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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 17: Nippleslüt

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31 Days Of Derek Hale

Alpha Derek Hale was taking a shower, a little irritated that he was rock hard and his husband was working the nightshift. Normally whenever Derek got a little frisky, he was all too happy to rush over to Stiles and go to town. However, he was a little miffed that he was all cocked and loaded, yet he was stuck all by himself with just his hand.

“Damn it,” Derek growled as he pumped away at his throbbing cock, even using some of Stiles’s shampoo to help do the trick.

Still, jerking off just failed in comparison to actually fucking. 

Derek was about to just give up and turn the water to ice cold when he spotted an unknown blue vial in the shower. Picking it up, he eyed it and read out the chicken scratch writing on the label that read out Liquid Lust. 

“‘Liquid Lust’?” Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes at his husband’s antics. Stiles had been practicing potions with Deaton, and every so often, Derek would find remnants of his experiments around the house.

Still, wanting to encourage his lover’s endeavors, Derek opened the vial and sniffed at the concoction. It reeked of musk, making the alpha gag and flinch.

Unfortunately, Derek’s jerky movements caused him to lose grip of the tiny vial in the shower, leading it to falling out of his grasp.

“Fuck!” Derek huffed as the smelly liquid fell out of the bottle and landed all over his hairy chest. It splattered across his pectorals, seemingly absorbing straight into his skin. The musky aroma clinging to Derek like it was emanating from him directly.

Immediately, Derek felt his nipples go hard. The little nips perked up before actually stretching out and elongating, inflating until they were large and nubby, looking like a pair of thumbs attached to his chest.

“What the hell?” Derek gasped as he looked down at his altered nipples. He tentatively reached up with one of his hands to prod at them. “What kind of potion is this— OOoohhhh!”

Merely grazing his fingers against his enlarged nipples sent a ripple of pleasure throughout Derek, his voice breaking out into a moan as his knees buckled. His cock throbbed even more, leaking precum. It was like a surge of pleasure never felt before. No amount of sex or jerking off had ever felt nearly as good as just touching his nipple just had.

“Wha-what the fuck is going on?” Derek panted, his meaty, hairy pecs heaving up and down as he struggled to catch his breath. His nipples seemed to burn with want, their own hardness competing with his cock’s, demanding attention from the alpha.

Almost unable to control himself, Derek reached up with both hands, running his thumbs over his hard nubs.

“Uuugghhh!” he squealed, his head rolling back as he toyed with his chest. The pleasure was mind-numbing, and Derek was helpless to do anything besides rub his nipples.

This soon turned to him grabbing a strong hold of both of them with his hands, lightly tugging on his huge nipples. It felt as if Derek had two cocks on his chest, his ignored dick bobbing uselessly between his meaty thighs as he pinched his big nips.

“Oohh fuuuck,” Derek bellowed out, the normally silent guy unable to stop moaning loudly, his deep voice echoing throughout the bathroom. “Holy shit, that feels so good— UUGHHH!”

Derek nearly shrieked as he came, his cock erupting and spewing out globs of cum that splattered against the linoleum in the shower. Basking in the post-orgasmic bliss, the werewolf felt as if he’d just shot the largest load of his life. He couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief as he tried to catch his breath.

“Holy shit,” he breathed, rinsing away his cum off the walls. His nipples remained perky and hard, and after masturbating by tugging on them once more, Derek finished his shower and toweled off.

He wiped the steam away from the mirror and frowned when he saw that his nipples were still huge and hard. They poked noticeably off his chest, looking ridiculous on his muscular, alpha male frame.

“Um, maybe this’ll wear off in the morning?” he guessed as he glanced at the vial of the liquid lust, finding no other information about it on the bottle. 

Derek stumbled over to his bedroom, biting down on his lower lip at the shiver that traveled down his spine as the cool air from the A/C blew over his hairy chest, caressing his hard nipples. Just that light sensation was enough to make his cock begin to stir back to life, but he tried to ignore it.

He walked over to his shirt to try to cover his chest, but that proved to be another problem.

“Uuughh!” Derek moaned out again as soon as he tugged his shirt on. His nipples poked against the fabric like crazy, and just the cotton running over the nubs was enough to cause his cock to go erect and shoot out cum.

Derek had to rip the shirt away off of him, panting as he gained a reprieve for his sensitive chest. “What the fuck’s happening to me?” he gasped, his nipples almost simmering in the air as they begged for his attention some more.

That night Derek barely got any sleep at all. He would try to lie down on his back, but whenever the covers brushed up against his hard nipples, he’d go rock hard and have to tug on his nips to ease his horniness. Whenever he tried to lie on his front, it led to the alpha uncontrollably squirming against the mattress, moaning loudly as he ground his chest against the hard mattress, loving how it felt to rub his nipples against it, but also humiliated over what a huge nippleslut he was turning into.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with these?!” he roared in frustration, looking down at his big nipples. 

When morning came, Derek was slightly relieved to hear the front door opening, meaning that Stiles had come home.

Derek leapt out of the cum-covered bed and raced downstairs to his husband, eager for some answers.

“Hey, Der— what happened to your nipples?” a tired-looking Stiles asked from the entryway once he saw the large nubs attached his husband’s muscled chest.

Derek gestured down at his nubby nipples with a shaky hand. “I accidentally spilt some of that liquid lust potion of yours on them, and now they’re— this! And they’re super sensitive!” he growled, his cock already starting to twitch at the mere thought of playing with his chest again.

Stiles’s eyes widened. “You messed with my potion?” he gasped in shock. “That was just a test. I don’t know if there’s a cure for it.”

Derek paled. “So I’m stuck like this?” he asked, looking down at his hard and sensitive nipples, imagining a life where he’d have to walk around constantly shirtless with his massive nubs on display. They’re so sensitive that he seriously doubted that he’d ever be able to get off again without someone playing with his nipples.

Stiles frowned for a moment before offering a meek smile. “If it helps,” he said, slowly reaching up, “I could play with them, if you’d like?”

He reached up and ran his thumb over one of the nubby nipples, and Derek instantly swooned.

“Ooohhh,” he moaned, his cock going straight to attention. “P-please, play with them some more.” He leaned forward and shoved his chest towards Stiles, looking forward to spending the day having Stiles play with his enlarged nipples, the nubs already tingling with anticipation.

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11 months ago

Nick Jonas's New Career

Part 1

Nick Jonas's New Career

“Have you heard from Kevin lately?” Joe asked his brother, Nick, as he lounged on the couch.

Nick shook his head. “Nope,” he frowned. “I think he’s really set on that new streaming career.”

Joe grimaced. “Gross…” he muttered under his breath.

Nick frowned too, but mainly out of concern for his brother. It’d been a few weeks since Kevin had quit their boy band in order to pursue his new career as a streamer, along with curating his OnlyFans account where he would show off his hairy body. Although Nick had never watched any of the videos, he’d had several of his friends tell him that Kevin’s most popular videos were the ones where he’d show off his smelly pits, even going so far as to sniff them and give them a lick for the camera.

It was definitely out of the ordinary for Kevin, especially given the clean cut, boy next door look that the brothers had been so careful to craft.

“He’s been living with that one doctor,” Joe pointed out. “Maybe he’ll be able to help him out.”

Nick shrugged his broad shoulders, figuring that it was worth a shot. Kevin had mentioned that he’d planned on seeing a hypnotherapist he’d met online to help him sort out some things, so Nick thought that it couldn’t hurt to look into it. 

After doing a quick Google search, Nick was able to get the number of the office and hit dial, signaling at Joe to turn down the TV volume.

Joe grunted and lowered the sound, by one.

“Hello, this is Dr. Blue speaking,” answered the smooth, deep voiced hypnotherapist. “How may I help you?”

“Yes, hi,” Nick said, wondering how he was going to navigate this with HIPAA and whatnot, “I’m Nick Jonas and I’m the brother of your, um, roommate Kevin Jonas…”

“Oh, yes,” Blue said, a little inflection audible in his voice, “Kevin’s told me a lot about you. What can I do for you?”

Nick cocked his eyebrow in confusion, unsure what his brother would want to say about him to a therapist. He shook it off and tried to continue. “I’m just trying to check in on my brother,” he explained, “to see how he’s doing.”

The other line was silent for a moment as Blue thought of something, making him smirk. “Well, I can assure you that Kevin is doing very well, in fact, I think he’d like to talk to you,” Blue said.

“Great,” Nick sighed, relieved. 

“Just let me grab him,” Blue said. “I’m just going to put you on hold really quick…”

Hold music was played, but unlike the typical elevator-esque sounds, more country-like tones began to play. The beats were catchy, and Nick even caught himself humming along to the guitar. The music grew louder and much more consuming, and it was so deafening that Nick couldn’t even hear the voices on the TV that was in the same room as him. All he could concentrate on was the country music playing on the phone, falling deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation where all that there was was the country song playing and muffling all of his thoughts…

“Nick?” Blue’s smooth voice asked, snapping Nick out of his daze.

The singer/actor jerked back, blushing when he’d realized that he’d completely zoned out. His blush grew even deeper when he shuffled his feet, noticing that his hard cock was tenting out his shorts. “Oh, uh, y-yeah?” he stuttered, noting an odd quality to his deep voice.

“It seems as if Kevin’s a bit busy at the moment,” Blue happily hummed, “but why don’t you come over later in the month? I’m sure he’d love to see you.”

Nick cleared his throat. “Sure, that sounds good,” Nick agreed, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion when he spoke. For some strange reason, Nick swore that his voice sounded different, almost like he was starting to develop an accent that would better suit a country singer instead of a pop boy band member.

“Good, we’ll see you then,” Blue said before hanging up the phone.

His heart racing in his chest and his cock still rock hard, Nick rubbed at his temples as he attempted to piece together what had just happened.

Oblivious, Joe called out from the couch. “Well?”

“Nothin’! I wasn’t able t’ talk to ‘em!” Nick answered, wincing as his myserteous new country accent was much more pronounced.

His brother snickered. “Okay then, Cowboy,” he laughed from his position on the couch.

Nick kept clearing his throat as he lumbered down the hall to take care of his aching member. He knew that his voice was different, and despite not being able to stop speaking in his new country boy accent, he couldn’t get himself to worry about it. In a matter of seconds, his heart rate slowed down and he shrugged off that minuscule panic he’d felt. His voice sounded nice and deep, oozing hot masculinity.

By the time he’d entered his bedroom, he couldn’t even point out that he was speaking differently.

His cock was throbbing with intense want, and Nick couldn’t resist tearing away his clothes the mere second he was alone in his room. He immediately wrapped his fingers around his aching, hard eight inch member, trying desperately to gain some sort of relief. He felt as if his cock was harder than ever, a thick fog settling over his mind and demanding that he get off.

As he pumped away, Nick’s thoughts traveled far away from his usual fantasies of hot, sexy women— instead, his horny mind kept thinking about bulging, hairy pecs along with large, round biceps. Hot muscular men, especially those with sexy hairy chests began to filter into his mind, his hard cock leaking precum the more and more he kept envisioning them.

As Nick toyed with his hard cock, he grit his teeth as he could feel a pressure forming in his aching groin. However, he couldn’t bring himself close to climax, feeling as if he were being edged instead.

“C’mon,” he growled in his thick, country boy accent as he tried to cum. 

His cock throbbed with intense want, and he couldn’t think of anything else besides getting off.  The fog in his head continued to grow, and Nick continued to pump away at his aching cock that throbbed with need. Naked men of all shapes and sizes continued to flow through his head, and his mouth watered as he thought about all of their big cocks and what it’d feel like to be stuffed full by every single one of them; and every single time he imagined himself on all fours, getting fucked by a big, hairy stud, his cock got closer and closer to release.

Despite all of that, Nick continued to pump away at his hard cock, feeling nowhere near cumming.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on?” Nick asked through clenched teeth. Normally, the stud would last for a decent amount of time, but he’d cum without a problem. Now, however, he felt like he was having to work even harder to get off. 

His free hand traveled upwards, grazing over this smooth chest until it brushed up against a hard nipple.

“Mmmm,” Nick groaned, his toes curling as soon as he made physical contact with an unbelievably sensitive nipple. The nubs on his chest were incredibly hard, and they felt like they were directly wired straight to his throbbing cock— no, better yet, they were even more sensitive than his throbbing member. The exact second he rubbed one, his cock began to ooze out precum like a leaky faucet.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Nick let go of his aching cock and grabbed onto both of his hard nipples, giving them each a rough tug.

“OooOOhhh!” Nick loudly moaned like a slut as his he thumbed his sensitive nipples, his eyes rolling to the back of his head with pleasure. Never before had he ever felt such intense pleasure, especially from his newly sensitive chest. 

He had the wherewithal to inwardly panic over how strange this all felt. The normally vanilla stud was lying on his bed, tugging on his nipples while unable to keep his mouth closed, unleashing heated moans that belonged on OnlyFans. 

Nick gave his nipples one final tug, all of his impressive muscles tensing up simultaneously as he came. His untouched cock spewed a large load that shot up and landed on his sweat-slicked pecs.

“Holy shit,” Nick gasped for breath, his thick new country accent audible as his meaty pecs heaved and his still-hard nipples simmered with want in the open air. The thick fog caked over his mind, and instead of thinking to wipe the cum off of his chest or to wonder what was going on, the dazed hunk only began to look forward to working out at the gym. 

A rigorous Chest Day in his sights, the stud hopped off the bed and changed into his workout clothes which typically consisted of some small spandex shorts and a loose tank top. Nick yanked on the small black shorts that hugged his ass nicely, lifting his sizable cheeks. However, the hunk paused when he grabbed his loose fitting tank top. Something about it being so large and baggy was almost repulsive to the singer, and without a second thought, he tossed the offending shirt into the nearby trash bin.

Nick dug through his closet and near the back he spotted an old tank top that was at least two sizes smaller than his normal one— it was one he’d worn back before he’d begun to bulk up.

Just as he’d suspected, the tank top was nearly skin tight on Nick. Once he had it on, he looked into the mirror, and a foreign excitement traveled through him, his cock starting to harden again noticeably in his shorts. His pecs spilled out of the top that was meant for someone half his size, and his nipples poked out conspicuously against the thin fabric. Speaking of which, his nipples were still incredibly hard, and just the slight sensation of the cotton-blend running up against them was enough to make the stud’s cock twitch in his spandex shorts. A wet mark was beginning to form on the front of them.

“Lookin’ good!” he chuckled to himself as he was about to head out of the house; but he paused once he spotted something else up on the top shelf in his closet. Nick snatched up his old cowboy hat from one of his old roles and put it on. Puffing out his chest proudly, he left the house in slutty get up, heading straight for the gym. The whole time, his hard cock bobbed out in front of him.

[One Month Later]

A knock at the door alerted Blue to his new visitor. With a knowing grin on his face, he pushed himself away from his desk and walked over towards the front door.

“Kevin!” he called out into the house. “Someone’s here to see you.”

From upstairs, Kevin paused his video game and walked down to the entry way. As per his instructions, the stud was clad in small boxers that had anime print on them. His hairy chest was on full display, looking a lot bigger since he worked out whenever he wasn’t fucking or streaming. Since he’d hopped onto his PC immediately after his morning workout, the stud was as musky as ever.

“Who is it?” Kevin asked as he walked down the stairs to stand next to Blue, instinctively putting a large arm around him. His musk radiated off of him in waves, clinging to the doctor too.

“See for yourself,” Blue grinned as he opened up the door. 

In the entryway was the newly formed Nick, having fully adjusted to Blue’s instructions that were hidden in the audio that had played during the wait music.

The first noticeable thing was that Nick wore a large cowboy hat, an article of clothing was now a permanent fixture in his wardrobe. Besides that, Nick wore a tight button-down shirt that had the sleeves ripped off. His massive biceps glistened with sweat as his large arms hung awkwardly at his side; and having just finished a workout too, musky emanated off of the cowboy hunk. He left all the buttons undone, showing off his hairier chest since he’d stopped shaving it. All of the extra Chest Days at the gym had resulted in his furry pecs looking much more plump and larger than the rest of his muscle groups, indicating that the stud preferred Chest Day over any other day at the gym. Plus, the stud must’ve been pumping his nipples because they were huge and hard, protruding off his plump pecs like pencil erasers. Nick wore cut off jean shorts that were so small that his bubble butt nearly swallowed up the back of them, and in the front his hard cock was easily on display.

Nick had even stopped shaving his face, thick scruff scattered on his square jaw. His new mustache was fuller, making him look like he was ripped straight out of an old 70’s porn flick.

“Looking really good, Nick,” Blue purred as the dazed hunk entered his home. “I’m happy to see that you’ve taken well to your new instructions. In fact, both you and Kevin have seemed to be great toys.”

Blue playfully snapped his fingers.

On cue, Nick’s eyes widened as he took in how differently his brother looked in front of him.

“Damn Kev!” he gasped, his thick country twang still dripping all over his words. “What in the world done happened to ya?” His face turned bright red when he heard his voice, and he cleared his throat over and over. “Why am I talkin’ like some kinda redneck?”

A dull smile formed on Kevin’s face, and he let out a little chuckle. “Whoa, Doc,” he mused as he looked his new cowboy brother up and down, “you did a great job!”

“‘A great job’?” Nick repeated in disbelief. “Look at ya! Look at me! What am I wearin’?”

“You’re wearing what a good ol’ slutty cowboy would wear,” Blue answered for him, placing a tender hand on his hairy pec, loving how Nick tensed up at the touch.

“A wh-what?” he gasped, more from the sensation of a man’s fingers playing with his chest hair than from shock.

“You were concerned about your brother, who is much more happier in his new fuckboy life than he was with you and your band,” Blue explained, still toying with Nick’s larger pecs. “So I thought that maybe you’d like it here too. So instead of having to maintain that good boy look for your boy band, I thought you’d like things better like this.”

“B-but…” Nick tried to argue, but the words dried up in his mouth as soon as Blue began to thumb one of his nubby nipples.

Nick wanted to argue, to demand that he and Kevin be changed back, but all lucid thought melted away as soon as Blue began to toy with his hard nipples. He went slack jawed and rolled his head back, bellowing out a low moan of pleasure. 

His hard cock sprung out of his tiny shorts, bobbing out in front of him. It throbbed and leaked precum, all from having his nipples toyed with.

Deep down, Nick knew that he wasn’t supposed to be some slutty cowboy who could only get off by having his chest played with. But the pleasurable sensations overclouded his worried mind, and it wasn’t long until the man grunted as he came, his cum squirting up and landing on his hairy pecs.

“I think you’ll love being a slutty cowboy,” Blue smirked as he watched the panting Nick.

As he tried to catch his breath from his mind-shattering orgasm, a dull smile formed on the cowboy’s lips.

— — —

The stream started up, and on screen was Kevin, already flexing his massive arms for the camera so that all of his followers could admire his huge, hairy form. “Hey what’s up everyone?” Kevin asked, smiling widely into the camera. “I’m back to continue with our playthrough of…”

He trailed off, his arms still flexed, when he leaned over and sniffed at one of his hairy pits.

“Damn, that’s musky,” he slowly chuckled. He lowered his arms and gestured towards someone off camera. “I also have a special guest this stream. Please welcome: my brother, Nick!”

From the side of the screen lumbered Nick, clad in just boxers and his cowboy hat. His hard nipples protruded off his hairy chest by at least an inch. He took a seat right next to his brother, sitting so close that their sides were pressed tightly together.

“Howdy,” Nick greeted Kevin’s followers, even tipping his cowboy hat with his free hand.

“So my brother’s here to help me finish up the last few levels of—“


Kevin looked over and playfully rolled his eyes when he saw that Nick had gotten distracted by playing with his hard nipples on stream for everyone to see. He was moaning loud and his eyes had rolled to the back of his head, unable to stop himself once he started.

“Well, I guess I’ll just finish up the last few levels while Nick is busy,” Kevin chuckled, taking one last whiff of his musky pit before starting the game.

The chat exploded as they watched the newly altered brothers feel themselves up on stream, loving the new slutty versions of Kevin and Nick.

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