🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.
309 posts
31 Days Of Derek Hale
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 17: Nippleslüt
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17

Alpha Derek Hale was taking a shower, a little irritated that he was rock hard and his husband was working the nightshift. Normally whenever Derek got a little frisky, he was all too happy to rush over to Stiles and go to town. However, he was a little miffed that he was all cocked and loaded, yet he was stuck all by himself with just his hand.
“Damn it,” Derek growled as he pumped away at his throbbing cock, even using some of Stiles’s shampoo to help do the trick.
Still, jerking off just failed in comparison to actually fucking.
Derek was about to just give up and turn the water to ice cold when he spotted an unknown blue vial in the shower. Picking it up, he eyed it and read out the chicken scratch writing on the label that read out Liquid Lust.
“‘Liquid Lust’?” Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes at his husband’s antics. Stiles had been practicing potions with Deaton, and every so often, Derek would find remnants of his experiments around the house.
Still, wanting to encourage his lover’s endeavors, Derek opened the vial and sniffed at the concoction. It reeked of musk, making the alpha gag and flinch.
Unfortunately, Derek’s jerky movements caused him to lose grip of the tiny vial in the shower, leading it to falling out of his grasp.
“Fuck!” Derek huffed as the smelly liquid fell out of the bottle and landed all over his hairy chest. It splattered across his pectorals, seemingly absorbing straight into his skin. The musky aroma clinging to Derek like it was emanating from him directly.
Immediately, Derek felt his nipples go hard. The little nips perked up before actually stretching out and elongating, inflating until they were large and nubby, looking like a pair of thumbs attached to his chest.
“What the hell?” Derek gasped as he looked down at his altered nipples. He tentatively reached up with one of his hands to prod at them. “What kind of potion is this— OOoohhhh!”
Merely grazing his fingers against his enlarged nipples sent a ripple of pleasure throughout Derek, his voice breaking out into a moan as his knees buckled. His cock throbbed even more, leaking precum. It was like a surge of pleasure never felt before. No amount of sex or jerking off had ever felt nearly as good as just touching his nipple just had.
“Wha-what the fuck is going on?” Derek panted, his meaty, hairy pecs heaving up and down as he struggled to catch his breath. His nipples seemed to burn with want, their own hardness competing with his cock’s, demanding attention from the alpha.
Almost unable to control himself, Derek reached up with both hands, running his thumbs over his hard nubs.
“Uuugghhh!” he squealed, his head rolling back as he toyed with his chest. The pleasure was mind-numbing, and Derek was helpless to do anything besides rub his nipples.
This soon turned to him grabbing a strong hold of both of them with his hands, lightly tugging on his huge nipples. It felt as if Derek had two cocks on his chest, his ignored dick bobbing uselessly between his meaty thighs as he pinched his big nips.
“Oohh fuuuck,” Derek bellowed out, the normally silent guy unable to stop moaning loudly, his deep voice echoing throughout the bathroom. “Holy shit, that feels so good— UUGHHH!”
Derek nearly shrieked as he came, his cock erupting and spewing out globs of cum that splattered against the linoleum in the shower. Basking in the post-orgasmic bliss, the werewolf felt as if he’d just shot the largest load of his life. He couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief as he tried to catch his breath.
“Holy shit,” he breathed, rinsing away his cum off the walls. His nipples remained perky and hard, and after masturbating by tugging on them once more, Derek finished his shower and toweled off.
He wiped the steam away from the mirror and frowned when he saw that his nipples were still huge and hard. They poked noticeably off his chest, looking ridiculous on his muscular, alpha male frame.
“Um, maybe this’ll wear off in the morning?” he guessed as he glanced at the vial of the liquid lust, finding no other information about it on the bottle.
Derek stumbled over to his bedroom, biting down on his lower lip at the shiver that traveled down his spine as the cool air from the A/C blew over his hairy chest, caressing his hard nipples. Just that light sensation was enough to make his cock begin to stir back to life, but he tried to ignore it.
He walked over to his shirt to try to cover his chest, but that proved to be another problem.
“Uuughh!” Derek moaned out again as soon as he tugged his shirt on. His nipples poked against the fabric like crazy, and just the cotton running over the nubs was enough to cause his cock to go erect and shoot out cum.
Derek had to rip the shirt away off of him, panting as he gained a reprieve for his sensitive chest. “What the fuck’s happening to me?” he gasped, his nipples almost simmering in the air as they begged for his attention some more.
That night Derek barely got any sleep at all. He would try to lie down on his back, but whenever the covers brushed up against his hard nipples, he’d go rock hard and have to tug on his nips to ease his horniness. Whenever he tried to lie on his front, it led to the alpha uncontrollably squirming against the mattress, moaning loudly as he ground his chest against the hard mattress, loving how it felt to rub his nipples against it, but also humiliated over what a huge nippleslut he was turning into.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do with these?!” he roared in frustration, looking down at his big nipples.
When morning came, Derek was slightly relieved to hear the front door opening, meaning that Stiles had come home.
Derek leapt out of the cum-covered bed and raced downstairs to his husband, eager for some answers.
“Hey, Der— what happened to your nipples?” a tired-looking Stiles asked from the entryway once he saw the large nubs attached his husband’s muscled chest.
Derek gestured down at his nubby nipples with a shaky hand. “I accidentally spilt some of that liquid lust potion of yours on them, and now they’re— this! And they’re super sensitive!” he growled, his cock already starting to twitch at the mere thought of playing with his chest again.
Stiles’s eyes widened. “You messed with my potion?” he gasped in shock. “That was just a test. I don’t know if there’s a cure for it.”
Derek paled. “So I’m stuck like this?” he asked, looking down at his hard and sensitive nipples, imagining a life where he’d have to walk around constantly shirtless with his massive nubs on display. They’re so sensitive that he seriously doubted that he’d ever be able to get off again without someone playing with his nipples.
Stiles frowned for a moment before offering a meek smile. “If it helps,” he said, slowly reaching up, “I could play with them, if you’d like?”
He reached up and ran his thumb over one of the nubby nipples, and Derek instantly swooned.
“Ooohhh,” he moaned, his cock going straight to attention. “P-please, play with them some more.” He leaned forward and shoved his chest towards Stiles, looking forward to spending the day having Stiles play with his enlarged nipples, the nubs already tingling with anticipation.
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More Posts from Ultram0th
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 27: Hot Cop
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24 │ 25 │ 26 │ 27

“Well, well, if it isn’t none other than the infamous Derek Hale,” Sheriff Stilinski sighed as he sat down in the driver’s side of the cruiser.
Derek just glared silently back through the fence-like barrier that separated the two of them. He huffed angrily through his nostrils, keeping his lips pursed to avoid making the situation any worse for him. The young man wasn’t unfamiliar with Sheriff Stilinski, often running afoul with the old man here and there. It wasn’t that Derek was a career criminal by textbook standards, but he admitted that he didn’t make the best choices. Thus, he had a sort of negative reputation around Beacon Hills, with most of the sheriff department keeping a watchful eye on him.
The cruiser’s engine roared alive, and the Sheriff drove down the road towards the station.
Derek silently steamed in the backseat, perfectly content with not saying a single word.
However, the Sheriff cleared his throat and eyed the werewolf in the rearview mirror. “You know, Derek,” the Sheriff said, his rough voice taking on a kind air, “I’d promised your family that I’d look after you. But for some reason, you just can’t seem to keep your nose outta trouble.”
Derek just grunted, rolling his eyes. He tried to tune out the cop and focus on the woods outside the window.
The Sheriff continued though. “And,” he pressed, a different tone overtaking his deep voice, “I’ve seen you eying my boy.”
Derek winced and fought hard to maintain his cool, but he could tell that he looked worried as his bushy eyebrows knitted together. Of course he found the Sheriff’s son, Stiles, attractive and it was true that he’d been trying to court him; however, he hadn’t counted on the old man being that perceptive.
“What are you talking about?” Derek tried to play it off, his heart starting to race in his chest.
The Sheriff lowly chuckled. “Derek,” he said, clicking his tongue, “I have my own skills, too. And let’s just say that although I like you and your family, I’m not too happy to have someone like you following my son around.”
Being used to being seen as less, Derek snorted and prepared a sharp retort. However, when he opened his mouth, his eyes widened when no sound came out. He cleared his throat and tried again, but not matter how hard he tried, the werewolf couldn’t utter a noise. He felt his heart start to race in his chest as he tried with all of his might to make the slightest bit of noise. However, every single attempt was futile.
The Sheriff smirked back at the struggling werewolf in the rearview mirror. “But you don’t have a job right now, do you Derek?” he pressed, an odd happy quality to his voice.
“No, Sir,” Derek felt himself respond without thinking. He wondered what was going on— why he could only seem to speak when the Sheriff allowed him to, and why he’d called him ‘Sir’.
“That’s a shame,” the Sheriff added. “You were always so cheery and polite. I would’ve figured you’d be the star employee somewhere by now.”
Cheery and polite? Sure, Derek wasn’t a blatant asshole, but neither of those adjectives described him in the least.
“Thank you, Sir,” Derek heard himself reply again. “I always do try my hardest, but gosh darn, the job market is tricky.” The werewolf’s stomach fell as he heard himself speak in such a dweebish tone. He tried to force himself to cuss out the sheriff, but as soon as the words were almost on his tongue, they’d fled.
The Sheriff cleared his throat and went on. “Well, if you’re interested, the police academy is always taking in new recruits. I think you’d be a good fit.”
Derek wanted to decline immediately, hating the idea of seeing himself strutting around Beacon Hills as some police officer who acts all goody two-shoes and whatnot. “That sounds like an awesome idea, Sir,” Derek happily agreed, and he felt his face stretch out into a giddy smile. He spotted his own reflection in the rearview mirror and inwardly flinched at how dorky he looked being all smiles; however, his attention was quickly diverted when he noticed something else.
Derek’s eyes widened even further when he saw that his jeans and white tank top had completely disappeared from his body. As quickly as his old clothes had vanished, new ones reappeared in their stead. Navy blue khakis were tightly wrapped around his powerful legs, looking almost skintight and like there was barely any extra room in there. His torso had on a navy blue, button down shirt that had the patches of the Beacon Hills Sheriff Department sewn onto the short sleeves. Right above the right pocket was a small silver name tag that read out: “HALE”. A black belt appeared around his waist, equipped with all of his police equipment that he’d need for his new job.
Derek’s smile faltered for a brief second before it took over once again. “Thank you, Sir,” he grinned. “I’ve always wanted to be a cop ever since I was a kid.”
The Sheriff nodded. “I know it, Derek,” he hummed. “I can tell by the way you’ve dedicated yourself to fitness.”
Before he could ponder over what that meant, Derek felt all of his muscles tense up simultaneously. The first thing Derek noticed was his thighs steadily growing larger and rounder, closing the gap between them little by little. However, his line of sight was soon cut off by his growing chest muscles. His pecs inflated and pushed outwards, taking up the remaining room in his shirt until it was skintight— POP! The top two buttons of his police shirt popped off, revealing the new, deep pec cleavage he now possessed. His arms grew in size, his biceps inflating to the size of melons as they bulged with power out of his short sleeves. They rested on flaring lats, giving the werewolf a broad appearance that reeked of masculine power. When he looked back into the mirror, Derek saw his neck steadily broaden in tandem with his shoulders, effectively giving him the appearance of a bodybuilder in a police uniform.
His heart raced in his inflated chest, but instead of voicing his panic, all Derek could say was, “That you, Sir. Last weigh in, I came in at three-hundred pounds of solid muscle— all for the good of protecting my community.”
The station came into sight and the Sheriff’s own smile dominated his older face. “That’s the right attitude to have, Derek,” he said. “I know you’ll be a great man of the law.”
Derek felt his old self starting to slip, quickly being dominated with the muscled Dudley Do-Right cop he’d been turned into. He grit his teeth to prevent the change from taking over, but it was futile. In a matter of seconds, the old trouble-making Derek Hale was quickly replaced with Deputy Hale: the bodybuilding cop who was as straight-laced as they came.
Derek’s smile grew even more, genuinely this time, as he noticed the station as the Sheriff parked in front.
Derek exited the back of the cruiser, unsure why he’d decide to ride in the back— he probably lost a dare and was playing around with Sheriff Stilinski. The older man was like a father to him, and Derek respected him with every fiber of his being. As soon as the new cop took a step out of the cruiser and felt his large thighs rub against each other and noticed how heavy his pecs and arms were, he cocked his eyebrow in confusion for a moment. Maneuvering around felt awkward, almost as if he was getting used to strutting around in such a muscled body.
Derek snorted and shook his head, knowing that was ridiculous. He worked out religiously and was always super muscled, easily dwarfing all of the other men on the force.
The muscled policeman waddled up to the station, but froze when he saw the Sheriff’s son, Stiles, hanging by the entrance. He felt his heart race in his beefy chest and blush form on his face over how cute Stiles looked.
“Oh, um, h-hi there, Stiles,” Derek gushed, looking like some lovestruck dork in front of the station for all to see. “What brings you here?”
Stiles paused for a moment, his own eyebrows furrowing for a second. “I came to see my dad,” he mumbled, his eyes running up and down Derek’s bulging form, making the cop’s heart race even faster. “Derek, d-did you… um, this might sound weird, but you look different for some reason. I can’t put my finger on it.”
This time, Deputy Derek shared Stiles’s confusion, and for a flash, the way his body felt so heavy and the sensation of his skintight uniform on his muscles felt all too wrong. However, just as quickly as the feeling had occurred, it evaporated into thin air and Derek’s smile widened even more.
“I just got back from the gym,” he happily gushed, raising both of his powerful arms above his head to form a double biceps pose. The movement caused his massive biceps to curl completely out of his sleeves and bulge with power. “It’s probably the pump you’re noticing.”
Stiles blushed a little as he stared at Derek’s huge muscles. “Yeah, I guess that’s it,” he admitted.
Not wanting to waste any time, while still flexing, Derek blurted out, “Want to do something this Saturday?” he asked. “… with me? Please?”
Stiles wanted to argue, to say that something was definitely different about Deputy Hale. However, his memories seemed to recall seeing the muscled up cop working shoulder to shoulder with his father for quite some time. “Sure,” he finally agreed.
Deputy Hale dropped his arms, letting them rest atop his lats a near right angle. “G-great!” he eagerly stuttered, the giddy new deputy over the moon at the prospect of finally taking the Sheriff’s son out. “I’ll pick you up at seven!”
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 21: Centaur
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“Fuck!” Derek roared as he stormed into the yard, hands clenched into tight fists.
The werewolf was irritated over having nearly lost control of his inner wolf, and nearly wolfing out in public. Derek and Stiles had been out on a simple dinner date, when stupid Jackson had to show up and be his usual douchey self. Normally, Derek was able to keep his lupine instincts in check; however, the second that stupid Jackson had placed his hand on a clearly annoyed Stiles’s shoulder, Derek had seen red. He’d shot out of his seat and had unleashed a fearsome snarl, even baring his massive werewolf fangs in the jerk’s direction.
It had managed to get Jackson to cut his crap, but the action had also accidentally caught the attention of other patrons in the restaurant, who’d only stared awkwardly/fearfully in Derek’s direction. The ceaseless staring had totally ruined the night, and Derek had dragged Stiles out of there early, much to his chagrin.
“Der!” Stiles called out after the stomping werewolf. “It’s fine, really!”
Derek was still seething. Sure he was irritated with Jackson, yet he was more so angry with himself and how his lack of self-control had ruined his date with Stiles. Thinking about it more only served to bring out an onslaught of more anger-inducing memories about how being a werewolf was a pain in Derek’s ass.
His jaw clenched, Derek just huffed in annoyance. “It’s not fine,” he pouted. “And this whole werewolf bullshit is something that’s just going to keep causing us trouble.”
Stiles frowned and placed a tender hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Sometimes,” Derek huffed, “I wish I wasn’t a werewolf.”
On cue, a streak of light flickered through the night sky as a shooting star bolted across.
Immediately, Derek flinched as he felt a warm travel throughout his body. The first thing he noticed was that his pants were starting to grow uncomfortably tight.
“What the hell…?” Derek wondered aloud as he looked down at himself. HIs eyes went wide as saucers when he saw his altered bulge in the front of his pants.
His normally proportional six inches had somehow elongated, creating what looked like Derek was stuffing a ripe grapefruit in his boxers. It was obscenely large, and between his thick thighs, Derek felt balls that had to be the size of lemons. Worse was that back of his pants felt as if they’s burst at any moment.
Looking over his broad shoulder, Derek gasped at the caricature of a butt that was attached to him. His perky cheeks had somehow managed to balloon out to a crazy size, pushing further out with each second.
In his panic, Derek ripped off his pants, his breath getting caught in his throat at what he saw.
Never being one lost for words, Stiles gasped out, “Holy crap, Der! You’ve got a horse cock!”
Derek’s cock had grown to at least fifteen inches, and it was nearly as thick of his beefy wrist. His balls had swollen up to resemble baseballs. The werewolf didn’t have time to focus on that as he felt his weight being yanked back due to the increasing size of his booty.
His legs stretched out longer, causing Derek to sprout up at least two more feet in height. All he could do was stare in disbelief at his changing body, his heart beat loudly in his muscled chest as he wondered what was happening to him. His throat went dry as he witnessed his toes fusing together, his nails hardening to form hooves.
His butt grew so big that Derek stumble back and almost fell, but he was caught by something.
Stiles’s wordless gasp mirrored his own as he looked back and saw that he’d grown an extra set of legs to offset his elongated backside. Derek blushed at how he must’ve looked, having his regular-looking torso sitting atop a lower half that was stretched out with four legs needed to keep it upright.
Derek’s altered lower half began to itch as thick, black fur sprouted all over it, covering every inch. It was glossy and looked shiny underneath the moonlight. As a final touch, Derek winced when he felt his distended backside tingle as he sprouted a long tail that swished back and forth.
The warmth finally dissipated, and Derek also felt an odd calm inside of his head, like his inner wolf was finally silenced.
“What the fuck just happened?!” Derek panicked, taking an awkward step forward in his new body, his hooves clacking loudly on the ground as he struggled to get used to walking. As he moved, his huge cock dangled around freely, making his face crimson.
Stiles’s mouth was agape as he looked over his changed boyfriend. Derek’s long legs were thick with muscle, which flexed with animalistic power with every heavy step he took. “Der,” he gasped, “you’re a centaur!”
“A what?” Derek groaned, pinching his nose in irritation. “When I said that I didn’t want to be a werewolf anymore, that didn’t mean that I’d rather be a centaur instead! How the fuck am I supposed to hide this thing!?” He gestured at his horse ass and cock, which were humongous and definitely would prove to be difficult to keep from prying eyes.
Derek stopped and sniffed at the air, still maintaining a keen sense of smell. And a curious aroma was wafting off of Stiles in waves.
“R-really?” Derek asked incredulously.
Stiles bit down on his lower lip and shrugged. “I played a lot of fantasy RPGs, and always liked the centaur characters… like, a lot.”
Derek felt his shock slowly fade, and he couldn’t help but grin coyly at his boyfriend.”C’mere, I’ll give you a ride,” he chuckled.
Stiles eagerly took his hand and hopped up onto Derek’s new back, wrapping his arms around Derek’s human torso.
Derek marveled at how weightless Stiles felt as he carried him, and he began to trot towards the house… his swaying horse cock getting harder and harder. He just hoped that Stiles knew some special stretching techniques.
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 16: Himbo
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Derek Hale sat in the corner of the bar, brooding over life in general. The sourwolf had a deep frown set onto his face, scowling at nothing specifically— his foul mood creating a dark aura about him.
He finished his whiskey on the rocks and was about to ask for another one, when the bartender (some peppy guy with dyed blue hair) set down a large glass of beer in front of him. The golden drink must’ve been extra-carbonated because tons of tiny bubbles floated around like crazy in it.
Derek cocked his eyebrow up at the bartender. “I didn’t—”
“It’s on the house,” the bartender interrupted him. “It’s a new brand called ‘Bubbly Beer’.”
“‘Bubbly Beer’?” Derek repeated incredulously, almost scoffing at the stupid sounding name. The tough alpha wouldn’t be caught dead drinking such a ridiculous drink.
Still, free was free.
Shrugging his shoulders, Derek brought the glass to his lips and took a tentative sip of the bubble-filled beer. It was sickeningly sweet and the carbonation made the drink more akin to soda than actual beer.
Derek grimaced at the drink, nearly gagging. He hated sweets.
However, the alcohol content must’ve been high, because after that singular sip of beer, Derek could already feel a slight buzz. His brain felt a little foggy and it actually seemed to dull his angst.
“Meh,” he hummed. “Does the trick, I guess.”
Derek took another sip.
The fog settled in deeper, and a dazed grin formed on Derek’s face. He leaned back further into his chair, unaware of the knowing smirk from the bartender. He struggled to think back to what was bothering him in the first place.
He happily brought the glass back up to his lips, but this time he took a couple gulps of the beer.
Derek’s smile grew a little larger, but it almost subsided when he started to feel a little warm. Like a sudden total wave of heat crashing upon him, Derek suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable. His white button down shirt was suddenly a bit too thick for his liking, and having it buttoned up all the way made him feel awkward, almost like he was wearing a large tent.
In an attempt to gain some sort of ease, Derek reached up and undid the top four buttons of his shirt.
“That’s soooooo much better,” he sighed, his goofy grin coming back full force once he wasn’t completely covered. His toned pecs were slightly exposed to the cool air of the bar.
Derek took a few more gulps of the beer.
The legs of the chair groaned loudly as Derek squirmed around. His chest felt heavier and his arms kept colliding with his sides in a way that they hadn’t before… right?
Derek’s heart raced in his beefy chest for a moment, but he quickly shrugged his anxiety away as he glanced down at his meaty muscletits. His massive pecs were barely covered by the button down shirt that they strained against, his nubby nipples poking teasingly against the fabric. His large biceps bulged out of his straining sleeves, constantly bumping against pecs and lats, hindering each one of Derek’s movements. And lastly, the werewolf rocked back and forth on his humongous bubblebutt that strained his jeans to bursting, the big ass making it look like Derek was sitting on a bunch of cushions.
Derek caught a nerdy guy sneak a peek at him from across the bar, and he couldn’t resist lifting one of his big arms to flex a powerful bicep.
The nerd’s jaw dropped, yet he quickly recomposed himself and stood up, slowly heading over towards Derek.
Derek finished off the last of the bubbly beer, setting the empty glass onto the bar.
“Um, h-hey,” the small nerdy guy smiled at Derek. “What brings you here all alone?”
Derek smiled back full force at the other guy, his cock rocketing to life. The ten inch monster snaked down his pant leg noticeably, looking like he was stuffing a summer sausage down his pants.
“Oh y’know,” Derek chirped back, “I’m just, like, totally out here looking for cute guys!” He giggled at the end of his statement, biting down on his lower lip as he ran his eyes up and down hungrily over the nerd’s body.
The nerd smiled back nervously, nearly drooling over Derek’s bulbous muscletits. “Well,” he said, “I’m about to ditch this place, if you wanna come with?”
“Sure!” Derek quickly said, practically hopping out of his chair. He snatched a tight hold of the smaller guy’s hand and began to walk towards the exit.
Derek paused for a brief second, feeling as if something was wrong. His gait was thrown off by the constant jiggling of his bubblebutt behind him, and he had to arch his back slightly to account for his huge pecs. Plus, his head felt so slow.
And he was so painfully horny!
Despite himself, all he seemed to be able to focus on was cock and getting his big butt stuffed full with the nerd’s. His lust took over and that foggy sensation clouded over his brain again, effectively silencing that alarm bell.
“Like, this is totally gonna be the best night ever!” Derek cheered as he wiggled his hips, causing his big butt to bounce wildly, loving the lustful look in the nerd’s eyes.
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 30: Daddy
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Derek didn’t like being called “Daddy”.
The werewolf bristled whenever his boyfriend, Stiles, would call him it during sex, but would try to brush it off. It wasn’t because of anything too bad, really. Derek just associated the name with being old. When he’d admitted his dislike of the word to Stiles, Stiles understood, but there was a clear disappointment on his face.
At first, Stiles accepted it and opted to call Derek “Daddy” in his head, yet after one day of looking through one of Peter’s magic books he got a mischievous idea…
Derek came home from work, his muscles feeling slightly achy from a long day at the auto shop. A dazed smile was on his face as he smelt whatever delicious thing Stiles was cooking in the kitchen, mingled with some random incense that was burning throughout the house.
“Hey Stiles,” Derek said as he walked into the kitchen, hugging his boyfriend from behind.
Stiles smiled back, “Oh hey there,” he greeted back, a playful tone evident in his voice. “Did you have a good day at work… Daddy?”
Instead of cringing like usual, Derek was surprised when he felt his cock immediately rocket to life. His seven inches went full mast the mere second he’d heard Stiles call him “Daddy”, even feeling goosebumps erupt all over his body as he shuddered with unfamiliar pleasure.
“Um, y-yeah,” Derek stammered, his cock throbbing with intense need. He was confused over how turned on he was, but that curiosity rapidly disappeared and his face broke out into a playful smirk. Of course Stiles called him “Daddy”, as he frequently did in the bedroom.
Derek tightened his grip on his boyfriend and playfully rutted his hard cock against his butt.
Stiles pushed back into it. “Oh,” he grinned, “I guess you’re feeling a little frisky, huh… Daddy?”
Derek tensed up as his cock throbbed even more, twitching and leaking precum into his boxers. He felt so tortuously horny, licking his beard-framed lips with want…
Derek cocked his eyebrow and reached upwards with one hand, running it over his previously smooth face. The lower half of his face was covered with a thick, black beard that felt so large that it would’ve taken a few months to grow. It wasn’t Santa big, yet it was big enough to where it went past the typical gymbro beard and bordered Daddy-territory.
“Hey, Stiles, do I…?” Derek’s voice trailed off as he was about to ask Stiles if he looked different, feeling silly all of a sudden.
Of course Derek had a beard. He’d begun growing one the year he and Stiles had started dating, loving the way his beard tickled his boyfriend’s neck as he’d hungrily suck on it. Plus, he loved the way Stiles would shudder as his beard rubbed the inside of his thighs as he sucked him off, making sure he was a good daddy by taking care of his boy’s needs.
Stiles turned around and looked up at Derek with wide, admiring eyes. “What?” he asked.
Derek blushed a little and scratched at his beard. “Nothin’” he shrugged, “just having a weird day, I guess.”
Stiles mock frowned and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Well, why don’t you change out of your work clothes, and I’ll finish getting dinner ready… Daddy.”
Derek bit down on his lip as his cock surged once more, feeling as if he was about to explode right there. “Y-yeah,” he panted, jerking back at the sound of his voice. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Be right back.”
As he walked upstairs to their bedroom, Derek could’ve sworn that his voice sounded deeper. It wasn’t exaggeratedly deeper, but the baritone resonated a lot more and there was a more mature quality to it, almost manlier.
The werewolf kept puzzling over it as he entered his and Stiles’s bedroom and began to take off his grease-stained work clothes. As he shucked his pants, his hard cock bobbed wildly in front of him, and he was on the fence between taking care of it real quick and rushing downstairs to ask Stiles to handle it.
Snickering, he opted for the latter and made a move towards the door, clad only in boxers, when he stopped in front of the mirror and gasped loudly.
Derek leaned in even closer to his altered reflection in disbelief, marveling at the array of grays that peppered his hair and beard. As he ran a shaky hand through his salt-and-pepper colored hair, Derek finally noticed the new lines that were near his eyes, indicating the slight beginnings of crows feet.
His heart raced in his chest as he looked like he was much older than he should’ve been, however, his cock throbbed once more and his fear evaporated into thin air.
“What a day,” Derek sighed, rubbing his mature face with his hands. Of course he looked a bit older for his age. He was a total daddy after all, and having a boyish face wouldn’t play into that role.
Shaking his head at his dazed feeling, Derek went back downstairs, his tented boxers out in front of himself.
When he entered the kitchen, Stiles’s grin grew even wider as he looked his boyfriend up and down. “If you need some help with that, you gotta give me a second because this is boiling,” he said, gesturing at the pot on the stove. “But it shouldn’t take too long… Daddy.”
Derek grunted as his cock spasmed again, a large wet mark starting to form on the front of his tented boxers from his precum drooling out his hard member. He put on a coy smile of his own, crossing his arms in front of his hairy chest. “Well, you better make it quick, ‘cause Daddy’s getting impatient,” he grunted.
Again, Derek felt like something was off as he looked down at his hairy chest. The older hunk could’ve sworn that his chest was naturally smooth and typically devoid of any hair, but that thought was quickly proven wrong as he stared down at his hairy pecs and stomach. In fact, his whole body seemed to be covered in coarse, black hair. It covered his strong arms, thick legs, and even disappeared into his tented out boxers.
Derek snorted at himself. Of course he was hairy, and he’d always melted at the sensation of Stiles running his fingers through his thick chest hair. He just chalked up his foggy brain to his insane horniness that he felt, his cock aching for his boyfriend to touch.
Derek squirmed in place, his cock twitching madly as Stiles finished up at the stove. Once the burner was turned off, Derek couldn’t contain himself anymore and eagerly rushed forward, easily tossing the smaller guy over his shoulder as he stomped towards the couch.
Stiles laughed. “Damn, I guess you’re really frisky,” he giggled, “…Daddy.”
“Hnng,” Derek bellowed as his cock leaked even more precum, his thudding footsteps sounding heavier and much louder than normal.
For the millionth time that hour, Derek scrunched up his face in confusion as he lumbered towards the couch. The way his thighs rolled over each other as he waddled felt wrong to him. Whereas Stiles felt lighter in his hold for some reason, Derek felt as if his own chest was much heavier than it should’ve been. He glanced downward at his hairy pecs, his eyes nearly bugging out of his skull at the way his bulbous pecs jutted out in front of him, having ballooned to such a large size. They blocked the view of anything south, forcing Derek to stare at his hairy mounds and the tips of his nubby nipples. He blushed as he felt a foreign jiggling at his gut, and upon glancing at his blurry reflection in the TV, he could make out a large, hairy musclegut that his large pectorals rested upon. His boxers had magically disappeared, and the werewolf nearly sputtered at his massive ten inch monster cock that bobbed in front of him. Even his hairy butt had bubbled out, jutting out from his broadened back at a large angle. To finalize his growth, Derek’s arms had doubled in muscle, explaining away at how Stiles felt lighter.
It was hard to deny it now, as Derek stared at his altered reflection. The large muscled up, hairy older man who stared back at him from the TV’s glare. He finally pieced together what was happening: Derek was turning into a total daddy.
And he loved it.
As shocked as he was, Derek’s panic was quickly replaced with lust as he flexed his free arm with power, loving how big and manly it looked. He knew deep down that Stiles had somehow played a hand in this, and he loved him even more for it. Mental images of the two of them out in public, Derek completely dwarfing his smaller boyfriend who called him “Daddy” for all to hear filled him a giddy excitement, and he couldn’t wait to have Stiles run his fingers through his chest hair.
Derek tossed Stiles down onto the couch and loomed over him, smirking hungrily down at him. He couldn’t resist leaning forward and flexing his beefy, hairy muscles. “Who’s your daddy?” he bellowed in his deeper voice.
Stiles could only grin back up at him in anticipation before lowly whispering, “You… Daddy.”
“Uuughh!” Derek grunted as he came, loving how his bulky muscles bounced as his cock erupted, shooting his fat load up onto his hairy pecs. He knew deep down that he’d just cemented his transformation into a muscle daddy, but the second he looked down at his boyfriend, his enlarged cock shot straight back to life, and he pounced, forcing Stiles to take care of his daddy all night long.
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 14: Whoopie Cushion
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14

The fart sound echoed out in the home office as soon as Derek sat down in his chair, his eyes widening and his face turning slightly red as the others in his Zoom meeting cocked their eyebrows at him.
The werewolf huffed as he reached under the cushion of his chair and pulled out a deflated pink whoopie cushion, the pink joke toy making him sneer at his husband and son’s childishness.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he said to his coworkers. “My husband thinks he’s funny.”
The rest of the Zoom meeting went without any sort of hiccup, however Derek kept the whole whoopie cushion fiasco in the back of his head, biting back a growl over how foolish it had made him look. The alpha werewolf certainly wasn’t known for his stellar sense of humor, and while he cherished his husband Stiles’s silliness and the way it’d rubbed off on their son, Eli, there were times when Derek grew tired of being the butt of their jokes and pranks.
That led the patriarch of the Hale Household to rally up his family into his van and speed down to the local prank shop, whoopie cushion in hand.
“Der, you don’t need to return the cushion to make a point,” Stiles moped in the passenger seat. “Besides, it’s used. They won’t take it back.”
Derek silently brooded, clenching his jaw in irritation. He hated to look like a stick in the mud, but he felt that someone had to be the serious one in the household, and unfortunately, that responsibility landed on his shoulders.
He pulled up into the store’s empty parking lot, and stormed out of the van. Derek stomped into the store and slammed the deflated whoopie cushion onto the counter in front of the startled old man.
“What kind of adult sells childish toys like these… to other adults?” Derek roared, flinching at the last part of his statement.
The old shop owner simply readjusted his glasses as he stared upwards at the angry werewolf, his lips pursed into a thin line. “It’s just meant for fun,” he tried to explain. “Why don’t you try to loosen up and just have a laugh every now and then?”
Derek bit back a growl at the older man’s worse, feeling oddly defensive. “I am fun,” he snarled, “I just don’t have time for childish shit like whoopie cushions. These aren’t funny, they’re annoying!”
The older man didn’t look phased by Derek’s outburst and actually yawned. “You’re not fun,” he coldly muttered, before a chipper quality crawled into his scratchy voice. “But, I can help you with that.”
Before Derek could ask what the old guy was talking about, he felt an odd electric shock quality run all over his body. It caused the werewolf to tense up, his skin feeling tight for a second before all of his muscles seemingly relaxed.
“What the hell was that?” he asked the older man.
The man seemed to fight back a smile as he stared at Derek, making the werewolf all the more angry.
Before Derek could take a swing at him or yell some more, he looked downwards in the direction of the man’s gaze, his eyes widening at the pinkish hue to his skin. Derek was normally pale, but now his skin was starting to brighten and look like it was a bubblegum pink, more akin to a pencil erasure than his usual skin tone. Weirder, and even more apt to the erasure comparison, Derek could smell the faint stench of rubber beginning to emanate from him in waves, making him cock his eyebrow.
Carefully, Derek reached over and pinched his arm, pulling back with his hand. The werewolf nearly yelped as his skin now possessed an elastic quality which caused it to stretch outwards beyond the realms of possible. Derek’s heart raced in his chest as he realized that he’d been turned into rubber!
A hiss like a tire being inflated echoed out in the small prank shop, and Derek felt his clothes growing tighter by the second. Looking downward at himself, Derek was shocked to witness all of the muscles in his body steadily inflating. He’d already been blessed with large, manly muscles, yet now they started to bulge out and round. They looked cartoonishly big, with round qualities to the point where he seemed more inflated than muscular, like most of his muscles were full of air. Even his cheeks puffed outwards; and speaking of cheeks, a lot of the growth was centered at Derek’s ass, which bubbled out into large beachball sized globes.
“Wh-what did you do to me?!” Derek roared as he explored his pink, inflated body with his shaking hands.
The older man just continued to fight back laughs. “I figured that this would help you learn how to laugh more,” he snickered.
“What does that even mean?!” Derek cried, taking a tentative step forward, flinching at the sound that echoed out.
Derek froze, his eyes widening before they narrowed towards the shop owner. “You turned me into a fuckin’ whoopie cushion!” he accused, holding his arms out to show off his inflated form. However, little poots were heard at the brisk movement, making the werewolf blush.
The older man waved his wrinkled hand dismissively. “It’s only for a few days,” he muttered before gesturing at the whoopie cushion on the counter. “Oh, and no returns on used products.”
With a growl, Derek snatched the whoopie cushion off the counter and stomped out of the store, bristling with every little fart noise that sounded out with each step he took. A few people out on the street would giggle in his direction, especially at the noises that he was helpless to make, making his pink face turn a dark red with embarrassment.
Worse was that once Derek reached the van, Eli and Stiles were stunned silent as they gawked at his whoopie cushion body… then they both burst out laughing.
Derek just bared his werewolf fangs at them in irritation as he opened up the driver’s side door and jumped into the seat—
The loud fart noise boomed inside the van as Derek sat down, his inflated bubblebutt squishing like the perfect whoopie cushion it now was.
Immediately Stiles burst out into hysterics, going so far as to wipe tears from his eyes at Derek’s helpless fart noises.
Derek just grumbled to himself and gripped the steering wheel tightly, the motion causing little fart sounds again as he drove home, fart sounds echoing out every time the vehicle hit a bump in the road.
“Damn it, *pfft, this is *pfft ridiculous,” Derek groaned.