Need It Tattooed In My Brain - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Hihi! for the touches ask game, hand-holding 19 and/or touching 24 with beakheron please ^^!!! (If you want, ofc)

ohhhh you are on to something

19. playing with each other’s fingers

Only a moment after they sat next to each other Beakley lifted Black Heron's right arm in her hand, feeling the weight of the metal. Running her fingers along the seams, sure there were gadgets hidden inside she hadn't discovered yet.

Eventually she moved on to the metal hand, testing how sharp the end of her fingers were before studying the knuckle joints, running her fingers over them. Heron's hand twitched a few times.

At last, the director slowly turned to glare at her. "I can feel that, you know. It tickles."

"I'm aware." Beakley didn't look up.

Heron rolled her eyes, looking back at the book she was holding with one hand. "Find any of my secret weapons?"

"Not yet," Beakley replied, lifting Heron's prosthetic so it caught the light better. "But I did find this," the spy slowly and lightly ran her finger down the middle of Heron's palm.

Her hand spasmed, and Heron yanked it out of Beakley's reach. "Hey! Do that again and these fingers will end up in your throat."

Beakley chuckled, reaching for Heron's hand once more. "Is that a challenge?"

24. whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin

"Found the target," Black Heron murmured as she held out a hand toward her temporary partner.

22 took it, rising from her seat as Heron tugged her up. "You're sure?"

The director nodded, leading her to the edge of the dance floor. Her other hand slid to 22's waist. "The little sparrow in the navy dress. Their dress slipped- they have the markings."

22 leaned in close, talking discreetly in Heron's ear as they stepped back and forth in time with the music. "We'll need to lead them away before things get... unpleasant."

"Shall I leave that to you?" Heron asked, swaying slightly in 22's arms.

"No, I need to be here." 22 pointed out. "You should get them, that shouldn't be too hard."

22's beak was so close to Heron's ear she could feel her breath, her mouth against her feathers. "In this outfit you're irresistible."

Black Heron shivered, and took in a sharp breath when she heard 22 chuckle, the sound vibrating in her chest against Heron's. It took the director a moment to collect herself.

"That- that sounds like a plan."

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