The Nightmare Before Christmas - Tumblr Posts

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Call Out Post
((OOC: Sorry tender lumplings for the impromptu callout. I genuinely don't like doing this at all but it's this person's fault for talking to me. Well @everythingjackskellington, here's your feature. Also delete your blog.
PLEASE don't buy from @everythingjackskellington. They are THEFT, an AI junkie and a SCAMMER.

They just recently dropped a promo ask in my box and I immediately recognized their art as being both AI and stolen in their collection on ViralStyle.

The moment I saw the "Ragdoll Coffee" insignia I recognized it as being that of Ellador's art from Redbubble. Buy her actual design here.
Given that I am A) a redbubble artist myself, and we have to sift through LOTS of art theft, including our own art being stolen, and B) have a sister who's been ripped off herself, I will not tolerate this. You are exploiting other artists and TNBC fans who don't know any better.
Please, everyone reading, do NOT buy TNBC fan merch that does not clearly have the artist's name attached. We get our work stolen enough for AI. Also I don't care if the above artwork you linked me with isn't AI. You stole it. You didn't make it.
Do not buy this. If you have some time to kill while you're on vacay and/or wrapping xmas presents, see Hbomberguy's latest video on creator theft and plagiarism. It is worth you time and is a great example as to why I have no tolerance for this kind of thing.
The only silver lining, to spare you all from looking yourself and giving them anymore traction, was laughing at some of the clearly unthought out automated stuff they slapped Jack and Sally on. It'd be funny if you actually had any thought behind it, but again I know you didn't:

To the antiJallys/Sally-going-her-own-way-crowd, these would be funny if they weren't baseless generative crap. In fact, make your OWN gay sally designs outta this. I believe in you~

Well, you got the Blink182 lyrics right but wow you missed out on the one opportunity to spam Jack's face on something and needlessly swear. Good one, but I don't know why the Monster High logo is there.
Also yes this person swears like a sailor and does just what I said. If you want Jack on a bunch of stuff that has nothing do with should still flag this store and not buy from them. But here they are, regardless.

Oh, and nice Autism Speaks propaganda there.

ithink i figured him out

I’ve been obsessed with how jack is drawn in the storyboards and hopefully i captured his skrunkliness just right.

Sally never gets credit for the fact she did not have a place originally in Halloweentown so she made one for herself. True Jack did give her the job to make his suit but she created this work space for herself and I also assume this is her new home too. The Dr tried to break her spirit and tell her she was never going to be ready for people and he was very wrong. She not only made herself part of the community she also started a potential business as well and a home for her. Then she finds love and becomes The Pumpkin Queen.

In Defense of this couple I know they don’t get a lot of screen time together and Jack could have been better at hearing Sally’s warning but. They do care and love each other very deeply when Sally knew he was in trouble she did everything she could to help him and when she was in Danger Jack did everything in his power to save her and keep her safe. That is why they are Simply meant to Be. ❤️🖤

Sally appreciation time I love Sally so much she means everything to me she is my favorite Disney Character and I really relate to her on a such a personal and deep level . I love how Sally knows that she is Perfectly Imperfect and owns it and uses as one of her strengths. I believe that is the what makes her so unique is that she knows she’s different from everyone in Town including Jack and it gives her confidence to be herself that she can give them a different perspective which is what makes her a Great Pumpkin Queen as well.

Simply meant to be
I love how he holds her hand.
They had to find themselves before they found each other. ❤️🖤

Zero when he realised Sally was there.

One of my favorite details about Vivi and Sally is that they have a small piece of their man on them all the time. Vivi glasses are the same shade of Lewis hair and Sally’s socks are black and white like Jacks suit.

It’s such a quick moment when Jack realizes how oblivious he was. Not only was he clueless about Sally being in love with him and how much he loves her. He realizes here he was also oblivious to her situation with the Doctor how seeing him with Jewel made Jack realize and piece things together with Sally and that she really needed his help to get out of that abuse household.
It’s sad that she goes through such pain , sadness when she’s with the Doctor I’m glad she gets the courage to leave and start her own life and I’m sure Jack feels very guilty for being such a friend’s with someone who is an abuser. I have a feeling that The Doctor was probably sentenced to house arrest after the events of the movie. I mean we saw what he did to Oogie when he hurt Sally. I like to imagine that after they kissed a went back the the manner he made a promise to always protect her and keep her safe.

I absolutely adore Sally’s sewing tent I how it’s her’s and nobody else’s just Sally’s place I love to think it’s also a start up small business for her as well along with being her new home. It’s very much designed around her personality and the colors are very similar to her it stands out in the world of Halloweentown Just the same way Sally doses and she’s now apart of the community.
I like to think that after the movie when she moved in with Jack she was a little sad she didn’t have her tent anymore but Jack made their home feel as warm and welcoming for Sally. After all she is the Pumpkin Queen.