Not That Glamorous But He Had Fun - Tumblr Posts
What was your first kill like?

“Messy, but your first time tends to be regardless of what it is you’re doing.” Roman said, and would have smirked had he still possessed the ability to do so. His first kill? Now that was almost a lifetime ago. He wasn’t even eighteen at the time but killing somebody with your bare hands was very different from merely being the culprit such as how he’d been responsible for setting the fire that had burned his parents alive in their family home. ”I was a young punk back then, picking up the pieces of my life and rebuilding after shit went down when Janus Cosmetics was bought off by Wayne Industries. I lost everything that night and had nothing left so starting over was tough. I made a few friends out on the streets but made lots of enemies too, and some realized I was going to be a problem in the future...” He reclined in his seat, taking on a pensive look as his fingers brushed over his forehead. ”One guy in particular, never learned his name but he was the main drug dealer in the area at the time. No connections to any big players, just didn’t like me and my boys muscling in on his trade so he shot one of them in the head as a warning. Horsehead and I started targeting his men after that, making it difficult to distribute Drops while cutting off funds at the same time. Pissed him off so much when I found out who his main suppliers were and forced them to start selling to me instead.” Angry enough to come after him, a fact which Roman had gleefully anticipated. ”Anyways, he tried to get the drop on me one night. I knew it was him because he always wore this orange motorcycle helmet plus never went anywhere without his precious bulletproof jacket. Didn’t help him much when I shattered his visor with a steel pipe and stabbed through the gap it left. Messed him up real good doing that...” The very memory was nostalgic, euphoric even as he recalled the rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins as hot blood sprayed across the alley walls with every frenzied swing he’d made. Burning his idiot parents alive had been satisfying but even that couldn’t begin to compare to the thrill of cutting somebody down so personally, removing an obstacle in his path just so he could rise to the next level. ”Word on the street afterwards was that he didn’t have much of a face left by the time I was done with him. Kind of wish I’d taken it a little easier and drawn it out, but what can I say? First times are always messy.”