No Further Tags - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

i need an excuse to escape from doing my stuff so here's this-

10 notes: i finish studying geography

30 notes

50 notes: i finish my maths hw

60 notes: i start working on Chp 2 of my Helnik Fanfic

70 notes: i finish Chp 2 of the Helnik Fic

85 notes: i post Ch 2 by this week

90 notes: i write a poem (and post it here)?

100 notes

150 notes: i go and shout at the guy (who was my boy bsf but then our sections got changed last yr and he kind of ignored me? i mean i did confront him abt 3-4 times and the nxt 2 weeks or so it would be fine. we basically have a cold war going on at the moment and we are like strangers)

200 notes: ya'll decide my fate

edit: @glassesgirlies uhh oo-okay i accept defeat. my tumblr blew up completely.

i finished half of geography. common atleast i did half of it.

finished maths. yeyyy

started writing chp 2 of the helnik fic

got an idea for the poem...?

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