Bweirdoctober - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
OC-Tober - Day 14 - Palette

OC-Tober - Day 14 - Palette

Darest just deserved her own lil post,, I can't put into words how proud I am of this one and how much I actually love my magic wielding cat since she is a bit insane and takes risk left and right!

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1 year ago
OC-Tober - Day 15 - Meme

OC-Tober - Day 15 - Meme

Sooo, I really wanted to do this meme and Chaos AU Carél is way too fitting, since he is actually really depressed qwq Chaos AU I can pretty much summarize with at some point a lot just goes completely downhill-

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1 year ago
OC-Tober - Day 21 - FANART!!

OC-Tober - Day 21 - FANART!!

Sooo yesterday was both Käärijä's and my birthday, so I thought I draw both him and me to mark the occasion, since I still cannot get over the concert on tuesday ;w;

Sadly I am still sick and was obviously busy yesterday or else I would have finished it sooner ;o;

Also trying to catch up on some days since, yeah, I was sick wahh-

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1 year ago


general tag: #oc-tober / my prompts: #bweirdOCtober


Do I have to draw EVERY DAY? NO! I highly encourage skipping as many days as you need to avoid burnout! There are 10 main days in the event (marked with a ⭐ star) that you can focus on if you don't feel up to doing every day, or you can choose your own adventure and just do the prompts you personally like!

Do I have to DRAW? NO! You can also write fanfiction snippets, repost older art that fits the theme, tweet headcanons/backstory, roleplay in-character as your oc ... genuinely anything that fits the theme is OK!!

Can I start early? YES! I understand some people work at a slower pace and might need a head start! So long as you wait until October to post it, you can start working as early as you need!

I missed the start of the event .. do I have to catch up? NO! Please don't stress about days you missed, you're allowed to just skip to the current prompt!


1. MAKE FRIENDS! The community is the best part of this event .. please try to follow new people, ask questions about ocs you like, compliment people's styles, ask friends to create with you, etc! 2. TAKE IT EASY! Skip a day if you're tired, busy or just not interested in the prompt. You don't have to catch up on it later. This is supposed to be fun, not work! 3. BE KIND! Please think about the people around you - don't give people unwarranted harsh criticism, content warn for themes/imagery in your work that could trigger someone, don't create anything hateful, etc


text version / tips and ideas on or below ↓

star = main prompts | no star = optional


1: FAVE OC ⭐ -Which of your characters is your favourite right now? 2: NEW OC -Who is your newest OC? -Design a new OC right now 3: OLD OC ⭐ -Do you remember the first OC you ever made? -Is there an OC you haven't drawn in a long time? 4: RE-DESIGN -An OC who has changed a lot over the years -Take an old OC and update their design right now  


5: RELATIONSHIPS ⭐ -Who is important to your OC? -Do they have a partner? -Do they have a best friend? -Are they close to their family? 6: SYMBOL -What imagery do you associate with your oc? -Are there any colours, flowers, animals or concepts that symbolize them? 7: PERSONALITY ⭐ -How does your OC behave? -What are their positive traits? -What are their negative traits? -Are they extroverted or introverted? 8: PAST -What was your OC like as a child? -Where did they grow up? -Are there any significant moments from their past that shaped who they are? 9: FUTURE ⭐ -Does your OC have a goal they're working towards? -What will your OC look like when they get older -Do you have a planned ending for their story?


10: pumpkin patch palette #251604 #1E3807 #5B5E1A #A2A657 #EBA00F #F3ECCC


11: hot cocoa palette #520B13 #BB382E #E27E6D #88392C #AF5D40 #E1AFA4


12: midnight zone palette #000007 #000049 #183885 #004D4F #0E8788 #FFF1C0


13: peachy palette #DE6450 #DB9171 #FFC1AE #FEE1AD #FFF2E0 #D9D8D8


14: haunted house palette #552506 #6E25AA #ED690B #F925A0 #8F8BA7 #A6C1AA



15: MEME ⭐ -Post memes that remind you of your OC -Draw your OC as a meme -Fill out a character meme (classic deviantart style) 16: FOOD -What is your OC's favourite food? -What is their least favourite? -Can they cook? 17: EYES-CLOSED ⭐ -Draw your OC with your eyes closed! No cheating! -Write a scene without looking at the keyboard! Keep the typos in! 18: SWAP -Swap the style or aesthetic of two of your OCs -Species or gender swap AU -Invert an OC's colour scheme 19: INSPIRATION ⭐ -Is your OC inspired by any pre-existing characters? -Are there any particular songs/lyrics that inspired something about one of your OCs -Do you have a dedicated pinterest moodboard for your character? 20: INVENTORY -What does your OC carry around with them on a daily basis? -Are there any objects that have sentimental value for them? -Loot drop for your DnD OC  


21-25: There's no specific daily prompts for this week, but here are some ideas you can try ... -Art trades with friends who are doing the event with you -Your OC interacting with a friend's OC -Gift art for someone whose OCs you like -Work together and collaborate on something with a friend -Roleplay an OC scene together with someone  


26: FEAR ⭐ -What is your OC scared of? -Draw one of your OCs trying to scare the others 27: MONSTER -Do you have any monster OCs? (eg: vampires, werewolves, creatures, ghosts...) -Draw a human OC as a monster -Design a new monster 28: TRICK -Play a trick on an OC -Do you have an OC who would play tricks on people? 29: TREAT -What is your OC's favourite halloween candy? -Give an OC a special treat to make up for yesterday's trick 30: MAGIC -Do any of your characters have magical powers? -Give an OC a magical or cursed artifact -Create a magic-using OC like a witch or wizard 27: COSTUME ⭐ -What is your OC dressing as for halloween?

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5 months ago

OCtober Day #1 -Your Favourite OC

OCtober Day #1 -Your Favourite OC
OCtober Day #1 -Your Favourite OC

This is Shimamura!

Like most of my OCs, I've had her for a long time- about since I was 14 or 15 I think. That being said, these drawings are from when I was about 18 ✨️

Her whole deal has always been that she's a steel wall- cold, calculating, unmovable, flawless, strong. I always cast her in roles of leadership where other characters look up to her, whether she's a gang leader or the captain of a netball team. She has her moments of genuine leadership, but she's also a manipulator, selfish, and will remorselessly ruin lives to serve her own ambitions. Notably, she maintains and actively feeds a toxic best-friendship with another OC of mine named Gummy (who I'll definitely post about at some point too!).

Since Gummy is usually my main protag, Shimamura usually ends up the main villain or similar✌️

Its remarkable how consistent her personality and design have been over the years. She's one of those characters who doesn't feel like a character to me, its almost like a real person just sprung into my brain fully formed one day as a teen. I could've picked a few different OCs that I'm obsessed with here, but she felt the most iconic tbh. We love an evil girlboss moment <3

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4 months ago

OCtober Day 2- New OC

OCtober Day 2- New OC

These two designs were done for my character design class last year at Uni! I never posted them here, so I thought I'd pick them for today's prompt :)

Our assignment was to pick a group of characters from folklore, history or mythology that had been overlooked or misunderstood. I chose lady bushrangers, but with a 'sci-fi meets mad max' twist. I also designed them with the idea that they'd be used in a megaman-style action platformer game.

LEFT: "Lucky Lizzy", loosly based on bushranger Jessie Hickman. She's cocky, impulsive, and seemingly can't feel pain (maybe due to nerve damage from living in the wasteland?). She's famous for performing dangerous circus stunts on her motorcyle, but also for her propensity for gambling.

OCtober Day 2- New OC
OCtober Day 2- New OC

RIGHT: "Mrs Winter", based on bushrangers Mary Heard and Mary Cockerill. She's a mechanical engineer who was forced to hide in the bush many years ago after she got chased out of Australia's futuristic eco-capital. As a bushranger, she was injured and betrayed by her former gang leader. The incident left her with a weak right arm, so she used her skills to fashion herself a gauntlet that basically gives her ice powers. Currently on a missions to use said ice powers to exact her revenge. She also happens to be Aboriginal, from the Awabakal nation.

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC
OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

This is Gummy, who I mentioned on day 1! She's not my oldest OC (I've been drawing ocs since I was at least 9 or 10), but she's the oldest one I have original evidence of still!

I created Gummy when I was 13, and that's when the above images were drawn. They were done on the school playground using my old surface 3 lmaooo

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC
OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

These above ones are from maybe a year or two later (14 or 15 years old? I remember posting these on deviantart if that helps.)

I think Gummy could probably also qualify for day 5 when it comes to being a heavily redesigned OC. As you can see, she used to have panda ears for a LONG time, until I realized there was literally no reason for that and I changed it lol

I also cant really tell you what she's like as a person yet. She was always somewhat of a vehicle for me to process my thoughts growing up, and she always aged with me. Now that I'm 25, I have no idea what a 25 year old Gummy would be like either 😅

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC
OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

I dont remember when I drew these two but clearly I was trying something.

OCtober Day #3- Oldest OC

And finally, this was the last time I drew her. I did this either in 2020 or 2021 based on the style its in.

It's fun how I can kinda use her as a 'timeline' of how my character design sensibilities have grown over time. I hope when I next get to draw her I can turn her into something super cool!

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #4- Under appreciated OC

OCtober Day #4- Under Appreciated OC
OCtober Day #4- Under Appreciated OC

Giving ya'll two for today's prompt!

Left is Toady, right is Sameera. Both of them are players on Shimamura's netball team. Toady always plays Center (since she's the shortest on the team by far) and Sameera is usually a defensive player.

I've drawn Sameera digitally twice, and Toady only once. These two deserve a lot more love from me lol

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC

OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC
OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC

OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC
OCtober Day #5 - Redesigned OC

This is Kendall! I redesigned him by turning him into a lesbian lmfao

Kendall was originally 'the protagonist' back when I created him, but I found I had trouble relating to him or making him interesting, so I hit him with the lezzo beam 👌

In their current iteration, Kendall is the 'mysterious bad boy' who originally played for a different netball team. When Shimamura recruits them, Kendall and Gummy become rivals, since Kendall takes over Shimamura's preferred positions (goalkeep and goal shooter).

I'm definitely still working on Kendall's current iteration. Right now I use all pronouns interchangeably for them, which is usually a sign for me that I haven't quite pinned down a character's personality yet. Current Kendall is definitely more than 'a girl' though, so who knows 👀

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4 months ago

OCtober Day #6 - Past

This weeks prompts are going to mostly be written prompts for me. I'm not particularly skilled with words but I still wanted to participate!

I took this prompt a bit differently and decided to talk more about where my OCs came from and why, rather than the OCs themselves. It was a good exercise in self reflection. I don't except anyone to read it, but its fairly short if you feel like it :)

Like a lot of undiagnosed autistic girls, I was a mimic. Everything about my personality, even the way I talked, was copied from somewhere else.

I liked pretending to be into fashion and boys and barbies, because thats what I saw other girls doing (and holy shit was I desperate to be friends with them). I liked 'writing stories' that were more or less recaps of books I'd already read with the serial numbers filed off. I used fancy words and metaphors I'd heard but didn't actually understand so that the adults would tell me I was 'smart'.

I was so good at mimicry that it prevented me from becoming my own person for a really long time.

My perchant for copying naturally extended to the 'art' I'd create. I mentioned Gummy in a previous post, and that in her first iteration, Gummy had panda ears. Well- fun fact- this is because when I was 12, my older cousin showed me a song some furry artist had made about a NSFW dating sim. That artist's OC was a busty panda, so I straight up copied her.

Also, Gummy was named after the vocaloid Gumi, but specifically the way I used to mispronounce her name as Gummy. I thought my OC being named Gummy like the Gummy bear song was funny, because I was 13 and that was a meme at the time. Also, Gummy was originally a god-like being, because I was reading Noragami at the time and I was obsessed with Yato and Hiyori's dynamic (with Gummy being Yato, and Kendall Hiyori). I didnt have anything original to say about it. I wasn't doing a take. I just gender swapped them, really.

I had these characters but was never able to come up with a story that 'stuck'. What ended up happening, usually, was that the genre they were in would change depending on what media I was into at the time. For eg, Gummy became a gang criminal with psychic powers when I was watching Mob Psycho and Banana Fish.

I'm sure my mimicry was obvious to others at the time, but it wasn't to me. I truly thought I was being original and cool.

I don't think its bad to copy things in art, especially when you're a kid who's still learning. But I also think that, if you want to make something really good, you should at least have an opinion on what you're copying.

I've realised recently that I haven't had my own opinions for most of my life- just copied thoughts and mimicry, like my OCs, like my personality, like my various attempts at identity. In terms of my work, I think this has long been one of the many things holding me back.

I'm grateful to be 25 now. I hope by reflecting on where my OCs came from, I can chart a path to a version where I finally have something of my own to say.

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1 year ago
"Hmm, That New Waitress Is Talking To Herself Again..."

"Hmm, that new waitress is talking to herself again..."

oc-tober day #1: Fave OC 👻

image description under keep reading

this is Abby! from a webcomic i've been working on called Ghost Diner 👻

[image id: a digital illustration in a sketchy style. A young white woman with black hair in a short ponytail is sitting, cross armed, outside on some overgrown steps. The warm sunset casts a shadow as she gestures to an unseen figure. She is wearing a tousled red apron, a white tshirt and black trousers]

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1 year ago
A digital illustration of a woman in fantasy attire. She is wearing a dark pinafore with white sleeves, potions are looped around a belt. Notably, she is wearing a metal pie dish tied around her face, with two small drilled eye holes. Curly, unkempt hair grows out from the sides. Her arms are held up in anticipation and her hands and clothing are smudged with some dark substance.
In light outlines, a cart filled with potions is in the yellow background.

oc-tober day #2: New OC ⚗️

Closest thing I have to a new oc is Onid! A npc potion seller for an upcoming dnd campaign I'm running soon, she's fun!

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1 year ago
Oc-tober Day #4: Redesign

oc-tober day #4: Redesign ❄️

This is my wizard pc from my last dnd campaign, Toni! My first drawing of her was way back at level 3, a whoooollllleee lot happened by the time we ended at level 10, so i think a redesign is warranted!

image id under read more

[image id: An illustration of a dungeons and dragons character. The female half orc is a young woman with black hair and green skin, she wears a grey fur cloar with a red satchel. She seems pensive as she holds a closed spellbook. An ice skate is tied to her belt. Lightly injured, she has a small cut on one cheek with some smudged blood on her face and cloak.]

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1 year ago
Oc-tober Day #16: Food

oc-tober day #16: Food 🍔

Abby works in a diner but cannot cook to save her life,

she's strictly on serving duty only!

Image id under read more

[image id: A colored digital illustration of a waitress in a diner. The central figure is a young white woman with black ponytail, and is weraing a red apron. she holds a platter of gyros, fries and a drink in one hand while she leans on the counter. A tan hand reaches from off screen to hand a burger on a plate. In the background we see a window to a yellowing sky and two framed photos. The waitress seems focused but a bit tired.]

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1 year ago
Oc-tober Day #17: Eyes Closed

oc-tober day #17: Eyes Closed 🕶️

Did a couple tries of doodling Abby from my (in progress!) webcomic

Proabably easier because I doodle her so much :)

image id under read more

[image id: A collection of overlapping doodles drawn digitally. The series of a womans smiling face along with a ponytail, has been drawn several times, eyes closed, so many facial features are out of place. The faces are different colours, red, pink, green, blue, orange and yellow. There is orange text in a bold sans serif that reads in all caps ".EYES CLOSED" ]

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4 months ago
An illustration of a young, blonde woman wearing a green dress. Her hair is done up, and she has occasional green scales across her face and shoulders, mimicking freckles. Her ears are pointed and green at the edges. She is looking to the side on a paper background

An unamed main character for a fantasy story I'm working on

oc-tober day #1: Fave OC ⚔️

first of the month! excited to do the rest. It's rare I use fantasy settings, but you have so many fun options for character designs!

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4 months ago
What If Your Friend's Mum Was Killed By A Doppleganger On The First Day Of Camp But You Didn't Know She

what if your friend's mum was killed by a doppleganger on the first day of camp but you didn't know she was her mum and you weren't friends until later because she was mean to you... like, when do you tell her?

oc-tober day #2: New OC 🌲

yay i get to draw npc's from a campaign I ran that ended recently. here's Melanie Knock :)

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4 months ago
a lineless digital illustration of a young girl in a school uniform falling through the air. She's half tucked in a ball, arm and leg flailing out. She has reddish white skin, brown blonde hair that sticks up from the wind. Though rough and undetailed, she has an expression of panic. In the background there are blue rectangles curving into the distance.

Maybe my oldest OC, thought up this very unqualified spy when I was 11

oc-tober day #3: Old OC 🧨

Sometimes the best way to pass a boring class is imagining a spy having a worse time than you

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