Neptune Signs - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Neptune trine ASC culture?

✨big beautiful smiles that light up a room

✨having a dreamy / soothing presence

✨expressing their creativity through their style and appearance

✨really sensitive towards feelings and emotions but covers it up with humor

✨having a bubbly personality

✨the persona shown to strangers and in social situations in most likely not the person you get behind closed doors

✨being unconventionally attractive which makes for a great model. Kate moss and Cindy Crawford have this aspect

✨idealistic and romantic, and can probably seem completely impractical and off their rocker to other people lol

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 18

Neptune Signs 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 18

Neptune is an idealistic planet in nature , represents dreams , sacrifices , faith , non material values , universal love , compassion . Here I forgot to add also spirituality and occult . On the downside , it can cause delusion , guilt , being deceived and fog ( in a way we actually can't see for ourselves the truth ) .

Neptune in Aries : Dreams the best version of themselves and not afraid to risk . Fiery and active nature . They want to become the hero of themselves . Creative ways to handle things and dissolving barriers . Although they can be reckless and put themselves in dangerous situations or deceived from the things that makes then passionate and exciting .

Neptune in Taurus : Dreams of possessions and a life of luxuries . Practical and refined way of using their imagination and talents . Sensual and romantic . Wants to build something beautiful with deep roots . Confused /Good control in financial matters . Eye for aesthetic . Fixated . Although you can be passive and indulge and also be greedy .

Neptune in Gemini : Dreams of education and communication with people . Adaptable and versatile in nature . Restless mind and need for learn . Writing is a form of expressing themselves . Teaching and studying . Curiosity . Wants to do something constantly . Although they can be deceived from their ideals in the fields of communication and education and be taken advantage from others .

Neptune in Cancer : Dreams of a beautiful home , environment that they can create. Create a family where people can count to each other . Protective and caring nature . A tedency to cling in the past trauma . Emotional . Nurturing others and love for motherhood and children . In tune with others emotions and easily picks up others moods . Although they might have some unrealistic ideals when it comes to " perfect " family / home .

Neptune in Leo : Dreams of being admired from others and being famous for what they have done . They also want to create an environment with their taste or point of view especially through arts , drama , fashion . Charismatic nature with tedency to lead . Warm character and generous . Inspires others . Although they might demand attention from the world at some unrealistic point .

Neptune in Virgo : Dreams of servicing and helping people . Concerned with health and self care . Sacrificial yet trying to be practical and grounded . Adaptable and idealistic in work area . Keen eye for details . Analytical mind . Mind and body connections matters to them . Interested in healing methods and good cope habits . Either organized or disorganized . Although they can be critical about others opinions that they don't share .

Neptune in Libra : Dreams of partnerships and balanced relationships . Diplomatic and gentle nature . Idealises harmony and peace . Wants equality and justice . Interested in arts , fashion , music industry . Can connect with other people and is very understanding . They can see each side of the coin and don't jump in conclusions . Although they can be very indecisive and others deceive them or manipulate them .

Neptune in Scorpio : Dreams of uncovering the secrets of this world . Interested in matters that include sexuality and transformation . Attracted to paranormal . Likes to investigate . Deep and passionate in nature . Main themes life and death . Although they can believe to something because of it's mystic nature or conflict between one part that is selfish and another part that is self sacrificing .

Neptune in Sagittarius : Dreams of tolerance , truth and foreign places . Tolerant and independent nature . Explorers . Seeks truth and answers in most things . Power of optimism and justice is what they need to thrive . Sets high goals for themselves . Open minded to mysticism . Although they might not be very practical and get carried away from their high ideals .

Neptune in Capricorn : Dreams of success and status . Order and structure . Realistic and practical . Wants power , fame , wealth . Likes to be in control . Responsible and prudent . Excells at detail works and it's quite a problem solver . Reserved and Traditional . Reflects through arts . Although they can be cynical and also keep secrets and shut themselves from the world .

Neptune in Aquarius : Dreams of freedom and everyones uniqueness . Independent and unconventional personalities . Interested in science , human psychology and technology . Open minded on other's beliefs . Eccentric and visionary . Loyal to their dreams and people . Breaks barriers . Although they can be erratic and air head at times .

Neptune in Pisces : Dreams of a world of compassion and deeply connected with spirituality . Artistic and inspirational . Humanitarian and sensitive to others needs . Self sacrificing in nature and likes to serve others . Devoted to their dreams and the people they care . In tune with emotions . Although they are willing to risk themselves for the their cause blindly .

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