Never Thought About It - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
But Consider Cullens Clothing In DA:I.
But Consider Cullens Clothing In DA:I.

But consider Cullen’s clothing in DA:I.

It’s the first time he’s been able to choose his own daily outfit since he was a child.  So what does he do?  First, pragmatism: he keeps the basic protection of full plate armor, but ditches the infamous Templar skirt in favor of practical leather breeches.

But then he takes that armor, and he covers it in soft, organic material.  Leather gloves instead of steel gauntlets.  Shaggy fur to replace the over-compensating, pointy pauldrons.  Fabric to wrap around his chest plate.  Not coincidentally, he leaves only one spot of his chest plate exposed: the place where the Templar sword glaringly isn’t.

Early on, the Iron Bull comments on how Cullen’s Templar past is unmistakeable – and it is, don’t get me wrong.  Still, his clothing in Inquisition says to me that he’s trying, very deliberately, to be a new person.  The symbolism of covering his templar armor with mage-appropriate fabrics may not be conscious, but it’s surely significant.

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5 months ago
ilovemistery-28 - ...wiiiiiii...

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3 years ago
My Comic For SENSORY: Life On The Spectrum! Organised By Schnumn.
My Comic For SENSORY: Life On The Spectrum! Organised By Schnumn.
My Comic For SENSORY: Life On The Spectrum! Organised By Schnumn.

My comic for SENSORY: Life on the Spectrum! Organised by Schnumn.

On harm reduction and understanding NSSI! Many autistic folk have normalised harmful behaviours as coping mechanisms in our daily lives and this comic is meant to help people recognise their self injuring behaviours and (hopefully) begin to see pathways to reducing their frequency.

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4 years ago

I’m a man of simple tastes.

I see a rare pair I think looks adorable, I send it some love!

I Shamelessly Ship These Two. And They Say Cats And Dogs Don't Get Along. ;)

I shamelessly ship these two. And they say Cats and Dogs don't get along. ;)

Had some fun drawing Tomoko (Ragdoll) & Ryo (Hound Dog) in their civvies. My two favourite characters in My Hero Academia.

I like to think they're dating off-duty.

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