Navier X Heinrey - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Being the daughter of Navier Trovi

Being The Daughter Of Navier Trovi

-You are a miracle, something the Empress never thought she would have. Your first cry made the reality set in. She was a mother. She held you in her arms and for the first time the Empress did not care who saw her tears. The tiny baby squirmed and cried in her arms, the beginning of a new life.

"A daughter Your Majesty!" Countess Eliza stared in wonder at the baby in her arms. Navier held out her arms and her daughter lay crying out. A shaking finger touched the babies tiny fingers, so much smaller than hers. Tears rolled down the Empresses face. For once the proud Empress did not care if anyone witnessed her tears. Right now she was just a mother with her newborn baby. "She's gorgeous." Heinly said in awe. Navier passed her daughter over and her heart ached as the baby fussed. Heinly kissed the baby's forehead. 'Thank you. Thank you so much." His eyes had tears in them. Navier smiled. "No. Thank you. For everything." For a while the couple watched the new life in front of them. A perfect combination of their love. "What shall we name her?" Navier already had a name in mind. "Y/n."

-Navier already has a nursery for you. It is right next to her bedroom once you are old enough to sleep alone. During the day when she is working there is a bassinette placed next to her. Sometime Navier will instinctually bend over the cradle, completely leaving her work abandoned. She loved to hear your little cooes and bright eyes. Each little detail on your face is carefully studies by the Empress. She really can't get enough. Her ladies are little better. The ladies are constantly sitting beside the cradle or carrying the baby. And for the love of God the amount of baby things they've brought! Laura is definitely the most enthusiastic out of the bunch.

The Empresses papers lay forlornly on the desk. Utterly abandoned until later that day. Navier was busy tying a bow around baby Y/n's waist. Nian had brought a new dress for the baby, a pretty lilac blue. Y/n was young, but had began to recognize voices. She was especially excited upon hearing Nian's voice because that meant treats and getting fussed over. "Awww." Laura stroked the thin locks on the babies head. "I can't wait till she's old enough for tea parties!" Lady Rose exclaimed. "Maybe she'll prefer playing with swords instead." Mastas Violet considered. Navier grimaced. Although she liked Mastas, the thought of her own daughter wielding a weapon made her nervous. Call it overprotectiveness, but Navier wanted nothing to hurt her daughter.

-While Navier is indulgent she takes your education very seriously. The best tutors and books that money and influence can by are made available. She gets updates on your progress and will sometimes test you. Even though you are a woman she believes you have the same right as your brother to knowledge. History, philosophy, warfare, politics and economics and more will be devoured.

"Mommy look!" Y/n ran up to her mother. In those little hands was the newest translation Y/n had just finished. At twelve you had shown an aptitude for languages. Navier, who had been talking to one of the Lords turned around. She bent down slightly and hugged her little girl. Y/n shoved the paper excitedly into her mother's hands. Navier admired her daughters work and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Very impressive sweetheart." Y/n glowed with pride.

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