Now It Just Seems To Me That Grey Jedi Is A Concept Fans Created - Tumblr Posts

Luke, Rey, Grogu, Ezra, Cal, Kanan, and Ahsoka are not grey Jedi nor are they going to be grey jedi

They are all light siders

Grey jedi do not exist

There is no grey side of the Force, and you cannot use both sides of the Force because

Luke, Rey, Grogu, Ezra, Cal, Kanan, And Ahsoka Are Not Grey Jedi Nor Are They Going To Be Grey Jedi

You cannot have balance by using both sides of the Force (for the record, "light side" is something that never comes up in Lucas' SW, it's always "dark side" and the Force itself, implying that the Force is light) because the dark side is imbalance by its own nature, and light is balance

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