Near Dark - Tumblr Posts
One of the greatest films EVER and praise be Lance Henriksen. Perfection

LANCE HENRIKSEN in Near Dark (1987) Happy birthday @thegoodgowest!
i will forever love AUs where the main character stays a vampire and lives with the found family
Literally a vampire blog
This is going to be a blog for all things vampires, hunters and hapless humans who get in the way. Will mostly be reblogs and head cannons.
There will also be the occasional bill and ted reblog. Oh who am I kidding I love those two doofuses almost as much as vampires.
Because what 20 something doens’t love vampires?
I think the worst part about being turned young is the lack of independence.
Your turned before your ten? Get used to constantly having people trying to find your mommy or daddy. Police officer forcing you to get in the car until someone can pick you up.
Forever 15? Even worse. Maybe you have a learners permit and can pass for 16, but you’ll keep getting stopped when driving. If people never see you at school, someones going to investigate. And forget about dating. You might look 15, but the kids you can date in public are 15 and annoying. Or worse, you find someone you care about, and they age out of the relationship. Its okay for a 30 year old to date someone who looks 22, but 15? Hell now, they'll be arrested, and how are you gonna clear their name?
Everything is more difficult, money, going to the movies, even just hanging out will get you noticed because kids under 16 don’t normally hang out at 4 in the morning.
Anyone turned under the age of 18 would very quickly get sick of it.
I don’t think this is ever explicitly stated anywhere, but I’ve always gotten the impression that vampires in TLB actually get stuck at whatever age they were when they turned.
So Max acts like a dorky middle-aged buisness owner, and The Boys act like rowdy young men; Because that’s who they were when they were turned.
Unlike vampires from a lot of other media, Lost Boys vamps will always think and feel like the age they were at when they were turned
Which would make sense considering it was originally based off of Peter Pan. The lost boys in Peter Pan are kids who never grow up, not like, adults stuck in unaging kid bodies like Claudia(Vampire Chronicles) or Homer(Near Dark)

For Bill as he will be missed