Noona Reader - Tumblr Posts
This was so cute and fluffy.
Gimme S’more

Pairing: Jungkook/Noona!Reader
Rating: Teen +
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff
Synopsis: You spot the man of your dreams across a crowed bar, tall, fit, devastatingly attractive, expensive suit…everything you’ve been lusting after since puberty. That dream is shattered when he finally approaches you in baggy pants and an oversized hoody looking like he toddled out of daycare without a parent. You’re about to shoot him down, because you are too old to babysit anyone, when a burst of confidence impresses you, and you give him one chance. Just one. That’s all you’re giving him. No more.
Warnings: Strong Language, Implication of sex
Authors Notes: I’ve been working on this fic on and off since October, but Christmas is a rough time for me so it took me for ever and I apologise for it taking so long to get something out. This fic is for my Platonic Aquarius friend, Bun, whose birthday it is today (11th Feb *cough*) It was her idea, she requested a very simple cute fic, and I accidentally wrote her 11k words of tooth rotting fluff. I hope you love it my lil cabbage <3
Word Count: 11k
Gimme S’More
The first time you saw him, he’d just walked right into your regular after-work bar, looking like the idealised version of every guy you’ve been throwing yourself at since you were a teenager. It wasn’t your usual night to meet up after work for drinks, but going by the way he was greeted by the bar staff, and the sudden roar above the crowd that went up as the group in the corner booth opposite the door cheered as he made a beeline for it, it must have been his.
He was tall and fit, not a snack but an entire buffet. The grey suit he was wearing fit him almost perfectly, the only imperfections being certain areas of tightness, where the material was stretched tight across his biceps and thighs, highlighting his obviously well-defined form, hiding under those clothes. But despite how professional his outfit looked, his hair was long, parted on the side, neatly brushed back off his face and tucked behind one ear. It gave him just an slight air of a rebel, like he wasn’t your standard, straight-laced office type. You spent most of the night ignoring the chatter of your colleagues around you, using the time to send surreptitious glances his way. Your table is as far away from the corner booth him and his friends occupy as you can get, not allowing you to get too good a look at him unless he heads up to the bar. You lose yourself in fantasies about the lawyer, or investment banker, or whatever he might be, hidden from you. He’s obviously paid well. The suit looks expensive, and tailored. You realise you’ve checked out and focus again on the noisy bar around you, you blink and notice he’s standing at the bar watching you. When he realises he’s been caught staring, he ducks his head and looks away. The bar is dimly lit, but you swear you can see a blush spreading across his cheeks. He turns away from the bar, heading back to his table and you’ve half convinced yourself to just be bold and follow him and get his number, when your friend informs you the taxi you’re sharing has arrived.
Maybe next time.
Keep reading
Wow, the last sentence made me very scared for the future of this series. It was all cute and magical with their emails and texts with each other. Then bam, future angst probably incoming. I am hoping that I have just assumed that the ending means something different.
Birthday Girl - MYG - 12

Part 12 - Missives
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: one night stand, early relationship, noona, smut, angst
rating: M
word count: about 3.5k (including the text in the images)
warnings: some suggestive texts, intoxication (everyone is of age), mixed media writing style, i don't think there's anything else
sexual content is pretty mild. this might be one of the least M-rated chapters of this story. also, there be texts, journal entries, emails and one normal scene of prose.
a/n: dear smau writers, i already thought you were amazing, but after attempting this chapter, i have more respect for you. that's what i get for experimenting. big thank yous to @xjoonchildx for thinking i'm funny (or that i make yoongi funny) and @hobi-gif who made the new banner (isn't it pretty?) and yells at me on google docs, saying things like 'REALISM!'.
dear readers, you might not ever understand how much your words, likes, and reblogs mean to me. thank you.
if you like my writings, consider Patreon. supporters there get an early look at my stuff. :D
series list
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11
Greece - June 5

Greece- June 6
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I miss you. Guess I’ll get that out of the way now. I was going to say something more flirty or coy, but I can’t. It was rainy here when we arrived. No sun for you to hide from. But now it’s clear, almost like I could forget how dark and black the sea was. It’s bright blue today, the light-colored buildings blinding with the sun reflecting off them. I need stronger sunglasses.
This seems silly. I’m talking to you about the weather.
Tomorrow the bff and husband are indulging me, and we’re going to see the amphitheatre that is still mostly intact. I’ve always wanted to, like paying respects to the origins of theatre. They were so good at understanding acoustics, that people in the nosebleed seats could still hear. I find that amazing.
I hope studio work is good. I don’t really expect you to have time to write me back. You’re more of a texter, which is fine. Any words from you, don’t feel pressured.
It’s so pretty here. I’m sitting on the little balcony of the rooms we’ve rented, looking out to the blue. Writing you. Telling you that you are in my thoughts.
Your 자기야 (I had to look that up, I hope it’s right)
Greece - June 6 - Journal
I wonder if my teen self would claim me these days. We went to the amphitheatre which was indeed a sight to behold. It was so big, and still so intact, despite thousands of years working to erase it. Our tour guide led us down the steps/seats carefully to the stage at the bottom. Some of the tourists did things like ‘To be or not to be.’ (No one knows more than that and I don’t know why that bothers me. English prof problems). It was my turn and I was embarrassed? Me? Me who used to get on the stage with only a trace of stage fright. Who loved being on stage so much it was my entire plan for my life?
I am not that girl anymore. I’d rather just watch others, maybe help them do better, but I don’t want to be the center of attention. Not for strangers. My teen self would be appalled. And probably wonder if aliens had taken over her body. Teen me didn’t even believe in aliens.
I did the opening of Henry V (what I could remember). BFF did the best line from Buffy. “Out. For. A. Walk. Bitch.” Her husband declined. Then the tour guide started in with the history and the way things were performed during that time. I had to bite my tongue not to jump in with what I knew. No one wants that kind of tourist in their group.
I’m glad we did it, but I guess I thought I’d feel more. More loss for that part of my life or something. But not really. It’s just a place. With history. People who sat here, people who performed here.
I’m writing all this out so I don’t text Yoongi. I don’t think he’d mind that much, but I’ve texted him nearly every day and that’s just...well, it feels pathetic. It doesn’t help that my best friend and her husband are super touchy with each other on vacation. I should be used to it. I am.
But now that I know what it’s like to be close like that, I just miss him.
He’s stupid if he thinks I’d even want to be with someone else like that.
June 10

Romania - June 13
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I have met no vampires. Or I have, but they have been very reticent about revealing themselves as vampires. My neck remains unmarred, and we still eat garlic in a lot of meals.
I’m not sure why I’m disappointed.
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I’m not into vampires. Sparkly or otherwise.
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Why not? They tend to be unworldly beautiful.
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They’re dead.
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They are undead. That’s a very different thing.
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Cold and don’t breathe. Nope.
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I had no idea you were so narrow-minded.
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Sorry to burst your bubble. No vampires.
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What about werewolves?
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Claws kept short… okay.
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So if I get bitten, we’re okay?
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I could adjust.
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P.s. miss you.
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Back at you, 자기야. Don’t forget to wear silver if you’d like to stay human for me.
Romania - June 15
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You’ll be grateful to know that after visiting two Romanian castles, I have no desire to live in a castle. It’s too drafty.
But I’ve attached some photos for you to see how beautiful they are. Yes, that’s the best friend imitating two of the statues we found in the abandoned castle garden. It’s her thing.
The last one is me. BFF said I looked like a forest faerie. What do you think?
Romania - June 16

June 17
I don’t even know if I’ll send this. Emails aren’t my thing. A lot of words in general aren’t my thing. But I wanted to talk to you today.
I wanted to tell you that I’m frustrated. Not with you. Just work. Work. It’s not school or class anymore, it’s work. It’s the career I’ve pursued and today I just wanted to quit and go find a ‘normal’ job. One that has a steady paycheck and requires no creativity at all. No blood. No soul. Not that I have much soul invested here. I know I have to put in my dues, but I just want to be heard.
Maybe that’s why I wanted to talk to you today. To be heard. You listen and you hold my hand and life doesn’t feel so shitty. I want my head on your lap, your hand in my hair, you reading poetry aloud. I want your mouth on mine.
I want you so much, sometimes I can’t breathe.
-not sent-
June 17
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Where are you now? I went to the farmer’s market and bought tangerines. Tae tagged along and nearly bought out all the strawberries.
June 18

June 20 - Journal
I wish I knew more about music production so I could find something for him here. I went to a church today, just to listen to the organ playing. It was so gorgeous, my eyes welled up. I think it was just the music. Maybe it’s Yoongi.
It’s not that I need him here. I just want to share all of this with him. Sharing joy is like multiplying it.
Is this what it’s like? Is this what everyone (or what seems like everyone) gets to experience every day?
I’m so tired of being an odd number. Number 3 in a group, Number 5. Number 7. Every time there’s a deal for two people, or four. What about those of us in odd numbers?
I’m being whiny. I might open a coffeehouse someday and all the tables will have odd numbers of chairs.
Austria - June 21

Czech - June 24 - Journal
We’ve finally arrived in Prague, though we aren’t staying quite in the city centre. We’re near Petrin, which might be the only Czech name I can pronounce (and I think I’m doing that badly). There’s a small bed and breakfast (only three rooms available) that we have settled in. The owner is Valentin (I know!) who asked us, in beautifully accented English, to call him Val. He has a daughter, a ten year old named Jitka who helps him with the dishes (she might help him with more, but that’s all I’ve seen so far).
My room is tiny, which Val apologized for, but the other room is occupied for the next two nights. I told him I loved it, which I do. Especially the lace curtains dressing the window that looks out on a few trees before getting to the main street. When I pointed them out, he thanked me and said his wife had picked them out. She died two years ago, from some sickness (I didn’t understand his translation). After that awkward quiet, he said that he offers tea in the evenings downstairs. He hoped we’d come.
We’ll be here nearly a week, so I unpacked my clothes and set them in the small chest of drawers. I’ve loved traveling, but I really do look forward to not living out of a suitcase and having more than just these outfits to wear.
Sorry, I pretty much stopped writing in the middle of a thought and I don’t remember where I was going with that. We did have tea and it was lovely. It was nice to talk to someone from the area. Other than the obvious touristy things, he gave us a lot of things to try. I cannot wait to try all the food! BFF says he kept looking at me and I think she’s full of it. He is handsome. Very distinguished looking, with pretty blue eyes.
Even if it’s all in her head, it would be nice if he did see me like that. I’m not going to do anything about it. Even if Yoongi wasn’t a part of this, I probably wouldn’t.
But who doesn’t like to feel wanted? Even in the shallowest of senses?
June 27
“Hyung,” Hoseok elbows him. “You’re vibrating.”
It takes Yoongi a second for his friend’s words to make sense. He had been in his own world for the last few minutes. The whole house is in a debate over dinner plans and Yoongi is too tired to make a decision.
Not that he doesn’t vote for hotpot, but he’s always alone in that one.
He grabs his phone from the coffee table, squinting as though that will explain how you are calling him. He slides his thumb across the screen and brings it up to his ear.
“Yoongi,” your voice is so warm and effusive that he can feel his cheeks heat. “You answered.”
“You called.”
“Thought you might be working. I was trying to figure out what to say on your voicemail.” Your words are slower than usual, but he wonders if that’s just the reception on the call. “Where are you?”
“At home. Your home. With the guys.” He winces. He knows you said it was okay, but on the weekends, the guys really like leaving the city and coming to your place. It only took a week for them to realize that. “If that’s okay.”
“Four wonderful men in my house? No one would believe me.” You giggle.
“Are you drunk?”
“Um… Maybe?”
He gets up, waving off Hoseok who wants to steal the phone and talk to you. “You don’t know?”
“Wellllll, it’s my first time having absinthe, so I am not sure of the correct lingo.”
He pauses on his way back to your bedroom. “Absinthe.”
All three of his housemates stop talking and look at him.
“It’s really easy to get here in Czech. That’s where I am. Yoongi, it’s beautiful here.”
He continues to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. “I bet. So are you drunk-dialling me?” He can’t help the little smile on his face. He’s never seen you legitimately intoxicated. He’s bummed he can’t see it now.
“No! Yes! I mean, I wanted to hear your voice.”
“Yeah?” He plops on your bed, laying back with his arm under his head.
“I think the BFF and her hubby have ditched me for the night.”
That didn’t sound like them.
“Are you alone?”
“Yes. In the bedroom of our B and B.”
He breathes a sigh of relief. “So, you’re safe.”
“Yes, but I think they went to find a hotel room so they can have crazy hot sex.”
He snickers. “So?”
“It’s unfair. You’re not here, so no crazy hot sex for me.” Your voice has a whine to it and god help him, he thinks it’s adorable. “And before you say it, yes, I could go sleep with someone else, but I don’t wanna. Even the really nice owner with the cute kid here. Like if I was gonna, I would.”
His heart freezes. “You’ve met someone?”
“He runs this place. Single dad,” you sound like you're pouting. “And he’s handsome and speaks really good English. Best friend says he’s interested, but she’s biased. Even if he was… he’s not you.”
Yoongi swallows. “Oh.”
“I want to be with you. I wake up all alone in this sweet little bed, in this cozy room. I can see so many beautiful buildings outside my window and I just wish…” You trail off. “I wish you were here.”
“And this isn’t meant to make you feel bad or anything. I know you can’t come out here. You’re doing your studio hours and you are so close to the end of your degree. It’s dumb, but I’m so proud of you. You work so hard. You’re so tired, but you still came out to drive me to the airport.” There’s a sniffle on the other end. “Maybe you are an angel.”
“Probably not.”
“You’re right. I mean, an angel having sex with a mere mortal probably kicks them right out of heaven and I wouldn’t want that for you. Eternal damnation is not a great trade, no matter how good the sex is.”
He laughs at your rambling.
“Am I talking too much?”
“Not at all. I like hearing your voice, too.”
You sigh. “You say the loveliest things. In the loveliest voice.”
The warmth is back and he closes his eyes. “I can say lovelier things if you want.”
There is a moment of silence. “You’re talking about phone sex, aren’t you? You really want to. This is like the millionth time you’ve mentioned it.”
He chuckles. “I think that’s a bit exaggerated.”
“More than once. Less than a million.” You don’t say anything more. “I feel you judging me.”
“Not a bit, jagiya. Also, you can’t say you don’t want to.”
“How do you figure?”
“You brought it up without me saying anything really. So you’re thinking about it.” He waits for a protest, but there is none. Which makes him sit up and say your name.
There’s a huff on the other end. “Okay yes. Like hearing your voice, being stupidly tipsy and I haven't seen you in days and days, haven’t touched you in weeks…”
“You’re horny.” It’s half question, half statement and Yoongi is beyond delighted. “What are you wearing?”
There’s another huff. “That’s not very original.”
He chuckles. “Give me something.”
“Should I lie? Silky, black and lacy?”
He covers his mouth and laughs full out. “No. Tell me the truth.”
“My favorite old jeans and that black t-shirt of yours that you snuck into my suitcase.”
“You’re welcome for that, by the way.”
“Yoongi, this is too weird.”
“How much do you miss my touch?”
You hiss and whimper. His smile grows. He opens his mouth, more than ready to continue, but then hears a knock through the phone.
“Uh, hello?”
He hears your name spoken in a muffled way (like through a door) in a very male voice.
“Who is that?”
“The owner,” you whisper. “I, uh... Yes! I’ll be down in a bit!”
“The single one?”
“There’s only one owner.” He can hear you getting up and rustling around. “He’s making tea and invited me to join him.”
“I should let you go anyway. I’m sorry to keep you on the phone this long.”
“Sweetheart.” It’s not the interrupted session of phone sex that has him so worried, is it? He’s pretty sure he wouldn’t have gotten too far with you.
“Have a good night with the guys. Give them my love.” You hang up and Yoongi is left on your bed, alone. He rolls off, sliding the phone into his back pocket and rubbing his hands over his face.
“Fuck,” he exclaims to the empty room. You’re tipsy, with a man, in a foreign country. And yeah, maybe he said this is exactly what he wanted.
He really doesn’t want this.
June 28 - Journal
Well, I did it.
crossposted to ao3
© 2020-21 btsarmy9593: BTS belongs to BigHit and they are just inspiration. I am fully aware that my stories are not them, in any way. They are far better than any thing I could write. The rest is from my little brain. Please do not steal. Why would you do that?
tell me what to do (part 1);

↳ pairing: jungkook x female reader
↳ genre: hybrid au | fluff
↳ word count: 1,730
↳ warnings: noona reader? in case you are not into that. Smut for the next part.
↳ summary: “Your bunny is cute, but he’s not the most devoted when it comes to taking care of himself.”
And in all honesty though you were the one who was missing something out.
part 1 | part 2 (final) | masterlist
You’ve been watching your bunny attentively now, notes and worn out books placed aside at the mattress when you first noticed what he was doing.
The way he turned his free hand into a fist and rubbed his eyes every now and then, to how his expression turned blank, nose twitching and all with his ears pinned high at the top of his head, moments before they flop down again and his attention is back to one of the three bright screens forming a mid circle in his desk in front of him.
You got up on your feet quietly, head tilted slightly to the side - eyes never leaving his figure, when he turned to watch you worry your bottom lip under your teeth in a discontented manner. You reach your hand to brush his dark fringe out of the way to press the back of your hand against his forehead and then place it on his neck. Jungkook avert his gaze from you, a soft curse leaving his pink lips when the controller trembled in his hands because his character got shot, momentarily forgetting the urge to turn it off and cuddle with you in a nest in his bed - still his leg kicked lightly when the thought crossed his mind.
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