Not My Post - Tumblr Posts
cannot emphasize enough
intellectually disabled people do often have strabismus, autism, and whatever the fuck else you're throwing them under the bus to make the ableds like you better for
intellectual disability is commonly comorbid with many disabilities, both physical and neurodevelopmental, to the point that it is considered a sign of them
you are not a better, more valuable disabled person than intellectually disabled people with the same disability as you
and someone assuming you're id is not a fucking insult to you
Oh this is so much more useful then what I was using before. Here’s the updated version in photo form

i got sick of sifting through serebii’s raid drops page to figure out what kind of herba mystica i can get from a 5* den so i made this spreadsheet
Anyone out there want to be picked up off the street? If you do I must warn you, John will howl at the moon at around 8-9pm for about 15 minutes, so bring earplugs
why smut with an ace character?

This person was a minor so I won’t reply directly. I would love to discuss sexual orientation and the wibbly wobbly nature of attraction and pleasure to someone who I think needs a space to discuss it but as an adult stranger? That’s not my place and I would be wildly uncomfortable doing so directly. But! For anyone who does see my blog and wonders why, I’ll have this set on my master list to save me time
closing in on 5 months of being on tumblr and this is my first “BUT ACE!” Comment/inbox
so, why?

✦Alastor is canonically Ace! The aro aspect was mentioned by an important staffer but has been left off as a descriptor by Viv herself and no accepted as canon. She gave her explicit permission to write them as we are comfortable with.
✦Asexuals can and do fuck! 💦 (my source? My ace spec partner!)
✦Alastor’s ace spectrum is often times an important aspect of my stories!
I always have Alastor motivated into sexual situations for non-sexual reasons.
Closeness, intimacy, fulfilling a partner’s needs, a biological imperative, for power, for control, putting someone into a submissive to embarrassing position. It’s to see someone break and bend to his will (with consent).

But lets shift into asexuality now --- how I write him isn't a representation of all ace people! It’s just how I view his place on the spectrum. Being Ace doesn't mean you can't ever want sexual pleasure in any form, it doesn't mean you never think about sex or enjoy seeing it.
Letting people explore the range of being asexual is as important as with any other sexual orientation. If you feel people being non-sex repulsed and being Ace is making your own identification harder to make clear to strangers —- well then I wonder if the label itself is more important to you than the community we all desperately seek and need when we publicly acknowledge our sexuality. We publicly say we’re LGBTQIA+ because these labels are for self identification and signal to like minded people and allies we're here. This is how I love and how I want to be loved. Maybe one day a different word will exist to separate the spectrum but we’re living and working with what we have today and how we find each other now. “Why not call him grey ace?” It’s each individuals decision how they wanna identify!

Full circle. Why do I write SO much smut about an ace character? Of course I think that animated deer man’s personality is hot lmao but also because I love this character and identify with him a lot! Being ace doesn't mean he doesn't ever have sex or ever enjoy physical pleasures! Writing about someone seeking out pleasure for non-sexual reasons is very fun for me as someone who doesn't identify with the romantic aspect of sex many people put on it. Do ace people fuck for romantic reasons? Yes! Absolutely! Being Asexual doesn’t mean you’re Aromantic!
Why not write fluff or QPR? Because I'm aromantic and it's harder for me but I am trying and am getting better at it because I want to write more things that meet the needs and wants of many kinds of people. As for QPR, I'm still learning what those relationships look like and learning how to idenfity them in my own life!
And finally— it’s valid to write him as any form of Ace or even not Ace at all! I prefer to keep him Ace spec but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to make him not. He’s not real and the creator has given us permission to do so. 👌🏼
Ooo another one
The Eye: Here
The Lonely: ---
The Corruption: ---
The Buried: ---
The Hunt: ---
The Dark: ---
The Desolation: ---
The Stranger: ---
The Flesh: ---
The Spiral: ---
The Vast: ---
The Web: ---
The Slaughter: ---
The End: ---
Jmart: ---
Sasha / Not Sasha: ---
Dasira: ---
The Distortion (dunno if i'll do): ---
America Hunters: ---
Melorgie(?): ---
Leitner: ---
Oliver: ---
Elias: ---
Annabelle: ---
Jane Prentiss (probs wont do): ---
Mr Spider (hehehehe): ---
Simon: ---
Peter: ---
Celia: ---
Ceaseless Watcher: ---
Tim: ---

Anyone else doing the ink-tober thing? I’ve made my own list based off tma. I would love to see what others are doing!
I don’t do many ships. The pairings in here are souly the relationships they have in the show. Example: I don’t ship Trevor and Julia beyond a fatherly to daughter relationship.

Begium c.1840: Belgian sculptor Guillaime Geef was hired to make a sculpture of Satan and it was indeed deemed too sexy. Then his brother Joseph was hired and he made an even sexier Satan, but for some reason, the sexiest one was chosen to go in the church.

Recently binged Star Trek TOS and wanted to make a background for myself :))
this was the cutest scene i ever had the luck of witnessing :(

Ben 10: Omniverse (2012-2014) ✦ Store 23
THIS IS ANOTHER THING I WANNA TALK ABOUT SO BAD ON MY BLOG!!!! The thing is, I never got around to watching the whole thing, nor before it ended, nor before Cartoon Network was banned in my country, so I can't really put put effort into mentioning it on here, but I do remember that it was THE coolest show my 10 year old eyes have witnessed!!! The animation, the scenario, the perfect calculation for making this show both family friendly and suitable for older teens.... it's just so frikkin amazing.
Have you seen Generator Rex, the whole series including the crossover with Ben 10?
agreed, he's adorable and frikkin epic, he deserves a lot of appreciation on how well he was written he is cause not enough people focus on his development and knowledge-based growth throughout the series, especially linguistically and phonetically cause I don't think enough people understand just how fucking SMUG THAT IDIOT IS. TEASING THROUGH SARCASM + ROOK BLONKO IS JUST PURE PERFECTION
Ben 10 omniverse was ok but Rook must be protected
That being said what’s your thoughts on Rook
How could I forget!?
Yes Rook was a cutie 🥰

He's literally the most powerful of them all, literally terrifying and almost indestructible. and Ghiaccio being his partner is great because of his critical thinking and planning under pressure. he'd help pesci plan out his moves. since Pesci's stand's effects are irreversible and unstoppable (cuz if he catches a target, they can't escape, the hook will just grab onto them tighter) Ghiaccio would tell him and where to aim his hook to not accidentally catch someone they don't want!

can’t not think about them working as a team rather than dying one by one :(
p.1 - Illuso is abs the best to watch over the target, or even get what Melone needs for his Babyface.
p.2 -Yeah, Littlefeet.
p.3 - Their stands are kinda TOO powerful for just killing people, they could literally solve every situations!
p.4 - (Just a result of being unable to think of other ways to use their stands.)
grrrr, how did you knowww????? I suck at building in mc, dirt houses are always a go to.
do you think ticci Toby plays Minecraft
maybe a little but he also makes those ugly dirt houses
Mcr lore drop.

HOLY SHIT??? SO SILLY I LOVE THEM ALL!!!! Clowns are so silly, and the art style is so yummers

Clown park

Matthew Lillard as Steve Raglan | Five Nights at Freddy’s 2023, dir. Emma Tammi
Welcome, everyone, to the umpteenth analysis post regarding TBOB.
This time, time to talk about Billford because
it’s always the right time to talk about Billford
TBOB doesn’t just hint that there was something going on: it basically confirms it. And as someone who shipped them for years yes, it feels amazing to see the ship being canonized. Not that it wasn’t already canon before, but you got it.
For all disclaimers and premises, please check the previous posts and the main masterlist.
<- Previous post - Masterlist
Kindred souls
Let’s recap: we have Bill, a being with a huge void inside him, a hole of solitude he isn’t able to fill - because how can you fill the deep desperation of being alone, because you lost everything and it’s your own fault?
He tries with love and friends, but his relationships don’t work, his friendships don’t work.
And then, Sixer comes.
Gifted like me
On TBOB, Bill says Ford’s IQ “was off the charts” and he was “wasting his gifts”.
In THE EARLY YEARS section, Bill says he wasn’t just “smarter than all the dull trapezoids and rhombuses”, but he also had “a gift, a rare mutation”.
In Journal 3, Ford says: “I am strange. I was born strange, I am attracted to the strange and the strange has always been attracted to me.”. Also: “my grades were too high and my social skills were too low”.
On thisisnotawebsitedotcom under the code EVEN HIS LIES ARE LIES, Bill says Ford “was half a genius. The other half seemed to be frozen at the age of 18, still a child, totally dependent on outside praise, terrible at understanding and relating to others.”
They both have a birth defect that makes them special, they are both more clever than the others, they are both strange, they both have terrible social skills.
Add that they’re both alone, rejected, outcasts, searching for a purpose.
Is it so weird Bill was immediately drawn to Ford and immediately considered him a perfect partner? And fine, maybe it wasn’t romantic - at first, at least. But the possible attraction is now A LOT more plausible.
(Potentially) bad like me
In TBOB, Bill says he looked at Ford’s possible futures and “giggled with delight”, because he was “destined for so much more”.
What kind of possible, immensely fucked-up futures Bill could’ve seen, to “giggle with delight”? Well, consider this: Ford isn’t a 100% good person. (Just like every human being and that makes him an even more compelling character, imho.) He has - always had - the potential to become a villain.
Starting from the series: in The Last Mabelcorn, as soon as Dipper (and we) find out he was Bill’s friend in the past, for a second we all got the impression that this guy was evil. Journal 3 confirmed that Ford has such a massive ego, to think that “Icarus didn’t flap hard enough” and that he’s so much better than everyone else. In TBOB, in the missing Journal 3 pages, he says Rudolph the Reindeer should’ve burned his oppressor’s workshop to teach them a lesson. In other words, Ford is not exactly the nicest, most caring guy on the block.
So yes, it’s very possible that Bill peeked into futures in which Ford turned completely evil and joined Bill. The possibility has always been present.
As someone cleverly pointed out here on Tumblr (forgot your name & post, sorry!), probably the only thing that saved Ford was that Bill wasn’t always present. From what we learned, Bill left Ford alone for long periods (maybe because he had to deal with other shit?), to the point Ford grew jealous his Muse was with someone else. Maybe, if Bill stuck closer… who knows? Maybe it would’ve been easier to convince Ford to keep going with the portal. Maybe Bill would’ve convinced him that opening it was a great idea. Maybe he would’ve convinced him that destroying his world (and, consequently, his oppressors) was a good idea too. “A lesson to all!”, as Ford wrote.
Same fascination for the stars
In TBOB we learn that Bill’s mutation allowed him to see the stars. He looked at them and “was ready to be one”.
Ford has always been fascinated by stars. His signature is “per aspera ad astra”, which can be translated as “through hardship, to the stars”.
They are both fascinated by the universe in the same way. They both aim at the stars to reach their dreams.
And that’s even more interesting, if we consider that Bill’s friends have totally different dreams that do not involve the stars in any way:
Pyronica: burn the entire universe
8-Ball: host a podcast
Keyhole: restart his high school band
Teeth is basically a pet so… uh… treats, I suppose?
And we know nothing of Bill’s exes, but I doubt they shared the same fascination, all while being so similar to him like Ford is.
The endless flirting
In the missing pages of Journal 3 there is no homoerotic subtext: the homoeroticism is just laid here, in plain sight, with a flashing light pointing at it, in case you’re too blind to notice it.
Here are just a couple of examples:
A) “I think I’m starting to like you, Sixer!” / “I think I’m starting to like you, Bill.”: I’ve seen love stories starting with much less than this.
B) “Get out of my head” / “You first”: I can see them giggle with delight while saying this to each other. No way they said it in a less-than-flirtatious tone.
C) Ford says he has been contacted by “an interdimensional deity of knowledge… in a top hat”. He immediately noticed the top hat. In light of Bill’s love advice, now I firmly believe this is how Bill seduces people first. Well, congrats, Bill: the top hat worked.
D) Ford comes back to his roots, by showering his Muse with compliments about how he “enriched my life and all he asks is just a partner and company”. You know, typical behavior of someone who isn’t infatuated at all.
E) The “IF LOST RETURN TO BILL” tattoo. And later on, Bill calls Ford “his property”. The toxic old men yaoi has never been more toxic, more old men and more yaoi.
F) On Ford’s birthday, Bill followed his own love advice and gave Ford rats as a gift.
G) Karaoke night. Just… karaoke night.
No, okay, more on karaoke night because that part is insane: first the “one thing led to another” which if it doesn’t mean “we fucked” it means “we made out like there’s no tomorrow” at least. Then the “I’m gonna, we’re gonna”... what, Ford? You’re gonna WHAT? Marry the triangle? Fuck him? Are we talking about kisses or should I pick up the BDSM scene in the Penthouse Suite- oh sorry, I meant THE LOVE CAGE?
I mean… I don’t even have to imagine something to make this couple work. It’s all written here. And if this wasn’t enough, then why not throw in some Fiddauthor too, in which Fiddleford is so busy making TWO gifts for Ford, to forget to get something for his own family. And he comes back to Ford, instead of at least trying to make up with the woman he married.
And since this STILL WASN’T ENOUGH, why not make a full “Love Triangle With The Triangle ™”, starring Ford jealous that his Muse was “off inspiring some other scientist” or “posing for some tapestry” (what, Ford? Are you afraid someone is drawing him like one his their French girls?), while Bill is jealous that Ford spends his time with “a third-wheel hillbilly”.
I mean… I always felt it was canon. I just didn’t expect canon to be an avalanche running over me.
Honest like never before
If there is something more insane in these pages besides karaoke night, then it’s the “monster conversation”.
First Bill basically hints that he tried to undo the past and get his dimension back (for more details, check THIS post).
Ford replies, “I guess you can never really go home again, can you?”. And considering the use of the impersonal “you” and the construct “going home again”, they both seem to confirm my train of thought - i.e. that Bill tried to get his home back and that “home” isn’t just a physical place, but his parents and, most importantly, the love and affection he lost when he destroyed everything and experienced, for the first time in his life, loneliness.

I don’t know you, but I doubt Bill shows the last speck of his home dimension to everyone. He may talk about Euclydia as an oppressive place, but actually showing what’s left of it? I don’t know, I think it’s a bit too… personal, you know? I mean, how would you feel, looking at something that reminds you of all the people you killed for a mistake?
This alone should be enough to prove how much Bill is trusting Ford here. He’s not just talking about his place like he did with his Henchmaniacs, he’s showing it too. He’s showing what’s left.

Remember: to his other Henchmaniacs, Bill said he liberated his home dimension. In the Love Cage, he will repeat the same excuse - while showing Ford that the actual “liberation” means destroying everything.
This alone proves Ford is more than another Henchmaniac, a tool, or whatever other excuse Bill pulls up while talking about him. He told him, for probably the first time in his life, the truth: that his home dimension was destroyed. Not saved, not liberated. Destroyed.
And he could’ve still saved face. Ford thought Rudolph should’ve burned his oppressor’s place, so he could’ve accepted some excuse like “my place was absolute, total, utter shit, so I burned it to give a lesson to all people opposing me”. Bill could’ve taken the merit of ending it.
Instead, Bill said it was a monster. For the first time, we see Bill talking about himself not in positive, grandiose terms, but in a negative term. He sees himself as a monster.
And no, we can be sure he wasn't lying, because that's not the first time Bill "looked more distant than I'd ever seen him":

And guess what, that distant expression appeared when he talked about his home dimension, how flat it was and how he "liberated" it.
But that’s not all:

So, not only Bill sees himself as a monster, describes himself to Ford as a monster, but gives him an indirect warning too, by saying that the monster “would eat you alive”.
Hirsch truly wanted us to tear ourselves apart in angst and I respect him for that.
And with that, let’s close this post too. The last one will come soon and it will be about the post-betrayal and how well Bill handled it.
Spoiler: not so well.
-> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
📌TAGLIST: @mudpuddlenl @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @whatishappeningrightnow @effortiswhatmatters @bella-in-a-bag @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling @payte @hypnossanders @idontreallyknow24 @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical @patton-cake-and-crofters @hereissananxiousmess @purplebronzeandblue @cynicalandsarcastic @lost-in-thought-20 @andtheyreonfire @riseofthewerewolf @rosesandlove44 @arya-skywalker @csi-baker-street-babes @reesiereads @dracayd-universe @starlightnyx @stubbornness-and-spite @averykedavra @joyrose-fandomer @mihaela-tbg @igonnatalknothing @thatoneloudowl @grayson-22 @softangryfuckingdepressed @theotherella @nevenastark @coldbookworm @boopypastaissalty @varthandiveturinn @roses-bubbles @cuter-on-the-inside @snixxxsmythe @charmingcritter @analogical-mess @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @selfdestructivecat @yangwalkerao3 @the3rddenialist
commission time!
hello esteemed friends, babygirls, and amongus babies, this is carolinaa from ao3 and i’m opening writing commissions again! i have a gap between employment that i’m a little worried about, so all proceeds are going towards me eating food and having a place to live.
Rates (in USD) -$15 per 1k -$8 for 500 words -$5 for 250 words
I write things like: BNHA Miraculous Ladybug Avatar: the Last Airbender Batman-related shit
I love to write h/c, found family, and weirdly specific trauma. I am fairly open to try new tropes and pairings, but even I have my limits. If your prompt contains triggering material, I will let you know on a case-by-case basis if I will not accept the prompt.
i also have a limited number of spots, just so i don’t get overwhelmed! reach out to me through DMs if you’re interested. i prefer to facilitate payment through ko-fi. thank you!!
I'm not immune to propaganda
Idea by @lovelyredsea
Designs I referenced by @j3nnix
Quick doodle to scratch the itch, I'll maybe make a proper rendered art piece eventually,, maybe based on a yaoi Manga cover cause this is just so silly an fun😭✨️


My mind has been on alphabet lore for a while.
And this humanization of F is really dope!
@j3nnix this is for you!