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1 year ago

Your next boyfriend or girlfriend

Your Next Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Take 3 deep breaths and choose your plies you can chose more then one ☺

Disclaimer : this reading is just for fun take it with grain of salt 👾

Deck uesd :star spinner tarot

Also this a general reading just for fun perpous take what resonates and leave what doesn't

If you like this reading please like and reblog this post and tell me which plies you picked 🙏

Also take look at my new pac

Relationships dynamic with your fs|Pick A Card
Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac. This pac is about your relationship dynamic between you and your fs . Here fs can mean you future sp

Plie 1💅

Your Next Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Cards : five of cups, six of swords, king of cups, page of wands, the fool, 10 of wands, 4 of wands, death

Hello pile 1 💅

I got some messages of past relationships some of you may have been in if not please take what resonate

So in someone of your past relationships you guys may have dealth with frequent arguments and disagreements which in turn resulted in your past relationships not working out. And let you kind of depressed.. Also for those of who may not resonate with what I said earlier you guys may have felt kind of stuck in you past relationships because of the frequent arguments.. And finally made the decision to break the relationship and move on ( with 6 of swords) you might be sad about it. Sweet heart some time we have to leave people behind to move for ward . You are not the bad person,, it's just the way life is 💗 you are brave to leave people those who not bring meaning to your life 💅 slay queen ( king). With the death cards signify they end of a old cycle the old cycle had to end for a new one to begin . The person coming in your life is very emotionally mature, good with communicating their feelings... Communication will be a big part of this relationship. They may really like to listen to you. May find your voice nice and claming. Might be older then you, very reliable, free spirited, they will put lots of afforts to prove that they are worthy of your love my dear 💗. This could also trun into major commitment pretty quickly

Messages :

Don't you stop

You make me loss my mind ( in a loving way 🐥)

Songs :

Plie 2:🦄

Your Next Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Hello pile 2 welcome to your reading 💗

Cards : 7 of swords, nine of cups, 4 of coins,the world, 4 of swords, temperance , 10 of cups

In pile two we have some messages related to the past keep what resonates leave what doesn't

In your past relationships some one may have been sneaky or you were cheated on by your past lovers ( sorry if it's true) this may not be physical cheating but seems more like emotional one. This lead you to have hard time trusting anyone in matter of love . It may even be your worst nightmare to be cheated on again 🙂. But trust me the person coming in your life is make you believe that you are worthy of love that's it was not your fault . With the world card this relationship will be a new cycle of life you will be staring, your next your next relationship would be a balanced one and you would not feel like your are the only one putting effort into the relationship. It will be both ways. Also this relationship will happen on divine timing be patient dear 💗 your next partner may be working in law or may be interested in it, could be in medical field . May have long hair, every balanced person, perfectionist


I am staying here for a long time

Let me love you please

You are worth it

Listen to me

Songs :

Plie 3 :👾

Your Next Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Cards : 8 of cups, 8 of wands, moon, page of cups, king of cups, two of cups

Hello pile 3 welcome to your reading :

This is the only plie where I didn't get anything related to past relationships . This is my never have been in a serious relationship plie 😁 . Whatever let's get into your reading shall we... This connection feels like the soulmate kind of relationship, like the one when you know somepeople are just ment

for each other 😭... This relationship will have healthy balance at indiviadual as well as relationship level . You Guys together will be ready to take any obstacle that come your way ( couple goals right here ☺) they will bring out a child like energy in you. You would have to hide your true self in front of them. This person may be rich them self or comes from a rich family, emotionaly mature, may have facial hair if a man., if women may have long hair may have pets like dog or rabbit., especially rabbit 🐰

I didn't get any messages for plie 3 also with moon card I feel like this is how much I am supposed to share 💗

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