Oh Boy I Can See That This Piece Gonna Kick My Ass With A Challenge But I Really Want To Do It - Tumblr Posts

This one is going to be the most complex piece I ever made, but I really want to picture that moment I had for quite a while in my head, that because of unpredictable Gabe's actions Cas turning went wrong.
Then all of sudden the wave of pain in your body again, when Gabriel’s fangs pierced your wrist. The bite was deep and you could feel a new wave of burning venom flowing into your veins. Though the sensation this time was way sharper, it felt like your whole arm was burning with open flame. You must have gotten way too big dose of vampire’s venom. Veins and tissues around where venom was flowing started to melt, becoming blueish grey colour and instantly turning into rough scar tissue. The pain was agonizing, you were tossing from side to side screaming in pain.
‘AAAAAAH PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!!!’ you screamed at the top of your lungs. Pain became worse and worse with each moment, Gabriel was still holding your wrist, keeping his fangs sank in your flesh for way too long.
‘NO! Lewyn! Do something!’ you could hear panicked Astoria’s voice.
‘Gabriel! STOP IT! Or I will have to stop you!’ Lewyn was furious, he got next to the altar in the blink of the eye, jumping on Gabriel’s shoulders, trying to knock Gabriel down and rip him off of you. More vampires joined him, trying to help to stop totally uncontrollable young member of the clan. Finally with group effort vampires managed to push Gabriel away, leaving you lay there on the altar barely able to breath or move as every nerve ending was burning. Your vision got blurry and blacked out, but you still could hear voices and sense the panic around in distance.