on my travels tmr pls do)

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5 months ago

im pagan. my cousin is christian.

I was doing an urgent art offering to Aphrodite because I didn't make her one or get her one the other day. I usually give her flowers, drawings, poems, maybe lay down some romance book ideas for her. So, as i was doing it my cousin was like "girl im abt to go home and all you care about is aphrodite? Like thats enough stop that- whos more important me or her?" And im like ???? MAAM??

As an ex christian i know that the christian God is their first priority. So, shouldnt she understand the your god comes first thing? cuz personally, I do put Aphrodite first because if it wasnt for her I would be even worse than I already was before her.

AND HERES THE CRAZY PART!! When I looked at her like 👁️👁️ "bitch what" she smiled at me and laughed then DARED SAY "i'll curse her if you dont answer me" LWNSIWHWIWJWK MAAM WHAT KIND OF THIN LINE ARE YOU WALKING ON? A TIGHT ROPE? A PLASTIC LINE?? A PHONE LINE?? WHATEVER IT IS ITS THIN AF!!

I hope its okay now cuz she realized what she said and apologized but I dont think she apologized to Aphrodite but at me. I asked Aphrodite to forgive her but like im not sure if she did cuz THE "WILL CURSE APHRODITE" PART IS CRAZY CUZ- im sorry human cursing a deity??

I also dont think she realized Christianity has similar practices with Pagans esp with offerings. Like she scoffed when I told her "yeah, we give offerings" LIKE MAAM YOU DO TITHES AND OFFERINGS IN YOUR CHURCH???

like this is wild to me as someone who is close to her like bro disrespecting my religion and beliefs bro- YOURE LITERALLY MY COUSIN AND BESTFRIEND??

Might have to rethink things because of how she responds to my practices.

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5 months ago

Dancing and singing to Chappell Roan with Aphrodite 🩷 usually dance and sing in her honor or with her because- well its fun its a bonding activity!

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