Neteyam - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Also a baby

𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐈’𝐌 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀! my requests are always open!! I mostly write short one shots/blurbs on here so don't expect any long chapter stories. also small disclaimer, I don't write smut since i don't know how to and I cringe whenever I try. I will mostly be writing for a specific group of people of my choice at the moment but feel free to request for any or ask. hope you guys enjoy my work and have fun reading!!

Getting this notification while looking at avatar Twitter memes made it ten times better

Drawing of Neteyam's back, his back deserves a movie all to itself 💙
I'm not good with details, and even less so with image backgrounds...😭😖 (I use a translator so I'm not good at English either)

Well... One of the most painful scenes ever made, a mother losing her child is simply HORRIBLE!!💙😭
Zolani Nash
Quaritch's daughter that escaped from the RDA
Melanistic skin with shaved white hair
White snake tattoo runs down left cheek and arm
Born on Pandora the year before the war, after her mother died and she got sick she was forced into the recoms where so became a punching bag and science experiment.———————————————————————— While out with the recoms, Zolani makes a run for freedom from her abusive father, and she meets one of the Sully's kids while running for her life.
Neteyam x Zolani (/ro)
Spider x Zolani (sibling/platonic)
TW: guns, violence, abuse, PTSD
————————————————————————Chapter 1
The recoms were talking about something as we walked throughout the forest. I don't even know why I was allowed to go with them, but it doesn't matter. Today is the day. The day i've been dreaming of ever since I set foot inside that god awful base camp, or whatever they call it. Quaritch was up front with two other guys, and Z-Dog was just in front of me. If I ran fast, I could try to make it as far away as possible. I stopped slowly, and then I ran into the forest of Pandora. I ran as fast as I could as I heard the recoms yell about something and come running after me. But I was faster, more agile without all that gear they had on. Running, jumping, and swinging through the forest, it was beautiful. It would have been nicer if i didn't have a bunch of reborn-marines hauling ass after me, but whatever. I ran like a madman, tearing through the fauna and throwing myself further ahead. I was almost free then, I crashed into something. I let out a hiss and quickly got up, looking back. It was a Na'Vi, I gulped, putting my hands up as they pulled out a knife.
" we need to run " I yelped, my accent sliding through my Na'Vi speech as I heard the recoms yelling getting closer.I didn't wait for a replay, I grabbed the boy's hand as he growled and I yanked him along.
" what are you even doing here!? "
" long story! But we should really just keep running! " I growled back, picking up speed as I jumped up into a tree and climbed. The boy just behind me, knife still drawn as we hunched down in the hidden branches of the tree.I hushed him as the recoms came into view, looking pissed.
" where the hell did she go!? "
" well this fucking sucks "
Their fighting was drowned out as I looked over, finally seeing who I had almost killed. He was staring back, golden piecing right through me.I motioned for him to follow as I climbed silently away from the recom group. We climbed for a while until the recoms could no longer be heard, then hoped onto the ground. Sweat beaded on my forehead, from stress and the heat.
" what was that about? " I looked over to meet those golden eyes again.
" needed to get out of there. " I explained dryly, not wanting to explain my sad little life to this stranger.
" my name is Zolani " I continued, turning to him with an 'i see you' signHe reciprocated the gesture, glancing up and down curiously as he sheathed his knife. My dark blue skin was beaded with sweat and cuts, my white hair was dirty and shaved down. My 'stripes' where not stripes, more resembling those spots like cheetahs on Earth.
" my name is Neteyam " He said calmly, tail flicking around. He reached for my hand, inspecting it as I tensed up.
" you are an Avatar? " He questioned. I nodded, as he stalked around me.
" I will take you back to my clan " He stated calmly as he returned infront of me, my tail lashed nervously behind me.
" What? Why? " I asked, wipping my hands down my face in exhaustion.
" Because, you have no where to go, correct? " He stated, nodding to where we came from.I nodded slowly, and he turned away.
" Try to keep up " He grinned, looking over his shoulder before running off.I sighed with a giggle and took off after him. After a few minutes of running side by side we stopped at a stream for water, I hunched over, taking water in my hands and gulping it down as Neteyam watched. Suddenly, there was yips and yells as two Na'Vi jumped out, bows raised. I hissed, jumping up and drawing my knife as Neteyam jumped up as well. Before Neteyam could say anything one released an arrow, there was a thunk as it hit into my shoulder. I gasped, letting go of my knife as I hit the ground. I let out a groan as I felt someone put pressure on the wound, my hearing was fuzzy as my ears twitched around. My eyes watered from pain as I felt something burning throughout my blood. I gasped, convulsing as my body went rigid as everything faded to black, there was two other blobs coming into my vision.
Everything was hot, heavy and painful. I groaned, sitting up as I felt someone trying to gently push me back down. I blinked my blurry vision as I hissed weakly, pushing against them with weak gasps of pain.
" You gotta stay down kid " I managed to hear as my hearing came back to me, I let out a weak, breathy 'no' as I started to pull myself up. I groaned as I slumped forward out of pain, as someone yelled something. It sounded like one of Quaritch's men, I hissed, struggling weakly at the grasps the shoved me back onto my back as my vision slowly came back to me. I blinked rapidly, realizing I wasn't in the lab, I started to stop resisting the hands pushing me gently onto my back.
" where... where am I..? "
" It doesn't matter, you are safe " someone said softly near my ear, it was Neteyam! I looked over quickly with a gasp, reaching my hand over to him. He awkwardly grabbed it, holding it as he hushed me.
" You were shot, by a poison arrow " He explained as I winced, the pain coming again. As I looked over to the other people in the kelku I let out a pained wheezing as I blinked at one of the woman, tsahìk. She turned towards me and I made 'I See You' sign weakly as she crouched down.
" tsahìk " I wheezed as I laid back down as she unwrapped the bandages around my shoulder. I winced, letting out a gasp, looking at the two other adults in the kelku. I locked eyes with the man and I gasped, then looked over to the woman next to him.
" Jake! Jake! " I wheezed, as his ears perked, confused. He walked over crouching down, a serious expression on his face, before he could ask anything I wheezed out.
" Zolani! It's– " I winced at the pain in my shoulder.
" It's me! " I gasped out as his expression faded to shock, then fear.
" why— why are you here? " He hissed, worried.
" Let's just say— " I hissed as the tsahìk started to rewrap my wound.
" Things went to shit after the war. " I slowly pulled myself up as the tsahìk finished wrapping the wound. He held me up with gentle hands on my shoulders, I was panting. This was all so much, I mean I knew he was alive but I didn't think I would end up here.
" My human body died.. so Quaritch figured out how to get me an Avatar. He hoped I would work for him but– I was more like an experiment. I couldn't live like that— " I hurriedly explained as tears welled in my eyes, he took me into a gentle hug as I let out a sob. At this everyone was confused and scared, especially at Quaritch's name. The other woman, Neytiri, crouched down as Jake let me out of the embrace. She looked me over with a blank expression as I finished wiping tears from my eyes. I laid back down with a wheezy breath and closed my eyes as I started to fall back asleep.
I awoke to soft chatter, I slowly sat up with a shake of my head. I peered at the entrance to the kelku realizing it was dark outside. I looked around the kelku to find no one around. I pulled myself up, noting the loincloth instead of my shorts and a bandage wrapped tightly around my chest and shoulder as I did. I grabbed onto the shelves slightly, careful to not break anything. I slowly walked out of the entrance as the voices got louder. I peeked out only to almost run into a young girl Na'Vi. She screamed, dropping what she was carrying as she turned tail to run. Quickly, there was two adults at her sides questioning her, she pointed towards me as they looked up. My ears perked, trying to make out what they were saying. They started to get closer and I realized who it was, Jake and Neytiri! I smiled slightly, steading myself against the doorframe. Neytiri watched as I walked closer, her eyes staring right into my soul. Jake was quickly infront of me, he was holding two plates of food. My mouth watered as he handed one to me and I quickly scarfed it down in quick bites. He gave me a wide eyed expression, then looked at Neytiri who was smiling slightly in amusement.
" Were you hungry or something kid? " He joked, raising an eyebrow as I wiped the food from my mouth with a nod. He slightly smiled, then inspected the bandages.
" Let's get these things changed, I will get Mo'at " He said, turning to Neytiri as he walked away. I peered behind them to see the two kids that jumped out of the bushes at me and Neteyam. My ears flattened to my skull as I let out a hiss. Neytiri looked shocked and turned around to see who I was hissing at.
" YOU! You shot me! " I spat at the boy, who hung his head in shame. Neytiri turned to me, and put her hands up onto my hand that was pointing at him.
" mawey, my son Lo'ak is sorry. He was trying to protect his brother. " Neytiri stated as the kid, Lo'ak, stepped closer slowly a older girl beside him. My look softened slightly as I sighed looking him over.
" I am so very sorry " He explained, hands raised to show he was harmless. My tail flicked as I studied him. His eyes stared into mine with worry filling them. I sighed, rubbing my face with my hand.
" It is alright Lo'ak " I stated, making the 'I See You' gesture as he returned it. The girl beside him did as well.
" I am Zolani Nash. " I said, repeating the gesture to her.
" I am Kiri " She said, taking my hand.
" Please, let's get you laid back down " She gently pulled me back into the kelku and sat me down as she started to unwrap the wound as she sat cross legged infront of me. I winced, fighting to not pull away from her touch as she applied a paste to the wound.
" How long until it's healed? " I asked, looking into her eyes nervously. She looked up from my wound as she began to rewrap it.
" Probably a few weeks at least " She remarked, looking back down as she finished wrapping it. She looked back at the entrance as Mo'at, the tsahìk, and Jake walked in. Followed by Neytiri and the littlest Na'Vi girl as Kiri walked off into another part of the kelku with Mo'at.The girl was clinging to Neytiri's leg as she peered at me, she quickly looked at her mom then back at me.
" Why do you look like that? " She asked, innocent eyes staring into my soul.There was a collective " TUK! " as my mouth fell open in embarrassment.
" I- um... " I rubbed my hands together as my tail swished around nervously
" Apologies Tuk. That was rude. " Neytiri crouched down to Tuk's height
" I'm sorryyyy " She looked down at her feet as I reached out a hand to rub her shoulder.
" It's alright Tuk " I smiled softly, taking my hand from her shoulder as she looked at my sitting figure. She put her hand up, tracing my markings with a delicate finger. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as she did and closed my eyes. She giggled, running her fingers along my tattoo till she was at my wrist as I opened my eyes to look into hers.
" What is it? " She looked up from the tattoo, wide eyed with a grin.
" A snake, it's a Earth animal that looks like a living rope. It represents my mother.." I paused, lips in a tight line as I looked back on my mother. Then smiled at Tuk's wide eyed grin of excitement and curiously. I slowly stood up, looking around at the other children as Neytiri, Jake and Mo'at walked out after sharing a few hushed words with Neteyam who had just came in with Lo'ak and a plate of food. My ears perked as he and Lo'ak walked back over without them.
" where are they going? " I inquired, peeking around Neteyam as the figures disappeared into the crowd.
" Off somewhere, something about 'adult business' " He said through bites of food, looking at his siblings then me.
" They left me in charge so I've decided we are going to show Zolani around the clan, if you feeling up for it? " He smiled slightly at my excited gasp as he finished off his plate.
" Really? I would love too! " I gasped as Kiri walked over, taking my hand in hers and starting to walk with Tuk at her side.
" Come on! There is so much to show you!! Lo'ak! Neteyam! Hurry up! We must introduce her to Spider! " She said excitedly as we picked up the pace, I laughed happily beside her and Neteyam as I was showed around the village. I was shown the Ikran, the Avatar Area, and eventually we left to meet up with Spider in the Lab. As we all entered the Lab, we each grabbed masks, I handed on to Lo'ak with a smile. He grinned slightly, as I turned around to hear Kiri exclaim happily,
" Monkey Boy! " She hugged the much smaller human, I mean he was tall for a human but compared to the Na'Vi him and every other human were puny. My tail flicked nervously as he looked up.
" Who's that? " He questioned as I took a puff as air from the mask.
" Zolani Nash " I dipped my head, looking the kid over. He had blue stripes painted all over him and his hair was in matted dreads.
" Spider Socorro " He said as he was released from Kiri's grasp. I gasped
" Socorro, as in Paz Socorro? " He tensed, glancing at Kiri who looked confused. He nodded slowly
" How did you know my mom? " He said, arms crossed in front of him.
" You are Quaritch's son. Him and Paz were a thing before she died " At this is eyes widened, and he glared into my soul.
" You're my half brother " I said, crouching down to his height as he slowly took in what I had said. His mouth opened to ask questions but I cut him off.
" My father was Quaritch, and mother was Dr. Nash. You're mother was a few months pregnant when I was almost 1. " I explained as he looked at me with a shocked expression, everyone was huddled around me in a circle hanging onto every word I said.
" My mother died in child birth, I was raised by the scientists before everything went to shit. Some of them managed to stay and raised me, and when Quaritch came back he got me an Avatar. Then my human body died— " Someone walked through the entrance, and stopped at the sight of the circle of teens.
" I wanna ask but do I really want to know? " He said, I wipped around. That voice.. that voice!!
" Norm? " I looked at him and he almost dropped the papers he was holding at the sound of my voice.
" Zo..? " He blinked in surprise as I practically jumped up and tackled him with a hug.
" Norm!! I thought you died! " I let out a cry of relief as we hugged, I eventually pulled away because of the burning in my shoulder.
" You thought I died? I thought you died kid! " He snapped, flicking me in the forehead. I let out a small hiss as he laughed, I motioned him to join the circle as I crawled back into the middle and started talking again.
" Anyways back— " I started then Kiri spoke up.
" How do you know everyone, you knew Jake, Spider's mom and Norm! " My ears twitched as I looked at her.
" They raised me, how could I forget them! " I grinned slightly at Norm who rolled his eyes.
" You sure were a pain in the ass kid " I gasped dramatically, putting a hand to my heart.
" How could you say such things! Oh my! I will die from my broken heart! " I fell back dramatically, into Neteyam's lap as he sat cross legged. I stuck my tongue out at Norm as I closed my eyes and pretended to be dead. Everyone let out a laugh as I sat back up and continued,
" Anyways, after my human body died I was somehow able to remain alive in this body. " Kiri's ears perked as she spoke up
" Perhaps it was the will of Ewya. " I shrugged looking back behind me at Neteyam, who was looking back at me. I grinned then turned to Spider who was sitting beside Kiri deep in thought.
" Spi– " He started to talk, cutting me off quickly.
" Was he... y'know– a dad to you? " Everyone went silent as my ears pulled back. I fought back the urge to yell, Spider didn't even meet him, did know him.
" No. He wasn't. That's why I ran " I growled softly and he nodded. Kiri put her hand on his shoulder as I got up, Neteyam following after me as I left. I practically shoved people out of the way as I stalked out of the lab, I didn't want to explode my anger onto anyone. Neteyam gently grabbed my wrist, causing me to turn to him and he pulled me into a hug. I struggled to get away for a moment then melted into his touch.
" I'm sorry, I didn't want to yell at anyone.. " He hummed a response as he slowly let go of me, but kept his hand on my shoulder.
" Are you okay Zo? " He looked into my eyes as tears welled in them. His looked softened as he wiped away the stray tears that rolled down my face.
" I'm so sorry Neteyam, I'm just being a big baby " I quickly wiped at the tears.
" Hey, no you're not. It's okay to feel things and cry " I looked up at him as my lip quivered as I held back a wail. He pulled me into a hug as tears rolled down my face. God dammit. Why can't I do anything right. I started to sob, hiccuping and shaking in his grasp.
" Please.. P-please don't make me go back " His eyes widened and he looked down at my sobbing figure as I shook my head.
" I can't go back– I can't! " He took my head in his hands as I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face.
" You will never, ever have to go back there. I promise " I sniffled, hugging him gently as someone walked over.
" You okay Zolani?.. I'm sorry for bringing him up.. " Spider said, as him and Kiri walked over. I looked up from Neteyam's shoulder and nodded.
" I- I'm sorry for running off it's just... bad memories.. " Spider nodded as Kiri's expression softened, she walked over as Neteyam let go and I walked over to her.
" Let's get you back to grandmother's kelku " She said, taking my hand and walking me toward the hut. I slowly let go of Neteyam's hand as he smiled comfortingly at me as me and Kiri left. She lead me through the crowd ad I started to become exhausted. When was the last time I even had a conversation with anyone? My thoughts we interrupted as Kiri stopped and I crash into her. I shook my head, gathering myself as my ear perked up. There was someone talking in the kelku, I looked at Kiri and stepped forward into the hut and everyone went silent. Neytiri, Jake and Mo'at all stared back at me as Kiri followed me in. She lead me to a corner and she sat me down and began unwrapping my wound. I winced as Mo'at came over to help, but I felt everyone's eyes staring through me. I closed my eyes, head swirling with thoughts and when I opened them again Kiri was gone, I looked over just in time to see her slip out the hut. I looked back at Jake, who was standing just behind Mo'at, fear flashing in my eyes. The silence was deafening as I looked at him, finally I broke the silence.
" Are you gonna make me go back..? " His eyes widened as he crouched beside me. I felt tears pricking at my eyes as I stared at him
" No, you will never go back there " I slightly smiled as Mo'at finished tending to my wound.
" You should get some rest " She said as I yawned. I nodded, looking up at Jake as he helped me up.
" We have enough room in our hut, you can stay with us " I smiled, nodding excitedly. Him and Neytiri lead me to their kelku and showed me which bed I would be sleeping in. It was the one farthest from the entrance but it was still with the other beds. I crawled into it and curled up, looking up at Neytiri and Jake I smiled.
" Thank you guys... for everything.. " I yawned and tucked my head under the blanket and eventually fell asleep.
I was back in that damn lab. My head hurt, where was everyone? I sat up from my bunk and walked into the lobby. It was completely empty, I walked around peering out of the windows to be met with darkness. Suddenly I felt someone grab my kuru and throw me down. I yelped in pain as I felt blood run down my head as I banged against the floor. I tried to sit up but was pushed back down by a boot landing on top of my head. My head was realing with pain as I tried to struggle free. I looked up, slightly seeing the muzzle of a handgun coming into view as I was yanked up my kuru. Tears streamed down my face as the muzzle pressed firmly against my head, my eyes closed as I started to shake. There was deafening silence, then a loud pop.
I practically jumped out of the bed, panting and scrambling for safety. I hit the floor harshly, head still swirling as I started to get up and quickly stumbled out of the kelku. I had probably woken everyone up but I needed air or I was gonna pass out. I slowly reached the edge of the forest and sat down, still shaking and panting. I pulled my knees to my chest, my tail curled around my feet as I listened to the forest. I slowly calmed down, I finally looked over as I heard someone clear their throat. I didn't look over, I knew who it was. He scooted closer till he was sitting next to me, but not touching. The silence was filled with my slowing breathes as I regained composure.
" You know, when Lo'ak shot you I thought you were going to die, " I glaced over at Neteyam as he spoke, he was leaned back on his elbows looking up at the night sky.
" well, that was until the atokirina came out of the forest and started landing on you " I laid onto my back with a glace at him.
" Ewya meant for us to meet that day. " I looked over at him, eyebrow scrunched in confusion.
" What? Why do you think that? " He looked over, beads clanking together in his braids.
" I was following an atokirina when you almost killed me " He remarked, smiling slightly as I rolled my eyes at him.
" Perhaps it was. And I didn't almost kill you " I turned over to see the sky as I let out a yawn. I closed my eyes, listening to the forests sounds and the heartbeat of the ground. My ears perked as Neteyam laid down onto his back next to me. I felt something land onto my stomach with a feather soft touch, then on my arms and legs. I opened my eyes to meet the glowing figure of an atokirina, I gasped as it lightly tapped my nose.
" Neteyam! " I whispered out, he sat up and gasped at the sight. I was practically covered in atokirina as I laid still in the grass. The one of my nose floated across my face, then up into the sky. The rest followed quickly after, leaving us star struck as we watched them float away into the treeline. My heart raced in amazement, my mouth agape as I whipped my head around to look at Neteyam, who looked amazed, but not as shocked.
" See it is a sign! " He prodded, light shoving my arm as I rolled my eyes.
We sat for a while longer, staring up at the stars until we made our way back to the kelku where everyone was back asleep except Neytiri. She practically jumped up when we walked into the entrance, putting a hand on her son's shoulder as she glanced at me.
" Are you two alright? " She inspected her son, circling him then me for injuries.
" We are fine ma " Neteyam sighed with a smile as his mother inspected him.
" Sorry if I woke anyone up, I had a nightmare.. " I forced a smile as I looked into her eyes. She stared back, right through my soul. I shivered nervously as she removed her hand from Neteyam and glaced at me. I knew she didn't like me, I saw the way she glaced at me. Who could blame her? I'm Quaritch's daughter, ofcourse she hates me. I was snapped out of my thoughts as a gentle hand pushed me forward, towards my bed. I looked at Neteyam as he motioned towards the beds. I started to walk, crawling into the hammock and curling up as he crawled into his. I fell asleep shortly after that.
* * *

I need this man to manhandle me, drag me down to his camp, where we would fuck like animals, while he whispered in my ear:
“Sky demons took everything from me, destroyed my clan. It's only fair you gonna help me revive it. Won't you, demon?”
Hi sugar, I know it’s been awhile since I posted something on here. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to write or stopped. I would love to post again but don’t know what to write or who to write about. My requests are opened ❤️
Soooooo here is a list of people I could write about. Please, if there isn’t someone on the list that you like, ask me and I’ll see what I could do. I’ll take requests.
Fictional characters
Harry Potter
• Harry Potter
•Fred and George Weasley
•Theodore Nott
•Draco Malfoy
•Blaise Zabini
Criminal minds
•Spencer Reid
•Derek Morgan
•Aaron Hotchner
•Luke Alvez
•Xavier Thorpe
•Ajax Petropolus
Stranger things
•Steve Harrington
•Eddie Munson
•Mike Wheeler (age up)
•Billy Hargrove
• Jonathan Byers
Non-fictional people
•Kirk Hammett
•James Hetfield
Motley Crue
•Nikki Sixx
•Tommy Lee
•Izzy stradlin
•duff McKagan
•Dave Mustaine
Formula 1
•Charles Leclerc
•Carlos Sainz
•Toto Wolff
•Lewis Hamilton
•Daniel Ricciardo
•Lando Norris