atac-agent - ATAC

"Sometimes, the only way to get justice is to take it for yourself" ~ Brekker // INFP-T

90 posts

Atac-agent - ATAC - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

i need an excuse to escape from doing my stuff so here's this-

10 notes: i finish studying geography

30 notes

50 notes: i finish my maths hw

60 notes: i start working on Chp 2 of my Helnik Fanfic

70 notes: i finish Chp 2 of the Helnik Fic

85 notes: i post Ch 2 by this week

90 notes: i write a poem (and post it here)?

100 notes

150 notes: i go and shout at the guy (who was my boy bsf but then our sections got changed last yr and he kind of ignored me? i mean i did confront him abt 3-4 times and the nxt 2 weeks or so it would be fine. we basically have a cold war going on at the moment and we are like strangers)

200 notes: ya'll decide my fate

edit: @glassesgirlies uhh oo-okay i accept defeat. my tumblr blew up completely.

i finished half of geography. common atleast i did half of it.

finished maths. yeyyy

started writing chp 2 of the helnik fic

got an idea for the poem...?

Tags :
6 months ago

lmao yeyy



6 months ago




6 months ago

Or a stuffed toy shaped like a girl with knife

*Whenever anybody misses Jesper at the Sat*

Kaz: Don’t cry because it’s over. Start smiling because Jesper is someone else’s problem now.

6 months ago




6 months ago

That moment when the Dregs realise that Kaz is even more sinister without Inej being around the Slat

That Moment When The Dregs Realise That Kaz Is Even More Sinister Without Inej Being Around The Slat

*Whenever anybody misses Jesper at the Sat*

Kaz: Don’t cry because it’s over. Start smiling because Jesper is someone else’s problem now.

6 months ago

saving so i can read this when i am finally done with all my hw and stuff 😭
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

New part!

Zoya: Genya, help! Zoya: [screenshot] Zoya: Do you know what this is about? Zoya: Or how I can help him?

6 months ago

me who was just sitting idle be like:

worst part? i already have a masterdegree in procrastination 😭😭

tagging: @padfoot-lupin77 @jazsplat @idk-me3333 @ramen8008 @jkriordanverse

On a random day everyone is given a super power based on what they were doing in that moment, people who were reaching for something can now stretch like elastic, people who were running now have super speed. You really wish you were doing something else when it happened…

6 months ago



here's my excuse to finally stop studying

tagging: @padfoot-lupin77 @jazsplat @idk-me3333 @jkriordanverse @ramen8008

your 12th emoji is how you'll die


6 months ago

guys spam her

here we go again and honestly this is dumb but i think if I do this it will motivate me regardless of if there's any notesm so even tho it's not 'trendy' anymore or whatever, i'm just gonna do one o' these. plz do feel free to ignore.

50 note - clean room

60 note - hw

70 note - keep writing chap8 of my WIP

and,, some unknown number note - i FINALLY post the gd incorrect crows thats been sitting in my drafts for months. someone choose for that. idc.

anways bye. also @ the voices in my head: stop judging me.

6 months ago

Reblog if you have the best mutuals.

6 months ago

escalators. period.

and most definitely insects (still am scared 😭😭)

also the fact the a few billion years later the sun will longer emit energy and be dwarf and the solar system will collapse.. right... as if i will be alive by then-

for more i need to walk through the fear simulation landscape (that was a divergent trilogy ref.)

@padfoot-lupin77 @jazsplat @idk-me3333

You know what, I’ve been tagged in so many of these tagging games, I’m gonna start one of my own!

This came up in a conversation with my friends, so I just gotta know:

What was your childhood fear (and why)?

What haunted your dreams, made you afraid of every shadow, and caused you to ask your parents to check in your closet and under your bed?

Since this is my tagging game, I’ll get the ball rolling with:

You Know What, Ive Been Tagged In So Many Of These Tagging Games, Im Gonna Start One Of My Own!
You Know What, Ive Been Tagged In So Many Of These Tagging Games, Im Gonna Start One Of My Own!
You Know What, Ive Been Tagged In So Many Of These Tagging Games, Im Gonna Start One Of My Own!


For those who don’t know, this is Tyrone from Backyardigans and this episode is called “Whodunit”. Backyardigans was my childhood, and I still watch it from time to time, but this episode absolutely creeped me out as a child.

Tyrone is a sweetheart and I love him in any other episode, but…









For those I tag, you don’t have to participate if you’re not comfortable sharing, especially if it’s a sensitive topic. But if it’s an embarrassment thing, I started it off by saying I was afraid of a cartoon character that was only creepy for one particular episode. We don’t judge here. This is a safe space.

@littledudeholland @letsbelikethewindtogether @pixanefan @kazumahashimoto @sweetheart-weeb-33 @revlischarm @rinkunokoisuru

6 months ago

saving this so that i can read these after school and tuition and basically everything (will prolly read during the weekend-)

SOC fic masterlist

I can't believe I haven't done one yet, so:

Catch and Release (directly post CK, 2K words/one-shot, kanej)

The two deadliest people in Ketterdam struggle to sit together and learn some things in the process, including, but not limited to, that they will always come back to each other.

the ichor in their veins needs feeding (modern AU, 1K words/one-shot, kanej, helnik, wesper, platonic everyone/found family)

To be young is the nearest thing to being immortal. Or, a modern AU.

the willows' lullaby (verrry post CK [like several decades], 1.5K words/one-shot, kanej)

Her hair is white and her hands are lined, but she wakes up and asks for her knife. Kaz can refuse her nothing. Or, a series of reflections before the end.

The Best Worst Kept Secret in Ketterdam (post CK, 260K words and counting, kanej, wesper, mentions of past helnik, alby rollins/OC, platonic everyone who's still alive)

She’s really not their child, they promise. Unfortunately, she has other ideas: Cue the Parent Trap, but with trauma.

renegades in the ring (circus AU, 6K words/one-shot, kanej, helnik, pre-wesper, platonic everyone, jordie lives)

A magician with a mind as sharp as his tongue. An acrobat searching for her wings. A sharpshooter looking for freedom. A prodigal son with some tricks up his sleeve. A fortune teller looking to love in peace. A wolf trainer starting a new life. What happens in the Big Top, stays in the Big Top.

used to be mine (during and post-books, 4K words/one-shot, kanej, background implied wesper, platonic inej&jesper and inej&wylan)

"The lynx and the Wraith and the girl of the Ravkan fields are bidders in an auction for pieces of Inej Ghafa, whoever that is." A spy, a captain, a Saint; the treasure of a certain criminal king's heart; she has lost everything and more, but she has always been dangerous. songfic to "She Used to Be Mine" from Waitress

we're still in it, but in a minute (post-CK, 1.5K words/one-shot, kanej)

It’s a good night for them. For both of them, actually. “Can I try something?”

To Meet a Monster (pre-canon, 1.6K words/one-shot, outsider POV)

“Just now,” said the boy, “You were sizing me up, weren’t you? Thinking you could take me?” There was a dare in his eyes, a cruel black glitter that begged to be set loose. “I want everyone else to think that, too. And I want a weapon to prove them wrong.” It's hard enough to be a Fabrikator hiding in Ketterdam. It only gets worse when the boy called Dirtyhands wants something from him.

If I went to touch you now (during SOC, 7.5K words, WIP/eventual two-shot, kanej, background helnik, background pre-wesper, platonic Inej&Nina and Inej&Matthias)

"The marks were there, after all, clear as day—some black with destiny, others colored with a fate already found." It seems impossible. After all, the black marks that they bear are supposed to be the first place their soulmate will touch them someday. But Kaz and Inej both have to wonder—who would want to be the other half of a broken soul? Who would dare to touch the untouchable? Why would they obey the laws of fate, determined as they are to break all the others?

6 months ago


Okay, but….

Who gave Kaz the sex talk?

He was 10 when Jordie died, so clearly not old enough, and I’m pretty sure Jordie had the sense to keep that to himself.

So there’s Kaz Rietveld. 13. Running around the Barrel hearing bits and pieces about things he couldn’t name. And that made him curious. Suddenly he hears “sex” outside of a bar. He walks in, approaches the rather ferocious looking man the voice belonged to and asks what he was talking about. He’s thoroughly annoyed when the man laughs at him, the beer practically sloshing in his belly. Eventually after several threats, he gets an answer. Let’s just say he’s more traumatized than previously before.

Or maybe, there’s Kaz Brekker. Literally seventeen. Jesper’s talking about how he “banged” Wylan in a horribly descriptive way. Of course, Kaz says nothing, but later has to hear from Inej, considering she noticed the disgusted and confused look on his face. The whole time she speaks, Kaz Brekker, the one and only Dirtyhands, Bastard Of The Barrel, is nearly throwing up in his mouth.

6 months ago


Jesper: I don’t get why mediks only give stickers to kids

Jesper: Like hello i was also brave today?

6 months ago

*brain explosion*

also complicado should mean complicate right?

mal means bad place? malyen oretsev: badplace oretsov (am sorry but i had to make this-)

also how did we go to spanish from kaz 💀💀

Okay, but….

Who gave Kaz the sex talk?

He was 10 when Jordie died, so clearly not old enough, and I’m pretty sure Jordie had the sense to keep that to himself.

So there’s Kaz Rietveld. 13. Running around the Barrel hearing bits and pieces about things he couldn’t name. And that made him curious. Suddenly he hears “sex” outside of a bar. He walks in, approaches the rather ferocious looking man the voice belonged to and asks what he was talking about. He’s thoroughly annoyed when the man laughs at him, the beer practically sloshing in his belly. Eventually after several threats, he gets an answer. Let’s just say he’s more traumatized than previously before.

Or maybe, there’s Kaz Brekker. Literally seventeen. Jesper’s talking about how he “banged” Wylan in a horribly descriptive way. Of course, Kaz says nothing, but later has to hear from Inej, considering she noticed the disgusted and confused look on his face. The whole time she speaks, Kaz Brekker, the one and only Dirtyhands, Bastard Of The Barrel, is nearly throwing up in his mouth.

6 months ago

can i get the fic plssss

Idk, but is it kind of unfair that, most of the time in canon or in a fic, whenever a disagreement or something happens between Kanej, Helnik or Wesper, it's Kaz, Jesper or Matthias who get dragged and rained on with insults, or they are the ones who are always in the wrong while Inej, Wylan or Nina are given all the sympathy and pep talks and are always in the right?

As much as I love them, doesn't that take away the balance and realness of their relationships? And it's not fair for the poor boys.

6 months ago

illiterate me doing a google search before re-blogging

(i mean hey! i do know 3 languages and partly a 4th language-)

Illiterate Me Doing A Google Search Before Re-blogging

Okay, but….

Who gave Kaz the sex talk?

He was 10 when Jordie died, so clearly not old enough, and I’m pretty sure Jordie had the sense to keep that to himself.

So there’s Kaz Rietveld. 13. Running around the Barrel hearing bits and pieces about things he couldn’t name. And that made him curious. Suddenly he hears “sex” outside of a bar. He walks in, approaches the rather ferocious looking man the voice belonged to and asks what he was talking about. He’s thoroughly annoyed when the man laughs at him, the beer practically sloshing in his belly. Eventually after several threats, he gets an answer. Let’s just say he’s more traumatized than previously before.

Or maybe, there’s Kaz Brekker. Literally seventeen. Jesper’s talking about how he “banged” Wylan in a horribly descriptive way. Of course, Kaz says nothing, but later has to hear from Inej, considering she noticed the disgusted and confused look on his face. The whole time she speaks, Kaz Brekker, the one and only Dirtyhands, Bastard Of The Barrel, is nearly throwing up in his mouth.

6 months ago

he's a broken guy and can't afford to lose his best *investment*

“Kaz carried Inej, he’s so strong! So so strong! So strong, so strong, Kaz is sooooo strong!”


he BARELY carried Inej, a 5’3 gymnast who weighs probably 130 at MAX

he is not strong. His friend (bc they were FRIENDS at the time) got stabbed and was deathly injured. He is… a weak, malnutritioned Jack skellinton guy with a semi-perma-BROKEN leg

6 months ago

going off the topic but kaz never dated imogen. he had a crush on her. that's it. change my mind.

Okay, but….

Who gave Kaz the sex talk?

He was 10 when Jordie died, so clearly not old enough, and I’m pretty sure Jordie had the sense to keep that to himself.

So there’s Kaz Rietveld. 13. Running around the Barrel hearing bits and pieces about things he couldn’t name. And that made him curious. Suddenly he hears “sex” outside of a bar. He walks in, approaches the rather ferocious looking man the voice belonged to and asks what he was talking about. He’s thoroughly annoyed when the man laughs at him, the beer practically sloshing in his belly. Eventually after several threats, he gets an answer. Let’s just say he’s more traumatized than previously before.

Or maybe, there’s Kaz Brekker. Literally seventeen. Jesper’s talking about how he “banged” Wylan in a horribly descriptive way. Of course, Kaz says nothing, but later has to hear from Inej, considering she noticed the disgusted and confused look on his face. The whole time she speaks, Kaz Brekker, the one and only Dirtyhands, Bastard Of The Barrel, is nearly throwing up in his mouth.

6 months ago

welp! i need a help-

guys, can someone like gimme the good synopsis of the Northern Lights without giving away any spoilers?

so basically the friend who got me hooked in the soc (which led to my obsession of kaz and grishaverse and bla bla bla) is going to lend it to me tmmrw in scl


(ill be lending her the Divergent)

(PS: i have been eating every single person's head in scl today by going: ROBERT PATTISON IS HOT-)

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6 months ago

Kaz is our hot baby girl. Period.


Whenever i read the scene in SoC where Kaz is (somewhat) avoiding Inej after she got hurt i always imagine Kaz sitting crossed legged on his bed like a teenage girl or pacing around trying to come up with a reason to talk to their crush.

6 months ago

The real question is who's the main character in the Netflix Series Shadow and Bone? Am I supposed to be multiple characters at once? 💀💀

atac-agent - ATAC

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6 months ago


*cries together in 5ft*