Not Really A Tag - Tumblr Posts
HI ADHD! Clover wanted to ask if you wanted to be a flower girl/guy!
-Artsy Anon
YARG. SORRY IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO RESPOND TO THIS I WAS BUSy AND HAD NO WAY TO GO ON TUMBLR AT MY MOMS ANyway. If the offer is still up I'd love to be flower boy!!!! @askthequeen
ik you didn't tag me but !! i was interested so here lmao

i shall wait for my ring

i shall cri


gonna go put some plasters on my heart brb


no words only pain

i'd like to believe that this site HATES it when my ass quakes for a lady or noya
Couple Compatibility
Curious as ever, I start a new tag game! Test your affinity with your favourite anime characthers, link
As always I choose Kuroo and sweet Ran Haitani 💜💜💜

Tagging @chloenanami @nkogneatho @noritoshiikamo @hisvillainess @kyoutxni @bubblebeemie @sebbyzoldyck @icedcoffeeandcroissant @sonder-paradise @whorefordazai + anyone else