Screaming Crying Etc - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

im worried

Im Worried

We are all excited to see this scene right? But I have a mini theory.

It might be snowing because Simon got the crown back and it's starting to infect him again

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3 years ago
And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None

and then there were none

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2 years ago

 EDWARD TEACH​  for  stede !

❛  yeah,  stede.  did really great without you,  just look at this fucking room.  ❜   edward snorts  (   a strained sound,  at best   ),  eyes still pointed at the ceiling,  the feeble anger he tried to summon to the surface now choking him up.  he swallows around a much too dry throat,  clumping both eyes and mouth shut as a few more tears slip out,  down his temples and into his hair,  making even more of a mess on his face.  a broken whimper utterly ruins his attempt at gathering more air into his lungs,  but before his body can be wrecked by a fresh wave of sobs,  stede reaches out.  with just his foot,  yet it’s enough to make edward tear his gaze away from the pitiful ceiling.  stede is right there next to him,  real,  absolutely beautiful even with eyes full of tears and a tired edge to him that definitely wasn’t there last time he saw him.  stede is his very own lighthouse after getting lost in a storm,  far from any sight of land.  the ship is still rocking madly beneath him,  but it’s not looking quite so bleak now  —  edward is not waiting to drown anymore,  to just sink beneath the waves and never come back for air again.  not now that stede is finally there,  in the flesh,  not just an alcohol induced fever dream.  god knows he’s had a few of those.  and well,  stede had not been so kind in all of them.  sometimes,  he had been the one at the receiving end of a blade,  the anger and disappointment on dream-stede’s face cutting just as deep.

❛  good.  that’s good.  bastard deserved it.  ❜   while that’s undoubtedly true,  he doesn’t really want to think about that badmington fellow,  doesn’t want stede to think about his stupid words anymore,  so he reaches into the empty space between them to grab for his hand.  edward doesn’t really think it through before wrapping his fingers around it,  thumb moving in a soft sweep across the skin of his knuckles.  i’m glad you’re here.  i’m sorry.  please don’t leave again.  words that feel too raw against the walls of his throat,  words he isn’t ready to speak yet.  but there is something he needs to say,  the memory of words spoken while holding a blade to the delicate arch of stede’s throat causing his grip on stede to tighten and his lips to curl into a wince.   

❛  you don’t have to  —  god,  stede i—  i don’t want you to leave.  ❜   he doesn’t know where they’re going from here,  if they will be able to recover from what they did to each other,  but this he knows:  it’s been utter misery without stede,  days bleeding onto the next one with no distinction,  nothing to ease the growing emptiness in his chest.  he had been going through the motions,  his body putting up a valiant effort to keep him alive despite the glaringly obvious lack of care edward had shown towards it.  eating sparingly and drinking far too much,  not to mention the new scars littering his body that he hadn’t really tried to avoid.

       HE HADN’T EVEN NOTICED  the emptiness of the room.  since he had entered here, his eyes had never once left edward, even when they had filled with tears.  &  only now did he force his gaze away, noticing finally how the his luxurious chambers were no longer outfitted as he had so carefully designed them.  the bookshelves are now nothing but bones, picked entirely bare.  the furniture is mostly gone as well, save for a few of the most practical pieces.  even the chandeliers had been removed from the ceiling, leaving the once familiar quarters shrouded in a strange darkness.  &  stede cannot help but flinch at little at the edge in edward’s voice when he says that chauncy deserved his death.  it had been horrible, whether deserved or not.  he doesn’t want to dwell on it for longer than he needs to.                                but when edward reaches out through the gap of space between them  &  takes stede’s hand, his attention comes right back to his beloved again.  &  the shadows that dance across ed’s face as he cries, his dark makeup smearing into contorted shapes, are remarkably similar to those that lurk in the empty corners of the room.  but edward is still there, beneath the leather  &  the ruined war paint.  &  stede is more than willing to face the shadows to find the man he loves beneath.  he interlaces their fingers slowly  &  gives edward’s hand a gentle squeeze.  honestly, he’s just grateful to be close enough to touch him again. the time they had spent apart had been a painful absence, the lack of his presence felt intensely in his every waking moment.  &  stede knows that he would do anything not to leave his side again  —  thinks he might break apart as hopelessly as a ship against the rocks if edward ordered him away now.             &  as though he’s reading his mind, edward bids him stay.  &  relieved tears fill stede’s eyes once again, a trembling smile coming to his lips.  ❝ oh, ed.  i don’t want to go either.  it was awful to be without you, really it was. ❞  &  he lifts edward’s hand to his lips then, a quartet of soft kisses pressed against the ridges of edward’s knuckles through the soft leather of his gloves.  &  as he looks up at him with watery eyes, the two of them still strewn across the floor but mercifully still alive in spite of everything, a note of fierce conviction appears in his tone. ❝ i’m sorry  —  i’m so sorry that i ran away. but i’m here now.  &  here i’ll stay, for as long as you want me to.  i’ll never leave you again, edward  —  not unless you send me away. ❞

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8 months ago
My honest reaction to all of this
@alex-thegendertheif And @hypnautic-cereal Lemme Spoil Yall Pookies 0w0

@alex-thegendertheif and @hypnautic-cereal lemme spoil yall pookies 0w0

More Agere!Anxiety!! God, she has basically INFECTED my brain at this point--

I just realized that I forgot to color in the plushie. OOF-

Anyways, have some headcanons for Agere!Anxiety:

🌻She's surprisingly a lot more playful when she's regressed. Still VERY anxious, but a lot more relaxed and innocent.

🌻She regresses to that of a toddler or newborn, so she's diapered when that happens

🌻She babbles most of the time. If she DOES speak, its mostly singular words with a baby lisp. (e.g, the term "Sleep" may be pronounced as "beddy-bye" or "sweepy"). Mabye some Spanish words tossed here and there???

🌻On the topic of babbling, she also calls Joy her Mama (or Mamito)

🌻She is VEEERY sensitive and often gets overwhelmed easily, mainly due to her worrying and meltdowns, but she can also be triggered by loud, unexpected sounds.

🌻DO NOT take her pacifier out of her mouth. It's her comfort item during her regression and she will become inconsolable if it gets lost/taken away. The only time she's not seen with her paci is when Joy/Ennui need to feed her.

🌻Anxiety has trouble falling asleep during naptimes, so putting on soft lullabies/relaxing music helps her calm down. She especially likes it when her caregivers (mainly Joy) sing her lullabies. She also finds warm milk to be soothing, as well as bedtime stories.

🌻She also likes to do origami/art and craft while regressed, however, she's far less coordinated with her hand movements and can become frustrated when it doesn't turn out right, which is why Joy is always on standby.

Anyways that's all I have rn. Inside Out OCs coming soon! Byeeee

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11 months ago

Hihi! for the touches ask game, hand-holding 19 and/or touching 24 with beakheron please ^^!!! (If you want, ofc)

ohhhh you are on to something

19. playing with each other’s fingers

Only a moment after they sat next to each other Beakley lifted Black Heron's right arm in her hand, feeling the weight of the metal. Running her fingers along the seams, sure there were gadgets hidden inside she hadn't discovered yet.

Eventually she moved on to the metal hand, testing how sharp the end of her fingers were before studying the knuckle joints, running her fingers over them. Heron's hand twitched a few times.

At last, the director slowly turned to glare at her. "I can feel that, you know. It tickles."

"I'm aware." Beakley didn't look up.

Heron rolled her eyes, looking back at the book she was holding with one hand. "Find any of my secret weapons?"

"Not yet," Beakley replied, lifting Heron's prosthetic so it caught the light better. "But I did find this," the spy slowly and lightly ran her finger down the middle of Heron's palm.

Her hand spasmed, and Heron yanked it out of Beakley's reach. "Hey! Do that again and these fingers will end up in your throat."

Beakley chuckled, reaching for Heron's hand once more. "Is that a challenge?"

24. whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin

"Found the target," Black Heron murmured as she held out a hand toward her temporary partner.

22 took it, rising from her seat as Heron tugged her up. "You're sure?"

The director nodded, leading her to the edge of the dance floor. Her other hand slid to 22's waist. "The little sparrow in the navy dress. Their dress slipped- they have the markings."

22 leaned in close, talking discreetly in Heron's ear as they stepped back and forth in time with the music. "We'll need to lead them away before things get... unpleasant."

"Shall I leave that to you?" Heron asked, swaying slightly in 22's arms.

"No, I need to be here." 22 pointed out. "You should get them, that shouldn't be too hard."

22's beak was so close to Heron's ear she could feel her breath, her mouth against her feathers. "In this outfit you're irresistible."

Black Heron shivered, and took in a sharp breath when she heard 22 chuckle, the sound vibrating in her chest against Heron's. It took the director a moment to collect herself.

"That- that sounds like a plan."

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8 months ago

i've been trying to cry for a few days now and this quote did it so i thought why not spread my glorious misery?

I've Been Trying To Cry For A Few Days Now And This Quote Did It So I Thought Why Not Spread My Glorious

it really is glorious actually i love it

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2 years ago

Family lore-personal edition

today at dinner my family was simply enjoying our dinner when my mom dropped the biggest, most outrageous ,nukeular bomb ever. You will never guess what she said, what she kept from me, her daughter, for 15 long ass years.

she said "hey cass i dont think ive told you this before, but when you were a kid we found a BRAIN CYST and it never went away, its totally safe buts its still there."



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6 months ago


Not only is she very attractive, but she's a biker and I think that's so cool ^-^

I'm partly biased cuz my OC Miki is meant to be my ideal girlfriend, and Nurse Morikubo is checking all my boxes (looks, personality, height, humor). She's just so perfect and I'm over here, laying in bed, gay panicking and getting flustered over her imagining if I was in the main character's place instead. (I mean, she is also a gay panicking mess but I digress)


Just, look at her cute face here. She's both cute AND cool, the perfect combo a h h h h h




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