Ninjago Posession - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Cold water stings at the front of Kai’s gi, his ankle sore and swollen. Sand manages to squeeze its way past the small holes in the fabric. It scratches, burning against cuts and bruises, and does not relent.

Neither does Kai.

He braces his hand against a rock outcrop poking out of the water, stretching so far with his other hand his muscles strain and scream at his sides. A hand, nails sharp, digs into his upper back, a few fingers grabbed his hair in a brutal pinch. A knee jabs into his lower back.

“I,” Kai grits out through clenched teeth, reaching for the sword hilt so tantalizingly close, “do not yield.”

His little brother— no, Morro possessing his little brother, his hair black, eyes cold and merciless— tightens his grip. He raises the axe in his free hand.

“Last chance,” Morro snarls. “Your little brother here doesn’t want me to swing, but I’ll do it if I have to, even if he won’t shut up after. Yield, or die.”

The tips of Kai’s fingers brush the sword hilt, pushing it ever so slightly further from his grasp. He closes one eye and strains so far something in his side seems to rip.

“Go... to the ducking Cursed Realm.”

Morro’s eyes narrow. “I’ve been there. You’ll enjoy it.”

The axe rises above his head, blade a glinting guillotine. Kai’s head is pushed to the rock like a butcher’s cutting board. Fog settles around them, the air dense as the whole world holds its breath.

“So long, fire ninja.”

The axe swings down—

—only to meet the blade of a weapon, Kai holding the Sword Sanctuary above his head. He catches a glimpse of a vision of Morro pulling his knee back to kick his ribs in along the glimmering metal and rolls just as Morro lifts the pressure from his lower back. Water splashes out of his way as he frees himself, pushing himself to one knee.

His eyes narrow. “You give my brother back.”

Morro laughs. “Or what? You’re alone, injured, surrounded by water— you have no hope. Give up and die with honour.”

Fog seems to hiss from Kai’s mouth. No— the faint wisps of white smoke, like an extinguished candle.

But it isn’t Kai’s candle of life that’s been extinguished. Small sparks of embers snap at the hilt of his sword, burning brighter and brighter. The tips of his hair turn to flames, hands ablaze, eyes glowing pools of bonfires.

The flickering embers transform into a fiery dragon behind him, sizzling steam rising from where it’s claws touch the shallow water.

“Give up?” Kai snarls, and the dragon snarls with him. “I’ll never give up on my little brother.”

And he leaps into battle, fire snapping around him as it crashes into the furious storm, sword against axe, flames against wind, brother against brother, protector against ghost.



I wrote a short thing for this amazing drawing, hope it’s good! 

Literally A Scene That Never Happened In The Series, But Let Me Dream.

literally a scene that never happened in the series, but let me dream.

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