Capricorn - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

capricorn energy is when you have a short pity party but can’t stand the idea of failing to reach your unattainable expectations you set for yourself so you go back to working on the project that was causing you a mental breakdown in the first place.

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5 months ago


Its Mermay, Heres A Capricorn, Cause Im A Capricorn, Theyre Cool As Shit, I Love My Wet Son

Its mermay, here’s a capricorn, cause im a capricorn, they’re cool as shit, i love my wet son

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9 years ago

The signs as AO3 tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags


The Signs As AO3 Tags

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2 years ago

Capricorn Season ♑

Time to show that Capricussy

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5 years ago
What If Capricorns Were The Size Of Whales, Instead Of Goats?

What if capricorns were the size of whales, instead of goats?

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6 years ago

Zodiac signs Aesthetics


Wine, Fire, Pocket knives, Athletic shoes, Black clothes, Jean jackets, Classic rock music, "I'll raise hell", Mosh pits, Rhetorical questions, Louder = Better, Coke bottles, 90's references, Broken guitars, Neon signs, Demons


Brown, Sarcasm, Shopping bags, Beanies, Tattoos, Dirt, Black coffee, Grunge music, Video games, Money, DC comics, Playing cards, "My talent...sleeping?", Headphones, Rainy days, Ice creams shops, Zombies


Scarlet, Nostalgic diners, Highschool stereotypes, 80's horror movies, Bite/Claw marks, Cigarettes, Eye rolling, "I know everybody", Red plastic party cups, NSFW, Broadway musicals, Combat boots, Nightmares, Werewolves


Blue, 50's suburbia, Disney classics, Pastel colors, Vinyl records, Cotton candy, Shiny red lipgloss, Frizzy hair, Pin-ups, "Sensitivity is a gift", Pearls, Paint stained hands, White feathers, Chocolate chip cookies, Mermaids


Gold, Film reels, Shiny leather, Burgundy hair dye, Bright colored headphones, Messed up nail polish, Baggy clothing, "Oof", Band T-shirts, Fraternity houses, Handcuffs, Searchlights, Smartphones, Drive-ins, Bruised knuckles, Witches


White, Dusty books, Lace, Flickering lightbulbs, Broken porcelain, Angelic wings, Chapped lips, Vintage wallpaper, White converses, Hands covered in powder, Expressionless face, "Well, Actually...", Linen sheets, Ghosts


Purple, Live Concerts, Art museums, Fireworks, Music notes, Honeycombs, Strobe lights, Shattered disco ball, 2000's references, Social media, "Who put you on the planet?", Bass guitar, Doodling on napkins, Gorgons


Black, Tire marks, Smoke, Ankh, Black light parties, Cassette tapes, Blood splatter, Polaroids, Rust, Eyeliner tears, Sledge hammers, "Fuck Off", Coffins, Tequila, Razorblades, Ripped music sheets, Black widows, Reapers


Citrus green, Sketchbooks, Cocaine, Wine coolers, LGBT, Popcorn, Match boxes, Ouija boards, Safety pins, Wrecking balls, Frappes, Bandanas, "I fucking guess..." Baseball bats, Free loaders, Megaphones, Leviathans


Navy, Victorian era, Stacks of cash, Resting bitch face, Pentagrams, Hot Topic, Champagne glass, Round Sunglasses, Leather jackets, Storm clouds, "goddamn idiots", Cathedrals, Rockabilly, Melting candles, Vampires


Silver, 80's references, Nostalgic TV sitcoms, Busted glow sticks, Night clubs, "I remember it like it was just yesterday...", Saturdays plans, Broken fences, Hypnotic spiral, Telephone wires, Brown leather, Lightning, Stars, Aliens


Pink, Birthday cake, Newspaper clippings, Shadows, Chocolate, Blonde hair, Stained glass windows, "I want to be somebody...", Dreams, Carnival rides, Boxes wrapped with bows, Bubble gum, Tired eyes, Tip toeing, Angels

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #11

*Sagittarius bumps into Capricorn*

Capricorn: *gasps* Excuse you?

Cancer: why do you care? you don't have any feelings...

Leo: *dramatically turns around* CaNcER!?

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5 years ago

Zodiac signs as Overwatch Characters


Moira, Ana, Ashe


Roadhog, Genji, Baptiste


Mccree, Junkrat


Symmetra, Orisa, Brigitte


Sombra, Hanzo


Bastion, Hammond


D.Va, Lucio, Reinhardt


Reaper, Widowmaker, Winston


Tracer, Mei, Pharah


Soldier 76, Torbjorn


Zarya, Doomfist


Mercy, Zenyatta

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5 years ago

Zodiac signs as Summer Aesthetics

Aries: Campfires

Taurus: Drive-in theaters

Gemini: Roadtrip across Route 66

Cancer: Pool parties

Leo: Nightclubs

Virgo: Lemonade stands

Libra: Running around the mall

Scorpio: Night at the beach

Sagittarius: Outdoor concerts

Capricorn: Hangout at the Café

Aquarius: Trips to the 7 Eleven

Pisces: Amusement parks

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 4

The Sun Signs 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 4

Sun in Aries ♈ : People born under this sign are adventurous , passionate and ambitious when it comes to their goals (Since it's first sign of the zodiac they always try to be on the top) . Aries will stand up for themselves , they are direct and sometimes may come off as aggressive . If they are undeveloped , they can be selfish , competitive and harsh .

Sun in Taurus ♉ : People born under this sign are practical , rational when it comes to thinking and hard-working . Taurus is a sign that loves art and material goods and everything that includes fashion , aesthetics ( it's ruled by Venus after all) as money aswell . These people like routine and they don't like changes . They are also a foodie. If they are undeveloped they can be lethargic , stubborn and hedonistic .

Sun in Gemini ♊ : People born under this sign are social butterflies , street smart and quite energetic . Gemini is always looking for new information and new experience to try out , they are up too anything . Very experimental , also intellectual and up for debates and conspiracy theories . If they are undeveloped they can be nervous , prone to over thinking and flighty .

Sun in Cancer ♋ : People born under this sign are in tune with their emotions , empaths and compassionate with other people. Cancer is a sign that is very family -oriented and value people that they choose to have for long-term partnerships ( friendships and relationships for this sign MUST fulfill their need for SECURITY and Emotional connection). If they are undeveloped they can be over emotional , prone to mood swings and clingy especially with the past .

Sun in Leo ♌ : People born under this sign are charismatic personalities , creative with a happy disposition and they are fun to be with . Leo is a sign that is involved with arts aswell that's why they can be great entertainers either physically (dancing / drama ) or mentally (stand up comedians ) . These are the idols of the zodiac . They need validation in order to bloom and people who will support them in their life .They are the center of attention in family/groups , Also they can be good leaders. If they are undeveloped they can be prideful , prone to vanity and arrogant .

Sun in Virgo ♍ : People born under this sign are realistic , organized and have sharp mind . Virgo is a sign that is prone to perfectionism but it really depends . They are high-key picky , they set their own standards and will stick to them no matter what . These people actually give very good advices and also they can be very good teachers aswell . Virgo is a detail-oriented sign and values the small gestures . My way or the highway . If they are undeveloped they can be passive-aggressive , whiny and hypocritical .

Sun in Libra ♎ : People born under this sign are diplomatic , value manners , charming personalities that do well in public relations . Libra is the sign that embraces grace and beauty that admires things that are pretty/beautiful to a point that they can be obsessed with beauty (depends tho) and also is looking for balance and harmony . Justice matters to them . Low-key they like gossip . If they are undeveloped they can be indecisive , dependent from others and judgemental .

Sun in Scorpio ♏ : People born under this sign are alluring personalities than can appear mysterious to other people (also intimidating) .Scorpio is the sign of rebirth so these people experience transformations in their whole life . They are passionate (to the point they can obsess) and care deeply for the people they love . They are loyal to a fault . They are either ALL or NOTHING . Quiet ambitious aswell. They have a tendency to observe things and learn . Resting Bitch Face . If they are undeveloped they can be controlling , vengeful and issues with jealousy .

Sun in Sagittarius ♐ : People born under this sign are honest and straightforward , value their freedom and are optimistic . Sagittarius is more intellectual than the other two fire signs . Up for adventure . Into philosophy and deep conversations . You Only Live Once . Very opinionated and likes searching deep for the true meaning of things . Experimental . Go getter . If they are undeveloped they can be tactless , irresponsible and careless .

Sun in Capricorn ♑ : People born under this sign are hard working , methodical , grounded . Very disciplined and patient . These people mostly are late bloomers . They also have Resting Bitch Face . They have a dry sense of humour or else dark humour . Have a hard time expressing feelings , might also suppress them . Very ambitious aswell will work and do anything to achieve their goal . Value their public image and career is their first priority . If they are undeveloped they can be cold , power hungry and pessimistic .

Sun in Aquarius ♒ : People born under this sign are eccentric personalities that value freedom and independence . They are rebellious from their own nature and would fight for human rights . (Humanitarian) Quirkiness in a good way . They are experimental and intellectual . Visionaries of a better world . Original and inventive . Value different and are attracted from the different . They also have a hard time expressing feelings and more like they try to avoid them . Logical thinking .If they are undeveloped they can be detached , unpredictable and contrary.

Sun in Pisces ♓ : People born under this sign are sympathetic towards other people . They go with the flow . Universal love and altruistic nature . They wear their hearts on their sleeves . They are adaptable and they can also appear mysterious . They express themselves better with art . They experience their feelings with deep passion . They are kind , very imaginative and intuitive . Idealists . If they are undeveloped they can be escapist , weak-willed and vague .

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 5

The Houses 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 5

Every sign rules a certain house . 12 signs -> 12 houses ( 1st House is ruled by Aries , 2nd is ruled by Taurus , 3rd is ruled by Gemini , 4th is ruled by Cancer , 5th is ruled by Leo , 6th is ruled by Virgo , 7th is ruled by Libra , 8th is ruled by Scorpio , 9th is ruled by Sagittarius , 10th is ruled by Capricorn , 11th is ruled by Aquarius , 12th ruled by Pisces )

1st House / Ascendant 🎭 : first impressions , early childhood , our approach to the world , our mentality and how we deal with life , it can determine our physical appearance ( depends )

2nd House 💰 : material possessions , wealth , values , wants and needs ( physical and emotional )

3rd House 📚 : early education , relationship with siblings , short travels , technology , way of communicating

4th House / IC 🏠 : idea of Home , how we grew up , parent's influence , environment of home , family , past , our roots , mother

5th House 🎨 : ( short ) romantic encounters , creativity , pleasure , where we express ourselves with confidence , achievements

6th House 💊 : daily routine , personal hygiene , services , duties , workplace , health

7th House / Descendant 🎎 : opposing the Ascendant , what we seek what we lack , who we attract , relationships , marriage , friendships , public relations

8th House 💀 : death - rebirth -transformation , taboo , deeper thoughts , the part of our identity that we don't reveal or express , secrets

9th House 🌈 : higher education , college , travel abroad , foreign friends / partners , beliefs , faith

10th House / Midheaven 🏰 : public persona , career , top part of our growth and evolution , we strive to be , father , authoritative figures

11th House 👽 : technology , social media , internet persona , broad friendships , human rights , rebellion , inventiveness , part of community

12th House 👾 : subconscious , the shadow side of ourselves ( hidden or unknown ) , the parts of our identities that we suppress , deep feelings , sacrifices

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 7

The Ascendant 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 7

So as I said before , the 1st house is also known as the Ascendant . The Ascendant will manifest differently depending the sign .

Aries Ascendant : assertive , go getters , intimidating , ambitious , " fighters " , fiery aura , naive , straight foward , can appear selfish , harsh , loud voice .

Taurus Ascendant : calming aura , reliable , sensual , rational , grounded , steadfast , foodie , homebody , can appear stubborn , pleasure seeker , deep voice .

Gemini Ascendant : friendly aura , intellectual , witty , fun to be with , social butterfly , sly , flighty , into memes and trends , high pitched voice .

Cancer Ascendant : familiar aura , sweet , kind , caring , positive vibes , wears heart on their sleeves , deep bonds with others , can appear whiny , clingy to negative events , soft voice .

Leo Ascendant : easy going aura , attracts attention , charismatic , famous , follows trends , well groomed , can appear dramatic , egotistical , loud voice .

Virgo Ascendant : quiet aura , intelligent , communicative , codependent , logical , well organized , helpful , resting bitch face , can appear cold , judgemental , high pitched voice .

Libra Ascendant : friendly aura , charming personality , flirty , sweet , manners , social butterfly , gossip , big social circle but they trust like 1-2 people , can appear fake due to different facade they have , indecisive , soft voice .

Scorpio Ascendant : intimidating aura , mysterious , loner , calm , resting bitch face , deep thinker , emotional intelligent , observing , calculating , can appear vindictive , pessimistic , deep voice .

Sagittarius Ascendant : spontaneous personality , happy go lucky , philosophical , truth seeker , straightforward , honest , opinionated , can appear rude , blindly optimistic , loud voice .

Capricorn Ascendant : calm , serious , resting bitch face , ambitious , hard working , reliable , methodical , bussiness mind , can appear hot and cold , bossy, deep voice .

Aquarius Ascendant : quirky , friendly aura , independent , famous , street smart , humanitarian , inspiring , leader , open minded , can appear detached , utopian , high pitched voice .

Pisces Ascendant : soothing aura , mysterious , spiritual , kind , sensitive , helpful , delicate , self sacrificing , artistic , chilling , can appear absent minded , victim , soft voice .

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 8

The IC 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 8

So I also mentioned that the 4th house is also known as IC or Nadir and it shows our roots , our past , part of childhood , home life , how we grew up and what we carry from our home ( knowledge , experiences ) .

Aries IC : someone who learned discipline in a young age , stimulating and energetic home life , activities on their own , into sports due to high energy levels , learned from young to stand up for themselves , direct and straightforward , tendency to lead others .

Taurus IC : someone who learned order in a young age , peaceful home life , probably with luxuries , steady parents and protective , into arts , comfort zone , learned from young to value themselves and self care , tedency to procrastinate .

Gemini IC : someone who learned to value connections with others in a young age , open minded parents , need for interaction , intellectual stimulation , exploring and experiencing things , friendships in young age , reading / studying books or literature , tedency to not trust .

Cancer IC : someone who learned to trust others easily , emotional connection with parents and emotional fulfilment , quiet home life , parents showed kindness and encourage the child to open up about his/her feelings , attached to family , learned from young to protect themselves , tedency to cling.

Leo IC : someone who learned that he/she can count on themselves in a young age , parents big ego , pressured child to work hard for it's own good , many hobbies , early achievements , need for validation , learned from young to love themselves , tendency to stubbornness .

Virgo IC : someone who learned to help others in a young age , parents taught them logical thinking and fast decision making , intellectual stimulation , parents prone to pressure child to reach perfectionism ( school life , activities out of school , hobbies ) , parents may be picky and judgemental with child's choices , learned from young to strive to be better , tedency to whine .

Libra IC : someone who learned to show kindness and respect to the public from a young age , parent taught them manners and understanding , beautiful home , friendships and connections on a young age , well groomed , seek balance and harmony from young age , tendency to avoid confrontation .

Scorpio IC : someone who learned to be a loner from a young age , parents care deeply but didn't show it , mysterious events , parents may be controlling in nature , observing and learning , calm , craved deep connections with people , parents might taught them to " avenge " (not always in a bad way or in a bad meaning ) for themselves , fight for their goals and not to be afraid of pain , tedency to control .

Sagittarius IC : someone who learned to be independent and value their freedom in a young age , parents may be opinionated about their beliefs , childhood of constant action , restless , love for exploring and learning new stuff , prone to accidents ( due to Sagittarius carelessness ) , seeking the truth , expressive and spontaneous tedency to avoid problems .

Capricorn IC : someone who learned to trust themselves in a young age , parents may be narrow minded , cold and detached , stoic personalities that bloom in the future , environment wasn't really easy going , trust issues , although parents taught them methodical thinking , realistic view of life and hard work always pays off , failure leads to success if you work and never stop trying , tedency to boss .

Aquarius IC : someone who learned to being quirky in a young age , parents were open minded but detached in nature , feeling alienated , thoughts/ opinions / ideas flourish in their mind but weren't expressed outward , need for mental stimulation , craved to be part of a community / team , parents taught altruism and forming connections , tendency to detach .

Pisces IC : someone who learned universal love and respect for other people in a young age , open minded parents and kind , emotional connection with the child , these people made their own ideals about the world ( especially prominent imagination ) , although they will learn that world isn't always the sweet place they claim to believe ( lack of grounding ) , into arts and hobbies where they are expressing their feelings , need for stability , tedency to escapism .

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 9

The Descendant 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 9

So the 7th House is also known as the Descendant ( opposes Ascendant ) and we mostly find the opposing sister sign lying there . 7th House shows what we lack and what we need in order to create balance in our life and also who we attract or we are attracted aswell .

Aries Descendant : someone who lacks and needs diplomacy , co-dependence , attracts assertive and bold partners that stand up for themselves , attracted to straightforward and athletic types .

Taurus Descendant : someone who lacks and needs depth and change , attracts conventional attractive people and grounded partners , attracted to reliable and calm personalities .

Gemini Descendant : someone who lacks and needs decisiveness and honesty , attracts smart and easy going people , attracted to nerds and flighty people / hard to pin down .

Cancer Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to control their emotions and value their hard work , attracts sympathetic and caring people , attracted to kind and sweet personalities .

Leo Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to accept originality and independence , attracts generous and charismatic partners , attracted to brave and warm personalities .

Virgo Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to understand that not everything needs a logical explanation , to see the whole picture , attracts rational and quiet partners , attracted to hard working and intellectual people .

Libra Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to learn to be assertive and stand up for themselves , attracts graceful and gentle personalities with manners , attracted to charming and cultured people .

Scorpio Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to build steady foundations and leave their comfort zone , attracts mysterious and calm personalities , attracted to loyal and bold partners .

Sagittarius Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to be flexible when it comes to ideas and logical thinker , attracts funny and open minded people , attracted to multi-cultured and spontaneous personalities .

Capricorn Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to open up about their own emotions , value other people's emotions - sympathy , attracts stoic and serious people , attracted to mature and trustworthy people .

Aquarius Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to value their selves , their creativity and successes , attracts quirky and independent people , attracted to geeks and street smart people .

Pisces Descendant : someone who lacks and needs to be grounded and practical , to service others freely , attracts dreamy and kind personalities , attracted to artistic and mysterious people .

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 10

The MC 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 10

The 10th house is also known as Midheaven ( MC ) and it actually shows in one's chart the upper point that somebody strive to be (depending the sign ) . Also , how we are viewed from the public , our career , skills and capabilities we practice and have for our future , our role models and authority figures or people we really admire .

Aries MC : They appear bold , energetic and intimidating on the public with strong will . They will prefer careers that push themselves to reach the top (athletes) , careers that require leadership skills and organizing ( director / management ) , discipline ( army ) , risk-taking ( firefighter / cops ) . They strive to be the best ( top ) , to stand up for themselves in hard situations , to be direct and assertive in their jobs .

Taurus MC : They appear sensual , grounded and reliable on the public with strong foundations . They will prefer careers that express beauty and arts ( artists , cosmetics , musicians , dancers , singers ) , money related and business ( bank , accountant , businessman ) where they actually have control and calculate their moves , building ( architecture ) . They strive to be practical and efficient , hard working and loyal to their values .

Gemini MC : They appear easy going , sociable , witty with good sense of humour . They will prefer diversity in their careers since their adaptable , they like to learn new things or teach new things since they are experimental ( teachers ) , they have a way with words ( poetry ) , writing books or fanfics ( writer / author ) , collecting fresh information ( journalist ) . They strive to be friendly , open minded , try a lot of new things (including careers ) before deciding where to settle .

Cancer MC : They appear sympathetic , kind , gentle and sentimental . They will prefer careers that allow them to help others due to their sympathetic nature ( social worker ) , careers that involve health ( nurse ) , careers that allow them to express their feelings ( actors , musicians ) or with animals ( veterinarian ) . They strive to be the ones who protect others , who have a mother - like vibe , who support others in their goals and dreams . They might dream of working at home , somewhere they feel safe .

Leo MC : They appear majestic , loud , generous with bravery as their main trait . They will prefer careers that allow them to express themselves ( drama , acting ) , become famous ( idols , influencers ) , work on projects ( management ) , fashion or commercials . They strive to be charismatic , leaders and role models for other people and inspire people to work hard for themselves ( Ego Is Top Priority ) .

Virgo MC : They appear calm , organized , innocent and with logical thinking . They will prefer careers that help other people , especially health and hygiene ( doctor , massage therapist , spa worker , dermatologist ) , careers involve teaching ( mathematician ) suits them due to rational thinking and calculating nature , enviroment with books ( librarian ) . They strive to be perfect on whatever career they choose , remain humble and put order in their life .

Libra MC : They appear charming , sociable , diplomatic with interpersonal intelligence . They will prefer careers that involve beauty ( arts , cosmetics ) , fashion ( modeling ) , public relations ( counselor ) they can see each side of a problem , law ( lawyer ) defender of justice , interior design , jeweller . They strive to be appealing , pleasing , the " link " that connects other people , live a balanced life .

Scorpio MC : They appear mysterious , intimidating , alluring with a quiet personality . They prefer careers where they can be very ambitious ( businessman ) , where they have control and predict result ( accountant ) , jobs that are connected with the past ( archaeologist ) they seek answers , investigators , psychology due to their observing habit and understanding of the deepest part of themselves . They strive to be daring , bold , opinionated with fixed view in their mind , careers transform them .

Sagittarius MC : They appear spontaneous , funny , happy go lucky and independent . They will prefer careers that involve foreign language ( teaching / translating ) , beliefs and faith ( priest ) , restless energy ( athletes ) , law enforcement , television travelling shows , museums and guide . They strive to be open minded , non judgemental , straightforward and optimistic outlook .

Capricorn MC : They appear serious , cold , pessimistic and hard working . They will prefer careers that allow them to achieve high social status ( businessman ) , positions with power ( president , director ) , also that require accuracy ( surgeon ) , army / cops due to discipline , money related jobs and crafts . They strive to be professionals , keep low profile in public , succeed in anu field due to their mature and logical thinking . ( hard work pays off )

Aquarius MC : They appear quirky , friendly , open minded and intellectual they encourage change . They will prefer careers that have to do with politics , with social media and information , scientific research , physics , chemistry , visual artist , youtuber . They strive to differentiate from other people , experiment new things , envision a better future for them and the others .

Pisces MC : They appear delicate , kind , caring and artsy with big heart . They will prefer careers that allow them to express themselves freely ( drama , acting , dancing , arts , singing ) , animals ( veterinarian or animal breeder ) , video game director , fanfics , poetry , ( where they use their imagination ) , co workers in healthcare . They strive to be sensitive in the needs of others , self sacrificing , humanitarian and freedom loving .

( I just wanted to add that there can be many more careers/jobs for each sign from what I actually have written down , since planets in 10th House / Midheaven will benefit with variety , aspects on the MC aswell ❤)

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5 years ago

Basic Astrology Part 11

Moon Signs 🌌

Basic Astrology Part 11

Moon represents habits , feelings , needs , past , memories , our mother , our coping mechanisms in everyday life .

Aries Moon : impulsive feelings , passionate and easily impressed , can be a bit agressive when expressing them , dramatic , can be insecure , the mother actually might have forced them to learn discipline in a young age and also to be direct about their feelings . Due to high energy levels they need to be productive or else they will be nervous . Most of them would be into sports or anything that excites them and keep their adrenaline high .

Taurus Moon : rational when it comes to feelings , stable due to their nature ( they don't really like changes ) , now when it comes to expressing they rather do it in a calm and peaceful way . This placement screams SELF CARE , the mother actually might expressed a lot of Venusian qualities but also passed the logical thinking when it comes to feelings . If irritated emotionally they indulge to food , music , movies . Comfort zone . Order in their everyday routine and planning carefully how to act . Procrastination .

Gemini Moon : intellectual when it comes to feelings , can be unstable when it comes to feelings because they have a hard time on trusting , the mother probably had a facade or was moody . Easy going and accepting . Need to explore the world . Can be unclear about their feelings because they're don't even know how they actually feel . OVERANALYZING . Uses books , social media , communication in order to cope with life and chill . They can't deal with loneliness . Very animated expressions and a lot of gestures.

Cancer Moon : sympathetic when it comes to feelings , in tune with their feelings , probably share a strong bond with mother ( depending on aspects and signs aswell ) , mother taught them to value their feelings and don't let others stomped them . Can be moody due to the environment . Need for understanding and strong bond with others . They cope in everyday life with food , music , video games , movies . You can see their feelings in their face . Homebody .

Leo Moon : dramatic when it comes to feelings , generous and brave when it comes to express them . Mother probably have forced them to surpass themselves and work hard for validation and love , or even promised them gifts . Passionate and direct . Might want constant attention , mother might not showed much . Charismatic personality . Friendly and warm . They cope in everyday life with arts or any way that allows them to show their creativity .

Virgo Moon : humble when it comes to feelings , innocent aura and friendly . These people tend to over analyze their feelings just like Gemini moon aswell . When it comes to deal with emotions they can be very logical and sometimes cold . They like to service others , the mother probably taught them to help others with simple tasks and to be co-dependent . Order in their feelings and so in their life aswell . Gets easily irritated by the little things . Nurturing like Cancer Moon . Gives good advices and does good at problem solving .

Libra Moon : charming and graceful when expressing their feelings , with good manners . These people try to please others and their feelings but actually forget to count their feelings . Probably the mother had taught them to be patient and only to show a charming facade and be likeable . Understanding and accepting when it comes to feelings . Can be very dependent to people and situations . Diplomacy and can be lazy at times just like Taurus Moon . Fairness .

Scorpio Moon : mysterious and have a hard time understanding their feelings , these people actually feel everything in extremes and feelings transform them throughout life . They experience mostly negative feelings because they want to find the deeper meaning (Kinda masochistic ) . Probably the mother was obsessing over stuff and passed that on the child . Dramatic . Need to investigate themselves .

Sagittarius Moon : open minded and friendly when it comes to feelings , these people actually are very straight foward to the point that they can be brutally honest about how they feel . Need for exploration and experimentation . Probably mother was opinionated and passed that to the child . Might have a tendency to escapism . Generous and warm personality .

Capricorn Moon : realism to the point of trying to suppress or avoid feelings . Mother probably was cold or didn't show her love in a way that the child could understand it . Hard working and stoic , has a hard time trusting like Scorpio moon and Gemini Moon , can also feel confused just like the other two earth signs when it comes to feelings . Work work work . Serious and cautious .

Aquarius Moon : detached when it comes to feelings , ( to this point I just wanted to say that I heard a lot of ppl saying that Aquarius and Capricorn Moon aren't emotional which isn't true ) they in fact show feelings but it takes time , fixed ideas and opinions on matters of heart , they try not to cling in their feelings . Mother may have been detached with the child ( in a way that made them believe that it's hard to form true bonds or that they aren't accepted for who they are ) . Rational and quirky personality . Alienated

Pisces Moon : sweet and kind personality , humanitarian and loving when it comes to feelings . Universal love and support . Deeply caring just like the other two water signs . Mother may have been absent and didn't taught the child to be logical . Forgives easily . They should value their feelings aswell , it's better for them to learn to say no and focus on themselves . Very understanding . Easily manipulated by feelings and others . Lack of grounding may lead to unpleasant situations and hurt them . Wears their hearts on their sleeves .

( Note : At this point I wanted to add that aspects with moon sign can also show variety , also the house where the moon lies 🌙 )

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