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Red Eyes See Grey World
CHAPTER ONE / Two (coming soon)
AO3 ~~
Pairings: Armin x Annie
Words count: 3048
*contains Manga spoilers
He realized that he knew the ocean long ago.
When he first looked into her eyes. She held the ocean and the sky in them, colliding and harmonizing to the waves.
If only he knew, he would’ve held the ocean in his hands, never letting it go.
But she was slipping away from him, away she drifted, far from him.
Wars never held happy endings.

Grey Sky and Black Earth
The sky was grey.
Not the kind of grey before it rained, not the grey that was followed by a colorful charade.
It was a different kind of grey.
A grey dusted with an angry red, an ominous orange smoothing the dusty clouds above. Sparks crackling between their folds, adding a mesmerizing feat into the cauldron.
But Armin didn’t see it.
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When Champagne Is Served.
AO3 ~~
Pairings: Armin x Annie
Words count: 2031
* Alternative Universe, Victorian AU, Ball
His feet glide through the hall, meandering between fancy dresses and tuxedos, a shiny tray in his hand.
The servant of the Leonhart’s mansion, at yet another annual ball.
But then the grandiose gates are opened.
She steps in, shoulders back, chin high.
He looks away, a smile pulling at his lips.

Dresses swaying to the waltz, heels tapping fancily with every step on the reflection-polished floor. Lips glamoured in shades of pink and red. Silk ties, dotted and striped.
The massive, crystal chandelier hung above their head, reflecting light from thousands of candles and lanterns, sending them into tiny, endless sparks.
Delicate fingers tap thin, tall glasses against each other, sending champagne scent throughout the white-and-gold hall. Hanged golden-framed paintings watch in an unbreakable silence, overlooking the abundant food and refreshments that are lined up neatly on white-clothed tables alongside the walls. Appetizers made with a whimsical delicacy; dressed, sprinkled, wrapped, and dipped in gold. It felt like a crime to eat it or even touch it.
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