Ocdproblems - Tumblr Posts
To all those that have severe OCD, I don't mean to pry but I'm seriously curious, does having OCD affects the way you have s*x with someone? Like how you do it, or how you react? Does it affect the way you feel pleasure or how you give pleasure to someone? Does it affect how you feel sexually attracted to someone or how you engage in one relationship?
I'm really curious and I know that the best way to learn about it is to ask to someone that has it.
So please Tumblr folks do your thing!!
Alrighty so the neurodivergent post did pretty well so imma delve into it more
I have autism and ADHD and let me tell you, it’s no walk in the park. They’re both almost impossible to live with. When you have ADHD or autism or sensory issues you can develop depression and anxiety disorders at a young age.
First I’m gonna start off with Speirs as a few people were confused (over on Instagram as I posted the list on my story- follow me @leerious <3)
So Speirs struggles with sensing not only other people’s emotions but his own as well. When I read speirton fanfics, they always portray him like that. I always assumed it was because we all kinda decided to force this idea of childhood trauma onto Speirs and while I also agree he probably has childhood trauma, I think it was mainly caused by him being autistic.
Also, Speirs has a deep understanding of Roman history which could be assumed as a hyper fixation he developed at a young age to escape his reality. He also tends to fidget with his lips- biting them, etc. Another thing is his quick dismissal of the rumors- he doesn’t want to talk to people and let them in, so he allows people to make false assumptions of him when in fact he’s just super antisocial- which is a major factor of being autistic.
I also said Luz has ADHD, and that’s painfully obvious. He has the mental age of a three year old, a small attention span and is impulsive and handsy asf.
One thing people don’t understand about being neurodivergent is that we tend to struggle with our own personal boundaries such as touch or excessively sharing things with people.
Luz does this game called “grab Fanny” where you basically are in line or behind someone and grab their butt. I truthfully think this is because of his impulsive behavior which stems from him having ADHD.
Also his constant need to make noise- people with ADHD need constant noise; music, talking, jokes, dancing, etc. (If you ever see someone with ADHD loose their headphones it’s a nightmare) He also tends to try and make people like him through making them laugh. Some people with ADHD tend to be overly social and like to see people smile and visibly show their emotions as neurodivergent people tend to struggle with social cues.
As for winters, I do not have OCD but my sister does and it’s such a painful thing to watch as I can never understand why she has to turn certain light switches on and off three times or touch a certain object a certain amount of time.
As she’s explained it, the need to touch or do anything to an object or even repeat a statement is due to her OCD convincing her something bad will happen to her or people she loves if she doesn’t.
I think winters would have OCD due to his strict routines he follows unless he NEEDS to do something else and if he has to disrupt his routine he’s stressed all day. If he’s not in control of a situation such as an attack- the battle of Foy specifically- he panics and tries to take control.
He’s also a very neat person, portrayed in the show, fanfics and even in the book he wrote. He’s so precise about every little thing he tends to micromanage others.
Along to Eugene Roe, I think he has sensory issues. Now sensory issues are different for everyone has them. Most neurodivergent people have sensory issues so if you casually said you think Eugene roe has autism I’d believe you.
Roe is someone who gets lost in their head a lot. He also is very good at taking directions but I feel like he has to see or hear something in order to know what to do- which is a reason why he’s so good as a medic. He can hear the cry for a medic, not have to think about anything but getting to the person in trouble, and once he analyses the damage he can get to work.
He’s also very very good with his hands which people with sensory issues tend to be. He’s also someone who easily regulates their emotions but steps in to manage someone else’s- could also be some sort of OCD.
All in all, these characters and people are obviously neurodivergent and I’d be happy to list a few others I think are too.