Netball Girls - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

OCtober Day #1 -Your Favourite OC

OCtober Day #1 -Your Favourite OC
OCtober Day #1 -Your Favourite OC

This is Shimamura!

Like most of my OCs, I've had her for a long time- about since I was 14 or 15 I think. That being said, these drawings are from when I was about 18 ✨️

Her whole deal has always been that she's a steel wall- cold, calculating, unmovable, flawless, strong. I always cast her in roles of leadership where other characters look up to her, whether she's a gang leader or the captain of a netball team. She has her moments of genuine leadership, but she's also a manipulator, selfish, and will remorselessly ruin lives to serve her own ambitions. Notably, she maintains and actively feeds a toxic best-friendship with another OC of mine named Gummy (who I'll definitely post about at some point too!).

Since Gummy is usually my main protag, Shimamura usually ends up the main villain or similar✌️

Its remarkable how consistent her personality and design have been over the years. She's one of those characters who doesn't feel like a character to me, its almost like a real person just sprung into my brain fully formed one day as a teen. I could've picked a few different OCs that I'm obsessed with here, but she felt the most iconic tbh. We love an evil girlboss moment <3

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC
OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

This is Gummy, who I mentioned on day 1! She's not my oldest OC (I've been drawing ocs since I was at least 9 or 10), but she's the oldest one I have original evidence of still!

I created Gummy when I was 13, and that's when the above images were drawn. They were done on the school playground using my old surface 3 lmaooo

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC
OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

These above ones are from maybe a year or two later (14 or 15 years old? I remember posting these on deviantart if that helps.)

I think Gummy could probably also qualify for day 5 when it comes to being a heavily redesigned OC. As you can see, she used to have panda ears for a LONG time, until I realized there was literally no reason for that and I changed it lol

I also cant really tell you what she's like as a person yet. She was always somewhat of a vehicle for me to process my thoughts growing up, and she always aged with me. Now that I'm 25, I have no idea what a 25 year old Gummy would be like either 😅

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC
OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

I dont remember when I drew these two but clearly I was trying something.

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

And finally, this was the last time I drew her. I did this either in 2020 or 2021 based on the style its in.

It's fun how I can kinda use her as a 'timeline' of how my character design sensibilities have grown over time. I hope when I next get to draw her I can turn her into something super cool!

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #4- Under appreciated OC

OCtober Day #4- Under Appreciated OC
OCtober Day #4- Under Appreciated OC

Giving ya'll two for today's prompt!

Left is Toady, right is Sameera. Both of them are players on Shimamura's netball team. Toady always plays Center (since she's the shortest on the team by far) and Sameera is usually a defensive player.

I've drawn Sameera digitally twice, and Toady only once. These two deserve a lot more love from me lol

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC

OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC
OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC

OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC
OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC

This is Kendall! I redesigned him by turning him into a lesbian lmfao

Kendall was originally 'the protagonist' back when I created him, but I found I had trouble relating to him or making him interesting, so I hit him with the lezzo beam 👌

In their current iteration, Kendall is the 'mysterious bad boy' who originally played for a different netball team. When Shimamura recruits them, Kendall and Gummy become rivals, since Kendall takes over Shimamura's preferred positions (goalkeep and goal shooter).

I'm definitely still working on Kendall's current iteration. Right now I use all pronouns interchangeably for them, which is usually a sign for me that I haven't quite pinned down a character's personality yet. Current Kendall is definitely more than 'a girl' though, so who knows 👀

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