Kai Smith - Tumblr Posts
Yesssssss, this needs to happen!!!!! Aaaaaaaa

quick comic about nya and kai after the fall. i think nya tends to blame things on herself and in situations where she fails or thinks she’s failed, she tries to hide how much guilt she feels. but kai can always see through her facade
in honor of pride month im going to say my ninjago pride hc’s :D
also please stay safe y’all <3
Ima go oldest ninja to youngest ninja :P (hc age, also speaking of hc, please remember that these are all headcanons. i’m only saying i think that these fit the characters. i’m not saying you have to agree, this is just what i think.)
Zane - Agender, Polyamorous, pan, + i think he’d maybe use neos (he/they/ze)
Cole - Gay, polyamorous, cis (he/him)
Kai - Demi boy, omniromantic, asexual, polyamorous (he/they)
Jay - Bigender, bisexual, asexual (he/she)
Nya - Lesbian, demi girl (they/she)
Lloyd - Genderfluid, aroace, biromantic (She/They/He)
ps pixal bc i love/p her sm <33
Pixal - Agender, lesbian (she/her)
I can’t draw….
but you know what I can do?
i procrastinate so badly omg- i have like 13 fanfic ideas(all lloyd centric lol) but i haven’t started like any of them- :’)
should I do a poll to see which one I should start on 🤔
Fic under cut
It’s Love That I Fear.
Lloyd couldn’t stop himself from sobbing in his pillow at… He looked up at the clock, tears falling down his face, at 2:37 am.
God, Lloyd was really pathetic.
He whimpers and shoved his head back into his pillow. Trying to silence his sobs in the middle of the night, thinking back to earlier…
Lloyd had decided to take a break from training with the others, still a bit exhausted from the trip to the never realm. So he thought it would be nice to just take the rest of the day off and hang out with his childhood friend.
Him and Brad were on the balcony together, talking about there life’s recently and just having a good time.
But suddenly when Brad laughed at a stupid joke Lloyd had made… a feeling exploded in his chest… It was warm, soft and…. terrifying.
The last time The Green Ninja had felt that feeling was with the Jade Princess, Harumi, the girl who stole his head and shattered it. She betrayed him in that oni cave and brought his fa- Garmadon, back and nearly had his friends killed… His true Family, even not by blood… but Lloyd getting off track, Harumi ruined his life… that’s it. But… It hurt Lloyd. He couldn’t trust people the same.
There was another fear pooling in his gut too… This thought seems so stupid and pathetic but he can’t help be feel fear that he realized he feel for his childhood best friend, who’s also a boy…. Lloyd couldn’t help but feel a sharp stinging realization that he was gay… well, Bisexual. He feels scared. People speak so lowly and disgusted of queer people… He’s one. *He’s one.* He feels stupid for feeling scared of that. All his siblings are queer, people understand him out there. But he can’t help but feel alone, isolated.
Lloyd hadn’t realized he was panicking till he heard Brad worriedly say his name “Lloyd…?” Lloyd snaps out of it and looks at Brad. He could feel his face heating up looking at the elder of the pair.
He had his hand on Lloyds shoulder and his eye brows were pinched together. “Are ok Lloyd? You were starting to hyperventilate there…”
Lloyd just laughed it off and shook his head “I’m completely fine” His hands were shaking and he was sweating. He knew that this was the sighs of a soon to be panic attack.
The scary warm feeling in his chest was still there and he felt like throwing up. He couldn’t stop thinking of Harumi… He was afraid that this feeling for Brad was going to lead him to pain, like how Harumi did.
Lloyd looked at his phone and tried to put on a sorry expression, but really he was nervous and scared. He quickly started to walk into Brads apartment, collecting his things and quickly saying before he bolts out of Brads door “I should really get going! Bye!” And with that Lloyd slammed Brads door, quickly running down the stairs and to his bike that he used to get here.
Brad just stood in his apartment, his eyes wide and mouth hung open. He was shock by Lloyds sudden need to get out and leave… “O-oh… Bye…?” He said quietly to himself after Lloyd had left. He started to feel worried for Lloyd.
Lloyd could feel tears pricking his eyes and his breathing quickening. He was trying to be as fast as possible and get to the monastery before he broke down over something so… stupid ——————————————————
When Lloyd had gotten home, to the monastery, he opened the gates and then quickly closed them with shaking hands.
He could feel his breathing hitching and picking up in pace and the tears trying to fall from his eyes. He was panicking over a stupid crush! How stupid is he?! He doesn’t deserve to be the green ninja if this is how panicked he is after realizing he has feelings he didn’t even want!
Most people don’t panic like this. Most people aren’t like a time bomb waiting to explode either though.
Lloyds thoughts were running wild as he quickly ran through the monastery halls and to his bed room. Right as he was about to close his bed room door he heard a worried sounding
Lloyd sighed and grimaced at hearing Kai’s voice, not wanting to put up with Kai teasing him about Brad or being overbearing with who Lloyd hangs out with.
The Blondie didn’t turn around when he, without mean to, harshly snapped “Leave me alone” And then slammed the door behind him. Leaving a worried Kai on the other side.
Kai could tell that his little brother was upset about something, so he gently knocked on Lloyds door. “Is everything ok, kid?” The worry was present in his tone, Kai can always tell when something is up with Lloyd. So right now, all the alarm in his brain were going off telling him that Lloyd was on the brim on a panic attack or breakdown… But why? Wasn’t he with Brad? Kai gets mad himself now, he swears if Brad did something to hurt Lloyd…
“I’m fine, Kai. Just leave me alone.”
Lloyd had tried to make his voice not sound wet or like he was a second away from crying his head out.
Kai sigh from the other side, he knew his little brother. He knew when something was up, but he also knew when the kid needed some alone time.
So, Kai decided not to push it with Lloyd.
He walked away from Lloyd’s door, but before he did he soft said “Just know i’m here if you need anything, green bean.” As Kai walked away he tried to hear if Lloyd responded but he didn’t. With one last sigh Kai walked away.
Lloyd waited for a bit before he figured the coast was clear and just broke down sobbing. He shoved his head in his pillow, trying to muffle his sobbing.
And that’s how Lloyd got to where he is now. Sobbing in his room in the middle of the night. He hadn’t gone out for dinner or anything, he was just being a big baby.
After a bit Lloyds sobbing finally died down, so he was left feeling drained and exhausted. From just everything, the crying, the whole day.
The fact that he might have feelings for Brad is terrifying. Because what if Brad turns out like Harumi and becomes a insane revenge thirsty maniac? No. Brad would never, not even Darkly's could make Brad evil, he’s too kind. But still, even with that thought Lloyd still has the fear that. rad is not going to be who he says he is and everyone Lloyd cares about and Lloyd is going to end up hurt.
Also though what if Brads not gay? What if Lloyd comes out to Brad and then Brad thinks he disgusting and they stop being friends? What if everyone thinks Lloyd is gross…? It’s not normal to be bisexual, or whatever Lloyd is. He’s never thought about being gay before. There’s nothing wrong with it, and all his siblings are queer. But he suddenly just feels so alone. Like no one could understand him.
He sighs, the breath shaky and uneven. Lloyd doesn’t want to have to deal with this right now.
He just tries his best to sleep at this point, there’s nothing else he can really do.
Lloyd Garmadon head canons!!
i was thinking of more head canons all day at school bc of asher- lol
-His favorite color is red(bc of Kai lol)
-when he was younger he liked punk/metal music but as he grew older he grew out of it and now likes more indie/soft type of songs
-Darklys never taught him how to read, write, do math, or just basic knowledge
-But what he did learn at darklys was how to pick a lock, pitpoket, and a few other villianish things
-Nya was the first one in the team that lloyd became friends with
-Kai was the last one he became freinds with, and that wasn't until the volcano
-He has a green thumb and can revive any plant from the dead, ANY.
-During the merge he learned how to cook and bake
-Knows how to play the drums and guitar, but he doesn't do it often because it's so loud
-Him and Brad secretly dated for a few months before telling the others
-Ik the FSM said he wouldn't remember, but he does sometimes wonder what would of happened if he went with the FSM at the end of season 10
-He has a love hate relationship with physical touch, he only wants it from people who he trusts or knows personally
-Loves taking walks out in nature, always goes with Zane though
-He doesn't like to be alone, unless he's in a mood. But even then he doesn't entirely wanna be alone but he doesn't wanna be with others either and have to socialize
-He likes it when Brad gives him pet names(or just other ppl- but like Brad gives him more sweet ones)
-He dies over praises, they give him too much life
-Kai teases him about Brad and he gets insanely red(even more so before they got together)
idk if I should make a post for angsty ones... you what? i should :3
also lol I finally figured out how to color texts-
im getting ready to write a fanfic abt kai and lloyd :0
uhhhh i havnt decided yet….
idk if i want it to be around that little scene after the merge we’re kai and lloyd found each other or so,e thing in sooner seasons :/
i also don’t know what to know it :P
if you have any ideas or requests or just anything left a ask in my drop box or comment on this!! :D

![[Ninjago] Master Of Fire (or Should I Say Fiyaaah!!)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2d67d80ef11a2b2cba4f3a7bd76b80f0/683e21ba731854d3-eb/s500x750/84cbbd15e35a0cd7eaf292d590d565e4e21476d6.png)
![[Ninjago] Master Of Fire (or Should I Say Fiyaaah!!)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0b3926313ee6327144cb551e66bfb857/683e21ba731854d3-1c/s500x750/26ede09509849d8f6355baa838f7feb678bbcaab.png)
![[Ninjago] Master Of Fire (or Should I Say Fiyaaah!!)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/72c8f04b396c650a0d721a839857ac97/683e21ba731854d3-6e/s500x750/2ae08f26ead51dad2788e0c637ac33e9771b41bb.png)
![[Ninjago] Master Of Fire (or Should I Say Fiyaaah!!)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4de22bb2b839e99e32d2d288cbbe9c2e/683e21ba731854d3-ef/s500x750/bbaf2757b53deece5086182312d732121023c591.png)
![[Ninjago] Master Of Fire (or Should I Say Fiyaaah!!)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/90c9eab1530a4aae436b0fcac6666d62/683e21ba731854d3-cc/s500x750/930177faddcc33eb86b38e7439dc649940e9da3d.png)
[Ninjago] Master of fire 🔥 (or should I say fiyaaah!!)
Just some Kai outfits and moments throughout the show , couldn’t decide on a background color so u get both lol

Lloyd is petty
![[ninjago] THEY ARE BROTHERS.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/45889d5886b898201ab9670b697adc5f/f23a2d692afb8cfa-a9/s540x810/697d4b3921fcad98e0fbaae9497a1c1e60f6942d.png)
![[ninjago] THEY ARE BROTHERS.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/279f637fed76abeadbd933d184240d1b/f23a2d692afb8cfa-ba/s540x810/1749177eac21922a1a9bf0a99dca3f72c8647141.png)
![[ninjago] THEY ARE BROTHERS.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fe3955698ccadff3620ccfcd724b15ec/f23a2d692afb8cfa-3d/s540x810/18d8c575521eddc1ba307cd5287f61e6d2e1f0d6.png)
![[ninjago] THEY ARE BROTHERS.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6386e75023d4ed45fbd9cfa11f53accd/f23a2d692afb8cfa-82/s540x810/0b7e1123338a0e9891d7d85b15dcfa18cd396049.png)
![[ninjago] THEY ARE BROTHERS.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9f32521b6b4a77d011ac2f4b490164b7/f23a2d692afb8cfa-f5/s540x810/7a2ac427cbbb5dbf6065e3ba65bd61745854a759.png)

Wouldn't it be fucked up if they hadn't gotten out of the volcano in time

Someone asked for lava but I accidentally deleted the ask 🥲 whoever asked for it here u go sorry
random ninja fam hcs?
--ummmm of course they all collect squishmellows
-Cole, Kai and Jay would inflate an air mattress for the sole reason of riding it down the stairs
- The team makes clay rings together and for eachother (wu comes home and it’s a clay-tastrophe)
- WATER BALLOON CHALLENGE but nya kills everyone so its over in the first five seconds
- BLINDFOLD COOKING with zane and kai but somehow they always end up making the best food ever (the others are not allowed to participate bc they can’t even cook with their eyes open)
-everything jay owns has his name on it but the others still steal his stuff.. sorry jay..
- lloyd always wins prank wars. everyone is a victim except kai bc kai has older brother privileges
-KARAOKE NIGHT..... but cole is banned from singing. dw he can dance though
- kai hosts face mask parties bc he has a drawer dedicated to facemasks
-who needs a slushie machine when you have ZANE!
-kai does nyas makeup +hair +chooses her outfit when she goes out on dates w/jay

Fuck it. Fire-water swap au time

birthday surprise went a bit wrong

my entry to @whitexisneutral’s dtiys !!
hope it’s okay i don’t have the color block thingies, wanted to do some more dynamic lighting :>

(click for better quality)
hey !! @whitexisneutral !! i did the thing hope this is okay!
so this is my take on white's dtiys!!! go follow em and do it cause the og artwork is SICK and white is such a cool person and they deserve all the darn praise!!
the idea popped into my head and i couldnt stop it.. hope this isnt out of the rule bounds DWKWDDW (if it is you can just count me out) !! still had fun tho!!!
we love the arr gee bees in this house

RGB siblings sketch :)

here is a bunch of Kai Ninjagoes doodles. Im deeply invested in their elemental powers and the reach, limits and how it affects their bodies……….and the funnies.
I might be going off canon and the reason is that Im into this show in an extremely weird way. the gist: I was infected by my friend’s brainrot

more textposts >